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Different Types of Schooling

Different Types of Schooling

Good education starts with the type of schooling the child is exposed to and its quality. Also taken into account is the preference of the child's parents. Different parents look for different things in their child's education: some want socialization while others are looking for small class size. Following is a brief description of the different types of schools on today's educational landscape.

Public Schools

Public schools get their financing from local, state and federal government funds. They also were started to ensure equal educational opportunity. There is much criticism about the public school system - it's poor quality, low teacher standards, etc. But it should be noted that without public education many children would have no chances to education at all. 

Private Schools

Private schools have long been associated with better quality education. These schools select from a pool of students who apply for admision. They may be coeducational or single sex (male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools). But is it really better than public school? In many ways, probably. Class size is usually smaller  and the educational materials are usually better quality. Of course, when parents are pay money for their kids to go to a school they expect high results.


Homeschooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents or by tutors. Generally, homeschooling was associated with families who lived too far away from any school. But also some parents do not like the atmosphere of the school and think there is too much violence or other problems and they want to protect their children from those situations. Thanks to the Internet, schooling at home has never been easier. There are many of sites offering materials to study at home.

While for some children homeschooling can be the best type of schooling, it takes a huge sacrifice from the parents in time, energy, and money. 


Unschooling is similar to homeschooling - child stays at home to learn. The difference with unschooling is that there is no set program - the child directs the path of education, so it is more interested and motivated. It looks very nicely but it's important to note that unschooling is not legal in all states...

As stated above, different types of schooling very greatly between each other. That is the reason why parents should not choose one on a whim, but take their time weighing pros and cons instead.

Here some useful questions:
1. What type of school have you been attended to?
2. What do you think of these types of schooling? Which type looks best for you?



  1. I was in public school. I think it is the best option for children. They have contact with other children and they can bulid character. In single sex school narrow down contact with opposite sex. It have influence for contact with other people in real life and in work in company. I think public school demand a lot. My friend was in private school. She said that there were small class and it help in learn. Homeschooling is bad idea. Parents should have a lot of time for child and give motivation to learn. They don't have contact with other children. They can't bring out conclusions from other children's mistakes.

  2. 1. What type of school have you been attended to?
    I have been attended to public school and I think that it wasn't bad choice. I have been working on my own and all achievements I owe myself.
    2. What do you think of these types of schooling? Which type looks best for you?
    In my opinion, public schools look the best. Most of all, every student has the same chances to develop his skills. Private schools are often associated with distinguishing pupils and these schools are certainly not for everyone. Everybody should have equal possibilities to achieve good education. We may also observe a phenomenon, that parents pay so much money for education in private school and sometimes it is too high pressure for their children. Parents expect fantastic marks because of the financial costs. As for homeschooling , I think that it has got pros and cons as everything. But the major disadvantage of this system is that children don't have contact with others and when they come to adulthood they may have problems with communication. For example, in primary schools they learn cooperation with others and more absolutely important skills.

  3. I have been attended to public school and generally in Belarus there is no private schools at all. One should go to the certain school in one's district. But parents can try to change it (with money and connections). A lot of parents do it, because despite of absence of private schools there is a difference in levels of education in schools.
    Mostly I agree with such opinion that public school is the very good option to child because they not only acquire knowledge but also learn how to live in society. Recently I have read a lot about homeschooling and sincerely I'm interested in it. I read about family with three children and all of them have experience of learning into usual public school and homeschooling too. I don't want to write here all of pros and cons, but I want to pay attention to the most interesting facts as for me. In this family childrens had a lot of connection with other people and they didn't need socialization which give school and it is very important. There was no pressure and stresses like in usual school where one have a lot of tests and there was no learning for marks. This childrens learned to have knowledge and it is the most important one. They were making their's annual program in one month and had a lot of time to doing something else. But such kind of learning definetely not for everyone and maybe children should try different options and choose with help of parents the best one.

  4. I’ve been attending only to state schools. I think that in Poland this is the best choice. I have a friend who attend to a public school and the level of education there was really low.
    For me the best are state school. They provide a proper level of education and give me a chance to develop abilities I will need in a future. I think that homeschooling and unschooling is a good choice for children who has problems with focusing on a classes and they need a full time attention from teacher. In Poland public schools are not the best ones. Maybe there are less students in a classes, but the best teachers are not work there.

  5. I was attending to public school and it was a good choice. Price-value relationship is very positive in this case.
    Most of children need motivation to strenuous work, in my opinion competition between peers is better incentive that money which parents have to paid for private school. What is more, state school gives better opportunity to learn how to live in a society and it is maybe even more important that theoretical knowledge especially at primary school.
    I didn’t read any research connected with this issue but on the grounds of my experience I wouldn’t say that class in public school is too big. It was a big problem several years ago but now we are witnesses of huge baby bust and we should remember that redundancy in not a frequency phenomenon in public school (like in most of state-owned firms). For example my sister who is 7 years old goes to class (in public school) with only 8 other children.
    I don’t know anyone who attend private school so I can’t remark this subject but I have an acquaintance who is teaching at home. He was 12 years old and he took part in research circle in our high school which was intended for students taking part in Olympiad, so he is unquestionably very clever, ambitious and hard-working. He has great problem with concentration for more than 30 minutes, systematical work at some boring but basic issue. He had an enormous knowledge about subjects which he like but at the same time he had known almost nothing about others one. What is more he was disable to talk with his peers. In my opinion main source of this problem was homeschooling.

