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Being ECO is cool?

Increasingly, the media inform us about healthy eating and caring for our planet, so that you can confidently say that now became fashionable to ECO in every area of our lives. A number of actions carried out under the auspices of the famous stars, they have to even more aware of us in the dangers that lie in wait for our generation advance if we do not take care of nature - that is, about ourselves. Such an attitude does not necessarily involve a radical change in lifestyle. There are simple rules that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Thanks to a lesser extent will harm the environment. Here you have some of the most popular tips on environmentally friendly behavior:

  • Have quick, refreshing showers instead of water wastingbaths. Showers are just as good as bath!
  •  Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth.
  • Turn off the computer when not in use.
  • Turn off the light whenever you leave the room, even if you are going to go back in a couple of minutes. It saves energy and saves fossil fuels, which are irreplaceable. Fluorescent or LED lighting is more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs.
  • Reuse things that can be used more then once, instead of chucking them away after one use. Take plastic bags, an organic cotton bag or a big bag of your own to the store.
  • Celebrities, of course, also want to be ECO friendly. Very often they have cars with hybrid engines or whether they assemble in their homes variousgreen” solutions such as solar panels, fresh filtered air system or water treatment facility. Leonardo DiCaprio, for example, has his own environmental foundation. Here you can find more information about him and other celebs who want to help the Earth.

    Did you know that even fashion can be ECO? Yes! Even this area of ​​life has been infected. The nonprofit Sustainable Technology Education Project defines eco-fashions as clothes “that take into account the environment, the health of consumers and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry.”
    Clothes and accessories that meet such criteria are usually made using organic raw materials, such as cotton grown without pesticides, or re-used materials such as recycled plastic from old soda bottles. Eco-fashions don't involve the use of harmful chemicals and bleaches to color fabrics—and are made by people earning fair wages in healthy working conditions.

    Every year Eco Fashion Week is organized, which is a three-day event taking place in Vancouver, which aims to promote and stimulate the growth and development of sustainable practices in the fashion industry. Here you have a short video about this occurence.

    Ok, it's time for questions now:

    Do you think being ECO is needed? Or is it just one of the tricks of marketing and the opportunity to show yourself, how it is in the case of celebrities?
    Do you apply in your life some rules that help protect the environment? If so, what are they?
    What is your opinion about ECO fashion? Do you pay attention to it, what your clothes are made of?



  1. I don't think, that being ECO is needed. I find it just as one of the tricks of marketing. People become ECO, because they are manipulated by media and companies,which have money from it. It can also raise somebody's self-esteem, so he does it willingly. I don't apply in my life any rules that help protect the environment, I think we don't have enough impact to significantly change something. ECO fashin is...just fashion. I mean, there are always some trends and it's out decision, if we want to follow them or not. They change too. I usually don't pay attention to what my clothes are made of. I want to have clothes, which look good and are nice, if I touch/wear them. The quality is important for me. I mean, I don't want to smell wrong.

  2. Being Eco-friendly is good, but nowadays it has changed its original meaning due to the afford PR-managers and marketing have made. So today it is show-off rather than anxiety about nature.
    I segregate rubbish when I’m home, always turn the tap off even when I’m washing the dishes and if I don’t need something I don’t buy it instead of throwing it out the next day. Still I don’t care if my eggs lays happy hen or not.
    Sometimes Eco fashion looks strange and uncomfortable like on pictures above, yet clothes made of linen can be as ecological as cozy and pretty.

  3. I think that taking care of environment is needed but I completely do not understand the ecotrend. I think that those people involved in 'the eco thing' want to be famous rather than to help the Earth. I always switch off the light and prefer taking showers but the thing is that I do not want to waste money. I do not buy eco products and I think it is weird that if something has a 'eco' label it has to be very expensive. I do not like the eco fashion because I think it is just a marketing.

  4. In my opinion being eco should be a lifestyle but now it is only the fashion for me. People who buy food in health food store are eco? Of course, not. Being eco is doing something for our planet. For example recycling is good idea. I don't understand this fashion, for being eco. Now it is cool but for two years fashion will change so being eco will be finished.

  5. ECO definitely gained ground recently. I think it is a good trend. If people were more responsible and less egoistic, we wouldn't need vogue for ECO. As people are rather careless, I believe that ECO is much needed. Of course, it is a great opportunity for celebrities to show off but it is better when they crow about being ECO than showing off with buying very expensive watch or purse.

    I apply some rules that are believed to help environment, mostly those mentioned in article. But those are rather natural things to do, I don't care much about being ECO.

    I don't know much about ECO fashion. I am pretty sure that not always ECO means high quality but unfortunately, usually it means higher price. As I am a student, I haven't got enough money to care where my clothes come from - they just have to be comfortable. My aunt used to care about ECO fashion but it costed her too much and now she doesn't pay attention to such things.

  6. I think that being eco is very good, but sometimes I think it's only fashion and people play that they are eco.
    But in my opinion being eco isn't difficult. You can develop eco-friendly habits to help you use less and make the most of what you have. Turn off lights in empty rooms and use a programmable thermostat so you're only heating or cooling your home when it's occupied .You can be eco-friendly in the bathroom:turn the tap off when brushing your teeth. Have quick, refreshing showers instead of water wasting baths. You can see that it is really easy.

  7. I think that in the last time being Eco friendly is just a cheap trick to be trendy, and lots of people are talking that they are eco-friendly even if they're not, just to make a good impression on others. If someone wants to be really eco, he can do it implicitly. I'm not super eco person but I sort my rubbish and I try not to pollute the nature. I don't care about eco-fashion, often when I'm considering buyin something I pay attention to what material was use to made it.

