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Sense of sport

Athlete is a person who is practicing professionally, competitively. Necessary are physical abilities like : endurance, agility, and any other characteristics depend on the specific discipline. Undeniably is also resistance to stress, ability to concentrate, self-discipline. But why do athletes actually engage in a particular discipline? For the money? Fame? What motivates them?

One of the main reason why athletes engage in a particular discipline is a PASSION. They just like to do it and they can’t imagine life without it. It brings them pleasure and satisfaction. Passion usually goes back to childhood when many of athletes dreamed of winning a medal or finish first in important competitions. Therefore, they trained and worked hard to fulfill their dreams.

An important reason may be also the MONEY and FAME. When one is really outstanding and respected athlete can receive enormous sum of money for one's job. Of course it depends on the discipline and its popularity.  Most earn boxers, football players, basketball players. They are not only athletes, but also the stars of advertising different products, celebrities, often scandalmongers. Their image is used for all kinds of projects but of course they are recognizable thanks to their success. 

However, if all athletes owe their success to hard training? What about doping?
DOPING is the use and abuse of performance enhancing substances in elite sport. There are many motivations for use doping for example :
- to enhance performance (increased strength, endurance, alertness, aggression; decreased reaction time, fatigue, anxiety, muscle tremor)
- to drive to win
- financial incentives
- belief that others are using PES (performance enhancing substances
- coping with pain and injury rehabilitation
- weight control

- pressure from coaches/parents/advisors/national sports organizations

World sport knows many scandals associated with the use of doping. One of the most famous is the case of Lance Armstrong has recently been recognized by many as the greatest cyclist in history. He explicitly admitted to using
illicit doping therapy. He cheated  virtually his entire career
professional cyclist, using the full range of available resources. He made a confession during an interview with the popular American presenter Oprah Winfrey. The rider is gradually removed from the multiple classification, stripped of titles, also lost millions of advertising contracts.

Another example is sprinter Ben Johnson who became the first star of the Olympic Games in Seoul and then the hero of one of the biggest doping scandals. Johnson in the 100 m defeated his nearest rival American Carl Lewis and set a world record - 9.79. Then, however, was caught on the use of the anabolic steroid stanozolol and its achievements have been plotted. Now he campaigns against doping.

Ben Johnson campaigns against doping.

And now questions :
1. Why in your opinion do athletes actually engage in a particular discipline?
2. What do you think about doping? If it should be legalized for professional athletes or not? Why?/Why not?



  1. I think there is a lot of reasons why people engage in professional sports. Sometimes one has a huge passion which started in childhood and led one to professional sport. Sometimes one carries out dreams of one's parents. But sometimes, and I believe that it is the most pleasent situation for sportsman, sport is the way of rescuing his life. For example, if one has a lot of strong shocks and unhappiness in life and one day one decides to change everything and do things which one only dreamed about . It is easy to find such examples in extremal sports. This is situation when someone really became a happy and good results it is like a side effect of his aspiration. I understand that professional sport is not about just pleasure and happiness, there is a lot of people who earn money on sport and it became a serious business. Doping and race for better results are part of this business. By that I can explain my negative attitude for sport as for business. And I don't think that legalization of doping is a good idea, we should not forget about morality, even in big sport.

  2. 1.Why in your opinion do athletes actually engage in a particular discipline?
    I think it is really interesting but difficult question. I don't do any discipline of sports but I run a few years ago. So I can say that sport is kind of addiction and maybe also athletes can't stop doing your discipline. As Liza mentioned are many reasons why people engage in a particular discipline. I think that they do their discipline with passion because it demands hard work so if they wouldn't like it they don't do it.
    2. What do you think about doping? If it should be legalized for professional athletes or not? Why?/Why not?
    I think doping isn't fair and it is good that it is banned. Athletes should win when they train hard and have good form but without doping. If all athletes would use doping sport would be really boring.

  3. Why in your opinion do athletes actually engage in a particular discipline?

    It is important to have an aim in our life and gradually realize it, sport is a fantastic example of it. Athletes engage in different disciplines because they want to be the best, it is their way of life. They are love their lifestyle so they are successful. Without professional fulfillment we aren't able to achieve the highest results also in other fields.

    What do you think about doping? If it should be legalized for professional athletes or not? Why?/Why not?

    In my opinion, it isn't honest. Under no circumstances should it be legalized for professional athletes because sport is beautiful in view of fair rivalry, when athletes can try their hands. Doping isn't natural and all athletes should have equal chances to win the match or competition.

