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Many people say that their job is important for our society, but is it a trustworthy profession?
A market research institute asked people about trustworthy professions.

Here you will find its results.

The Top Five Most Trusted Professions

1. Firefighters
A 2009 poll conducted by market research institute GfK found that firefighters ranked as the most trusted profession in Europe and the United States with 92 percent of respondents fining them trustworthy. Perhaps it’s all in the job description—being required to step into the face of danger every time you head out for an assignment is not just admirable, it’s downright heroic.

2. Teachers
In the same GfK poll that lauded firefighters, teachers ranked second with 83 percent. It’s a good sign considering that the people responsible for crafting the minds of our children are deemed trustworthy.

“I think every teacher recognizes that they are part of a trusted profession—that parents trust them to do the best they can for their child, that their principals trust them to do their best to prepare (students) for the next grade level,” said Samantha Solic, a sixth-grade English teacher from North Carolina.  “And I think teachers take that trust pretty seriously … trying to teach the children as if they were their own.”

3. Doctors/Nurses
Medical professionals, postal workers, and those serving in the armed forces tied for third place with 81 percent polled pulling for each profession in the Gfk poll, which makes sense considering the amount responsibility each job holds. With doctors and nurses, these are the professionals literally entrusted with people’s lives, so one better believe in what they do and how they conduct themselves. The rising costs of healthcare are getting their fair share of attention these days, but the public doesn’t seem to hold that issue against the doctors and nurses who are just trying to do their jobs.

4. Postal Workers
More than just about delivering your mail on time, postal workers are the people who filter and ensure the delivery of everything from that package and paychecks to tax returns and magazine subscriptions, all which could reveal a lot about you if put into the wrong hands. They may not always get the glory they deserve, but they should certainly take pride in being ranked among the top five trustworthy careers.

5. Armed Forces
If medical professionals operate to save lives, those in the military put their own on the line for everyone else. Almost everyone is on high alert today over fears of terrorism following the nightmare that was 9/11 and the military is the frontline defense against these acts. The men and women of the Armed Forces work tirelessly for one goal—to protect their country and those who live in it. And just as with law enforcement and firefighters, their job teeters on the dangerous side daily, all in an effort to uphold their country’s respective rights. That kind of dedication should warrant nothing but respect.

And Among the Least Trusted Professions …

If there’s any profession that has found it difficult to regain their trustworthy reputation, it’s attorneys. A mere 47 percent of the GfK poll favored lawyers, signifying a big gap between Atticus Finch and Kenneth Starr, which most lawyers will admit.

“There’s a lot of responsibility to do my job well and in a way that develops trust from clients and colleagues, and even opposing clients and their attorneys,” said Naoki Kaneko, an attorney based in San Francisco. “There are plenty of stories about lawyers gone bad out there, but based on my experiences, I think that’s the exception.

The sheer power of the media is in itself intimidating, especially when most people flat out depend on their ability to deliver the truth. Unfortunately media credibility has shaken out to just 41 percent among those polled. But those who try to do right by their work will tell you that such a blanket assessment is unfair and inaccurate.

“That trust is harder to come by these days, but earning it is still pretty rewarding. Many people, I think, still can distinguish good, diligent reporting from the lazy kind that just re-circulates rumor or smudges the line between reporting and commentary,” said John Simerman, a reporter with the Contra Costa Times in Walnut Creek, CA. His recent assignments have included work on the Jaycee Dugard case.

“I wouldn’t expect to be trusted just because of the job or where I work,” Simerman said. “But it’s good for people to be educated news consumers—to question what they hear, read, or see. I do see journalistic standards sagging. A lot of that has to do with keeping up with the lower threshold on the Internet as far as what’s fair game to publish. Who could blame people for questioning what’s legit?”

They may build careers on being civil servants on behalf of the people, but politicians rank the absolute lowest, with a scant 18 percent of those polled saying they trust their elected officials. For every George Washington, there’s a Richard Nixon or Rod Blagojevich or Larry Craig and so on. Politicians of every party affiliation have literally spent years watering down their reputation for decades with scandal after scandal, making it difficult to trust their sincerity and honesty. At this point, it’s going to take a lot more than the power of the people to resuscitate the trust of the public.

It’s tough to live up to standards set long ago by professional pioneers who came from very different times. And with the state of the economy and the constant attention turned on companies like major banks and insurance giants that have proven to be dishonest failures, it’s easy to understand why the public has become ever more jaded. But even in today’s society, most of these professionals realize that reaffirming the public’s faith in their work is just another part of the job.


Trustworthy professions  have important role in our society. They are realise particulary character in public eye, out of concern for accomplish public buisness. Mostly, they service something for people/ clients. It is emphasized that this kind of  professions are skilled work and needed commitment.
People who decide to be for example doctor, should have some extra gualities to be good at their work.


  • What do you think about the professions presented  in the table?
  • Do you agree or not? Why?
  • Do children choose their future profession because it is  trustworthy or simply popular? Who/what influenced your choice of studies?


  1. In my opinion, childreen in a primary or even in a secondary school don't really know what they want to do in their life in the future. One of them are intrested about the earnig, the others about their own preferenes or hobbies.

  2. To a certain extent I agree with the information about professions in table. I agree that fire service, teachers and doctors are the most trustworthy professions. Of course it depends on many factors and I don't want to standardize anything. People have got different characters and behave in a specific way and it all depends on them. We can't say that all the doctors are trustworthy (they only should be) and we have to remember about it.
    Children have got great ideas, which are not always connected to the real world. They think about some professions, because they learn how great and gorgeous they are. Most of them change it in the future because of bigger knowledge, other interest and views.

  3. I personally agree with the professions in table. These are the professions that require responsibility, integrity, often people with these professions are responsible for someone else's life. Therefore, we must bestow their trusted. The most trustworthy profession for me, it's a firefighter. They are very needed and we can count on them in the event of a fire, an accident, for example. With a passion they help people by saving their lives. I don't trusted doctors too much, because on my own example, I found out that even the most appreciated by us doctor can harm our health. Many times I was also a witness in the bribery of doctors. I think, that children pointed their choices because of simply popular. In childhood almost every persons dream to become a singer, florist, teacher, etc. But these are only dreams of small children who don't know what they really want to do in life,what profession choose to find a good job. These childish dreams often become just a memory.


  4. I think that information in the table is probably truth, because firefighters, doctors or teachers have a job connected with people’s life and we must trust them, when we want to live peacefully. Less trusted professions, like politicians, journalists, bankers, give lots of opportunities to cheat and, in fact, there are many scandals connected with them.
    When children choose their dream- job, they must know something about it- because sometimes they think about popular professions. When they want to teach or help people, they choose work as a teacher or a doctor.

  5. In my opinion the professors are the most trustworthy profession for children because as psychologists say when children are in primary school the teachers became ides form then. As I can see from this table some jobs like police or fire service don't have good rates in Poland. I think the reason of this is that we don't trust people who work there because our system allows to think they don't doing this for helping others.

  6. About trusting people in Poland I agree with Radosław.

    "Are children pointed their choices because of trustworthy or simply popular?"

    After watching the film above I think, that the youngest children pointed their choices, because of trustworthy and they would like to be this person, who they like and they see often - as a teacher. Secondly children want be a good people in a future and help others, as a doctor or fireman.

    The teenagers choose popular professions. They start to think about famous and money. They know that well paid job means "easier/better" life

  7. The order of list in table is consistent with my beliefs. I think professions like firefighter or doctors/nurse are very trustworthy. But today more and more people are choosing these occupations because of money. These works are well-paid on the job market. Some time ago people wanted to be a doctor or firefighter because they were feeling something like inside need. But as time goes by in a modern world people needs are still rising. They want to take a well-paid job even though they may don't like it what they do. According to children, without a doubt they aren't aware of their job's choice. Mainly they want to identify with their authorities for example with firefighter from favourite story or a model from the big famous world of fashion.