  8. I think nowadays if you want to be cool you often decide to be eco and I agree with the opinion being green is cool. When your are eco you are different than the others, so it's kind of hipster stuff. You go to fency restaurant where everything is eco-friendly, sustainable and so on. You drink coffee with soy milk, eat eggs from the countryside and go a bicycle or public transport instead of going by car. And there is nothing wrong with it, everyone should live as they want to.

  9. Well I think that ECO is needed. We should care about where we live. I know a good phrase "Don't sh*t where you eat". Where we eat, I mean our planet, because we live ther and by don't sh*t I mean we should care about our place of live, because it's our and we should keep clean our home.

  10. I don't think it is necessary. I believe that being ECO is some kind of benign activity where you buy organic apples because people are told that they do it to improve their health or whatever. I recycle but I’m not in to fashion.

  11. In my opinion there is no one correct answer for first question. There is no doubt that all stuffs correlated with being ECO are a source of big money. Great example may be energy-saving bulbs recommended by European Union. They use less energy but if we count energy needed for producing such bulb in they aren’t so eco any more. On the other hand, it seems to me that if we want to change something we should start changing small things around as such like our habits. On day basis I use only cotton bag, they are more comfortable that plastic one, look better and are more eco. In a matter of eco fashion, I usually pay attention to material, which my clothes are made of. However, I do it rather to check if particular t-shirt will be comfortable and if my skin can breathe in it than to check if it was done in an eco way.

  12. In my opinion being eco is important. Companies and advertising just realised that this is something they can effectively use. I'm trying to be eco in many ways. I take a showers, I grow my own vegetables, fruits and spices, ride my bike, quit smoking. It is a way of life, thinking and taking care of your health and the environment. But I'm not an eco freak and I'm not interested in eco fashion.

  13. Do you think being ECO is needed? I thing what does It mean. Is it means that I'm segregating rubbish, for me it's ok. But if it means drinking eco coffe, wearing eco clothes, I don't bealive producers of this things. The ECO signature is great business which make that people pay for some products more only this signature. The other think is that being eco is trendy. The celebrities want show how eco they are but this is only superficial.

  14. I think being ECO is ok because it is a clean, fresh and life become better. But I don’t like when someone exaggerate with being ECO. I think moderation is the most important. It can become an obsession so it is important that live in harmony with nature. I try to save energy, water. I try not to use a plastic bags. In my opinion the ECO fashion is stupid but can promote a good ideas. I don’t pay attention to it.

  15. Even if it is a trick of marketing I think that this is the best of all tricks because it helps our environment and it is very positive so I think being ECO is needed. I'm trying to use a lot of things like bags few times because there are realy bad for environment.I think that ECO fashion is very interesting and creative I sometimes pay attention at hand made recycled jewellery.

  16. Do I think being ECO is needed? It depends on how we understand word "ECO". Of course we have to care about our planet, because we all live here, if we can we should help in environmental protection. I try to recycle etc, but I don't believe that it would help. I know that being eco is some kind of trendy now, a lot of celebrities try to be eco, they wear special clothes etc. But I think most of them do it only for paying attention and fame.

  17. Is being eco cool? I don't know. For sure it is very good for environment but if always dificult ro say. Sometimes eco products are eco just in name. But in my opinion taking care about nature is a good idea so it sgould be cool. People like to be fancy and so on so give it to them. They will help everybody and even every animal.

  18. I think that being ECO has became a new trend, but I see it as a positive thing. People start to buy eco food, chlothes, recycle and other things that are good for the health of people and the enviroment. I agree that people use it in marketing just because "eco" things can be sold faster. But I'm happy to realise that humanity starts to think abouth the nature and enviroment after hard 20th century for our planet.

  19. I do think that eco is needed but also I have a strong feeiling that it become some sort of fahion. It is trendy to be eco and to have eco stuff and food and all. But I don't think it is a really bad think. Even if it is just a show it is helping the environment. As for myself I try to pay attencion to which products I pick.

  20. I think that being ECO is needed nowadays. We must take care of our planet and our future life on it, it depends of action and what we do now. So, it is important, but I don't convinced that we should make so big deal showing the all world how much cool we are.
    I have some rules in my life to help protect earth in my home area. I try: segregation of garbage, light and water saving and few little more.
    I haven't got any opinion on ECO fashion. I don't think about my clothes in case that of which materials they are made.

  21. I think being eco is needed, but we must remember that we can do a lot of good things for us and our planet. For me an eco fashion doesn't make sense, because people know more effective forms of eco life and try to produce alternative sources of energy
    Do you apply in your life some rules that help protect the environment? If so, what are they?
    Personally, I try to reduce a consumption of water, I segregate plastic and glass bottles, it sounds simple but thanks to that we have a good habits for future.

  22. Well, being eco make us feel more fair to the nature. But are we really? Probably in everything that is connected with using less water, electricity and so on and also producting less rubbish it's admirable. But when it turns into buying very expensive clothes, food etc. it starts to be more a trend, sometimes more harmful to come natural baloance. Celebrities - it's a topic for discussion - some of them may be truly ECO but you know, some are just celebrities all the time. I think about being environment friendly all the time, so I recicle rubbish, reuse paper and try to buy only good food. Eco fashion, maybe it's a good idea. Yet, probably it's quite a heavy burden for the wallet, isn't it?

  23. I think that Eco is not just a wave, it will not pass quickly. Using less water and energy is not much, I have many friends who don't turn the lights off when they go out of their rooms and even if they are going out their computers are still on. What is wrong with these people? Sometimes when I watch romantic or horror movie I turn the lights off and light candles. It is not only saving energy but it is fun!


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