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What about Feng Shui?

Everybody heard about Feng Shui, but do you know what it really is? What are the basics of this system?

Feng shui is a system of balance between  human existence and environment. It is a set of rules combined with intuition and the wisdom of life, which is used to specify the best place, where you can live. The practice of Feng Shui was developed in China over a 3000 years ago. Feng means wind and shui means water.  In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health, thus Feng Shui came to mean good fortune.


The basic principle is called “chi.” Just as chi flows through your body, “chi” also flows through your living environment. When the energy flow is stagnant, moves too quickly or is obstructed, the unbalanced chi may lead to ill health, domestic area. The “chi” energy supports good luck, good health, harmonious relationships and prosperity.


 Bagua is the Feng Shui energy map of space to create good energy at home or office. There are two ways of applying Bagua: classical Bagua and Western Bagua. The first way is connected with the sides of the world. Watch the video how to designate the center of energy in your home.

When you want to use the other way – Western Bagua – you have to get a special map. It is divided on 9 areas: career, helpful people, creativity, relationships, reputation, abundance,  family, inner knowledge, health and balance. Every section corresponds with each other. If you want to arrange home by Feng Shui you must start with Bagua. Put the plan of your home on Bagua. The front door of home have to be placed between career, inner knowledge and helpful people. If you arrange home using this method your life should be more balanced and happier.

I found some advices how to arrange home by Feng Shui:

  • The ideal place for your bed is across from the door. This placement gives you privacy and also you see anyone entering your bedroom,     
  • You should not arrange in bedroom any mirrors and tv. These things influence negative on quality of sleeping, 
  • Add fresh cut and dried flowers. Flowers will always improve your mood, make a pleasant scent and add beauty to the room.

Living room:

  •   Living room should be in sunny part of house, for example in south side,

  •  The sofa should be placed in clear view of the door,

  •  Don’t put tv on the center of living room. This room is often used for resting. You should balance watching tv with reading, listening to music and other activities.

Catch  film about colors:

Now I have some questions to you:

  • What do you think about Feng Shui? Do you believe in Feng Shui? Do you believe in special energy which can make our home life better?
  • Have you ever arranged your home by Feng Shui? If so, do you feel the difference before and after?




  1. I don't know if Feng Shui works or not. I've never tried it, but I suspect, that it's not joke, because there are some people, who feel better after changes based on it. However, I can't say, that I belive in it, I must check it on myself. It's not sure even if it helps everybody, maybe it depends on a person. Maybe it's just a placebo effect? Maybe we could find more psychological reasons? Better life is connected with our food, mood, activities, happiness, achievements, relationships, health...I wouldn't put this special energy between these factors, even if it really exists, I don't find it so important like other reasons. Like I said before, I've never arranged my home by Feng Shui, but maybe one day I'll try to do it.

  2. I have never try to decorate my room/house due to feng sui,so I can't tell is it works. I my opinion this way of decorating can make our home life better,because most of this rules are connected with practicality of our home space. I think that one day I wil become more interested with that subject.

  3. I don’t believe in chi and this kind of stuff. But these tips on arrangement of room look really convenient and cute. Following Feng Shui rules help us to apportion space, keep our places clean, get rid of all useless things, but the spiritual concepts seem to be ridiculous.

  4. I believe in special energy which can make our life home better. Sometimes when I visit someone house I feel there very well. Maybe it doesn't depend on furniture, but that I just like this person. I don't know. I haven't arranged my home/room by Feng Shui, but I think I will do it in future. But I wouldn't like to take any Feng Shui experts. In my opinion I can arrange my house by myself.

  5. I do not believe in Feng Shui, but I agree with the statement that the way our homes are decorated has an impact on our mood. For example, I love minimalism. I feel much better when everytnig has its own place etc. When my room is clean, my brain works better. When it comes to Feng Shui, I think that it is really hard to follow all the rules, especially if you do not have a large house. I think that that the decoration of our homes should depend on our personal taste and comfort, not any kind of rules.

  6. I don't believe in 'feng shui'. For me it is really stupid. What is the difference how my bed or desk stay in my room? I don't know. It is next fashion. But some of people believe in it and they waste a lot of money. They invited Feng Shui 'experts' who change decoration in their flat and take a lot of money for it.