  8. In my opinion this table describe real social situation. This is good research. But also it is easy to predict- because this type of researches about jobs- because it is builr on the stereotypes about them. Firefighters are seen as courageous and strong people. Politicians always will perceive as liars and cheaters. To sum up this topic I agree with this table it shows social moods in the right way but as I said this is only research and in every profession may be the same type of people not always deserved for our trust.
    In my opinion children choose their future jobs in the way of who is hero in their eyes. Usually soldiers, firefighters, policeman for boys and teachers, doctors, models for girls are the best heroes and that's why they want to work in this way.

  9. I'm really suprised at some of the results from above list. According to the research Polish people have the highest level of confidence for judges and teachers. If you regulary review polish portals, read comments under articles, you can get an opposite impression. There are many voices about corrupted judiciary or lazy teachers, who have too much free time.

  10. In my opinion, childreen in a primary or even in a secondary school don't really know what they want to do in their life in the future. One of them are intrested about the earnig, the others about their own preferenes or hobbies.

  11. I totally agree with the results presented in the table. I also think that professions such as a firefighter, a doctor, a nurse or a teacher are trustworthy professions. I think that it is because these people have direct contact with people, they are responsible for people's lifes.
    When it comes to children, I think that kids want to do the same job as their authorities, parents or the favorite heroes from books or movies.

  12. I think do we trust "the profession" depedns on that do we have to trust "that profession" as simply a doctor profession or fire service. I saw the "rule" that we trust the profession who has many of responsibilities and "workers" are brave and strong (mentaly and phisically). I agree with the list. Somebody who can put its life into "fate's hands" and the same help someone has the highest social trust.

  13. I think the table present all true thinks, society trust professions who help them, good example is a doctors, police ( but not in the east countries, because communist system degenerate this institution) fire service.
    On the end of the least is a politicians, banks staff, Why ? in ordinary perception that professions are unbelievable for them. They have a very bad opinion in all rankings, but we know why, the don’t want help people they want make a many for their needs.

  14. In my opinion children pointed their choices because of simply popular - children from elementary school don't know many professions. They know only about teachers, because they meet them everyday in school, they know doctors, because they have examinations from time to time... And I think that is the reason, why many children want to work like their parents - they have huge knowledge about parent's proffesion.

  15. I think that kids are familiar only with jobs that are very charcteristic and esay to explain to them. Even when you finish high school you have no clue about jobs like marketing, human recourses or accountat. I would suggest to everyone before they go to university to work for one year to know better job market.
    Schools do not support creative jobs like shoes or clothes designers, commercials or advertising.
    For me the most thruthworthy jobs are those on which our life depends on: firefighters, doctors or lawyers.

  16. I generally agree with what you said, especially about politians being the least trusted. I think the children chose those proffesions because they are trustworthy and they sound like fun. When I was a kid I wanted to be an excavator or locomotive driver, because it seemed to be very interesting to me.

  17. Such list is pretty much pointless. There is no real value in finding what is trusted by public because each person have differing experiences with (probably) all of the above professions. There are bad apples everywhere and it is unwise to trust anything because something is generally believed. I will take as an example medical doctors and teachers.
    In case of doctors,I have experience with whole spectrum. I was patient of one of the best trauma surgeons in Poland, who basically invented off-label use of one anti-inflammatory agent to relieve me from chronic pain on morphine-level of intensity. On the other hand six years ago my sister was suspected of having liver cancer because 'doctor' made moronic mistake while reading USG and mistook gallbladder for tumor. I say it was moronic because I was the one who found this mistake and my medical knowledge was at the time on an high school AP biology class level. Both doctors are outliners, both could form wildly differing view of medical doctor.
    On the case of teachers, there is not much to say. I am biased to point of absolute hatred toward teachers. Before university I was thinking that only requirement for teacher is to be lazy and stupid, because aside of math teacher in junior high and math teacher in high school I have only bad memories of people who want me to remember without understanding and regard their subject as only one important. I am obviously biased, besides I know that many people had wildly differing experiences.
    But regardless, I will find doctors I can trust and would rather home school my children then give them to anyone. If public opinion or any demographics is only used in such statistic that will give some cool sounding profession an edge I do not want any part of that.

  18. I wouldn't say that doctors or nurses are trustworthy... by no means. However, I think the least trusted profession (and it isn't listed in this post) is priest. By a confession you tell him all your sins and secrets. What's more, every church has its own archive. In 16th century, Jesuits got to be so influential because they used to be confessors of greatest kings and queens. So beware of priests!!!

  19. I think that information i the table are true. People trust somebody who help him like a firefighter, doctor or even judge. On the last place are politicians and I am not suprised because they always doing something wrong.

  20. In my opinion children choose profesions, who are simply popular in current time, for example when some child have saw police who ride fast and catch thieves- child want be a policeman. Of course this mainly concerns children in kindergarten's age. Older children choose their proffesion according to their skills, which show them parents.

  21. What do you think about professions in table?
    Do you agree or not? Why?
    The table is pretty opinion-forming I think. We can see how different is situation in european countries. For example police has some respect in Germany, but russian people don't trust them that much. Now we know that there must be a difference between german and russian police ;].
    I agree with majority of the table data. Why? Just because. Everyone knows politics steal ;]

    Are children pointed their choices because of trustworthy or simply popular?
    Children point their choices because of trustworthy.

  22. The results shown in this table are consistent with my own beliefs. Firefighters, teachers, doctors are the most trusted professions. Their role is to ensure the security, development and health of the population. Politicians because of unkept promises, scandals, fraud to society have a particular position in the statement.

    I think children choose future professions due to signals coming to them from society. Fireman because he is brave, strong, and saves lives. The doctor because he is a respected, wise, and also saves lives. These professions are positive patterns for children who are not exactly know what they want to do in their life in the future.

  23. I quite agree with the data presented in the table. Most trusted persons are people who save us and teach us when we was young. I can say the most trusted person is a person of high standing in society. I think children choose their future profession because simply popular. I took my studies because i wanted to study physics

  24. LoL politicians result make me laugh. I;m not laughing from politics, but for people who vote for them. So you decide to choose your representative and you dont trust him at all? Do you know what is democracy?
    Yea that are trivial questions, but they are so actual in our society. I;m not sure people deserve democracy, special in tabloid era.
    I was suprised about judges score. It mean people dont belive in justice, so it is better to deal with problems missing the goverment institutions. In future that could mean legalism for mafia.
    My own top 5 on list are :
    1. Teachers
    2. Clergy
    4. Armed forces
    5. Chimney Sweeps :D

  25. It is quite obvious that the fire and medical services are at the top - you trust them mainly because they would save what is the most precious for you - life, house, etc.

    On the other hand, I am quite surprised about the situation in Poland - do we really trust market researchers and advertisers...?

    As far as I know, politicians in Sweden are highly trusted because the taxes of the country are never wasted - it can be seen everywhere - flat roads, excellent healthcare and education are only few to mention.

  26. For me, the most trustful profession is medical and fire services too, but much higher is armed forces. It's probably wrong way to think, because they're not so good as they look to be, but it's because of highquater - the higher officers are much like politicians, but without democracy ;)

    Also - i think that medical service is much lower in poland than in this survey - in my opinion we are not so confident with them.

  27. For me the most responsible work is doctor. I could be a teacher or postal worker, but I could NEVER be a doctor.

    Having someones life in your hands scares me. Responsibility is to high. I am afraid to going to doctor not because I don't like blood or needle, but I am afraid to trust the doctor. I think that doctors should have higher salary, because living in that stress can almost kill someone. It is said that many of doctors have alcohol problems, because of their high level of stress.