  6. 1. What type of school have you been attended to? I've been atended to public school and I can't agree that there are low teachers standards.
    2. What do you think of these types of schooling? Which type looks best for you? I think that public schools are the best I can't imagine that I pay for lessons because If someone really want to get a knowledge he will get if for free. I have friend that was in private school and than she went to public high school and I can't say that she was better than us. I have mixed feelings if we talk about homeschooling or unschooling. I don't trust in that system I don't want my children to learn in such way because they will be isolated from society and as Oliwia said will have knowledge only in one subject. Parents won't prepare their childrens to adult life because everyone must learn this on his own by meeting knew people.

  7. What type of school have you been attended to?
    I've been attended to public school.
    What do you think of these types of schooling? Which type looks best for you?
    In my opinion public schools are the best type of schools. It's good solution for every students. It isn't true that in public schools level of educatiom is lower than in private schools. I think that homeschooling isn't good idea because students don't have contact with people in the same age so they don't know how communicate with other.

  8. I have been attended to public school and in my opinion it is the best type of schooling for many reasons. Firstly, you have contact with peers and everyone from them is different. So children teach not only skills like counting, multiplication etc. but also tolerance, respect. Contact with people is very important and has a great influence on developing children. Therefore homeschooling or unschooling aren’t a good choice of education. I think that these kind of schooling is good for children who require individual teaching. Secondly, not everyone can afford to pay for a private school, so in that way better option is public school. If it comes to a difference between level of education in public and private school I think that it doesn’t matter. I think it depends directly on pupil, on his or her skills and willingness to learn and develop.

  9. I attended to public primary school, but when it came to choose junior high school, my parents and I decided to send me to special mathematical class, situated in one of high schools in Bydgoszcz, which wasn’t private, but to get there, I had to meet some special requirements. I had classes with the same teachers as my friends from high school. In fact, the only difference was that my class was individual – in that school were just 3 classes of junior high school (first, second and third), each of the same mathematical profile. After I chose also the same high school, where I could continue my education in the same class or to choose another. In my opinion it was one of the best decision I have ever made(I just told my parents I wanted to come there – they agreed because they knew the school was the best in Bydgoszcz). The class was of 32 pupils co it wasn’t few, but teachers were prepared very well to educate us in our specific and a bit more complex way. It gave me excellent preparation to my further education and I didn’t have to pay for that any extra fees.
    I don’t have a good opinion about any type of private school in Poland. I can’t say that they are not good for pupils entirely, but headmasters and administration usually exaggerate the price of additional clases and tuition fees, which not always reflect the quality of courses. What about socialization aspect in homeschooling/unschooling? Yes, I know, there is nothing like that. But when they start working? I think that people are born to live in a stud so that idea doesn't work at all.

  10. I was going to public school and I have a pleasant memory with this time. For child it is kind of responsibility because he or she is going to school alone, it is in school alone, he learn to keep contact with other people, learn to be in good relationship, manage in different, hard situations. It is in school without parents, in my opinion is level of proper development of a child. What is more, homeschooling it isn't good idea for children because they aren't in contact with other people. I think it will be so hard for them to manage in future life. They have to meet with peers - boys or girls of the same age. Also parents shouldn't 'protect' their children in private schools because they can't help to children their whole life. Maybe, in the future when I will be the mother I will say in different way but I will try to prepare my child to difficult life and the first stage for him or her will be school, not private or school at home.

  11. Through my whole life I have been attended to public schools. In my opinion, it's the best kind of schooling. We can have opportunity to contact with different people,who have various interestings. It could be very developmental for us. What is more, everybody are marked by the same rules.
    But when we see that we have problems with learning or we have special abilities,then we ought to go to the private school or courses.We can get there more attention from teachers or special help. In private schools classes are smaller,which is really helpful in teaching and individual touch to each other.
    For me,homeschooling is not a great idea.Children have to have contact with their coevals.Otherwise,after study only at home,they have not got any knowlegde about real life,which is essential to life by their own.It is heplful when someone is living far away from school,but then,children ought to have some classes with others.
    The most dangerous type of schooling is unschooling.Especially,when we haven't got imposet learning programme,then we learn everything or nothing. It has bad influence on students' development.

  12. I was in public school. Not becouse of money. My parents enroll me to public primary school and there I met my friends. Next we go to the junior hihg school and highschool together. I met so many people and I`m really grateful to my parents that they didn`t destroy my life by sending me to private school. However I heard about private school in Milanówek and I heard only good revievs except the fees.

  13. Each my school, which I attended, it was a public school. I think even if I had the opportunity to go to private school, I wouldn't want to. It's a fact that a public school may have a lower level of education but surely it is not a rule. I think it largely depends also on the students. Even when it comes to secondary schools, it is known that students are admitted to them based on results of examinations and it is logical that one school will be better and the other will be worse and because of that the level of teaching is varied. I believe that public schools are the best solution - no divisions, the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds. On the other hand, homeschooling doesn't appeal to me at all. Firstly, one of parents must have a lot of free time which is rare nowadays and it is hard to imagine life without work. Secondly, children must be in contact with their peers, with other adults people, need to learn to work in a group. I can't imagine a child's development without these issues.

  14. I was in public school. I think it's the best because there you can met the best people. Here you can make some great friends. In my opinion it's much better than private school. Maybe private schools may teach a little bit better but it all depends on you. It depends if you want to study or not. So I'd rather public school.


  15. My parents sent me to private school in my early stage of my education then I after three years of elementary school I end up in sport school where I stayed until I graduated from high school. I have an ambivalent attitude towards public or privet types of schooling. I would like to have my own teachers and study at home. That would be cool.

  16. I've always attended to public schools like a lot of people there. I've never thinking about the reasons why I was going to this type of schools, but for me it wasn't bad. I met some really interesting personalities (of course I know that if I would attended to private schools I would also met interesting people) the level of teaching was good, I've learned lot of things, one of them were useful, others not. I don't agree with the opinion that when you are paing for education, you will learn more and have spectacular successes, cos this type of schools want rather earn more money than teach you more.

