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Forests cover 31% of the land area on our planet. People should know that forests are more than just a collection of trees. Forests are integrated ecosystems and are places where live many animals and plants. What is more, forests produce oxygen and absorbe carbon dioxide. When forests are lost or degraded, their destruction leads to deforestation.

What is deforestation?
Deforestation is the process whereby natural forests are cleared. It comes in many forms, including fires, unsustainable logging for timber, clear-cuttung for agriculture, ranching and development, and degradation due to climate change. The worst is that some 46-58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year (it is about 36 football fields every minute).


Main causes of deforestation
Illegal logging
National laws regulate the production and trade of timber products at all stages, from harvesting to processing to sales. These laws can be violated in any number of ways, such as taking wood from protected areas, harvesting more than is permitted and harvesting protected species. 

                                      Destructive logging in Malaysia


Fires are a natural element of many forest landscapes. Each year, millions of acres of forest around the world are destroyed by fire. Fire is often used as a way to clear land for planting. These fires causes damage not only trees but also endangered species of animals that live there.


Fuelwood harvesting

Unfortunately wood is still a popular fuel choice for cooking and heating around the world.

What are the effects of deforestation?
Climate Change
Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce oxygen. So if people destroy forests then it is too much carbon dioxide in atmosphere. It leads to climate change. I mean cool climates may get a lot hotter and hot places may get a lot cooler.

Soil erosion
Trees protect soils from sun's heat. When people cut down trees, soils are exposed to the sun's heat. Soils are really dry and rain washes down the soil surfaces. It causes soil erosion.
                                              Deforestation and soil erosion in Northern Madagaskar

Loss of Biodiversity
Many species of plants and animals have been lost. It is estimated that about 50 to 100 species of animals are being lost each day as a result of destruction of their habitats. 

Water Cycle
Smaller lakes and streams dry up. Trees absorb and retain water in their roots. But when forests are destroyed less water will run through the rivers.

What can I do to help preserve our forests?
- Join organizations which fight about saving forests and animals who live there. When more people work together, the impact is greater.
- Reduce the use of artificial items, recycle more and re-use items.
- Teach others how thay can help save forests.

- Plant new trees on land when forests have been cut down.

Questions to discuss
What could you do to help preserve forest?
What do you think about deforestation? Many people think that deforestation causes global warming. So what do you think about it?



  1. I can remember to not leave rubbish in a forest and I can be not loud (animals) if I go there. I think it's essential to not destroy trees and other plants. We should respect it.
    I think deforestation is really bad idea! We are a part of nature, so we should protect it, preserve it. Global warming is not a min reason here, but just a fact, that it's a place where live many forms of life.

  2. In my opinion,it is essantial not to leave rubbish in the forest. It make demage to nature. Forest is not a good place for fireplace. We have to respect all of the nature and of course animals,which live there.
    I think that deforestation has really bad influence on environment and it could cause global warming.By the deforestation we devastate not only trees,which produce a lot of valuable oxygene,but also many spicies of animals.

  3. Certainly, we can use less paper and appreciate each piece of wood more. However, we are probably not able to stop the enormous deforestation that is conducted by some companies. I haven't heard about this opinion. The worst effect of deforestation is the destruction of natural habitat of many animals. To me it's frightening that we do such things.

  4. I could support organizations that fight with cutting forests and also try to not destroy them even when I'm in forest on my own looking for mushrooms. I think that deforestation is a serious problem aspecially in places like Amazonia, but It have influence on all Earth. I think it improves global warming and change our climate but we are not concious enough.

  5. In my opinion, deforestation is really significant problem and it should be solved as soon as possible. If we play it down now it may be too late to do anything with later.
    Firstly, mass logging in Amazon Rainforests made to get rare and expensive wood of mahogany and ebony should be forbidden. We cannot destroy that important ecosystem only because we want to have better furniture. In rainforests of Amazon Basin live more than 15000 species of animals many of which are threatened with extinction. Bereaving them of their natural habitat for some luxury items is so egoistic of us. Secondly, people should be more aware of how important recycling paper is. Students are the biggest paper wasters – they copy thousands pages of notes every year, make another thousand papers of notes themselves and get hundreds of flysheets and then they throw it all to the dustbin. If there are more places on the university where students can leave unwanted used paper, the waste will be smaller. Finally, the government should change their textbooks policy. Now the curriculum is changed very often so new textbooks are published all the time. As the old ones are believed to be out of date, they are not allowed at schools so all unexploited copies have to be destroyed. Of course, this paper is recycled but its quality is no longer as high as it used to be.
    To sum up, we should all care more about forest. As deforestation may lead to global warming and disappearing of many rare species, it is a very serious problem. I hope world leaders will notice the scale of the threat and try to react against deforestation results.

  6. Well first of all, we shouldn't leave rubbish in forest. It's very dangerous for animals and woods but a lot of people stil do this. Also I think it might be helpful if everyone would go and plant 1 tree. This would be some kind of a global action. I'm not sure if deforestation causes global warming, I'm not the expert, but it's very harmful. We should care more about enviroment.

