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World Cup 2014

The 2014 FIFA World Cup take place in Brazil from 12 June, it’s the most important competition in football which brings benefits to the host and chance to promote country. People from all over the world come to see games and spend a lot of money in host-country. Unfortunately this time could be completely different.

Two weeks to first kick-off but there is so much to build and finish all works that everyone starts to wondering is this World Cup even take place. FIFA secretary general made it clear on a recent tour that it would not be ready "until the last minute". In the biggest stadium – Arena de São Paulo are stands still to be finished, access roads to be completed and lot of building work still to do. It’s not an isolated case – half of 12 stadiums missed the end of year deadline and there is still a possibility that the schedule of matches can change. Moreover eight workers have died in accidents during the building of Brazil's 12 World Cup arenas. Not only stadiums are not finished there are also problems with airports. Promises were also made to upgrade roads, ports and railways in the country. Those plans have also been slow to materialize.

Most Brazilians would consider themselves football fans but many are deeply unhappy about the estimated 15 billion dollars of public money that is being spent on the tournament – having initially been assured the vast majority of funding would come from the private sector. FIFA is widely accused of being a money-making machine, making huge demands of Brazil but leaving little in terms of benefits for the nation.

Hundreds of demonstrators in Brazil have taken to the streets in the latest show of opposition to the World Cup. Public protests have been mounting - many argue the money would be better spent on health, education and social housing. Last year, up to a million people joined demonstrations across the country to demand better public services and highlight corruption and the high cost of staging the World Cup. Since then several other anti-World Cup protests have been staged in Brazil, with many descending into violence.

Specialist in urban planning Christopher Gaffney said: “The World Cup has been a missed opportunity for Brazil to materially improve the lives of people in cities […] The World Cup hasn't been used as an opportunity to do that so Brazil has basically lost the World Cup already”.

In 2016 Olympic Games take place in Rio de Janeiro  and everyone already started to worry about how Brazil handle with another big sport event. 



  1. In my opinion, the goverment of the Brazil can think that money from World Cup could change the material situation in the country. It can be true, but they forgot about people in this time - before the championship. Like it was said, there are a lot of demonstrating people on the streets, 8 workers died and what next? I think that events like this shoul be organised by country which is more prepared or give them more time to do all needs buildings.

  2. I think that spending money on every sport championship is the worst spent money ever. There is more important matters which need to be supsidized. So, I understand this social indignation for brazilian government. People need food and work and they don't need a olimpics.

  3. Championchip is important thing in society, especially in Brazil, but not the most improtant. In my opinion this kind of competition, which cost a lot of money, should organize countries, which have better infrastructure. Nowadays in Brazil people don't think aobut sport, they have more serious problems.

  4. The World Cup is a festivity for most soccer fans. Brazil, as an emerging economy and a state full of complexity, shows to the world that a country can prepare itself to host such a large event that demands joint efforts of all the community, the public and the private sector, and be able to make it through.
    On the other hand, it is very big cost. Maybe the event helps illuminate the social reality of the hosting country - a reality that reflects an unequal distribution of wealth and a marked division between those who support the World Cup and those who don’t, in spite of the great cultural value of soccer. Hopefully, all the efforts and investments will pay off and the World Cup would represent an opportunity for the people to close the gap of inequality.

  5. It is probably too late to stop the World Cup short of a disaster. I think the Brazilian government made huge mistake. Nobody forced Brazil to bid for the World Cup. Now they have to face the consequence of this choice.

  6. I don't know anything about the World Cup 2014 but judging from the text there is one obvious thing for me: if poeple were first reassured the majority of money would come from private sector but it turned out to be a lie then... it just sounds like a joke. What else can you say about such thing? Poland got donation from UE so we could improve our country a bit to prepare for the tournament. But if it's public money- then spending it on a game instead of real problems seems absolutely unacceptable. I don't even know what to think about this...

  7. I think that people who demonstrated in Brasil have a right,because Brasil government planned their investments in inappropriate way. Instead of building new stadiums,they could have remade the old ones. It could be better idea,because Brasil is rather poor country and these money should have gone to people in need or for other building,such as:schools,hospitals etc.

  8. FIFA World Cup is a great bean fest. Unfortunately not for ordinary resident. As a Olympiad in Russia it is easy way to become reacher for whom who have realy much and poorer for all remainder. It is irresponsible to put sa heavy baggage on country with such serious economic and social problem.

  9. I think it is really important competition and I can't wait when it will be starting. I really like watching football and it is really interesting. FIFA World Cup is important for all the world because there compete the best footbal teams and the best footballers on the world.

  10. This is really hard subject, because spending money on new statium is really painfull for people who dont have roof under the head or are starving. Franky speaking I'm not interested in football, but from time to time I enjoy watching it. I think that lot of people will not watch it because of these all information about living in Brasil. But it's good that people are prostesting, because now all the world eyes are looking at it, and maybe someting will change.

  11. To be honest, I'm a complete football ignorant, so it's hard for me to write something substantive. On the other hand, I totally understand, why people get mad about sport, because I'm a tennis fan. I know it's controversial to build expensive stadiums and spend a lot of money on competition but it's a part of entertainment and people need to have fun.

  12. I don;t get football and I don't get the race for organizing that kind of sport events. I kind of think that the money that they are putting into the builing of stadiums could be spent with much more sens. But also I do understand that I am in manority. People love sports and the economic situation of Brasil can be improved by the money that people who will come to watch football leave in the counry.

  13. The problem is that people in Brazil were persuaded that the construction of all facilities will be sponsored by private investors, but the true is different. Lots of money come from state money and millions of poor people from Brazil feel cheated, what is more Brazil has got an economic problems, but government says that Fifa World Cup can be chance to make better economic situtation in country, but lots of people don't believe them.

  14. I am very happy that soon the match. I love football. Unfortunately, I'm worried about the situation in Brazil. I hope the soon it will improve. I think the protests are justified. May śwait saw the situation. However, it will be the feast of soccer balls. would be very safe

  15. Football championships is great time when all eyes of the world are noticed towards Brasil. All these eyes also know that the happiness on the stadiums doesn't go in pair with economical and social situation in this country. But occassions like this, to prepare places for championships can be good to repair this situation, if goverment wants to...

  16. Football championships should be organised in countries that don't have such economical problems - education and health are more important than sport. But, as it was in Poland, it is a great opportunity to build better roads, more highways, upgrade the railway network and build beautiful, big, representative stadiums. It also encourages people to visit country and if they like it, they will come back next holidays and help with repairing budget.


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