  17. What type of school have you been attended to?
    I attended to public school. I have a friend who was in privet school and she was learning exactly same things, so I don't regret thaht I was in public school. In my schools I met very good teatchers who very help me.
    What do you think of these types of schooling? Which type looks best for you?
    I think that privet and public schools are good for young people, they can meet a lot diffrent people, they lear how to live in society and compete with other children. In large group of people we can develop our personality, learn how to react in stressful situations and what is the most important have a lot of fun with ours age-mates.
    I don't like homeschooling. I think young people should spend time with friends. Spending so much time with parents could be difficult especially for teenagers.

  18. 1. I attended to public school, and I think its the most common and one of the best. Why the best? in Poland there is lot of people who like to complain about our educational system, but in fact isn't the worst. in my opinion we get really good base knowledge. maybe its hard to find out at age 16, when you are deciding what kind of school you should choose, what you want to do in future. my parents was thinking about sending me to private school, because there classes are small; like only 4-5 people, so you have to prepare well, so you are studying more, but then they decided that all my friends are at public so they dont want to isolate me.
    2.I think that I would like to try homeschooling, but I'm not sure about my motivation. It will be hard for me to sit for about 5 hours and learn alone. and the most "painfull" would be no contact with "school friends". In fact I dont know any person who tired it. It's not popular in Poland.

  19. Through my whole life i have attended to public schools. I met there some people that i will remember for rest of my life. There is something in public schools that makes them special. I can't say what exactly what it is, but everyone who went there sure knows what i am talking about. For me it's place where you learn life. When i met some people from private schools i though that they lack of something. For me they lack preparation for life. I don't want to insult anybody, but I think, when you met people from public and private schools you can feel the difference.
    From the other hand for me the best place when you can learn is of course private school, becouse you can choose your own lane of learning. It is up to you which classes do you want to attend, what interest you most. I can't image learning at home. Unschool and homeschools for me are the worst way to learn. Maybe i think in this way, becouse for me, being thaught by my mother would be nightmare

  20. 1. What type of school have you been attended to?
    At the beginning of my school life to this day I've attended to public schools. My parents and me have never thought about private schools and homeschooling, for sure.
    2. What do you think of these types of schooling? Which type looks best for you?
    Maybe I'm so traditional, but in my opinion the best choice is public schooling. First of all, look at all of types of ranks. Always on the first places are public schools and universities. What's more, the level of education in public and private schools is quite similar. Some say that private schools give students better conditions to work and study , but on the other hand in public school we can meet lots of interesting and variously people.

  21. I attended to the public school and I think it was the best decision of my mother. After elementary school my mother wanted to 'send' me to private school, but I don't really support this idea. I wanted to be with my friends in the same school, in the same class. And still I think it is the best type of school. However, I see the differences and if my (hypothetical) child was talented painter or musician, I'm sure I would enrol him to private school (if it of course had the best possibilities to educate my child in this direction).
    Also homeschooling is interesting way to teach children. It was practising before formation of public schools. And if parents are well educated- why do not try to do it? Of course, nowadays it is quite unrealistic- please find a mother staying at home all the time and teaching her child.. It could be too.. strange.

  22. What type of school have you been attended to?
    What do you think of these types of schooling? Which type looks best for you?
    There is a lot of good reasons why home schooling is good. You get more personally attention, flexible schedule, and you don't get socially distracted.
    One teacher has to make sure thirty students learn and listen. When you are homeschooled your parents can just focus on you. You usually learn more because you parents are not distracted my other students. If you have a question in a public school you have to wait or the teacher will just ignore you. If you are ahead in one thing your parents can keep advancing you. Where else in public school you have to stay with one thing even if you know it really well you have to stick to it and then you get bored. If you get exited about one thing and just want to focus on it you can just let everything else go.
    I attended to the public school and from my point of view it was a good decision.
    I think that both kinds of school have its adventages and disadventages but for me the traditional schooling is the best way to gain knowledge and develop.

  23. I attended to public school and if I’m looking now at this period of my life I’m generally satisfied with it. Level of learning was quite good and after graduate I haven’t got any problems with getting at university. It’s hard for me to say something about private type of schools because I have never been in such structures. I only heard some stories about pupils which could do almost everything without any consequences like smoking cigarettes or doing acts of vandalism and did not be punished because of his parents who paid for learning in that school.
    I’m absolutely against individual learning – very important part of the process of learning is also process of socializing young people and prepare them to live in society.

  24. I have attended public schools all my life and I was lucky to attend one of the best schools in Warsaw. I think that this is the best way of schooling because in one class I had rich and poor friends and this was a real environment. I think that private schools in Poland are not better than public - why spend so much money on something that unnecessary? You should keep those money for some good foreign university if you are able to afford it.
    I don't think I would ever take a risk of homeschooling my child. I also think that it is important to be in the group to learn to work with other people, learn patience and tolerance.

  25. I've always attended to public schools, but it's not something that I appreciate. When I hear about the atmosphere in private schools I'm sure I'd feel better there and my motivation to learn would be larger. It's very important that in private schools teachers seek alternative ways of passing knowledge and involving pupils in the process. I'd definitely choose private school as the best one.

  26. I attended to public schools and I think it was a good idea and decision of my parents. For my children, I would choose the same. I know from experience that children attending to private schools see themselves as better than others (maybe not always but I met such cases), perhaps because the teachers don't use discipline against them. When it comes to homeschooling, for me it isn't a good solution because it requires a lot of sacrifice of parents and children need to explore the world and meet with their peers.