  7. If we want preserve forest we should start with little changes in our daily basis. For example segregate our rubbish and take waste paper to return point, use digital information beyond print everything. But better idea may be planting tree out. Deforestation is important problem. It destabilizes ecosystem, raise risk of floods and hinder fight with air pollutions. However I don’t think that it causes global warming. Overall I don’t believe in global warming. In my opinion it is only counterirritant and easy way to earn money at ridiculous eco-laws.

  8. In my opinion it is many ways to protect forests. The most important is knowledge about deforestation. Many people don't know that fire damage soil and kill animals who live in the forests. Some of them think that only wood is good source of energy. So we should talk about forest with people to change their thinking about forests. We should also remember that deforestation is dangerous not just for trees but at first for animals who live there.

  9. I think that singly we have to little power to change anything. Ok, It's important to have possitive, ecological habitats but It doesn't stop deforestation. Beter and more effective way is lobbing in parliment to improve the law.
    I don' know anything about relation between deforestation and global warming but I know that both of them are naegative occurrences. So we should save our trees anyway.

  10. I think forest protection could be some kind of benign activity, like recycling for instance, where you put your bottle in the bin because people are told that if they don’t do it their children will die. Maybe deforestation have an impact on climate change, but in the past, many people believe that earth was flat and now we know it isn't true. Well, we shell see sooner or later.

  11. It's hard not to agree that cutting down trees is nothing good. This contributes to global warming, extinction of species, and hence the changes that negatively reflect on the ecosystem. I think that everything this can be remedied, though it is difficult. The decision does not depend on citizens, but on huge corporations that make profits from the cutting of trees. If they do not repent, the problem of deforestation will continue to grow.

  12. When we think about first world problems, we are not usually thinking about deforestation. rather we think about pollutions, defilement of water and others. but our nature, trees are really important. it is not only to produce oxygen, but forests are places to relax as well. in big cities it's not common view, because we are destroying forests to find new place to build there e.g new market and so on. it's hard to create ways which could stop deforestation, everything depends on us, on our society. but one is sure, that we will see how much it is imporant soon.

  13. To help preserve trees I can not litter in the woods. First of all, do not leave in the forest glass bottles or something like that because they can focus light and start the fire. In addition I could give some money to charity for the rainforest. I don't think that defrostation caused global warming. To me the worst thing about defrostation is destruction of natural habitats of many species.

  14. To help preserving deforestation we should try to plant one tree, everytime when we are cutting one. They it will be very balanced. We should also choose wisely which trees we want to cut, becouse it takes a lot of time for tree to grow. I don't agree that deforestation caused global warming. It is thing, that we, people have to do, becouse we need wood. We don't have any substitute for it.

  15. What I can do to help preserve forest? In my opinion nowadys we can reduce deforestation in straight manner. We should read e-books on tablets and other computers. It cause, that it will be produced less traditional books. But I know that it is almost impossible request. Huge Comapnies don't let it, because they earn fortune of this. Apart from that we should take care about our forests. I think that deforestation it is seriouslly problem and it can influence on global warming.

  16. I think that good option to save the forests is to plant more new trees and also we should keep trying to find some alternate materials to produce for example assortiment of furnitures. I don't trust this gosspis that deforestration causes global warming, because global warming is natural way of expanding the Earth.

  17. I think that we should focus on keep trying to find alternate materials to produce such important things like furnitures or paper. Also planting new trees is a good idea, but it will take a long time. In my opinion deforestration have nothing to global warming, because as I said in other presentation, global warming is natural way the Earth expands.

  18. deforestration is very dangerouse problem. Often we even don't think about it but good example is Eastern Islands history. Over 6000 years ago there were a fantastic civilization. They had everything: wood, food, stones. They started building famouse stone park. They had to use lots of wood to transport it. That is way they completaly deforestrated their island. Many problems came ane there was on enough food on the Island. Cicilization died. So take care about forests.

  19. I think that we should plant new trees and try using the alternative sources and recycling materials to produce, for example, paper. In my opinion, a lot of people are not aware of effects of deforestation. Maybe, more campaigns with this problem could help in the future?
    I strongly believe that deforestation is the serious problem. During the day, we do not thinking about what is going on in the world, what happened with us and our planet in the future. I do not mean that we destroyed everything. And I think that the global warming is the result od deforestation too. In this presentation is said about it, and I must agreed.

  20. People have created many non-profit organizations, which work to save biodiversity by changing the approach to land-use, business practices and consumer behaviour. One of that kind of organisations is the Rainforest Alliance. In my opinion, it is a very successful project. They believe that the best way to save forests is to convince businesses and communities that it is profitable to do so. Today we experience rising demand for eco-friendly products. So the Alliance uses the power of markets to help our environment. All you have to do is follow the frog ;)

  21. What could you do to help preserve forest?
    First of all we should save a lot of paper because people lose huge volumes of these material.
    What do you think about deforestation? Many people think that deforestation causes global warming. So what do you think about it?
    First of all, we should think if global warming really exists? If so, we should remember that forests are big producers of oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, which is mainspring of global warming. Deforestation is not only bad for trees,but we must remember that rainforest is one big living body.

  22. There are many, many things we can all do to protect our environment. Lately, I heard that the government has an idea to replace traditional books with tablets with suitable software in schools. It would be good both for children and the environment because most parents buy for their kids new books and when they go to next level they throw books like trash. I also really like the designers idea to create bags from recycled, ecological matherials.


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