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Brazilians frustrated with poor public services took to the streets on Thursday across the country, claiming their taxes are spent on preparations to host the upcoming 2014 World Cup.
Massive public spending on the large-scale sporting event, coupled with a transit fare hike, first sparked anti-government protests a year ago, but as the June 12 to July 13 World Cup nears, protests have started up again.
The Association of World Cup People's Committees presented a list of grievances they want authorities to address.
Their demands include to protest freely during the championship, compensation for the families of construction workers who died building the stadiums and other venues, a guarantee that families displaced to make way for the new stadiums will be provided with adequate housing, a freer press and more government spending on public transportation systems and a free fare.

Twenty-year-old student Fabricio Mendes plans to take part in new events of the #NãoVaiTerCopa movement in São Paulo, including during the World Cup. As a militant of the Housing for All movement, he criticizes the billions spent to host the competition and the property seizures that occurred to build stadiums.
"At the moment, the World Cup is not a necessity; Brazil should have other priorities, such as housing and health care for the population," he argues.

The Popular Committee of the World Cup prepared a report in English spreading a rather pessimistic message about the championship abroad. According to the document, the 2014 World Cup has caused the deaths of workers, sexual exploitation of children and teenagers, violence against homeless people and the expulsion of 250,000 people from the area where they lived due to the construction of the different stadiums.

"I'm here to fight corruption and the expense of the World Cup," said Nelber Bonifcacio, an unemployed teacher who was among the vast crowds in Rio on Thursday.
"I like football, but Brazil has spent all that money on the event when we don't have good public education, healthcare or infrastructure."


What do you think about the protests in Brazil?
Is is necessary to spend so much money on the building of stadion?
Is it ok that the government care more about championships than education/hospitals?


  1. I'm not surprised that they're against the world cup while the condition of their country isn't good enough to care decently about healthcare and education. My point of view may be quite controversial, because I'm not into football at all, so I wouldn't invest any money in it. I think that people exaggerate this thing, there's no need to build a state-of-the-art stadiums in so many countries and spend piles of money on it. Only part of the global society is interested in football, so it's severly unfair that the governments vote significant amounts of money to indulge some people while the rest have to suffer.

  2. I think that people are right in a few reasons. The government should not spend all money for a football. There are more important things in the country, like education or healthcare.
    In my opinion it is not necessary to spend all money for stadion. They can built an arenasmoller or less representative and rich in accessories.
    It is not OK. Education and healthcare should be at first place not thought about money from World Cup.

  3. I think world cup has advantages and disadvantages. Lot of money is for unneccessary sports stadiums. This money country can allocate amount for education or poor people. World cup is not immediate purpose surely. On the other hand, such undertaking is possibility for development because of building new roads for example.
    In Poland was European Cup and people didn't be satisfied because of spending huge amount of money for unneccessary stadiums for example. But people was glad after the competition and now we try to use objects (stadiums) for concerts. I think our country was equal to the task of hold championships. Maybe Brazil will be equal too :)

  4. In my opinion people have right to be pissed off at their government when it's wasting their tax money on organizing such a big event. I believe that sport paly an important role in society, but education and health care should be essential.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Protesters are simply against investing money in something that won't be so useful in a blink of an eye. After the World Cup, cities will face many problems with maintaining stadiums. It could be a good idea to organise some events but still probably most of investors will find it too expensive to afford. Unfortunately for Brazil it is rather necessary to build stadions that will fulfill all expectations of UEFA. The aim of government is to gain attention of people all over the world, engage them in this event so football fans will visit Brazil and spend money there, taxes included

  7. I agree with people, which prostest in Brazil. Sport isn't the most important thing in society. I think that the goverment should spend money more useful for example on education, hospital..Yes, stadiums always look like very good, but for me country can build this kind of building If country have unnecessary money. Of cousre isn't ok the government care more about championships than education.. But maybe sport atrracts rich people, big companies and turits and the goverment hopes that this companies stay in Brasil.

