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How do students earn money?

1. Room-12m^2-near to campus           800zloty per month
2. Food-mostly cooked at home           250 zloty per month
3. Clothes- average                              100 zloty per month
4. Bills- Internet, water, electricity         60 zloty per month
5. Entertainment-cinema, disco, etc.      60 zloty per month
6. Books-necessary for lectures            20 zloty per month

Above list seems to be endless. Some of records may look different for each students but it is nearly impossible to reduce all expenditures below 1100 zloty per month. Scholarship, even both research fellowship and maintenance grant aren’t enough. Most of students are unable to make ends meet without parents help. However, not always this solution is available. Some parents are too poor to encourage regular financial help, some students want to be more independent. Only way to become self-supporting is find job.

   Destination UK, Germany, Scandinavia, Italy…

Lot of Polish students instead of holiday laziness decide to go abroad to take some seasonal jobs. Fruit picker, kitchen porter, baby sitter, waiter, clerk… There is a big variety but students usually have to take jobs under their qualifications.  Foreign language is irreplaceable when they want better work but even lower position makes them able to earn big money. For example cleaner in Norway with little bit of luck may make equivalent of 10000 per 6 weeks.  In other country wages are lower but even there in 3 month they  take enough to live for the rest of the year without financial problems.  Going abroad not always mean grind. Most students working  with their friends or peers and combine it with fun and sightseeing. There are a lot non-governmental organisations which facilitate such enterprises.

                                          Part-time jobs in country

The Wall Street Journal’s researches show that 80% of students work at least part-time. Cinema, restaurants, shops , and every places with elastic timesheets  sound good. Hourly rates aren’t very high but this kind of jobs don’t encourage high engagement so it is not so difficult to balance them with studying.



Holiday is great time to get some experience in a work connected with field of your study. A lot of firms organize holiday internships for students. Some of them offer really nice wage. It is a great way not only to enhance qualification and perspectives for dream job after graduation but also make some money.



1.       What are pros and cons of working and studying at the same time?
2.       Do you know someone who combine work and study?
3.       Do you thing that working abroad is dangerous? 


  1. Pros are: independing money, meeting new , interesting people and obtain experiences. Cons: less time for everything (studying and meeting friends).
    I know a lot of people working and learning. And I tried to work in this way, but I must to resing by my internship.
    In my opinion, when we want to go to work abroad , we should check every options and of course place where we are going to work. It is not dangerous when we are prepared to leave.

  2. Well, the props are that you're not only a devil-may-care student who spends his parent's money on whatever he wants and lives without thinking. While you work you get somehow at the job market, you start to see what it is to be responsible for something. Yet, the cons are that you have less time and have to be well organised if you want to be good at studing and not lose the job. I combine work with study so I know how it works.
    Probably if you take care of good company to work with you abroad it's ok, but still there's the threat of getting into illegal labour camp.

  3. It is hard to find normal job if you study daily. You can work 2-3 times per week and it's not sufficient in order to earn more money for student life. In addition if you study and work, you won't have time for society life :( Sometimes I concern on why I didn't choose extra-mural studies. If I chose this one, I would give my money away to study, most of money. Every choice has advantages and disadvantages.
    I live with my parents and I can't imagine live without them because I won't have enough money. I admire people who live in Warsaw alone :) It's really responsible.
    Sometimes it's possible to study and work and live, but you should try a lot and have full of happiness. The best job for students is giving private lessons because you can earn more money and it's quite comfortable and easy :)
    Good option is go abroad because students don't have easy life in Poland. To tell the truth I think about it, I hope that I find satisfied job.

  4. In my opinion, spending time on working may affect our studies badly. That’s because we’d have to spend too much time on working and spend less time on studying. We wouldn’t have enough time for self-study, research, or getting homework done. So, every day, we may focus on making high earnings instead of being an outstanding student. There can be some exceptions, though. If we take a job or start a career that relates to our major in school, then there can be benefits from working. In class, we only study theory, so it could be a great way to gain practical experience. Therefore, those students who work a job related to their major might have more opportunities for employment after they graduate.
    I know a lot of people who work and study but to me it's to hard:-)

  5. If you work and study at the same time you are financially independent (If not, you have money on own needs), you learn how to be punctual, responsable. You can meet new people, you gain experience. But I think if you work during daily study, you don't have enough time to normal life- to meet with friends, go to club and the most important to study. I am lucky, because I don't have to work, but I know people, which are studing and working. They say that it is very hard to combine this two part of life. I really admire my colleagues. Yes, I think that working abroad is dangerous, you may be chaeted by the organization. you are own in other country. You have to learn how to solve problems without family and friends.

