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Is the era of the book over?

Is the era of the book over?

In this era of information storming when almost you can get anything and everything with a finger touch (via Internet), debate on importance of books keeps itself alive. Are the books dead? Do we still need them? Let's discuss. 

The Internet may have battered book sales, but it hasn’t killed reading—far from it. Today we read more, and in more ways, than ever, and this is thanks to all the book-killing culprits. It doesn't mean that people read less. They do it just in different ways. 

Let's take ebooks for example. Nowadays we can see those gadgets all over the city: public transport, coffeehouses, parks, streets, etc. The main benefit of it is mobility. For example your favourite book has more than 1000 pages and is so heavy that it is almost impossible to carry it with you. Ebooks to the rescue. You can have hundreds of all kind of books just in your pocket. Amazing, isn't it?

 Another great thing about new era of information technologies is the fact that we can reach almost any kind of information in seconds just sitting in our chair. There is no need to go to the library or to the kiosk to buy a newspaper. Another great thing, but what keeps paper books alive?

First of all, when we look for information on the web, we can be simply lost. There is too much information and too many distractions. It's hard to be concetrated. And real books a free of ads, unnecessary information or other distractive things. 

Another reason is that a lot of people love reading books. They love to keep them on the shelves, read them in bed, love how they smell and so much more. It's just some kind of a ritual for them. 

And what about you? Can you imagine your life without real books? Do you read a lot? What are your main sources of information?



  1. I'm fan of paper books because you can take it everywhere, you can take your small world with you and read everywhere. But sometimes it's quite comfortable to read e-books because paper books are heavy(sometimes you can find light edition). Nowadays it's normally to use computers everywhere and books remind us that we can have something different than computers, something better. We can cut off from computer world. I like it but most people forget about books and give their children only computers. Books are huge knowledge written by outstanding people.

  2. No, I don't think so that era of the books over. Print books afford you the opportunity to do that thing where you flip all the pages rapid-fire with your thumb for no reason other than the fact that it feels pretty awesome.E-books do not allow for the cultivation of a physical book library. And if you can’t show off the fact that you have a personal library, there’s little point to actually reading.If the book in question is a textbook or required reading for school, you get to underline random phrases and hilariously convince the person taking the class next year that you’re much smarter than them. What is more if you read paper book you don’t need Wifi:-)

  3. I cannot imagine my life without real books. I like a smell of the paper when the book is new. I love reading books and buying them. I do not have money always for every book I just want to have so I try to get it in the secondhand bookshop. I found a few antique shops with books a few years ago. I can find there so many fantastic books for little prize. Once, I bought two trilogies of "Lord of the ring" and "The Count of Monte Cristo" by 20 zł.
    I must say that I do not like reading books, articles or something like this via the internet. I have eye pain after reading in this way.

  4. I can't imagiine ma life without real books. The real books are part of my job - I'm writting about them only because reading books is pleasure for me. This pleasure from reading is lower wen a publisher give only a digital book. I agree with author's statement thet imprtant are smell and facture.
    In fact i must read an average of 50 pages daily. So, It means that if i would spend daily 1,5 hours in front of tablet it could be realy unhealthy for my eyes.

  5. I like reading traditional books. For me books have something special. I can feel paper, this smell.. And I can't imagine my life without real books. But I know, that it will be difficult. E-books have the main pros- they can put a lot of books in one device. It is very comfortable. Nowadays on studies I am forced to use other sources of informations, than books. Very often I read reading online or ebooks. I don't have time to go to the library and borrow a book. Before studies I had been afraid that I have been able to read article on the internet. But I have accepted it.

  6. I can't imagine my life without real books. I think, that our world needs both form of it - normal and as an e-book. It's comfortable to have many books in a one device, but it's also unhealthy for our eyes and it depends on a battery. I don't read a lot, only if there is a topic, which I'm really intesrested in or if it's necessary for my classes (in this situation I use often e-books). I don't have time to go to the library like aniciaa133. My main sources of information...articles in internet, converstations and discussions with people, who have a sure knowledge about something, magazines

  7. It is not so difficult do image even world without real (paper) books. For example, when I am in subway more than half of people who are reading something have kindle in their hands beside of paper book. Now, such tools aren’t very cheap but it will be changing in the future and most of us will use e-book. They are light, handly and you may have always all your library with you. I love reading books, unfortunately, during academic year I haven’t enough time to read something different than these needed for lectures but during holiday I make up for it. My main source of information is Internet. It is easier, and faster to find information which I need than going to library and looking for appropriate book. What is more, I live in a dormitory and I do not have TV-set. So the only news broadcast or journalistic programs which I may watch are these available in the internet.

  8. Reading books is really important for me and I don't think that era of book is over. It is impossible. There are many people who love reading books. It is something incredible. Each book is other story and you can develop your imagination. I always imagine how look hero from my book or I think what is the end of this book. I don't like watching film based on books because I always imagine everything in the different way than director. So it is really frustrating.