  27. I attended only to public schools and I also think that was quite a good idea. Public schools are such a mystery to me, I have never known what is the difference between public and private ones. I knew some children from private schools and they were like any of us so it seems to be a very small difference, because their level of knowledge wasn't higher. Homeschooling is a great idea for example in Australia where the distances between some cities are huge. Children have their schooling program and have to do it obligatory as it is in the other schools. I think that homeschooling in Poland doesn't have many sense but it would be a great opportunity to learn for students who can't go to school for a long time (in some accidental cases) or have to or want to have personalized education system. But homeschooling still needs some different kind of sacrifices than going to ordinary school.

  28. I have been attended to public school and I had really good childhood. But on the other hand I heard a lot of favorable opinions about private schools. Somewhere I wrote that people don't respect things they don't have to pay for (not only adults). In my opinion private schools give students better conditions to study.

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  30. I’ve been attended to public school. For me same sex schools are not good, because they limit contact with other gender and takes from young people the opportunity to learn communication between man and woman. Homeschooling is also a bad idea because adolescents are isolated from their peers, which can cause a lot of misunderstandings and problems in adult life. Moreover, young people can feel lonely.

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  32. Of course I was in public schools too. I have good memories... Maybe not from my high school because it was a nightmare for me to being there. ;) I agree that people don't respect things they don't have to pay for like Asia said, but I heard a lot of opinions about arrogant students from private schools. They pay for education and some of them think they can do everything because of it..
    Homeschooling isn't for me a good idea except special cases, for example when a child is seriously ill. Children shouldn't be isolated from peers it's bad for them I think.

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  34. I have been attend to public schools – primary and high school, and to private school – junior high school. My experience from all of this school is generally good. Difference between my junior high school and public was that my had smaller classes and more hours of subjects like languages and this one called – Science, we also had an opportunity to choose second foreign language. In my case, it wasn't like You have written, that students think that they are better and their parents are paying for their good marks, because a tuition wasn't very high, and there were going ‘normal’ students, not only wealthy.
    I think that homeschooling could be really interesting, effective and much more natural than traditional form of learning, especially for small children who have siblings. But it is necessary a big sacrifice from parents , so I think I won't decide for this type of schooling.

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  36. I have been attended public schools all my life. Level of learning in these schools was quite good. I had many friends and social life on a high level. My teachers were not bad. I think that was really good period of my life. In my opinion homeschooling isn't good because young people should be with people in their age and meet new people. Single sex schools are bad too because we need contact with people of the opposite sex for proper development.

  37. I have been attended to private school and public school. I have mixed feelings with this topic. I think that public school give chance for children to have more friend from different backgrounds. But in private schools there are a discipline and less children, thats way teaching is easier.
    I don't think good about teaching at home. In this case there is no chance to make friends. In my opinion when children have possibility to go to normal school, they should. Sometimes good option is private schools too. Especially that there are a lot of scholarships to choose from.

  38. I have been attended to public schools as well but I never was a student of the school that was the closest to the place where i lived. I always tried to choose school with good reputation and i'm glad I did that. You can't say that public school are bad or private are good in general, what you can say is that public schools are for more socialazing than private since every kind of people can attend to them and that in my opinion is bigest advantage of public schools when you compere them to any different type of lerning.

  39. I attended to public school. I think in Poland we have good public school. I think that private school sometimes are worst than public (in Poland). I know some people form private school and they weren't satisfied.
    Homeschooling.. I don't know. It depends from teachers. My friend had a homeschooling. She was missing friends from school. She hadn't contact with people in her age and it wasn't good for her.
    So I think that public school is the best way. But you need see what is the school, is it good or no.

  40. I studied at a public school. It was both good and not very good. Well I did meet a lot of people, but I never really liked the way they teach kids there. I always thought that a private school is the best option, mostly because of a smaller class there is more face to face teaching. Mostly because you feel like an individual and not like one of many.

  41. I attended to the public school and I really don't regret my parents chose this path of education for me. I couldn't even imagine to study at home. One of the most important thing we learn at school is to socialize and cooperate with other people. Students staying at home maybe gain more knowledge, but they are missing more- soft skills.

  42. I attended to public school. For me is the best. Everyone has equal opportunity and motivation to learn. Private school for me it's just a whim. The level of education is the same as in a public school. The only difference is money. Is it worth it? I do not think so. Homeschooling is also not for me. I can't concentrate on learning when I'm at home.

  43. I've had a brief adventure with homeschooling for a few months before I started attending public school due to moving. I can say that homeschooling can only sound attractive if someone already has friends and some kind of social life. As a child, before I went to school I was perpetually lonely since there were no other children in my neighbourhood and even though I quickly learned how to read or do maths, speaking with others was very difficult. When I started going to public school, I learned the local language in a matter of weeks: there was that much of a change.
    I don't think making a child go through homeschooling is a good idea in any way unless they live far away from school. Children really do need contact with their peers in order to grow up with a proper understanding of social norms. Sometimes I remember how much I hated going to school, but I consider that I would have never made the friends I have now. That's why I believe public school is the best, unless parents have the funds to afford private school. Then it's up to what they believe is the best choice.

  44. I attended to public school. In my town was one school of every kind and I went there. No choice, no matter. I think that better are public school, because private school or homeschooling is culture snobs. Although every schools would be private then level education would be higher and without any snobs.

  45. I've attended to public school. In my city there was private school too but it was to expensive. In my opinion public schools are not sa bad as people said. When you're in big gropu of people of mixed-sex you learn how to socialize. In your school society you have to solve many problems which won't appear in homeschooling and private schools.

    I think public schools are the best option for children. Homeschooling it's some king of separation from school mates. In private schools children get used to be in center of attention and it's harmful for their later social behaviours.