    I think that children choose their future job because of popularity AND outfit. Fire workers, policeman, soldiers, doctors, they all have their kind of outfits.
    But the corpo-worker? What a boredom, just a tie and jacket... It does not look attractive for kids.

  28. Children in a primary or in a secondary school don't really know what they want to do in the future, they often just repeat what their parents say at home. As for the list ... I am glad that on a high position are journalists! It's nice that my profession is considered to be trustworthy :)

  29. In my opinion,those profession presented in top ranking require lots of responsibility and knowledge,so not many of us could have those jobs.For me the most trustful and needed job is doctor.It's really important job because that person take care of ours health.
    I think that If we ask some young boy,what he want to be in the future,he will say that he want to become a policeman or firefighter.But when we become older,we change our opinion and choose some other profession which could give us proper job and more money

  30. I agree with the most information about professions in the table. I think professions like firefighter or doctors/nurse are very trustworthy. These people have direct contact with people, they are responsible for people's lifes. It's hard to take take full responsibility for people's health.
    In my opinion when children choose their proffesion they think about their hero. They want be a good people in a future and help others. Older children choose their proffesion according to their skills. They would like to earn a lot of money and they don't care about interest.

  31. I think that when children choose their profession girls want to be princesses and boys want to be firefighters. But when they choose their job in the future some of them choose popular profession but the most of them want to earn much money.
    In my opinion doctors have the most difficult and responsible job. They had to study hard to be a doctors and they save other people. It is really serious job but children don't know about it. Sometimes they think that this profession is easy but it is not true.

  32. In my opinion, the most trustworthy are medical doctors and firefighters. It depends on them our lives in many cases. The least trustworthy to me of the above are politicians. Many promise but during of their mandate most of them do too little.
    Of course, I agree with this list. In my opinion, these are professionals, with whom we have to deal every day. Sometimes we do not meet with them personally, but they affect us. From the media we hear information you should sort. Therefore, we we made a review of many professions. What makes us decide whether to trust them or not.
    I think that children choose their future professions because they are popular or well paid. Very few people choose fields of study because of the interest. For example, my friends, choose fields of study because of the future wage or suggestions of their parents. It seems to me that this is a very common phenomenon. Some young people can not decide what they want to achieve in life and in which the profession. They are vulnerable to suggestion and influence other people.

  33. What do you think about the professions presented in the table? I really have respect for firefithers because they must be very brave to sacrifice oneself. If we talk about techers I have respect only for those who really like their job and who teach good because I had a lot of techers who was terrible and I had few techers who was the best on the world and one who changed my life. I don't agree that Attorneys are not trustworthy, you must trust your lawyer if you want him to help you and you have to tell him secrets also. I think that more policy in Poland have bad opinion.
    Do children choose their future profession because it is trustworthy or simply popular? Who/what influenced your choice of studies? I think that children changes their opinion very often some times this is because some film or something else that they see in television, sometimes they are inspired by their teachers or family. I've choosen law because it is trustworthy and gives oportunity for a lot of different carieer paths

  34. I find most of professions presented in the table trustworthy and important for society. Working as a doctor or firefighter requires a lot of responsibility and engagement. When somebody's life depends on your decisions and actions, you need to do your best to save it. When we are children we generally feel the necessity of doing good. We love our heroes so much and most of us believe to become one some day. That's why children dream about being firefighters, who are brave and strong. As little kids we also don't realize the responsibility of these professions. We start to consider both sides only when we are older and we have to choose our way life way.

  35. I quite agree with that list. I've never dealed with firefighteners. On the other hand usually I can rely on doctors, when I was in hospital with hard case, I was on good care and now I'm healthy. As regards teachers it depend because some teachers are good for us, you like their lecturers, but sometimes it's really hard to learn sth from them.
    Of course I don't trust politicians especially in our country :) I don't agree with journalists, it depends on the newspaper. The journalists in newspaper about celebrities is different from the journalist in daily newspaper for inteligent people :)
    Children often choose proffesions because of popularity. And they want to earn proper money. Once maybe it was because of trustworthy. In my opinion now we don't think about trust.

  36. The results seem to be sensible and predictable. I rather agree with them. People match in their minds proffessions with different features, so it's not a suprise, that they find for example doctors as trustworthy. Additionally, I think it's hard to find somebody, who can trust politicians. However, ''Armed Forces'' in this list are strange for me, because of an aggression.
    In my opinion everybody has his own reasons, why he has chosen one profession instead of another. Maybe a popularity can have a kind of imact here.
    My choice of studies....I was influenced by promoting jamaican music.

  37. Before I started read this article I had tried to guess how such list may look like. The only disagreements were lack of postal workers on my list and I put politician in a first place in the least trusted professions. It is not difficult to note that all professions which low social trust entail work with persuasion. It seems to me that we, as a society, are scared of people who can easily use their special abilities to try change our point of view and transfigured us to followers of their opinions.
    I don’t think so that it is easy to find key which children use to choose who they want to be in a future. Often it is a profession which child gives a respect. It can explain why so many girls want to be a teacher and boys see their future in police. Sometimes they declare jobs doing by their parents. On the other hand in a lot of cause children ideas are so extraordinary that I can’t find any normal explain for them. For example when by brother was 5-6 years old he used to tell everyone that in the future he would like to be thief or priest.
    When I was choosing field of my studies I took in to consideration the a facility of finding job with this degree, future possibility of development. I also was looking for this field where I can use my strong points and my weakness would not be such a huge problem.

  38. What do you think about the professions presented in the table?
    Do you agree or not? Why?
    Do children choose their future profession because it is trustworthy or simply popular? Who/what influenced your choice of studies?

    I think that jobs included in the article are very well selected. Probably everyone of us trust fireman. Their job is to save our lives, when they are in danger, and we must trust them. From the other hand journalist and politicians are professions, that we dont trust really much, becouse part of their job is to lie, just to gain popularity. I think, that nowaday children choos their profession without looking at trust, or popularity. I think their choose, what they can do, after they will get degree. They are looking for profession, that will assure them job. I have choosen my studies by my own, just on my own thoughs, that they should be intresting.

  39. I agree with most professions put in the table - of course we trust people who save others' life the most that's why doctors, firefighters and nurses are in the first group. But recently, we can easily see that people in Poland do not trust postal workers and teachers. I can understand why people are rather suspicious about postmen - many packages arrive demaged and often letters tend to go for a long time or disappear. What is more, they usually come when we are at work or school or leave advice note not even knocking at your door. But things get complicated when I try to understand why people stopped trusting teachers. I know that there are examples of really bad teachers, but more and more often parents blame them for low grades of children. Also most people believe that teachers have a lot of free time and don't understand why they dare to ask for pay rise. What came to me as a great surprize was the fact that lawyer is mistrusted profession, I would say that bailiffs should take this place instead.

    I think that children choose their dream professions because of their popularity. Being a firefighter, policeman or emergency worker means being a hero - person who is admired by their coevals... We should not forget that children often speak about musicians, actors, dancers and sportsmen - it shows that popularity is main reason of their choices (especially if we think about children in kindergarten and primary school). When they get older they change their mind and choose professions connected with their interests or advised by their parents.

    When I was in primary school I wanted to be cynologist. Since junior high school I wanted to study Japanese, in high school I started to think about Automation and Robotics (but I didn't forget about Japanese studies)... that is why I was surprised by my final choice (Nanostructure Engineering). I am not sure what or who influenced my decision, it remains a mystery, even to me.

  40. I'm not surprised by the results of the least trustworthy professions, especially when it comes to politicians and journalists, because I think that people nowadays can feel cheated and manipulated by the media and what is going on in them, especially in the political sphere. As to the most trustworthy professions I think that they are aptly chosen, because in most of these professions is needed the ability to work with people, and just trust. When it comes to children choices, I think that everything is more in the realm of dreams. Boys often want to be firemen or policemen, girls actresses or singers. I do not think that children guide by whether the profession is trustworthy or not.

