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What people eat?

What people eat?

Nowadays people eat everything. They can because it is available everywhere. Most of restaurants offer seafood, vegetables, fish, meat, various salads, steaks, burgers - the most popular. But many people choose not consuming various products because of personal beliefs or religion. We don't know why. Maybe they don't like meat or fish?

Most of us know vegetarianism. Vegetarianism can be adopted for different reasons. Many object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Such ethical motivations have been codified under various religious beliefs, along with animal rights. Other motivations for vegetarianism are health-related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic or economic. 

Vegetarianism have variety diets/types.

1. Pescatarian (also spelled pescetarian)
The word “pescatarian” is occasionally used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. Although the word is not commonly used, more and more people are adopting this kind of diet, usually for health reasons or as a stepping stone to a fully vegetarian diet.

2. Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian
You don’t have to be vegetarian to love vegetarian food! “Flexitarian” is a term recently coined to describe those who eat a mostly vegetarian diet, but occasionally eat meat.

3. Vegetarian (Lacto-ovo- vegetarian)
When most people think of vegetarians, they think of lacto-ovo-vegetarians. People who do not eat beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish or animal flesh of any kind, but do eat eggs and dairy products are lacto-ovo vegetarians (“lacto” comes from the Latin for milk, and “ovo” for egg).

Lacto-vegetarian is used to describe a vegetarian who does not eat eggs, but does eat dairy products.

Ovo-vegetarian refers to people who do not eat meat or dairy products but do eat eggs.

4. Vegan
Vegans do not eat meat of any kind and also do not eat eggs, dairy products, or processed foods containing these or other animal-derived ingredients such as gelatin. Many vegans also refrain from eating foods that are made using animal products that may not contain animal products in the finished process, such as sugar and some wines. There is some debate as to whether certain foods, such as honey, fit into a vegan diet.

5. Raw vegan/Raw food diet
A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). “Raw foodists” believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body.

6. Macrobiotic
The macrobiotic diet, revered by some for its healthy and healing qualities, includes unprocessed vegan foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and allows the occasional consumption of fish. Sugar and refined oils are avoided. Perhaps the most unique qualifier of the macrobiotic diet is its emphasis on the consumption of Asian vegetables, such as daikon, and sea vegetables, such as seaweed.

Simple explanation in order to understand types of vegetarianism.


Are you vegetarian or vegan?
Have you ever try to be one of vegetarian person?
Do you agree with not eating meat?
What is your opinion - why people don't eat meat and fish and dairy?!
Why people become vegetarians?
Do you believe in being vegan and eating only salads?



  1. I am not a vegeterian and I have never tried to be. I can't agree with not eating a meat, it's unhealthy! People don't eat meat and fish and dairy because in my opinion they want to be fashion or they aren't responsible.Meat contains a large amount of protein, this could be beneficial to the body as the need for protein is an important one for the body. Most people consider vegetables and fruits to suffice when it comes their daily nutritional needs while also thinking that plant protein is better (and safer) than animal protein but I can't belive them. I think that everybody should eat meat, fish and dairy.

  2. I am not a vegeterian or vegan.but few years ago I had to become a vegetarian for 2 years,because of my health problem. However,I try to cut down on meats and fish but it is too difficult for me to do not eat it at all. I think that diet without meats and fish is not healthy especially dor very young person,beacause it is hard to find good substitude for them,which have the same vitamins and minerals. I don't believe that vegan eat only salad,because they don't.They eat a lot of groats,cereals or grits.

  3. Thank you for showing us differences between vegetarianism types. I always had a problem with explaining people that I do not eat meat excepting fish. I have been pescatarian for 8 years. I feel uncomfortable being asked why I changed my diet. In fact, I hate this question because it is really difficult to make people understand my motives and talking about it is a bit embarrassing for me. I know my diet is rather unhealthy and strange, this is why I don't try to encourage anybody to choose it. The biggest problem with vegetarian diet is the fact that you are always hungry. Because of my diet I put on weight - I gained nearly 10 kilos that I can't lose even if I work really hard. On the other hand, vegetarianism made me look for new dishes. I had never had such a various diet before. I get to know things that many people do not know about such as chickpea (great for cakes and paste for sandwiches) or tapioca (you can make blancmange from it or just add it to tea or iced coffee – it’s perfect for desserts).
    Not eating meat, you should care about your health more. Vegetarians are more likely to suffer from anaemia especially if they forget to supply their diet in vitamin B12 and iron (which are common in meat) with legumes. I have blood test made regularly so that I will know if anything is wrong.

    My family is not too enthusiastic about diet. Even though they tolerate it, they often try to change my mind. Once my grandmother had a nice try – she asked me ‘If I cut fish out of this loin, will you eat it?’.

