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    Tracing history of social sexual behaviours back to medieval times many of us could find surprising information. As some say, sexuality was always a problem people never learned to deal with- meaning in reality it was and is quite different than in theory. We often think that middle ages were times of virtue, especialy regarding to modesty and decency. History reveals that the actual sexual behaviours where not that different from today’s. It is probably hard to imagine that debauchery was more than common among aristocrats and that church was involved in sex business. Even sex aids were already invented.

    Kings and nobles often used their authority and power to get all women they wanted- which was beyond criticism. Time kept passing and kings along with nobles were replaced by politics, the gap between official versions of facts and reality stayed huge though. Sex remained taboo in many aspects until the sexual revolution. The sexual liberation was a social movement that challenged traditional codes of behavior related to sexuality and  interpersonal relationships throughout the Western World from the 1960s to the 1980s. Sexual liberation included increased acceptance of sex outside of traditional heterosexual, monogamous relationships (primarily marriage).Contraception and  the pill, public nudity, the normalization of premartial sex, homosexuality and alternative forms of sexuality, and the legalization of abortion all followed. That said we could asume the revolution changed the Western World to better because society has sincerely stated it’s needs and set new rights to serve people better. But that is not the end of story.

    The general liberation means also free media and free market. Democracy means majority setting the rules. That means people can do anything and everything that is accepted by majority to earn money without any limits. Effect of this mix clearly indicates that the easiest way to make great money is by using people’s foolishness and basic instincts- that is porn industry, drugs, alcohol and big part of internet and television.
TV channels selling only best-selling products – pap - to get maximum number of viewers, might cause growing a society of ignorants - including mostly children defenseless to such manipulation. To be more acurate this manipulation often involves use of erotic messages free of actual emotional meaning and easily catching our attention. A side effect of this however, is a hole new reality that seems to suck children and less oriented people as victims into a neverending show and thus suffering. For these people most of normal life is now spent creating a synthetic self-image based on what they saw on TV or on the internet, where they also create their virtual cool-looking-photo-based profiles. They have no interest in normal life or any real passion, because they have no idea what to do besides what was shown on TV and no space or energy in mind left for their real selves; the new created reality puts such pressure on them. When they meet they party because there is nothing else to do and it’s just another imitation. Unfortunately this whole image thing is built around sexuality and so one’s sexuality stops being private and has no chance to actually grow up - it might put a shadow on one’s future family and private life. Quite interesting is the fact that this whole situation is presented as game and fun.

  1. Do you think today’s media and internet are dangerous for teenagers and/or children?
  2. If so, how are they dangerous and who is responsible for that?
  3. Do you think that older times had any advantage over our times in this context?
  4. Do you think that sexuality has ever been really different from today’s?


  1. I think that todays media can be dangerous for children and teenagers if they wont use it with caution. People in general mustn't trust in everything that they will read on internet or see on tv. Nowadays we need to protect our privacy, specialy in the web, becouse it can be very dangerous to us. I think that only one who made internet and other media dangerous are ourselfs. We were perceiveing it as something different than real life, and forgot about risks. I think in older times people had more privacy, there were no paparazzis who were following vip's at every step. I think, that nowaday's sexuality is much more aggresive. We can spot it everywhere. It became something normal, something that we anymore pay that much attention. To sum up my thoughs, I think that times are chaning, so it is sexuality. Who knows, how it will be seen in 20 or more years...

  2. I think that today's media are dangerous for those who haven't been prepared by their parents for the fact that reality differs from what they can see in TV and Internet. I don't think that there is one person who is responsible for that fact, media's aim is to make money and they know what to sell to make profit. We are all responsible for the fact that we can't stand real people with their faults that we need to idealize somebody to feel better. We tend to forget that we grew up in a totally different world than kids have today and they need to be prepared by us for what they are confronting.
    The main advantage of older times was better protection of your privacy and the fact that people grew up without looking up to some unreal people's images created by media.
    I don't think that sexuality has ever been different - we've changed the language in which we are talking about it, some things become more/less controversial but in fact it is the same as it was years ago.