  8. In my opinion protests in Brazil are very reasoned. Such events as FIFA World Cup are great advertisements. If it is well organized, Brazil will be perceive better on international area and revenue from tourism may increase. However, there is no way that any country may make profits by organizing such show. What is more, rarely can sport facilities earn their keep. They are rather like bottomless pit. Developing countries should concentrate on education, infrastructure and other fields which make residents life better rather than spend fortune for transient pleasure.

  9. What interest me the most in this is how influencial the FIFA and overall football sport is. Nowadays a football clubs (British for example) does have its own television channels where they stream all the matches and thanks to this theirs income are even higher. It simply shows how much money stands behind it. It is commonly known that the poorer country is, the richer are its authorities, so maybe this move is well calculated. For the host of World Cup this event means enormous expenses as well enormous benefits. The scale of this event is worldwide, people from literally everywhere will visit this country where they are going to pay taxes in local shops, hotels, transport and elsewhere. In addition it is obvious that spending money is good for economics, a lot of companies will gain a lot.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm not shocked about their protests, becuase we all see conditions in which people are living. But on the other hand fifa world cup can give new positions, new places to work for lot of people. Spending money on buildings of stadion is probably necessary, but is it worth? I saw some photos from places where some time ago was Olimpic games, and now this towns are like dead, empty, and all this expensive building are getting old, destroyed. but it can give lot of money, if turists in future will come.
    it's not good that the goverment spend money not on people but on things which in fact are more expensive and less imporant, usefull.

  12. I agree with protesting people in Brazil. It's scandalous that Brazilian government worries about stadiums more than a people. The polish experience show that sports stadiums are unprofitable. Only one of the four stadiums generates income.
    This is why the government should give more money for health and education. People don't need so much sport entertainment.

  13. I think protests in Brazil are needed because it is really difficult topic. People who live in Brazil have really difficult situation and they need support. The same situation was in Sochi during the Winter Olympic Games.
    In my opinion isn't necessary to spend so much money on the building of stadion. It is really stupid because after this competition stadions won't be useful. Of course it isn't ok that government interest more about championships than education. It is really irresponsible.

  14. I think that that money could be spent for something else like health care or poor children, so no, I don't think that they are wrong protesting in Brasil. The stadion has to be expensive because has to be safe for people who will come to watch the game. On the other hand I do understand that the championships will improve the economical situation fo the counry as people will come and leave a lot of money in hotels, restaurants and museums.

  15. What do you think about the protests in Brazil?
    I understand people who are protesting in Brazil because theirs economic and social problem seem to be serious. Some say that thanks to event like World Cup lots of tourist can leave a lot of euros and dollars in Brazil, but it is obvious that first of all lots of money will go to big private businesses and institutions,so the poorest part of people even won't feel this.

  16. I understand the problem but there's little to do with it. Brasilians have to spend a lot of money on the World Cup, since they are an organizer. It's a good lesson for Brazilian politicians. Brazil is rather a poor, so organizing championships there wasn't a good idea. The money spent on new building could be as well spent on people's need. There's nothing unusual in protests.

  17. OMG it is so difficoult problem. I think there is no just one good answer for question about spending money. Of course more important are schools and hospitals but we can't be sure that money which goverment spent to Fifa world cup would be spent for such things. We should know that even bulding industry is very expensive Brazil can also earn much money. There will be thousends turists and not only now but soon on olimpic games. I am not suprised that people prosest there now is a good moment for them to show the world their problems.

  18. I understand this people because such events are good for countries which don't have problems like health care and that are developed enough. I think that if they choose to organise this world cup they must be responsible for that and build as good sadium as it is needed but not too expensive. Of couse it isn't ok education and hospitals should be the most important for all government

  19. In my opinion protests are necessary to show government that there is something wrong among all society. Especially when country has such a big problems like Brasil. Everything is imprtant, from public toilets to international stadiums, the thing is to make good economical decissions. Maybe governement of Brasil is not responsible for its citizens or maybe just turns back a look.


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