  6. The pros of the working and studying at the same time are that you have possibility to get experience, which will be important after studies. The cons are that it's hard to find well-paid part-time job connected with subject of your studies. Most of job offers is in gastronomic industry.
    I met a lot of people who tries to combine work and study. I'm an example of this type of person. But the most of my friends work because the need. They arrived to Warsaw and they have to pay for their flat. I live with my parents. So, I work for experience and because it's gave me a lot of pleasure.
    Working abroad isn't dangerous. I think that it's the best alternative way for working and studying at the same time.

  7. I see only one adventages: a few extra zlotych in your pocket. But, is it really worthwhile? We have to be realistic. Most students won’t get job at laws firms or newspapers, but will more likely occupy unskilled positions which won’t glamorize your CV. So, in my opinion, if someone is full-time student then working during term time isn’t good idea. It’s better to take on jobs outside of term schedule.

  8. Good pointis of working and studying at the same time: you have more money for food, necessary things or for pleasures, you are more experienced, you can add something to your CV, you can meet new people,you can financially relieved your parents.
    Bad points: you don't have time for yourself or for learning or for family or for friends or for sport or for pleasure, you are more tried, you have more can have more stressful daily life. I know many people, who combine work and study. I think, that working abroad isn't dangerous, if you are not alone there. Firstly, it's very payable, profiatable. However it depends on a country and a company.

  9. Working and studying at the same time teach responsibility, time management and working in stress pressure. Working students are more independent and have money for entertainment. On the other hand it takes a lot of time, may be involve lower marks and exhaustion. However, significant question is it really worth it? Answer depends on condition in which we work. Friend of mine start working after second year of study. Her work is strongly connected with field of her study and she have really nice wage so she is very satisfied beside is cost her a lot of time and energy. My other friend, has difficult financial situation and has had to start working to deal with it. His work is not very hard but time-consuming and low waged. Unfortunately it has nothing common with his subject at university and he is rather dissatisfied with influence of his marks and fettle. In such situation good alternative solution may be working abroad during holiday. I do not think so that it is dangerous especially when you are working with your friends.

  10. I have never been working, so I only can imagine how hard is linking up working and studying. I know lot of people at my age who work and study, and I see how hard, exhausting it can be. The main advantage is that you earn money, you can buy new things without asking parents to give to some. the second is that you got new expierence, which is usefull in your future career. the main drawback is that you don't have much time, you can't party liek there is no tomorrow, you have lot of on your mind, you are obligated to do what somebody tells you. and when exams are comming you dont have much time to prepare. As I said I know lot of people who combine this and some of them are happy, some not. Working abroad is dangerous when you are going somewhere without checking this place, opinions and so on. sometime ago it was huge problem, but now I think that illegal, dangerous jobs are let's say not popular.

  11. Working and studying at the same time for sure has some advantages. Firstly, students gain working experience that is so valuable on the labour market now. Even though usually part-time jobs have nothing to do with your dream job, the interviewers esteem candidate's working experience. Secondly, students can get independence by working during their studies. Many of them want to feel free and do what they want. Work gives them a chance to live on their own and teaches them responsibility. Finally, the more people you know, the more friends you make. At a workplace you meet new people, some of them may become your friends, some of them may turn out helpful in the future.
    On the other hand, there are faculties that make it impossible for their students to work. There are studies on which there are so many courses that it is difficult to find time even for studying. The only alternative here is working during holidays. But isn't it unfair that those people who have to work so hard all year will have no time to rest? Luckily, many of faculties that take much effort offer their best students high scholarships.