  3. Internet and media are dangerous for everyone. Not just for children and teenagers. I always thought that the internet is just a tool . With an axe we can cut down a tree or someone's head . We always have to properly process and think over all information and images . Young people are particularly vulnerable because they are very absorbent and quickly assimilate new patterns that they are mimic later . And we all know that over 90% of what we see on TV and the internet is worthless and wrong. It seems to me that the older times was very similiar. Public executions , racism, intolerance , not respecting human rights and the rights of children . Nowadays you can see the understanding , you can't beat a child to knock something out of his head . We are solving problems by talking . But it doesn't mean that we don't have a problem with violence and eroticism among young people - because of the mass media. Sexuality was, is and will be. It's a human thing . Perhaps in the past people was not talking about this and it was not possible to show this in public for a large group. But that doesn't mean that sexuality didn't exist.

  4. Today's media are certainly dangerous for young people who just create their personality and they should assimilate only positive things and values. As we see, most of topics in the Internet aren't good for teenagers and through reading and assimilating it, youngster may start doing bad things, even commit crime. However, they can find also useful things but in the young age, people are more willing to worse topics.
    There are too little articles about family life, happiness in our families, love and peace. We create this type of reality and the whole nation is responsible for that. Inadmissible behaviours are supported and continued by teenagers.
    I think that in older times everything was a bit different than nowadays. Particularly, less part of TV and Internet so people were focus only on their private life and on higher values. There was certainly bigger respect for other people. Earlier, we haven't talked as much as now about sexuality, this topic was more hidden. Nowadays, examples of sexual behaviours we can see on different TV stations and it is common, unfortunately.

  5. In my opinion media maybe dangerous especially for children and teenagers. There is a lot of sex and pornography in them. I was so socked and scare when I found out that such stupid and improper for young watcher programs are broadcast in the evenings. They are supersaturated by sex and without good contact with parents may produce curvy picture of world and relation between men and women. I think that the main cause of this problem is greed. Shows such this is controversial and make able television station to earn easy money.
    I have mixed filings about which time was more dangerous in this area. At first I would like to say of course we live in more difficult time, but on the other hand when I thing about stories which my great-grandmother told me about so many infidelities or bastards in one small village, I would be no so sure. Then sex was taboo subject so it may give even bigger curiosity. I am not so sure that it was widely different, but it didn’t make so much noise around itself and left more space more intimate and special.

  6. Yes I think that this is fact and it scares me because I'm worried what it could cause. Children are now attacked in massmedia by sexuality. It can have realy bad influence. I think that social perrmision for that is too big. We all are responsibe because we are not doing anything with this situation. I think that in older times people was similiar but there was no internet and only public television so it wasn't so big problem. I think that thining about sex has change and especially woman change their thinking.

  7. But if parents take responsibility for their kids, and do their that just breaks the mold! I mean... know it all's can't swoop in and tell you what's wrong and try to create laws for it, lazy people can't blame others and turn to those know it all's to fix if for them... The madness!!!
    We need to make laws forbidding parenting by parents!! That is the church's, government's and school's jobs!!
    You want to know the real problem with kids? Stupid, whiny parents who blame everything but themselves for their kids screw ups. Try blaming rock music, that doesn't work blame rap instead, if that doesn't work, blame TV, if that doesn't work, blame video games, if that doesn't work, blame the internet. How about this, spend time with your kids, make sure they go outside now and again and stop trying to make a simple problem worse by whining about it. The sexuality used to look different on TV but we can't blame the development for that.