  41. I think it is obvious that we trust firefighters, doctors and so on. The have to be truly dedicated to their work. What is more, sometimes their lives are in danger because of their job. I think that our positive opinion also refers to the fact that particuclarly firefighters are rarely involved in any scandals.
    In my opinion, nowadays it is hard to trust politicians while they do not remember about their promises. The development of magazines which focus mainly on gossip also makes trusting journalists much tougher.

  42. I also think that the most trustworthy are doctors and firefighters. These people have contact with people, they are responsible for people's lifes. It's hard to take responsibility for people's health. I think that children choose their future professions depands of popularity..

  43. I think that children choose their future profession because it's popular or you can earn a lot of money. In the young age, they just choose what seems "cool" e.g. firefighter, policeman, or the pilot. I think that the most trustworthy are doctors.

  44. Children choose their future profession according to unknown pattern. As Michael observed they would choose something that seems cool, to them, but 'cool' may means the most different things. Also children's choices in that topic change every month.

  45. I agree with this table, we trust people who protect and take care of us so I'm not suprised that those professions are in top 5. We don't trust attorneys, politicians and journalists because in their professions people need to be cunning and we don't like such people.
    They choose such profession because they like ex. animals, helping people or they parents have such profession so thet wont that to. During their life they will change their mind houndred times.

  46. I agree with this division. It is a truth that all which were presented as trustworthy are basic of our social life: firefighters, teachers doctors or armed forces. I think people want to believe that because that people create our safety , shape a children minds, care about of our health. Politicians of course say one thing and do another and waste our money on PR or expensive and unnecessary things or people. In my opinion children should choose their future profession according to their interests and hobby. I choice my faculty with help of my friends who also finished this majority.

  47. The top as well the botom of the list is no surprise to me at all. But why should I really trust more firefighter than nurse? I guess, it depends on the circumstances, not rankings. I think that most children aren’t really focuse on their future career either trustworthy or popular. They will have time for it.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. The journalist is a trusted profession. This is great news for me, because I am studying journalism. I hope this information is confidence because unfortunately trust in journalists in Poland is decreasing. Overall, I agree with the ranking, but some things I would change. It is sad that so trusted professions are mostly low paid. Only satisfaction is not enough for everyone.

  50. I find this table of proffesions quite accurate, and I agree with almost all the opinions. However, I'm surprised that attorneys have such bad reputation. When children choose their dream occupation thay do it often because of some cartoons, some examples in family - generally they take these ideas after somebody who is admirable for them.
    By choice of studies was influenced by having read a certain book. I'm still not sure if the reality won't be harder than the dream.

  51. I can see why people trust firefighters and doctors more than poticians and journalists. It depends on the role of each profession and, in my opinion, on the money people earn. People will trust those who earn less money, because they rather aren't connected with corruption or any other illegal things. Speaking about children, I can say that their preferences change through the process of growing up and having new priorities. For example as every boy I wanted to be an astonaut, but after certain age I changed my mind. And I've changed my mind for a couple of times, so I guess it depends on our personal preferences and life experience.

  52. In my opinion the idea that children should choose their future profession because it is trustworthy or simply popular is wrong. Bacause every profession is important. And every profession should be on the same level of acceptation. I think that it's the very important role of the children's parents to tell him how he should be thinking

  53. What do you think about the professions presented in the table?
    Do you agree or not? Why?
    I think, except postal workers, all of professions are very trusted.
    First of all firefighters and doctors/nursers in normal conditions can save our lives. What about armed forces, their work is connected with our savety, so this is very important, too. Techars have ability to shape our personality beofre we start to live in adult life.
    Do children choose their future profession because it is trustworthy or simply popular? Who/what influenced your choice of studies?
    I think children think that everything have only bright and dark side, so they choose their future profession to become a hero, like firefighter, policeman or sooldier, but by the time they are realize that some things are different and more difficult than they have thought before they have grown up.

  54. Firefighters are acknowledged to rescue people from various situations, like burning buildings or crashed vehicles, they are responsible for thousands of people, who are in danger. Furthermore, they are said to be super heroes, who are willingly patterned and usually found as a good example to set up by small children, especially boys. I think that one of the most trusted professions should be politicians. Unfortunately, their attitude to society and our country is mostly regrettable. It’s high time to change it!
    Children usually want to be a firefighter, policeman, doctor or a teacher in the future. It’s connected with their contact with those people and their toys- fire engine, blackboard and the fact that they love patterning others.
    I chose my studies, because I wanted to learn about something I was interested in. Nobody forced me to change my decision, become a doctor or a counsel. It was only my decision, my parents want me to be happy and support me.

  55. In my opinion the professions which are collerated in the table are chosen correctly. Firefighters are certainly the most trusted people. There are situations, such us fires or traffic accidences where people's life lay in firefighter's hands. There are a moments when we deeply belive in these people - we belive in their skills, their brave, their drive to help the people which are in danger. There is the similar situation when it comes to nurses and doctors. We are compeletly convinced about their knowledge and their willingness to help us. However.. I am no really sure if teachers are worth trusting nowadays. There are more and more situations that teachers are aggresive, vulgar, impatient etc. Are there characteristics suit to person which are to take care about children? What is more, I agree with Paula - one of the most trused proffesions should be politicians, but, as its known, in Poland politicians are associated with lies, corruption and being calculated.
    In my opinion children often want to do the same as their parents or the another person which impresses them (for example film hero).

  56. I totally agree with professions presented as most and least trustworthy. I think it depends on how society presents these jobs. All we see in news on television or internet is how good doctors are and how bad are journalists. Society’s opinion cannot be easily changed.
    Children make their decision about future profession only by its popularity and curiosity. I have chosen my studies by my curiosity and abilities.

  57. In general I agree with order of professions which were presented in the article. I find it interesting that firefighters are at the first place in the rank while police have never had a good opinion. I wonder why is that so... maybe because police not only protect people but also punish them for bad behaviour. It is also very sad that politicians and journalists don't deserve for our trust. As they have big influence on our life they supposed to be role model not an example of liar...
    Children usually have various ideas who they would like to be in the future... At the same time they change their mind very often and I think that their choices aren't connected with popularity of some professions, for example I now kid who want to be a dustman.

  58. I had wanted to say the same what Eliza has said. Policemen are recognized as much less trustworthy, probably because they not only help people in danger situations, but also they punish some people, to be honest no one like to pay fines.
    For me it's sad, that also politicians who set the law, how such low 'index of trustworthy' but it has not changed since years, and in fact I have no hope that it will change one day.
    Children choose their future profession because of many reasons for example they inspire of parents, other members of family or characters from his favourites books, they choose what they are interested in, or what is something different and new like astronaut or pilot

  59. I think the important and necessary professions are doctors, firemen, teachers. They are the foundation of social life. In contrast, lawyers and journalists often want only money, and not small, so do not make positive feelings of people. I think that the course of study should be selected in accordance with their interests, because only then can we be in something above average. I was goin course of study in accordance with the hobby and now I am very happy with it.

  60. I also think that professions such as a firefighter, or a teacher are quite trustworthy. But in general, media create our opinions about diffrent professions and we should remember about this. I think that children have a lot of ideas about their future and they change these concepts quite fast.

  61. I agree with professions presented in the table. People have a lot of trust for those dedicated to helping others, like firefighters or doctors and I think that's why children want to take this jobs when they grow up. I also think that people don't believe politicians anymore, because they are crooked. I chosed to be a journalist not because it's popular or thrustworthy, but just because I like to write and I think I'm good at it.

  62. I feel fireman is the most trustworthy profession among presented in the table. Maybe it is because they are usually the first who receive call and come at accident place. Children often change their chosen profession :) About my choice of studies I must say that I was a little bit of rationality.