    I don’t know if my vegetarianism is for life. If I get pregnant or go somewhere it is difficult to continue probably I will turn back to eating meat.

  4. I'm not vegan. I'm not vegetarian too and I've never tried to be. However I agree, that we should eat less meat. Just less, because, we need for example wit. B12 and other important elements, which we can find in it. I'd reccomend to eat it seldom, once or twice a week even. Fishes are too healthy to forget about them, they have for example Omega 3 acids - we have very often a deficit of these substances.
    I think people become vegan (no meat, no fish, no dairy), because they don't want to be reason, why animals suffer or they can see many advantages of it connected to health. There are similar causes for being vegetarian. My mate is vegan, yesterday I've listened to a vegan woman, who lectured about food, I read some articles, which were written by vegan authors....Yes, I belive, that there are people who eat like this.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I’m not vegetarian, but according to the classification I can be treated as semi-vegetarian because I eat meat only once a week in average, but I don’t want to stop eating it. So my vegetarian future seems to be dubious. I’m indifferent if the person is vegetarian or not until it causes some problems like you’d been baking a cake for 3 hours and then it turned up that he or she doesn’t consume eggs or dairy products. To tell the truth, I don’t know why people make the decision not to eat food of animal origin. Yes, some of them don’t want to harm animals, but I doubt that anything can be improved this way.

  7. I'm not vegeterian and vegan. I haven't tried to be vegetarian, because I love eating meat. For me this is a problem if I don't eat meat although for one day. But I try not to eat meat every day and I try to have a balanced diet with vegetables, fruits, fish and other products. I try to respect such people, but I think that isn't good for their heath. People don't eat meat for various reasons, for example they don't like eat this kind of food, or they want to object, that sometimes animals are killed in not humanitary way. Yes, I belive that some people are vegans, but I don't understand why they destroy their organisms. Every person should protein, which is contained in meat or dairy products.

  8. I am totally grateful for this post, because it was great to read about all those different types of vegetarianism. Before I heard only about veganism. I am not a vegetarian, because I really like meat. I care about the quality of it and in my opinion it it easier to have a balanced diet when you eat meat. On the other hand, I believe that there is a way to substitute those things you can get from meat, by eating different vegetarian products, but I think it is really time consuming. Vegetarianism may be good for you as long as you choose carefully what to eat. But I do not like the fact that some people prepare a vegetarian diet for their children, when they are really young and need a lof of vitamins to grow properly. I think everyone has the right to choose a diet.

  9. I am not vegetarian or vegan. I though about it but I have never tried to be one of vegetarian person. In my opinion it would be really difficult for me because I like meat and my family would be shocked. I live in the village so I eat really good-quality meat. It is really difficult to say if not eating meat is good or bad. It depends on many things. Sometimes people can't eat meat. Some of them want don't eat meat for fashion. But the others don't want to harm animals. Like I said people don't eat meat, fish and dairy products because these produces comes from animals.
    No, I don't believe in being vegan and eating only salads because human to live needs something more than vitamins. If we want to be healthy we should eat also proteins, corbohydrates and sugar(not too much) to have energy.

  10. I adoppted a vegetarian diet when I was teenager, but two years ago, after a lot of introspection, I quite being a vegetarian. There are lots of reason why people become vegetarian. Nowadays everything is about environment, recycling and healthy diet. It’s not hard, I survied almost a decade and it was good experince.

  11. I'm not a vegeterian and not vegan I'm just an ordinary guy who likes to eat well and eat what, where and when he want. I can't imagine life without meat, because meat means power and strength (also for me it's unhealthy not to eat meat). I don't know why they don't want to eat such a good meal, but it's not my buisness. Maybe some people become vegetarians becuse they must (right diet) or they just don't like meat.

  12. I tried to be a vegetarian, but after all I rarely eat meat. It's not that I cannot live without meat because it's not an obligatory to eat so. I just don't have time to prepare all that vege stuff and I try to have a balanced diet, so I need to eat some proteins. But maybe one day I will come back to my attempts not to eat cause nearly all my friens are vegeterians and it;s nothing special that you are under the influence of people who you live with. I know all that horrible stories with animals crying before slaughter and really makes me think a lot, but I suppose I need some time to resign from meat.

  13. Well I have never tried to be a vegan or vegatarian. I eat meat alot. I don't eat meat e.g. at Fridays, because my family is katolic so I can avoid it once per week. I think people are becoming vegans, because some of them don't like the taste of meat and some of them don't want to be responsible for killing animals. But the point is that a lot of animals are grown only to eat them. If we wouldn't eat e.g. pigs, who would keep them? No one. I think I'm not gonna become vegan.