  46. I was attending public school for 9 years of my life and private school for 3. I think it was the best option for me to start education in a huge public school and then go to private high school. I believe that attending public school and interacting with different kids helped me to stay 'normal'. During my freshyear in high school I was surprised that students couldn't cooporeate with each other there. However, there's no doubt in my mind that the level of teaching in my high school was incomparable to other high schools in my region. I was allowed to choose my advanced subjects and I was given a lot of attention from my teachers. Anyway, since I attended these two types of schooling, it's hard to me to say which system is the best one. I think it depends on level of education. At the beginning it doesn't matter, but when it comes to final exams private schooling may be helpful.

  47. I was attending public school for 9 years of my life and private school for 3. I think it was the best option for me to start education in a huge public school and then go to private high school. I believe that attending public school and interacting with different kids helped me to stay 'normal'. During my freshyear in high school I was surprised that students couldn't cooporeate with each other there. However, there's no doubt in my mind that the level of teaching in my high school was incomparable to other high schools in my region. I was allowed to choose my advanced subjects and I was given a lot of attention from my teachers. Anyway, since I attended these two types of schooling, it's hard to me to say which system is the best one. I think it depends on level of education. At the beginning it doesn't matter, but when it comes to final exams private schooling may be helpful.

  48. I attended to the public school because that was the best way of learning for my parents. They believed that gaining new experiences and deepening knowledge in public schools is more interesting when pupils have an opportunity to get in touch with another people. I think that participating on lessons in the public schools is quite decent. Maybe trying to learn English or German in a group of twenty pupils isn’t such a good option but nevertheless, I don’t mind attending the most popular school around the world.
    When it comes to these types of schooling, I would consider unschooling. This is the first time I have ever written about learning at home with an opportunity to choose the most interesting subject. It would be for me more motivated – obviously to focus on my passion. In traditional learning I don’t prefer trying to understand some boring and incomprehensible topics. But it cannot be denied that taking part in individual classes doesn’t provide contact with people. We could be asocial and cut off the community.

  49. I attended to the public school in my village. When I was a child I lived many kilometers from city so that was immposible for my parents to driving me to school fourty kilometers every day. But I think that public school is one of the best type of schooling. We can meet there people with different social status, different nationality and level of education. I don't think that public school is better only because people have to pay for it. We pay taxes so I want my education in high level.
    When I red this presentation I was shocked because I have never red about unschooling. I don't think that teaching children on your hand is good. He doesn't meet any relationschips with onother children. He doesn't know what is discipline. Adn what is more parents cannot teach children everything. Ever if they have higher education.

  50. I attended to public school and I think that in Poland there is no spectacular difference between "good" public school and private school. Except you're looking for get a special qualities in particular subject. But unfortunately almost everywhere you also have to educate yourself after classes. It's quite expensive and I think that sometimes teachers give you more attention when you pay them money than in school. Also some of them don;t have a passion to students.

  51. I attended to public school and I think that in Poland there is no spectacular difference between "good" public school and private school. Except you're looking for get a special qualities in particular subject. But unfortunately almost everywhere you also have to educate yourself after classes. It's quite expensive and I think that sometimes teachers give you more attention when you pay them money than in school. Also some of them don;t have a passion to students.

  52. I was attending to public school. I think that it was good for me. I am from a little village so in my the whole primary school was 50 students. My class was the largests, consiste of 9 children. There was good atmosphere, we all very well knew and teacher can focuse on each students.
    In my opinion the best options is exactly public school. If we talk about private school, it is hard to say for me. Maybe it is too good idea because there are good teachers and programs, but offten this option choice parents with oversized ambitions. Homeschooling and Unschooling are the worst for me, I think that this doesn't replace real learning in real school.

  53. I attended to public schools for whole my life and I think it wasn't that bad. Not everything was amazing, but I'm still alive.
    As I think, the best of the aforesaid types of schooling is the Homeschooling, but only when kid is taught by someone who's really able to teach, and when kid also joins to social life in sport clubs or something like that. Kids can better focus when they're face to face with teacher and they can realize faster material which is easier for them and spend more time on things which are harder to understand. Dedicated programmes of education and materials can be helpful to know what kid should know at the differents levels of learning. Other types of schooling can be also good but there's always the same rules- teacher have to be able to teach and kid can't be bored.

  54. I attended to public and it was really good experience for me. I met a lot of people from every part of my town and made really strong friendships. I also met people from private school but I didn't like them a lot. In my opinion some of them were spoiled by their parents. But I had never met someone from homeschool. In my opinion this is the most effective type of learning because program is written specially for specific person and he or she can learn faster and better, but homeschool might be not good for kid's social skils.

  55. I have been attended to public schools. I think I haven’t had any choice. My parents are not enough rich to send me to the private school or to pay for an individual teacher. In my opinion every child should be obligated to attend to a public school. Homeschooling or teaching at home should be banned. We must remember that school is not only a place for learning but also for socialising and meeting new friends. In a school everyone know how to behave in society. This is the most important. Private schools are for rich men who want to send their children with richer classmates. Only public schools are able to give us equality in teaching.

  56. I have been attended to public school so I would like to express my opinion on this point. I don't agree with the fact that in the public schools level of education is lower than in private schools. I have very good memories, I met many wonderful people who are still my friends. I don't understand the idea of private schools. Everything depends on the willingness and commitment. I think that shouldn't be such thing as homeschooling and unschooling. In education, the point is to be in community. The environment in which we live also forms in us certain values.

  57. Article honestly and briefly describes several types of education. I attended only to public schools and do not think they have a lower level than private. I think it depends on the school, the teachers and the students. I agree with my colleagues, the public schools are beneficial for development, because students can stay with their peers, and home schooling insulates children from other children. In addition, home schooling can represent a lower level of education in the school.