    On the same field of study as mine I know only two people who combine working and studying. They both work in the cinema on weekends and in the evenings. However, one of them has constant problems with passing courses, rarely comes on lectures and thinks of changing studies... More people say that they will work during holidays, when they don't have to focus on studies. Thinking of my friends from high school, many of them try to work and study at the same time and they are pretty successfful. But if they have courses twice a week so they have a lot of free time...

    I don't think that working abroad is dangerous as a rule. It depends on person who go there - if they check recruitment agency and know the language, they will be safe. If they go without any agreement not knowing any foreign language then they are asking for being cheated. I believe that working abroad can be really unforgettable and developing experience if you organise it wisely.

  12. Students who work and study seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education and at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a pay check. However, it isn't as easy as it sounds and studying at the same time as working is probably one of the hardest things you'll ever do in life. I don't know any person who study and work in the same time but I know it is really difficult. I don't work but I have not enough time to learn and do my duties.

  13. 1. What are pros and cons of working and studying at the same time?
    Well, working during daily studying is a hard thing, but it has some pros. In my opinion people who decide to do these two things in the same time are more diligent than normal students. Thanks to work they can become more self-organized and they have ability to gain work experience, which is very important and valuable for future employers. Of course, if you decide to do these two things at the same time your free time is very limited and some students have problems with studies because they can't pay enough attention to learn.
    2. Do you know someone who combine work and study?
    I know few people from my faculty who combine work and study and they say that the haven't problems with reconciliation them. I think it depends on concrete person, how he or she copes with it.
    3. Do you thing that working abroad is dangerous? Working abroad doesn't have to be dangerous, it depends on source from we know about concrete job. When friends or family recommend job, then we can trust it is good way to earn money abroad, but if we decide to take a job which is completely unkown for us, it could be quite dangerous.

  14. I think that the biggest pro of working and studying at the same time is the fact that you have an experience you firends may be missing, but it is sometimes really difficult to find time to anything else beside that and sometimes you even don't have time to study properly. I do know people who are working and studying at the same time and they are always tired and don't have time to grab a beer with friends or just relax.

    For me working abrod it's the best idea ever. It may be dengerous, depend where you will go and how responsable you will be, but beside that it is great way to make money, learn a lenguage and explore new culture.

  15. Maybe it is hard to connect work and study but the perspective of earning your own money and gaining very useful experience are worth to sacrifice. Lots of people after studies have big problem with finding a job because the aren't experienced and they aren't skillful in other ways. A summer job can be very useful when we think about some nice trip during the vacations but we need money so we can decide to find a nice part time job.

  16. I know a lot of people who work and study at the same time. it goes them differently. Depends on what is working. My friend who studied at college and worked full time completely loose. But when it is part time job you can do it without problem. I do not know whether any work is good. If we have the opportunity to learn without working do it. It is better to learn to get a better job later. A job abroad if we are talking about the union rather be safe. Of course not search for strange offers. Good idea is to finde a job by friens or some office.

  17. It's difficult to combine studies and work, but if you can do so, it is a very useful skill for the future. You gain experience, while most of your peers don't. You graduate from the college and you're acutually a part of an industry where you want to work. It is very difficult to find yourself in a new reality, immediately after graduation. People who work during studies immune to adversity, and most importantly, they are known in the environment. Of course you don't sleep a lot and don't have much free time when working and studying at the same time, but no one made ​​you to do so, the choice is yours.

  18. I'm working and studying and i think it is a good idea but if you are well organised. If not it is hard to be good with both of it. I think that working abroad could be dangerous if we are not preapared for it and we are not responsible.

  19. The pros is that while you're doing nothing at studies, You can earn some money to buy yourself something you were dreaming about or just have your own cash (feel more independent). The cons is that if you are focused more on your job you can neglect your studies. I don't know personally, but I heard about someone who can do this. I was working abroad and I can't see anything dangerous in it, even I would say it's more safe.

  20. Everything has its adventages and disadventages. Some students must work to earn a living, unless they want to be homeless, but there are many companies which enable students to work part-time with flexible working hours. I have many friends who live on their own, they study full time and just after finishing classes they run to their jobs. I would not like to live like this as I still live with parents but I know that when I finish education they will have bigger experience, even if their previous job wasn't connected with studies.


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