  63. I’m surprised with two positions. Firstly doctors, whom I trust very little, secondly journalist- I think that majority of people, if they like newspaper/tv station, they don’t question journalist credibility.

  64. I agree with the ranking presented in the article, but I was surprised when I read that “teacher” is in the second place. It’s really good information for me because I always want to be teacher and often I think that society don’t respect this profession. I think that it is really sad, when people say that they don’t trust politicians, journalists and attorneys. There are very responsible profession. In my opinion in every profession there are people who are trustworthy and people who cheat and we shouldn’t write off everyone who work as journalist, attorney or politician. I think that children choose their future because simply popular. For example in my class a lot of people want to be a lawyer because there is popular profession although they don’t like law.

  65. I think that trustworthy proffesions are the hardest because they have the biggest influence on quality of our lives. This ranking is very personal for me and I totally agree that firefighters should be on first place. My father graduaded SGSP, one of the few schools in Europe that teach fire prevention, and he risked his life many times at school, I wish I were that brave. I think that trustworthy proffesions are popular among children because you have to be brave and responsible, like knights from the real life.

  66. I would add 1 more position to the least trusted proffesions: the police. To me it seems like those people are here to force us to pay fines and make our lifes miserable in general. Speaking of kids, I don't think they are dedicated to any proffesion in sucha young age since they don't even know what certain jobs are exactly about.

  67. Professions described in the presentation are difficult and very responsible. It is not surprising that children want to be firemen as they grow up. perform such work makes you someone important and children need that. They want to look at them. Whats more, we trust more doctors or postal workers than politicians. So I totaly agree with the tekst.

  68. I personally agree with the professions in table. These are the professions that require responsibility, integrity, often people with these professions are responsible for someone else's life. I think, that children pointed their choices because of simply popular. I remebmer that I wanted to be a ninja at the age of six, so it is not a trusted profession :p

  69. I think that politicians and journalists are not as trustworthy as the author said. Mostly, they present false informations, manipulate and stupefy citizens. The rest professions written in this blog are neccessary for society.
    Children choose future professions based on popularity and ease to do them. However, being a firefighter or doctor isn't as easy as it looks on TV shows. Plus, it's risky and it needs difficult conditions to achieve.

  70. You better should trust scientists and engineers because it's up to them if something works or not. Also they make "standards" if some theories are "true enough" to tell others. Those are professions we should really trust!

  71. I generally have problem with trusting people but I agree with this list. With two exceptions. Where are policemen and scientists/engineers?
    How can we not trust people responsible for our safety?
    I also think that children rather choose their future profesion by popularity but it surly depends on child. In my case i always wanted to become scientist and everyone told me that it will be best way for me. Today i'm not so sure if they were right.

  72. The list of most trusted professions was quite predictable for me. Oh maybe with one exception - postal workers. All of these jobs are connected with people's safety and health which are primary wants. That's why people who do that kind of work are supposed to be completely dedicated to it. There is no place for a mistake! Because of the pressure they are under the other respect them so badly. For me, they deserve it!
    Considering the children's choices I believe they choose profession which are on top, like actors, singers, models. On the other hand children choose their parents job or people who they admire most.

  73. The list of most trusted professions was quite predictable for me. Oh maybe with one exception - postal workers. All of these jobs are connected with people's safety and health which are primary wants. That's why people who do that kind of work are supposed to be completely dedicated to it. There is no place for a mistake! Because of the pressure they are under the other respect them so badly. For me, they deserve it!
    Considering the children's choices I believe they choose profession which are on top, like actors, singers, models. On the other hand children choose their parents job or people who they admire most.

  74. I agree with the choice of trustworthy professions presented and I have nothing more to add in that matter. Regarding to second question I believe that children don’t choose their future profession because it is trustworthy. I think their choices are based on what they can observe; therefore the most popular among children are professions shown in films and television or professions of their parents. Sometimes those children’s choices are based on other desires than adults can expect. Boys want to be a firefighter not for helping others but to drive this fantastic fire truck. Girls decide on being a nurse because they are curious how to use a medical stethoscope and give injections.

  75. Generally speaking, it cannot be denied that professions which are connected with treating people, helping them solve the problem, learn something important or even rescuing people. I agree with you that teachers, firefighters, doctors are the professions which are trusted. This kind of jobs are said to simplify human’s life. When it comes to teachers, they are said to bring up children. Why? Because of the fact that they contribute to develop children’ abilities, prepare them well to future life. Firefighter and policemen are said to have some responsibility, courage and that’s why they could be treated with respect. We have been taught to recognize goodness and badness. When it comes to the least trusted professions, I agree that some attorneys and politicians are thought to lie, they are blamed on false, they are said to create their personality on false. That’s why it is so hard to trust their honesty and sincerity.
    It cannot be denied that when we were young, we wanted to be as our parents or even better. That’s why we dreamt of fame, huge earnings. Sometimes we chose some professions because of the fact that we could help people. Some young people (mainly children) had a willingness to be a vet or doctor. Why? Because children have a pure soul, clean thoughts and everything they make is marked by candor.
    Generally, boys want to be mainly a firefighter and some girls teachers. When it comes to my choice of studies, that was only my decision. I was obliged to do it on my own, to made for my passion, interests or even future predictions. Now I’m really satisfied with my choice.

  76. It will always be like that: the most trusted professions are doctors, firefighters and teachers. This is because they work for human's life, health and good. But wheather the policy and lawyer's work has not the same reason and purpose? There must be something very wrong their work when so many people don't trust them. There is not a proper situation, because their work is very important and coveted.

  77. It will always be like that: the most trusted professions are doctors, firefighters and teachers. This is because they work for human's life, health and good. But wheather the policy and lawyer's work has not the same reason and purpose? There must be something very wrong their work when so many people don't trust them. There is not a proper situation, because their work is very important and coveted.


  78. It is a big generalization because trustworthy depends on people's nature. I met many teachers who were unstrustworthy. The same situation with postal workers. Have you ever met corrupted doctor? Because I do. They helped people but sometimes theu feel like a god and it's horrible. About armed forces. They are something like country inside country. I do not trust them. I agree untrustity of journalists and politicians. They always have their own buisness.
    Children choose their future professions because of their dreams like 'i want to become firefighter because he is brave'. Then we get old and we only want to find simple way to earn some money. I was influended by radio station. I was a listener but i wanted to become radio speaker. So i choose journalism.

  79. I feel more or less the same about the professions presented in the table. I agree that teachers and doctors are very important to the society and they seem to be trustworthy people. Maybe it is becouse their job is based on people's trust. They just have to work such way to gain other's trust. Children's choice about their job is very complicated thing. They definitly don't rely just on popularity of job. They have to take into consideration also e.g. earnings or working hours. My choice of studies was influenced by love to philosophy and desire to know more about people and their behaviours.

  80. I mostly agree with this list. It's easy to notice that most of the jobs seen as trustworthy are those which require you to be close to people and help them out in both everyday situations and dire ones in which you can assert your authority.
    I generally mistrust journalists. Their very job is based on trusting information from sources which are not always reliable, and nowadays is usually heavily manipulated. In fact, I believe that shoddy journalism is one of the biggest cancers of modern society.
    I think children mostly choose jobs based on what they think is cool or interesting at the time. Once they grow up, they'll choose something more realistic. I'm one of the best examples- when I was younger, I wanted to be a sniper or an airforce pilot. It's safe to say that I'm very far from that road now.

  81. I can say that I agree with the professions in the table. I think that there are not many young people that are sure what they want to do in their future. Often parents make that decision for them which is not good at all. It's important for young people to understand that it's their life and what they have to do is follow their dreams, not parents dreams, not society dreams, but their own.