  58. Every time I have been in public schools. But I have never tried another form of learning so I can write if their are worse. In my opinion we can't tell the same things about all public schools, some of them are good with engaged teachers, big classes, lots of educational materials but there'are also public schools which haven't got enough money to prepare classes or to improve teachers skills. My primary and secondary schools where good but in secondary there was upon thousand pupils so classes was big and this omnipresent noise...
    Now at University of Warsaw I have got mixed feelings, education level is high but some univeristy and faculty buildings looks like "old psychiatric hospital". Apart from that I'm happy that I'm part of this community.

  59. I have been attended to private schools for 9 years and to public high school. Both public and private schools have lots of pros and cons. Private schools are much better equipped, we had the equipment I've never seen in high school. But in public school there were more people, I made some great friends and I've learned how to live in bigger communities.

  60. I’ve beed attended to public schools since the beginning. I think that unschooling is the worst form of learning
    Homeschooling is only good when you got difficulties (like health problems) with attending to normal school. For me public schools are the best for kids, it teach them being equal. And honestly when you wanna learn something it doesn’t matter where you study.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I have been attending to public schools whole life. I think that best type of school is public school but with some features of private schools. Classes are usually to big for one teacher. It’s sometimes impossible to control so many students and to pay enough attention for most needing ones.

  63. I've always attending to public schools, even now, while studying I've choosen a public univeristy. In my opinion fact that you are part of public educational system, proves the level of your knowledge, not the size of your parents wallet :)))
    So as I said above, the best type od schooling for it's public one. In Poland private schools don't have a good opinion, I mean they are not connote with high level and quality of education.
    Homeschooling in my opinion it's good option when parents have enough time and are willing to fully sacrifice for child education. The same is in unschooling situtation.

  64. Nowadays, we can choose from variety of ways of learning. It's difficult to choose the best one as all of them have adventages as well as drawbacks. From my experience with private schools (I attended a private middle school) I can only say that it is not always true that private schools offer higher quality of teaching. Of course this what aids private schools is the fact of more individuality of each student and a smaller school community. However, I believe that the most relevant factor of effectivness of learning is the attitude of a student, not the type of school they attend. If someone want to learn they will learn no matter if they do it at home or at public school.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. I am a supporter of public school. I claim that all students should have the same conditions of learning. But I agree that small classes are better to schooling, because then a teacher can give up more time for every student.
    I think that educate should be free and available for everyone to provide send-off for each child.
    I don't think that homeschooling is good for all students. In my opinion at educate time is important to have contact with peer, to socialize with them, to form your personality on background group. It is also major to children don't have contact with their parents all time - then they will learn how to be independent aand how they can solve their own problems. Of course they still will be asking for advices, but more and more decisions will be taking by themselves.

  67. I attended to public school but I know a lot of people who went to a private school. I don;t think that private schools are always better than public schools. I can’t choose what kind of schooling is the best. In my opinion all of them have got advantages and disadvantages. For example homeschooling can be better for kids whose don't feel comfortable in group of people or have some disease, I think it is not as stressful as public school. I like the fact that in these times everyone can choose a type of schooling they prefer. It makes a lot of things easier.

  68. What type of school should I choose for my child? I think is very tipical question which every parents ask to themselves. I was attending to a private school and it wasn't so bad but also it wasn't so excellent. When it comes to learning it looked pretty cool but sometimes you could feel like in a cage. Teachers are a big plus because they are chosen very carefully and remain the best ones. Public schools are also very good but of course they are better and worse in everyone and for each individual diffrent school is better. When it comes to home teaching I think it's not a bad option now a days I meet more people who learned in such a way like this. And it seems to me that everyone learning in this way would have better learning results because the teacher focuses only on him. The big downside is that it doesn't meet people then and this is very important in our development.

  69. I’ve been attending only to public schools.
    For me, the best are public schools. They provide a proper level of education and give me a chance to develop abilities I will need in the future.It isn't true that in public schools level of education is lower than in private schools.I think the level of education depends directly on a pupil, on his or her skills and willingness to learn and develop. I think that homeschooling and unschooling is a good choice for children who have problems with focusing on classes and they need a full-time attention from a teacher.

  70. I've been attended to public school and I'm grateful to my parents for making this decision. Why?

    In my opinion this type of schools are better option than other, if you want be good prepared for real life. You've contact with people all the time - not only friendly, but also with students, who don't like you. This makes you stronger, because you start to understand that people don't always want your happiness, they're often mean and jealous. Thanks to that you can learn to distinguish good company from inappropriate people for you. Learning in a public school can learn you to deal with stress. In this place you have to appear on the public forum many times or say poems on the performances. If you study at home - you don't have this possibility.

    On the one hand, the public school prepare you for unpleasant situations and terrible people. On the other hand, you can have many nice memories thanks to it. Class events, trips, discos, meetings outside the school - ice cream, the cinema, the theater, the ice rink, common problems and disappointments, sharing happiness eg. from the canceled test. You can't experience this at home.

    I think it's worth going to public school. It has a lot of benefits and ... is free!

  71. I've attended public schools all my life and I think that this type of schools have its pros and cons. Public schools differ form each other too. Some private schools might be better than public ones or it can be the other way around. It depends on many factors such us the quality of education, expectations (that can be high or low in many cases) or teachers.
    Public schools more or less give children chances to education but you can't be sure of the quality. Some private schools are demanding, some may be not so it's hard to choose between them.
    Nevertheless this types of schooling look best for me comparing to homeschooling or unschooling. I think that unchooling can be a great option but after attending to public or private school. It could be very interesting step during next years of education but in the beggining I think it's better to attend school and face all the people rather than stay at home.