  14. I am not a vegetarian and I have never tried to be. I love taste of meat too much to quit it. However, during summer I am almost a vegetarian. Whet there is hot and so many cheap fresh vegetables and fruits around us, changing our menu becomes easier. Although a lot of vegetarian claimed that they have had more energy since the stopped eating meat. Abovementioned issues may be a reason why some people don't eat meat and fish and dairy. Being vegetarian is a kind of fashion nowadays. There are a lot of diets which recommend it to become slim and full of good power. It may because of becoming vegetarian. I have never interested what vegan may eat but I have to admit that my imagination about this subject is close to statement that they eat only salad.

  15. Eating meat is something normal for me. I'm not a vegeterian, vegan too. I eat whatever I want to and I don't care if it is meat or not...I have never tried to be vegetarian and I will not in future. I understand people who does not eat meat, but I think you just can't replace some elements which you can find in meat. There are a lot of reasons why people don't eat meat. Some people just have been brought up in "vege way", others do not eat meat because of their faith. I know that vegeterianism is a little bit trendy now, so more and more people decided to live in that way.

    Eating meat is something normal for me. I'm not a vegeterian, vegan too. I eat whatever I want to and I don't care if it is meat or not...I have never tried to be vegetarian and I will not in future. I understand people who does not eat meat, but I think you just can't replace some elements which you can find in meat. There are a lot of reasons why people don't eat meat. Some of them

  16. I can eat everything tasty. It doesn't make a diference what kind of food it is. I never tried to be vegetarian, becouse I like meet to much. Also I think that vaired diet is the healthiest way of eating. I can imagine that some people don't want eat meat and fish but i don't find any reason not to eat dairy. Milking cow don't kill her.

  17. I am pescetarian and I'm proud of it! Few months ago I changed my habits and among others I stopped eating meat (except fish). I don't regret and I don't miss the taste of meat. Many people thinks that if we are not eating meat we just eat lettuce and plants. But vegetarians can have varied diet also. I see an improvement in my health and well being. I would recommend it to everyone.

  18. Mhhh this peole are crazy! Of course let everybody eat what she or he wants but I can't imagine life without meat. It's delicious and very healfy. People who don't eat meat should be so careful becouse it is difficoult to finde food as good as meet for ours bodys.

  19. No I am not vegetarian or vegan. I really like meat and I can’t imagine that I stop to eat meat. I have never tried to be a vegetarian person. I don’t know why people don’t eat meat and fish I suppose that they don’t want animals to suffer and maybe for someone it is a kind of diet. I like eat salads but I think that I couldn’t be vegan.

  20. I'm not and I've never tried to be because I like eating meat I can even say I love meat but I know that we shouldn't eat it too much as everthing so sometimes I'm trying to eat onlu 2-3 times a week. I think that our body need all ingridients so we should eat meat. I think that people sometimes just want to do something different that everybody and also they just don't like meat.

  21. I'm not a vegetarian, but I tried to become one a few years ago. I must say that it was very hard for me to stop eating meat. I just wanted to try if I could live without it in a more healthy way, but after few weeks I was not feeling well, then I started eating meat again.
    People become vegetarians for a lot of different reasons. Some of them just want to be healthy, other can't live with thoughts that they are eating animals, some have religious motives, others just can't stand eating meat. I think it's a personal choise and it's good for some people, but not for all.

  22. I am not a vegetarian or vegan. I don't like some kind of meat, and I am never thinking of having that diets. I think eating meats depends of our health and beliefs. I know a person who can't eat meat, and she has vegan diet. My another friend is vegetarian because she don't want to hurt animals and she is volunteer in some organizations. I think tah eating meat, fish and dairy is depends of our requirement of organism for vitamins and minerals. I can't eat only salad but I know that people can live with it.

  23. Questions:

    Are you vegetarian or vegan?
    I think I would be a vegetarian because i like a lot eating fish and sea food, eggs, etc.
    Have you ever try to be one of vegetarian person?I haven't tried but a few days ago I was thinking about it and my concusion said that it can be interesting for me and my body.
    Do you agree with not eating meat?
    What is your opinion - why people don't eat meat and fish and dairy?!
    People don't eat them because they usually do not know how good taste they have. Maybe people think these things are more expensive than otherf meals.

  24. I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm thinking of becoming one. I'm used to a diet full in diares and certain amount of meat, but I believe and feel that it's not really necessary. I'd like to preper myself a good diet full in all proteins and minerals, but aoiding meat. I agree with it with all my heart, but it's just difficult to change your eating style in one day. I guess it is obvious why people don't eat meat and fish and dairy - because it's all taking adventage of animals frequently connected with bad treating and so on.


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