  82. I agree with it mostly... but in fact for my postal workers aren't so trustworthy, lots of time I've heard about cheating, losing money etc. Maybe it's becauce our Polish post was bad, now they are changing for better and more people belive them.
    Also for my more trustworthy are soldiers than doctors, from my family and friends stories I know about some doctors who are really nor interested in patient!
    And I need to agree with least trusted jobs, even though I want to work as one of them ;)
    I think now not everybody are choosing because of level of trust - people try be who they always wanted to be, they are looking for new posibilities in work, they want to be in progress all the time. So trust isn't a primary category.

  83. I totally agree with clasification of proffesions presented in the table. It is naturall that we trust people who care for our children, safe and health, and we do not trust those who can lie to us easily. Children choose their future profession because of influence of media and their parents, they will change a few times before they choose the right way. As beeing a fireman or policeman kid means that he will become some kind of hero. I have chosen my studies on my own, and i am still wondering if it was the right choice.

  84. In my opinion the professions presented in the table are very necessary for the functioning of society. I agree with presented professions, because all of these professions demand courage, determination and strong personality. I have a reservation only to postal workers, because sometimes packages don't reach where they need to be or sometimes they disappear in unexplained circumstances. This isn't called 'trustworthy'.

    Children choose their future profession because it's simply popular in their school, among classmates. Children don't realise in school who want to be in the future. It's not that easy. But, kids have a really great ideas for themselves. They have awesome inspiration and motivation.

    I have chosen my studies on my own, but I had some inspiration from my sister and my polish teachers from high school.

  85. I think the trustworthy of the profession depends on the people and their morality. I agree that more trusted professions are doctors, firefighters, armed forces and teachers. And it's because this jobs are about people's life and health. And the least trusted professions are politicians and journalists, because they often don't care about people and moral(unfortunately).
    I think most children don't really know what trustworthy means. So they just have in their life people, who has authority for them(parents, or a kind teacher from school) and choose it. When I was a child I want to be a photo model, and I don't know why and where I can see such an example. But my mum is 180cm tall and she has told me that such a height models have. So I can guess that I just wanted to be like my mum:)

  86. I am not sure that the reseach about the most trusted profession would be present the same way in Poland. I think people in our country don't really trust the politicians or postal workers. When it comes to doctors, firefighters or armaded force we have to trust them. They possess specialists skills and we just have to believe they do their best. Kids are innocent and unselfish becuse of that really often they want to do something special so they decide for this kind of profession. They just want to help people and save the world.

  87. I think that the mentioned list of the most and least trusted professions is somehow strictly trumped in our consciousness. However, in my opinion everything depends on the human being. We can meet many trustworthy attorneys or journalists. There are also dishonest firefighters or teachers. It is the man who is responsible for how he will perform his duties.
    I think that children choose jobs that are popular. They want to be someone they know. To have a job that is well known to everyone and may bring some merit to them in the future.
    Guided by the choice of my studies, I took into account my interests and abilities. I have always been interested in the world of business and finance as well as I was quite good in exact sciences.

  88. I think a presentation shows clearly what people think of some professions. I agree that we have a lot of trust for doctors, teachers and rest of mentioned above. I agree too with a statement that we don’t trust people who are politics, journalists and attorneys.
    I don't think that kids choose their future profession because it is trustworthy. Maybe some of them does, but majority think about money, interests and popular. Kids are too young to think about stuff like trustworthy.
    I choose my studies according to my interests and my mom, because she studied my field too.

  89. I think some of the statements in this presentation are overdrawn. It's obvious that there are many trustworthy journalists and attorneys as well as dishonest teachers or even postal wrokers. In my opinion this presentation is based on stereotypes and being governed by stereotypes is ridiculous and in many cases may be unfair. It's not good to choose your profession basing on the level of trustworthy. These are just statistics and each person is different.

  90. I think the rankings are quite true. Firefighters and soldiers are trustworthy professions, because they devote their lives to protect other people. They risk everyday to give us sense of security. In my opinion it is one of the bravest thing - sacrifice own life for others. Trust in doctors is similar issue - they saves people's lives. They help us fight with our weaknesses and diseases, they give us hope.
    Politicians ranked on the last position isn't surprising for me. Most of them promise unbelievable things before election and after this, they forget about it. They just start to take care of their own wealthy.

    In my opinion children choose their future profession, because it is popular or because it is connected with things they simply like (like drawing, singing). I don't think that they are guided by trustworthiness, children don't care about such things.

  91. I totally agree with the information about professions in the table. Firefighters, teachers, doctors are the most trusted professions. It depends on them our lives in many cases.
    I think children choose their future profession because it is simply popular. Every child want to be a singer, model or footballer.
    Considering on my study choice I had choosen it by my own. I took into account my abilities and interests. I like math so I decided to study something connected with it.

  92. I think that information in the table are true because we trust people who help us, take care of our good and safety. I think that children in primary school choose their professions because it is popular. When we are elder, we choose our career according to our interests. As for me, no one influenced my choice of studies. I study finance because it is interesting to me.

  93. The results are not surprising for me. I would also say that the most trustworthy profession is a firefighter because these people ale always considered to be helpful. Even in the fairy tales a firefigter often rescues a cat from the tree. When it comes to the pokiticians, I think that they shouldn't get even 1% because I think that the most of politicians are liars.

  94. I totally agree with the fact that firefighter is one of the most trustworthy profession in the whole world. These people risk their own lives to help others.They don'e expect admiration.On the second place I would choose doctor profession. They, in turn help others thanks to the knowledge they have. When we talking about politicans and journalist I will also agree that they are not trustworthy.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. In my opinion, the postal workers are an interesting case. On the one hand, if they say that someone refused to accept the letter and didn't deliver it, the letter is considered delivered. This means a great temptation to abuse... On the other hand, we must believe, that they take care of our valuable consignments. The exact path of their transport is known, because everywhere they have to do signatures and even stamps.

    But... To be honest, I don't trust postal workers. I often order something online. I remember some situations when I was at home all day long. I did not sleep and I did not watch TV loud. My intercom definitely worked. In the evening I found a notification in the box that no one was at home and the parcel would be in the post office next day. I was very angry and I felt cheated. I was sure that the employee didn't want to enter the third floor to give me a parcel because of his laziness, so that's why he left it. after all, if he asked, I would go down to her. I would prefer it than go to the post a few kilometers the next day.

  97. Of course I agree with this table! Personally, I’ve got three authorities in „professions” – these are doctors, nurses and teachers. So it’s 3 of 6 from the list. Is there something more important than human life? Doctors care about our health, they are truly changing the world, so to me this is the most important profession. It concerns also nurses, they are just „helpers”, but without them, the whole hospitalization system wouldn’t work. Third one – teachers, when I’m comparing their salary and knownledge, importancy of their profession , I want to laugh, it’s just disgusting. They are real master of their specialization, so for me it’s oblivious that they deserve for more. They teach children, our future, so I’m not shocked that they figure on the list. I don’t want to say a lot about the second list – it’s a true and I think – everyone will agree with it, journalists, politicians and attorneys concentrate on other values than teachers or doctors. As to children – they aren’t making any decision, they are just dreaming about their future. Often inspirations are taken from TV or the Internet. What about my studies? It’s just a passion, noone encouraged me to it, but I decided accoring to my soul.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. I think that the professions presented in the table are really ones of the most trustes. However I am shocked that so many of respondents count teachers are ones of them. Methinks in Poland it look quiet differently - teachers arent in estimation even though they work hard every day.

    It isn't any surprise that generally people find politicans least trusted professions. Most of people distrust politicans because they make many promises and next don't carry out them.

    In my opinion, when child choose their future proffesions, they aren't thinking about degree of confidence. They choose these vocations which seems to be interested (and maybe sometimes - popular).

    For my choice of studies influenced my interests and a belief that only if you do what you love, you can do it well.