  72. All my life I've attended to private schools. Number of students there was from 16 to 20 youngsters. I think this is very good type of school because not only it's easier when there is less students but also one teacher can be closer with every student. In my high school I didn't have form tutor but I had my own tutor that I had to choose and cooperate with. The relation between students and teacher was more like an agreement which made me feel more comfortable. School was small and everybody knew each other so if some teen would behave in a weird way or if something bad would happend teachers would see. I also could use help of teachers after lessons witch was really comfortable because my parents didn't need to hire tutor.
    I don't know which type of school is the best. In my life I was just in private school so I don't have comparison. I guess in public school the advantage is that you can meet more people. Homeschooling is also good because it provides no pressure during lessons and individual way of learning.
    I think that every type of learning has it's advantages and flaws and parents should choose school that is the most proper for their child.

  73. I attended a public school and I think that's the best option of schooling. I don't believe that all the private schools have higher level of teaching, better qualified teachers, better atmosphere and so on than public schools. For me it's also better to attend public school because the children from private schools are often boasting about themselves - I think that they learn it from their parents. Children are just children and they don't understand why should they go to another school that for example their cousins or neighbours.. I think that they should have a choice - I had this choice and I don't regret it.

  74. I attended a public school and for me it is one of the better forms of teaching. It has its pros and cons. It's more demanding, but is also more effective. I believe that homeschooling and unschooling can cause many problems in the future life of a child. I think so, because to get a well-paid job, it's best to graduate an univerity. By teaching at home the child will have a difficult approach to exams needed to get to university. I believe that such teaching like homeshooling and unschooling should occur only in some cases, so that everyone has equal access to knowledge.

  75. I have attended to public school. In my opinion everything depend on school environment, we can find a lot of public schools, which have high quality but often are for better students. Talking about private schools, I want to say that they are often overrated. In this kind of school we can also observ pathological and violent behaviors. Homeschooling is good, when children lived too far away from any school. But this is intended for special cases.Unschooling sounds interestingly, but it is very controversial idea and I think that it can have too many disadvantages. To sum up I am supporter of good public schools and we should do everything to improve their quaities.

  76. Public or private school? It depends, the quality can be various, I was in a public high school, but I would never complain - high discipline, great teachers, I couldn't ask for more - not only they presented me knowledge but also I've learned how to effectively manage my time. About one sex classes - I see only one advantage: PE lessons. Segregation is not right, but this one type of lesson is different. Sometimes boys or girls are getting embarassed on such lessons, because they not that good in sport and it's easier for them to overcome their fears when there is one sex group only.

    1. I agree that quality of public school isn't worse than private one. I was a student of private high school and I'm not pleased of it. This school was very divided. On the one side - rich, spoiled children and on the other - geeks or children, who are not so rich and parents, who are not so influential, and it's the reason why teachers can treat them in another way.
      Homeschooling is difficult way for teenagers, who need to gain friendships or socialize. I even can't imagine this kind of education.

  77. Private school does not mean automatically the better education. It happens often that some parents threaten the principal because they pay and they require that their child would pass even if he shouldn't. Those parents just buy the graduation and it's not fair with regard to other child.
    However, some paper will not help in real life.

  78. I’ve been attending a public school. I think that it is the best option from all previously presented. I know that it has some disadvantages, but all in all it gives children more than homeschooling or private school. First of all in public school children learn how to communicate and cooperate with their peers. It makes them more open-minded and self-confident. It can be useful not only in work but also in personal relationships in the future. What is more there are stereotypes that in private school it’s easier to pass, because parents can pay for that. Even though it isn’t true, children can be measured by that fact. So public school should be the main option and the others should be considered when it is necessary.

  79. I have been attending to public school. And I think that it is the best type for Polish students of all presented here. For Polish students because I do not know how it works in another countries. I also do not agree with the statement that in public school is poor quality and low teacher standards. I met a lot of appointive teachers. They explained everything and students could always rely on them. What about other types? I think that private schools create students to be more confident and they think that they are better than students from public school. But personally, I do not see any different between them. For me homeschooling seems to be only an alternative for physically disabled students.

  80. I have attended to public school and I am very pleased about that. To be frank, I have not strong reservations about the public school. In my case school system was high-quality and my teachers were high standard. What I appreciate the most in my school was atmosphere. I have a number on fellow pupils. Not only can we learn in common, but also do some naughty things. Personally, I figure private school as boring. It is minded to learn only. The greatest disadvantages to me is the fact that to private school attend children who parents pay fees. It is segregation which incontestably is a negative phenomenon. As for public school kids are equal no matter how much money they parents have. From my point of view homeschooling should be associated with children who have some disabilities. It has a main weakness. Students do not socialize with classmates at home.

  81. I’ve never consider attending to a private school, in my school experience were only the public ones and I’m satisfied with the quality of education I gained. In my opinion the most important thing in eduction is your attitude not the type of education. Of course, it gives you opportunities, or not, but if someone don’t want to learn, no one can force him. As we know that, we can say something about these opportunieties. Homeschooling sounds great, but it’s not for everyone. This type of learning is for people who already have some different activities which will provide them contact with other people. I imagine that this is a good idea for someone who develops his passions and doesn’t have enough time to divide it for both school and passion. Moreover homeschooling demands selfdiscipline from students otherwise they will fail all final exams. But if someone seems to be antisocial person… it can only deepen the problem. For this case the best solution is to go to public school to learn how to live with people. Unschooling gives you knowledge but it is just waste of time because you don’t get any qualifications form it and you will have problems with finding a job in the future. We all need something different in education so it’s good that we have few options to choose.