  4. 1. Why in your opinion do athletes actually engage in a particular discipline?

    IT could be a lot of reasons why they acually engage in a particular discipline.First of all,it could be thay passion.They want to be the best,which is connected with lots of money and great career. Without trainings and turn their interest into professional way,they couldn't become so strong and good at their discipline.

    2. What do you think about doping? If it should be legalized for professional athletes or not? Why?/Why not?

    It's hard to say,but I think that lots of those substances are very harmful,so it is the most negative for their health.What is more,it's unnatural,so some part of athletes could have less chances to win.

  5. In my opinion it's because they want to be the best in just one discipline, not focused on others, but only on the one to beat the best scores in history. It's great to have a passion and oding everything to get the success. Doping shouldn't be legalized, cos personally I think, it just destroy not only the organism of a particular athlete, but also an atmosphere of competing. There is nothng better the pure willing to win.

  6. I think that it is a sum of their passion in childhood and meeting the right coach at the right time - some athletes would probably do something else because they were just good at sports in school and then they met some awesome coach in their local club who have decided to work with them. Other reason may be unfortunately how rich their parents were - for example a poor kid doesn't have much chance to become a tennis player.
    I think that doping shouldn't be legalized because this is simply cheating - it is also way more exciting to watch how much a human can achieve without any help but only through training hard.

  7. 1. Why in your opinion do athletes actually engage in a particular discipline? It could be a lot of reason and I think that all of mentioned are true and it is hard to add something. Maybe they need adrenaline that sort can bring them.
    2. What do you think about doping? If it should be legalized for professional athletes or not? Why?/Why not? Of course anwser could be only one. Doping is unfair, the spirit of sport is that everybody should have the same chance, so cheating don't make you a winner even if everyobody think you are the best, you know the truth and you can't feel satisfaction and happy.

  8. I think that they engage in a particular discipline because of particular passion or particular yearn for money. However, maybe sometimes it's their parents who forced them.
    If it's said that doping is something innatural, why should anyone use it to compare his natural skills and abilities with others? If anyone dreams to become a monster - he's got a way to make it come true. But it would not be fair if being a sportsman meant that you have to interfere your organism.
    I don't support it at all.

  9. I think, they engage in particular discipline, becouse they like it. It is somethink, that gives them energy to live. If you are interested in running, if it's something that you are really keen on, why you shouldn't start in some competition? They are doing what they like to do, what their hearts telling them to do. I think, that doping should be legalized, becouse every sportsmen use them at their own risk. If it helps them, why not using them? In my opinion its really stupid to ban doping from professional sports, becouse it helps to push our body to the limit, to do our maximum.

  10. It seems to me that there are many reasons why athletes performs a specific discipline. It can start with watching the matches as a child, and later playing in the street or the playground with friends from school. Perhaps the teacher could notice the talent and persuaded to engage in this particular discipline. That's a tough question, hard to answer it clearly. But I can clearly say that doping is bad and wrong and I'm against it. Sport relies on self-improvement, crossing borders through hard work and passion. One of the most beautiful rules of sport is the fair play rule. And the use of doping is contrary to this principle. The body for an athlete should be a temple.

  11. I totally agree with Martyna that is a kind of addiction. In every summer I ride my bike. In really hot day I woke up at 6 just to ride few kilometers before the heat. It probably creates more significant need when you do it professionally. Another cause may be fame and money which are connected with professional sports.
    I am totally against doping. It has very unfavorable influence at health and kill fighting spirit. I have watched documentary film about ex-sportswomen from East Germany. They were the best in their discipline but price was very high. They look as a men, have to shave their face and have serious health problem nowadays.

  12. I see that about the first question I have nothing to add and I totally agreewith alice in this case.
    As regards doping, I'm against it. Competitions or even just doing any sport should be a test of your physical endurance. And using doping it is not anything else than cheating. Pratice sport is not only to win a championship, but it should be a life style.

  13. 1. Why in your opinion do athletes actually engage in a particular discipline?
    Some people find something what suits them in concrete disciplines. I've never understood why people play sports like curling or sledging. Maybe it is something more than just a game, some say that is soul of a sport.

    2. What do you think about doping? If it should be legalized for professional athletes or not? Why?/Why not?
    Doping is a cancer for sport. The soul of sport is based on real emulation between sportsmans without improvers, only power of muscles, blood and sweat. Win in equal competition is the best win.

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