    1. I think that's not exactly the truth... fortunately and unfortunately. It's not so obvious, turns out bringing up your kids can sometimes be almost impossible if they are influenced by other's parents kids everyday in a wrong or just unknown way. You have no idea what your daughter might think or feel when she is alone in a difficult or dangerous situation. She might act very responsible at home but you just don't know what she's like with friends or with strangers. And even if you do then some parents may not, they may have difficult background and not know how to talk. In that case there's got to be other universal and obvious source of examples- how to get prepaired for real life, not get hurt and screw everything up when you're young. And most of TV does the opposite. Besides- what can single parents say against whole society and TV culture to make their children believe and obey them? Are you sure it's that simple? You think you are not responsible for your friends and people you meet at all- you can lie to them if you like because it's theirs parents job to tell the truth? TV lies for money, it's anti-human and anti-social. Is it ok? Music has nothing to do with it. Music doesn't lie, unless we are talking about crappy lyrics and clips but it's not music.

  8. I think that today's media are very dangerous for teenagers and children. They can watch thing that they shouldn't without any efforts. They can just search in Google and they get everything they can imagine. I think that everybody are responsible for that, especially parents who don't have time for their children. They can't use computers as good as their own kids and they can't use any programs that could help to protect their children f.e. blocked inapproriate sites.
    Do you think that older times had any advantage over our times in this context? Yes, but it was more private or domestic problems.
    I don't think it was diffrent, it was just more private thing then now.

  9. Media and the Internet can be very dangerous when overused and used in a wrong way. It's always shocking to hear about six yeas old watching porn or a pregnant teenage girl. But we are all responsible of that, especially parents, families, teachers, governments and the media. Instead of protecting children wisely from potentially harmful sexual content on the net parents are trying to simulate that sex does not exist at all and believe that if they don't talk about it with their children it doesn't exist for them. With no sexual education at school, no reliable information about sex and puberty, and parents who can't and don't want to talk about it with their own children we have children and teens seeking information on the Internet, watching porn (which is really really meant for adults and can harm immature psyche of a child) and trying risky behaviours on their own. It is a sad conclusion, but I don't think we are learning from past decades if it comes to sexual education. Nowadays we have almost naked woman on almost every TV ad, sex sells even breakfast cereals and sexual preferences are widely discussed in TV shows but in my opinion nothing except the customs (and in many cases definitely not for better) have changed if it comes to our sexuality, personal preferences and behaviours.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Media can be dangerous for young people when it is overused, as Emilia said, or when there is no parent's control of that how children use it.
    I think it is normal that people feel inclination to sex and all things associated with sex. That's why TV really like to show nudity, alcohol or drugs. And as the author noticed- it works. Nowadays, it is really hard to escape from this kind of programmes. Therefore, children watching the TV spontaneously are exposed to it. In the past sexulatity started being noticeable and people had just started show it. Nowadays, there is no limits and we got used to watching half-naked girls or just other 'immoral' things. And I don't think so sexuality has been ever different from today. It has been only showed in other way.

  12. Do you think today’s media and internet are dangerous for teenagers and/or children?
    I think yes, because all unwanted contents are available at the click of a mouse. Internet portals offer, like or have a lot of indecent photos on a home pages.
    If so, how are they dangerous and who is responsible for that?
    The biggest dangerous are a brutal and erotic contents, which have huge bad impact on children and young people. First of all goverments, media agencies and portals are responsible for that, but what's more parents are responislbe too, because inadequately controll what are their children do on the internet.
    Do you think that older times had any advantage over our times in this context?
    I think yes, because, formerly, people didn't have lot af abilities to access to unwanted contents. Bigger impact on this had television or artists i think.
    Do you think that sexuality has ever been really different from today’s?
    Maybe not different, but it wasn't been widely available and we talked abot it rarely.

  13. Do you think today’s media and internet are dangerous for teenagers and/or children? I don't think that today’s media and internet are dangerous for teenagers. In my opinion adults are dangerous for teenagers. Of course, maybe there are things which children shouldn't see but it depends from parents who bought devices their children.
    If so, how are they dangerous and who is responsible for that? I think the most dangerous for young people are brutal games and erotic websites which are available for every person.
    Do you think that older times had any advantage over our times in this context? Yes, but before people bought more newspapers and as you know there are bad things too.


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