  100. I completely agree with second list that shows the least trusted proffesions. People all over the world assosiate this jobs with money, bribes or some kind of scams. I think, i would add bailiff to this list. People really don't like them, and identify them with a thiefs.

    I have some doubs about the first list. May it sounds funny, but for example people in Poland more and more don't want to trust teachers, doctors and postal workers. It happens because in press (especially in internet) we can read about ''postmen who stole grandmother's pension'' or ''teacher who beat childrens during the lesson''. We started to have prejudices and doubs about this proffesions. Futhermore in Poland it is growing unconventional medicine movement, so mamy of people don't belive in doctors nowadays.

    In my opinion, children choses the proffesions which their admire or which are interesting for them. And in the school they have examples in books like brave firefighter or very clever doctor. I chose my studies because of curiosity and i have always wanted to work wiyh people and studing organisation of labour market let me do it.

  101. To be honest, I've never thought about the most trustworthy jobs. But indeed - firefighters, doctors, teachers seem to be worth to trust. Well, when you go to a doctor with a health problem, you actually have no choice but trust him :). I can also definitely agree with the opinion that politicians and journalists are the least trusted professions - we all know, how journalists work (looking for dirts, writting things which are not necessary truth) and all the controversies connected with politicians... We can't blame people that they think negatively about that jobs.

  102. In my opinion the most trusted professions are the ones connected with saving somebody's life. This kind of jobs are the most valuable and responsible that's why healthcare workers place themselves high on the list as well as firefighters whose work is not only meaningful but also very dangerous. For me the least trusted professions are politics and journalists although it all depends on human and his commitment to his work not on the profession he's performing.

    I don't think that children choose their future profession bacause it's popular or trustworthy considering the fact that most of them don't categorize their choices following the established and expectable paths.

  103. I agree with the table. I guess people find lawyers, politicians and journalists the least trusted professions because of their backgrounds. Lawyers most of the time try to win the case no matter what, politicians very similar. Journalists might be associated with papparazis who have negative opinion. From professions that were most trusted it shocked me that people trust armed forces. That wouldn't be my first guess. Many children choose their future profession because it's popular. From youngest age we hear that becoming a lawyer or a doctor is a great plan for a future. People think jobs like those are well-paid and also is hard to get to the law school or medical school. I guess many young boys want to be a firefighter when they are 8, but then they simply become more ambitious. I'm studying Psychology right now and to be honest no one but me influenced my choice of studies. My parents are both lawyers, but they never pushed me to become one. I think that I was just interested in helping others by learning more and more about human race.

  104. I agree with the table. There is nothing strange about the fact that we trust nurses, firefighters. I was shocked that one of the most trusted proffessions is postal workers, because they often didn't delivery to me my packages and letters and postcards. I think that children choose their jobs because it is trustworthy.

  105. I agree with this table. I think it's accurate, it coincides with my beliefs.
    Referring to the question of what children are guided in choosing their future profession, I believe that they are guided by the trustworthy. I also noticed that boys usually want to become a kind of hero. Their dream job can be found in movies or in comics, where they are heroized. The girls are mainly guided by help towards other living beings, both humans and animals. When I was little, I did not belong to any of these groups because I always wanted to be a chocolate tester. I still want. :)

  106. I wonder if the results of such a research would be similar in Poland. I think the firefighter, teacher and nurse professions are believed as trustworthy too. The firefighter work rather doesn’t create the opportunities to take a bribe and cheat. We’ve got long tradition of the volunteer fire department in our society too, what helps to build the trust to the profession. Nowadays even children can join it. There are special teen teams where children can gain knowledge about firefighters work and practise some firefighting skills. It’s a privilege for children to be in the team, for example, they take part in local ceremonies as a firefighters team. The teacher profession was very respectable in the past in our society because not many people were well educated. No one undermined what teacher said. I think it still can gain respect and trust from that. Nurse profession is very difficult, demanding of dedication and not much paid, so everyone who decides to do this profession is worth to admire, respect and trust, especially that she or he helps us when we really need it.
    I don’t think that doctors, postal workers and soldiers would be on the top of the most trustworthy professions list in Poland. To be treated for free you usually have to wait for an appointment for few months or even years. Everybody want to live and be healthy. That creates opportunities for doctors to take bribes. I hope such situations seldom occur but unfortunately that often happened 10-20 years ago.
    In my opinion on the bottom of the Polish list of trustworthy profession would be politician because they always promise to do a lot before the elections but don’t do too much but maybe it can change this time…

  107. I think that jobs like firefighter, teacher, doctor, postal worker or military are jobs that require specific abilities and not everyone is suitable to do them. You need to be brave, honest and fearless to do those jobs. What is more 3 of those jobs are related to rescuing life and we expect people there to be fully dedicated. I’m not surprised that they are listed on this table and I agree that they are very trustworthy. Jobs that are the least trustworthy are related to lying. We hear many stories about lies in the press or in political statements. Also attorneys may bend the truth. I’m also not surprised that this jobs are located in the end of the table. I fully agree with it.
    I think kids chose their future professions because they saw something or find out something interesting about this job and at this time of their life they think that everything is possible. I don’t think they think about aspects like trustworthiness. My choice of studies was influenced by my Mom because she is a HR manager and I thought that job would be perfect for me.

  108. It would be perfect if every job would be trusted. However many professions are associated with bad events in our life - pay money, go to court, taxes are raised - and people remember those events. So it's natural that people doing this jobs won't be trusted. However one profession should be trusted more - politicians. In theory they are our leaders, but what does it mean when sheeps don't trust their shepherd?

  109. Definitely I agree with this classification. The most trustworthy professions often demand commitment and devotion. Therefore it's the main reason of direction of my future career. I don't want focus only on work and it isn't (and I think it wouldn't be) the most essential thing in my life. So I decided to become a biotechnologist, because the key isn't opinion, but it is implementation of your own ideas.

  110. The article is about the importance of some professions in modern society. The topic contains the information about the importance of some kinds of professions. To my mind, the article includes all necessary professions in the modern world. All presented professions play an important role today. They are also rather demanding. People who work in these spheres are responsible for the comfort of other peoples’ life or even for their personal life.
    To my mind, the topic includes necessary professions in the modern world. Speaking about least trusted professions, I can agree that these professions are not worth trust because they usually place benefit on the first place. These kinds of professions are good for making money but they usually have not got the benefits for peoples’ life at the first place.
    In today’s world while choosing the profession people divide into several types: people choosing profitable profession, people choosing beneficial profession and people choosing profession if their dream, doing what they want to. To my mind, still today most children choose their future profession because it is popular. Speaking about me, when I was choosing my future profession, I was guided with the future of this profession and with the possibility of self-development.
    In conclusion I can say that people choose their professions guided by their preferences, the benefits of the profession for other people and the future of the job.

  111. I personally agree with the professions in table. According to the presentation the most trusted professions are the most responsible ones. It is quite obvious that we trust doctors, nurses or firefighters because they are responsible for our health. Likewise as for teachers. They teach children therefore they are responsible for their future to some extent. No wonder that parents trust them. From my point of view, just as presentation the least trustworthy are politicians. It is believed that some of them have not good faith. They can be focus on their own profits, not out society. Another reason of our lack of trust to politicians is that they often promise a lot, but they do not accomplish their promise.


  112. I believe that children make decisions according to their hearts. They don't know yet that it's a long and hard way to make career as a doctor or that becoming a spy is nearly impossible. They have no boundaries so they can freely dream about they future job. I wish adults had this faith and strength to take what they want in life and to make their dreams come true.

  113. I do not trust these s, maybe firefighters, but I am not sure... I mean - I do not trust other people, because everyone can lie, but if I need any help I believe I would trust a firefighter. I would not trust journalist because sometimes their job is based on lying to their readers, it is not fair. I think that kids nowadays choose their work because it is worth (I mean - they believe, they would earn a lot in the future). These days a lot of people think only about money, they do not have any hobbies or dreams. They only want to own expensive things, that's all. I chose my studies because of a challenge - it was something new for me, after my high school I should study I.T., but it is not my thing. I know it is cost-effective, but I don't like it, so I've decided to "discover" myself and what I like. I was lucky, because my studies are awesome and I love the vision of my future after it.