  82. I attended to public school and I think that was a good choice. Children have contact with all type of people, just like in adult life. I remember that I had a various classmates - some of them was rich, another came from poor families. It`s taught me that social status doesn`t matter. I think that children from private schools have problem with that (maybe not all of them, but certainly the most). Private schools definietly offered easier way of learning because teacher can be closer with student. But I think also that child which wants to learn, can do this in every school.

  83. I was attending to public school and I am satisfied but of course I know people who hate publuc education system. In my opinion public school is a good solution because student has comparison with others. Child also learn to live in a society - it is very important. Private schools are said to be better, with higher level of education and students results. I know people who were attending to this type of school and unfortunately I do not notice their alleged skills on higher level. In my opinion very interesting option seems to be homeschooling or ever unschooling (but only in case if you have responsible parents).

  84. I was attending to the public school. I chose it because I wanted to go to the same school as my friends from kintergarden. All types of shool have pros and cons. Public school is the most popular option but we have no control of what could happen during lessons. Private school usually costs a lot but mostly we are sure that we pay for a good quality of education. Homeschoolin or unschooling in some cases is a good option. for example when child is sick or disable... but they don`t have contact with another kids and they social skills might not developed well enough.

  85. I've attended to public school. Not like I had much of a choice to be honest, but I don't complain. Personaly I believe private schools, and perhaps even homeschooling are better alternatives. Majority of the time, they offer better quality learning, personalised programs coresponding to one's needs, and because of smaller groups, it is easier for students to focus on task, and for teachers and tutors to focus on students. The downside of course, is that not everyone has money to be able to afford such programs, as they are quite expensive.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. I attended to public school. I was satisfied about that. Teachers were nice and quite well prepeared and the ambience were good, especialy in high school. However I wish I could have attend to private school. The school which would prepeare me rather for future than for exams. I don't think homeschooling migth be good idea, in my opinion people needs some contact with others. And deffinetely unschooling is bad, because some elementary knowlege is crutial in current society.

  88. I attended to public school and I think it was a good choice. I don’t think that in Poland private schools have higher level of education. Students in private school sometimes are spoiled and they think that they are better than students in public school. I think also that teachers in private school are often more permissive and students easier get a good marks, what isn’t always determinant level of knowledge. Of course private school have also advantages for example small classes size. Homeschooling is very difficult especially, when parents teach their children. I think that it is better for child to go to school to have a contact with peers and spend time with them.

  89. I attended to public school. In my opinion this type of schooling is a good choice. It allows us to meet a variety of people from different social enviroments and prepare us to function in society. It is more difficult to attend to private school with single sex classes. Despite of providing high level eduaction, it separates students. The results of division could be bad for them, because real life doesn't look like this.

  90. I attended to public school. I think it was good decision. I am glad that I wasn’t studying in private school, because I have never met not spoiled person who was studying in private school. I don’t think that level of education in private school is higher than in public school. I think that level of education depends on teachers. However, there are some advantages in private school. For example, smaller number of pupils in class or better equipment for some subjects.

  91. I have attended to public school. I don't know anything about privete high schools (for me there is big diffrence between reading and doing something) so I write about state school. For me the main problem is size of classes. If teacher has got 45 minutes for 30 people, he can't help everyone with problems. What is more, one teacher has many classes, so he hasn't got enough time to help his students with their problems.

  92. I have attended to both private and public schools and I wouldn't say that private one was better than public and public than private. These both types have their good and bad sides, for example in private school classes were small -there was maximally 18 people and In my opinion this is much better than classes with 30 and even more people. From the other hand in public schools we can meet some students from diffrent enviroments than ours and it can be helpful with further interpersonal relations.
    As you can see It is not easy to choose better type of schooling, as both of them contains good and bad sides.

  93. I have attended private high school. I believe that those kind of schools are more flexible than public schools, so they can adapt to the expectations of each student, thus they are more competitive on the education market. I believe that Private schools give much more opportunities than public schools be cause of open mindlessness for students expectations that is not limited by the presented law regulations on education priorities established by actual government.

  94. 1. What type of school have you been attended to?
    I've been attended to a public school and thanks to having a numerous class, I've got lots of memories.

    2. What do you think of these types of schooling? Which type looks best for you?
    In my opinion, only private and public schools are acceptable because it's not only wisdom and subjects when it comes to learning. Social skills and ability to work in a group is even more important.

  95. I personally attended to a public school, but it was near Warsaw, that's why the level of education was higher than in a typical public school. I am very grateful for all the experiences I had, meeting people from different backgrounds, various material standings and having teachers that were very committed even if they didn't get much money from it.

    I am a big fan of public schools or coeducational private schools, because they give a child an answer to every basic need - knowledge, social skills, orderliness and open mind.
    Same sex school sound very sexist and toxic to me, we live in a society, so there is no need to divide us some more. Homeschooling is quite hard, but I think it's worth the energy if it's the best option for a child, some people are just not made to function in a public school or they need special attention from different specialists.

  96. I believe that the best way of education is in public school. In a private school, parents have high expectations because they pay for school (as was mentioned in the text). Also in private schools, the level of teaching is not always as high as people think, sometimes precisely because parents pay for school students can move from class to class easier, which results in general knowledge gaps. Homeschooling is also not a good option in my opinion, as parents do not always have that much patience with their children. In covid, we can also see that studying at home leads to a lack of separation between the place of rest and the workplace, and thus leads to less concentration and more stress

  97. I've only ever attended public schools, in my perspective, they offer a decent education level and a chance to develop the skills which are required in the future life. I don't know if it's true that public schools offer a worse quality of education than private institutions because I have never been a private school student. The degree of education, in my opinion, is directly related to a student's aptitude, openness to learning, and desire to grow. Homeschooling, in my opinion, is ideal option for kids who have trouble focusing in class and require a teacher's undivided attention. For me the best option was for 100% traditional school.


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