  7. I don't believe in 'chi' flowing around the world but I think that there must be a germ of truth in Feng Shui. I wouldn't put even a small fountain in my living room (or whereever it should be placed) but some of the tips proposed by Feng Shui are quite reasonable and can make you feel better (for example that one about no TV and mirror in bedroom). In my opinion, Feng Shui is so popular because it is believed to help in achieving success. Many people do not believe in feng shui's philosophy, they obey its rules just in case. If they can help their luck so easy then why shouldn't they try? I think it's ok until you do not take it too seriously. If you become too concerned about following strict rules, your life will be fulled with problems rather than happy.

  8. Personally I do not believe concepts we use in feng shui accurately reflect reality. . I do not practice Feng Shui because it strikes me as ridiculous. I don't think there are "energies" floating around my house. I like my furniture just where it is. If you want to be happy you should put your furniture like you want.

  9. I've never tried to organise my home like Feng Shui says, it's intersting for me how many influence on our emotions has the fact how we are living. Maybe I don't belive in what exactly Feng Shui says but in my opinion thereis somethin like positive power in every house, but we must find it, cos only we can create a good atmosphere for ourselves.

  10. I have never been interested in feng shui, and I know it can be a big loss. It seems to me that there is a lack of awareness in society, what Feng Shui exactly is. I was a victim of such lack, but I believe that lectures explaining the different cultures should be conducted in schools. Then the problem would disappear. It is not only about Feng Shui, but also about other interesting cultures, about whom we have no idea.

  11. I have no deep thoughts about this issues. I konw it’s ancient tradition and so on, but, in my opinion, the way it is often used today is very close to New Age scam. Everyone feelas good in well aranged palces.

  12. I don't know if feng shui works or not because I never applied directly to the system of planning the space in which I live according to the principles of feng shui. But I know that my mood is better in minimalist spaces, clean and muted colors of the walls. So from my own experience I can say that it is essential to plan the living space because it has a large effect on our well-being.

  13. First I heard about feng shui when I was 12. This theory was for me non realistic and idiotic. Now, after 8 yars, I think the same. I think that it's non important rules. Better than going to Feng Shui specialist is going to interior architect which will desing yor flat in best way. Believing in feng shui is extremly ridiculous.

  14. I don’t believe in Feng Shui. Of course when I setting furniture I feel myself if ordination is ok or not but I don’t involve that with Feng Shui and energy. I have never been interested in. It is strange for me and it is totally foreign culture. I think I would never like to know more about this methods.

  15. What do you think about Feng Shui? Do you believe in Feng Shui? Do you believe in special energy which can make our home life better?
    Have you ever arranged your home by Feng Shui? If so, do you feel the difference before and after? I think it is interensting but i've never though about it seriously I agree that place of ferniture can change how you feel in this room bit it is all. I've never change something in my house due to Geng Shui but maybe I will think about it.

  16. I can't say that I believe in it, but some things might be useful. I see it just as a new trend that became popular among people all over the world and some people can make money because of that. What I do believe is a placebo effect and how people can feel some changes thanks to Feng Shui if they realy believe in it.

  17. To be honest I do not trust in Feng Shui etc. I think that everybody can create some kind of rules and later say it to others. But if someone believe in that, I have nothing against. I don't need that knowledge because I think I know what is the best for me and I know better sources than Feng Shui. Maybe for other people it could be interesting, but not for me. I have never arranged my home like Feng Shui and I'm not going to.

  18. I have never try but I think thata it can help. Not becouse of some special power but becouse of our minds. If we strongly belive that something is do good for us it is! So if somebody need to have a better life i his home it is a good idea

  19. I really don't believe in feng shiu. For me it isn't work. Special enegy sound so weird for me. Of course, I don't criticize people who believe in it. Maybe when someone live by feng shui and believe thay can feel more comfortable. I don't know.
    I have never arranged my home in feng shui.

  20. I haven't yet tried to arrange my home by Feng Shui, but certainly I'm the kind of person who could believe in it. I'd like to try it someday, because it seems really interesting and mysterious to me. The advices you've given are quite usefull and seem to go along with our natural piece of mind. I don't know if I believe in the special energy, probably there's something like that. Maybe it's just the atmosphere of some places, the lights and shadows.

  21. I don't believe in things such as 'special energy', 'chi' or 'energy maps'. I always arrange and decorate my room how I want it to be, not due to the artificial chinese rules. But now, as I analyze the arrangement of my room, I see many similarities like location of my bed and tv. I still don't think it has any influence on my comfort or the energy buy maybe someday I will use these rules.


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