  114. I think that presented proffesions should be the most trustworthly jobs, but for me there is problem for example with journalists. For me many people choose their proffesions because it is popular. Many people want study for example medicine, law or informatic because it is just popular and well paid.

  115. What do I think about those professions? In my opinion in Poland it seems to be different. I can agree that firefighters and medical services are thouhgt as a trustworthy but teachers, postal workers and soldiers not. Theachers are usually perceived as a people who didn't achieve anything in their career and that was the reason why they start working in school. Post doesn't work really well in Poland. Sometimes you have to wait a lot of time for your letters. And soldiers. What about them? I think that we don't see them on the streets (thankfully) so it's difficult to say about them, maybe that our army isn't big one.

    I think that children do not think about it if their dreamed professions are trustworhy or not. A lot of them wants to be firefighters becouse they want to be brave. There are also cartoons about firefighters and they play them. I think that they are choosing the professions from their plays, TV or from what their parents do.

    I study polish philology and my choice was firstly mine. On the other hand I was inspired by my theacher (there are some exceptions). At the and of the day i choose just what i like. Without thinking about trust.

  116. Generally I understand respondents, I agree that professions connected with taking care on people's life such as firefigher, doctor or soldier are trustworthy. However I don’t share the opinion that postal workers are trustworthy. I don’t trust them as much as I would. I can never be sure if I will get my package.
    It seems that children choose their profession because they are interested it in. They may be inspierd by parents and their friends or movies characters. I think that excitement is the key factor. Will of helping people (or animals), being famous, being rich are in the second place. To my mind we start seriously thinking about possibility of finding a well-paid job when we are choosing studies. At least for me that was quite important.

  117. From the given list, the only profession I would trust here would be a firefighter...and that's because if I ever find myself in situation where such trust would have to be put to use, that would probably be a better bet rather than acting on my own. As for teachers, doctors, postal workers and soldiers? I'd have my doubts, here in Poland. When it comes to medical and postal service, one has to constatly worry about the quality of such service, and damage that can be done; be it to our package because of neglaction and lack of care from postmen, to that done to our health by doctors qualified for their job just on paper. As for armed forces such as policemen and soldiers, the politicial dispute going on right now doesn't really put them in a trusted position either, as they may be put against us civilians at snap of one's fingers.

  118. I think the table present all true thinks, society trust professions who help them, good example is a doctors, police, firefighters.
    In my opinion, children in a primary or even in a secondary school don't really know what they want to do in their life in the future so they choose the most popular professions which they know from tv shows or books.
    By the time we change our opinion and thanks to our knowledge we deciding to do something different that we wanted to do when we were younger. As little kids we also don't realize the responsibility of these professions. We start to consider both sides only when we are older and we have to choose our way life way. When we are older we want to earn a proper money and that’s the main argument to choice a job for life.

  119. I agree with the statement that journalists and politicians are the least trustworthy proffessions. Journalist are responsible for creating our opinions about affairs in country and abroad but they often mix and change informations or even give to public are fake information. Politicians promise a lot of facilities and support for society but they do that only before an election in order to get an electorate.

    In my opinion children choose proffesions with a high level of popularity but they also want to do something which will make them good and they watch if people will look up to them.

    My choiceof studies was influenced by my parents who found out my talents and always suggested to do something with maths.

  120. I mostly agree with this list- professions which demand taking care about other people should be trustworthy and respected in our society. They should be, but in my opinion they aren't. For example Poles don't trust doctors, because they often think that doctors know nothing about health and treatment. They just have a diploma and it doesn't mean that they are specialist at all. We also often complain about how postal workers do their job, so I don't think that anyone would called these people trustworthy. However I'm not sure about the top of this list, I completely agree with its lower part. Today journalists and politicians are completely not trustworthy. Professions which have mission and should serve the society by definition, are selfish and take advantage of polish naivety. Journalists are often connected with politics and they pass information which are partial and represent political interests. There is less and less objectivity in media and it cause decline in trust.

  121. I personally agree with the professions in table. These are the professions that require responsibility, integrity, often people with these professions are responsible for someone else's life. In my opinion children should choose their future profession according to their interests and hobby.

  122. To me the rank presented in the blog post is not that surprising, four out of five most trusted professions concern most important elements that have an influence on our lifes: security, health and education, without these professions countries wouldn’t prosper as well. The thing that could normally be surprising is that the police is not one of 5 most trusted proffessions, but I am sure that in our country the mentality of Poles, mostly the ones that lived in and remember PRL doesn’t allow them to trust the police.
    The problems with healthcare are caused by governments bad job not the employees of healthcare institutions, like doctors, nurses and others.
    What I am surprised by is the high position of post office workers, because my experience with the proffession isn’t too good and I know many stories on how lazy and unpleasant post office workers can be.
    I think children choose their future field of study based on who they idolise, only when they grow up they start to care about how popular and how well paid are certain professions. I think that the main thing that influenced my choice of field of studies was my geography teacher in middle school, who made me love the subject.

  123. Actually, I am not surprised by the results of this research. I think that jobs like doctors or firefighter have high positions on the list because they are connected with helping and saving other's people life. When it comes to journalists I understand why they are not trustworthy. Nowadays there are so many of them, who are spreading fake pieces of news just for sensation. Also, I think that politicians are so low on the list because they do not keep promises, and there are a lot of scandals about them.

  124. To some extent the fact if we find an occupation trustworthy, depends on our personal experiences. Anyway no wonder that we don't trust politicans, they just didn't win it and never showed that they deserve it. But if we "give" our life to someone and let them decide about it, we must trust their qualifications. That's why we put our trust in doctors but we get it as we get older. Kids just admire some professions just because they like it and find it exciting - they are astonished. We become more mature and we are more and more realistic, nothing bad, just time to grow older.

  125. I agree with the position of the proffesions. I feel, that firefighters is a realy trusted proffesion, becouse they save our life in really hard situation. They are responsible for someone else’s lives. I truly understand, why politicians are in the end. Many people don’t trust them. This profession is realy controversive. Hard to find really honest politician today.

  126. It's interesting how situation changed due to war in my country, Ukraine. It's not proven, it's only my intuition that politicians became more reliable for Ukrainians. It's unprecedented, people used to feel embarrassed and deceived but now we are proud to some extend and feel confidence. I believe politicians would not rank the lowest if the survey was carried out now. I reckon in this survey first places would belong to armed forces, firefighters and doctors. In the top trusted professions could also be garbage collectors, train drivers and maybe some other ordinary people professions. I suppose children are not guided by the trustworthiness of the job, maybe the desire to be trustworthy appear later in life.

  127. Personally, I do not consider firefighters to be the most trustworthy. I come from a small village where firefighters drink a lot and do not take care of their equipment. I witnessed a situation in which the son of one of the firefighters was driving a fire truck despite the fact that he did not even have a driving license. I know people who are studying to become a firefighters and they are usually the stupidest people I know. I'm not saying that every firefighter behaves like that, but my experience shows that they are not as trustworthy as presented in this article. I think that kids often dream about working as a firefighter or a policeman simply because it's very popular and has positive connotations because in many books they are portrayed as heroes, but with time they change their minds and usually when they mature, they have other plans for their carrer.

  128. I was surprised to see postal workers on the list of trustworthy professions. Probably this is the difference in American and Polish services. The same with army forces.

    I feel like kids now think about future occupations differently than when I was in school. In elementary school all that mattered to me was what I liked to do. Unlike me, my younger brother thinks in terms of the most profitable occupations.


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