  9. I'd like to put it this way- I"ve great memories of reading books. Real books. Sometimes they featured cool drawings. Besides paper has it's own smell- isn't this important? It's like having an original CD with it's cover art as well as lyrics, info and pictures inside. It's something more than just songs. For some people buying a book means reading it from the beginning to the end and buying a record means listening to every song even if they don't like it at first. It's because it's a whole universe put inside an object. On the other hand objects take up space and over time they often just end up laying forgotten on a shelf. Though after years you can revive them by showing them to your friens or children.
    From pragmatic point of view they just weigh to much and there is to many of them and they cost. So maybe it's better to keep them on hard drives so their condition doesn't deteriorate? But there's one thing I always keep in mind. I don't want to depend on energy all the time.

  10. I cannot imagine the world without real books. Firstly, I think that I have a soul of collector. I have lots of books in my room, I can hardly house them here. I love the smell of the paper book and I like looking at them on my shelves. It makes me remember about them and their stories - if it is just a title on the screen, you can easily forget about the book and you are less likely to go back to them. Secondly, it is easier to make somebody read the book that you recommend when you borrow them a copy of it - they will feel more obliged to at least check it. Moreover, many people do not like reading on the screen so they will not be interested if you send them ebook. Finally, I cannot imagine studying without real books. Sometimes I use three books at the same time, usually each of them has many bookmarks. Normally I just put them in front of me and check everything with ease, it would be a real problem if I had to change file on the computer lots of times and look for the needed information. I study many hours a week and it will be also very tiring for my eyesight to do it on the front of screen.
    On the other hand, I must admit ebooks have also some advantages. The thing I like the most about ebooks is their mobility. Paper books are heavy and difficult to carry when you end up standing in the bus whereas ebook readers may be used with one hand and their weight is rather small. What is more, ebooks give us opportunity to try book before we buy them. Publishers usually enable us to read some pages for free in .epub or .mobi - it would be difficult to do with real books, of course, we can check them in EMPiK or in the library, but not always we have time to do it. I like those trial pages very much, thanks to them I am less likely to buy something that I will not enjoy. I also prefer reading articles via Internet than buying a newspaper (it's cheaper and it's easier to find things which are interesting for me).
    To sum up, I cannot imagine ebooks replacing paper books but I believe in their usefulness. I think that ebooks are also good way to promote reading. Reports of National Library of Poland are frightening so any way of making people read is good if only it is effective - ebooks make a good job here.

  11. I really enjoy reading, it makes me relaxed and I feel that my knowledge is developing. But I love to sit with a book in hand, I can't imagine reading on reader, because I love the piece of paper, the smell of the paper. So I think that readers are not for me. I read a lot, and the main source of informations is usually internet.

  12. For me books are very important. Of course we can use only talbets and ebooks but sometimes I like walking alone in the park or sitting in my garden without any electric devices, so old, good paper book is enough and everything for me. What is sad, I look at younger people and I notice that the basic source of information for them is on the internet thanks to computer or cell phones, they don't use printed sources of inromation, because digital are 'more comfortable'. For me they are not, because when I'm learning something I like keeping some papers in my hand , because I can select concrete part of text. I think that people do not give die books

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I believe that in the future books will become a luxury product. Whereas everyone will benefit from online publications, connoisseurs will use the books. It's a shame, because the book captures the amazing atmosphere of reading. Personally I don't find anything attractive in e-books. The world, however, aims to digitize and it seems that the book will also be digitalized, so you'd better start to collect them as they may be worth a fortune one day.

  15. I can't imagine my life without real books. I love the smell of books, I love changing pages when I'm reading, I love seing how much I have left and with ebooks I can't do any of this things. I read a lot and yes, sometimes, I do read digital books, especialy when I'm travelling, becuase it's more comfortable, but if I can just pick one I will always pick the paper one. On the other hand my souce of information is usually internet, it's quicker and it has access to more than just books - movies, interviews, articles.

  16. And what about you? Can you imagine your life without real books? Do you read a lot? What are your main sources of information? I think it is hard to imagine world without real books I like to read something printed. I like to turn papers and I love the sight of shelves fulled by books. I read a lot but unfortunately books that I need to study. My main source of information is internet of course because it takes less time than going to library every time.

  17. I can not imagine life without books. I read grab enough. I still do not have the time. Currently more information I search on the internet. Nevertheless, the book has something in itself. The moment is fascinating reading. None of this is no substitute for a tablet.

  18. All my life was about reading paper books, press etc. It is sad to me that nowadays others want to destroy something I like. If someone prefer reading on a computer he ca do it, but I can go different way. I read mostly books from XX especially wrote by French writers. What about informations, I use internet in a little bit, but I like to hold traditional newspaper in my hands.

  19. The books will never be extinct, they will not be pushed away by computers, just the opposit. We can look for books we are interested in on the Internet, we can find information where we can buy them or order. Printed books have its charm, it is nice for me to feel their weight and specific smell. The only disadventages I notice is when I have dry hands changing pages is not comportable and when I take a book with me to the bag it feels heavy.


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