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Studying in your own country or studying abroad?

Nowadays many people decide to study. Percentage of students is big in our country. Maybe they chose bad one. Maybe sum of points of high school leaving exams didn't allow to go to study your ideal specialization.
Why people study? What is the most important in choosing field of study?

Every high school student planning for college faces the decision of choosing where to study. Some adventurous students jump at the chance to study in another country, and studying abroad certainly has its appeal. Studying in one's own country offers its benefits though, and students trying to decide which course will be the best.

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Study in your own country

Students who study in their own country do not have to deal with culture shock, when a person feels lost and disoriented in a foreign culture. What is more, in mother country you speak in your mother language - surely it is easier.
Also, when studying at home, students do not have to risk losing touch with friends and family.
In Poland is many majors of study where for one sit is man eagers. As a consequence they aren't studying what they wanted.
As regards the conditions of living after finished study are much worse. It is more difficult to find a job after graduation, as the diplomas are not as valuable as abroad diplomas. It is widely known that education in our country not financed well. 


Study abroad

Getting education in foreign county has a lot of benefits. Living in any new country is likely to broaden the mind. Experiencing new cultures, interacting with those with a background different from your own, seeing a different way of life, and experiencing the way other peoples do things is generally a positive, enhancing experience. It also encourages independence. In this respect, studying abroad can be confidence-building, equipping the student with the resourcefulness needed to be self-sufficient in a foreign country. Immersion in a foreign culture helps broaden one's horizons, as a person experiences a new language, new customs, new food and a new landscape. More over, it is the best way to learn foreign language. Also, students who study abroad are exposed to culture shock and they will have communication barrier. In addition, you will miss your friends and family, feel homesick, at times lost or alienated.

Why people decide to study in Poland?

Useful questions:
1. Why do you study?
2. Do you study what you wanted the most? Do you like your study? Your sum of points allowed you to study dreamed specialization?
3. What do you think about studies in your country? Good standard?
4. Have you ever considered on studying abroad? What's your opinion?



  1. I study because I like it. When I decided to go to University, I was thinking that I had to. Now I know that I simply want to do it.

    Generally yes. Sometimes I complain about my studies but it is rather about some courses, not about general field of studies. I study what I wanted, sum of points from ‘matura’ exam allowed me to choose what was in my interest.

    Studies in Poland are okay, but what if they don’t prepare me to a real life? It is not about overall universities and so one. It is about field of study you choose.

    Yes, I’ve been considering study abroad and I think I’ll do with after my Master Thesis. Why not? In my opinion studying abroad give people lots of new opportunities. I tried it once and I’m sure I’ll do this again. All advantages are mentioned in presentation.

  2. I study because everybody told me that it's big adventure and also extension of youth.What is more,I was thinking that it is obligatory for me if I want to have good job,so I chose something what is connected with my intrests.
    I think what level of Polish studies still growing up.We are shortly catch up with west universities.
    yes,I've considered to study abroad,but I would be hard for me to be far away from my family and boyfriend,so I came up with an idea to go on Erasmus to study abroad only for 1 term.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. I study because in my case it is a best way to get a good job.
    2. Not exactly, but it is very similar field of study that i wanted to. I wanted to go on a different department but I hadn’t had enough points. I thought that will be worse, but now I am pretty happy that I am doing this major.
    3. I think that studies in Poland are pretty good. They prepare student properly, teach them things that will be required in futures jobs.
    4. Sure, why not. I think that it is an opportunity to do something different, see the world. I haven’t thought about it where do i wanna go but i think if there occasion happens i will definitely go for it.

  5. 1. It took me a long time to understand why and in which field I want to have a degree. I perceive studying as a great possibility for developing and broadening your mind. It is great if you can study what you want but, sincerely, you can find something interesting and worth in each field. I believe that young people first of all should try to find themself in real life and only after that they can make a good choise - what they want to study and why.
    2. I am studing what I want. My study isn't the easiest one but I believe that only hard work can give you real satisfaction and respect for yourself.
    3. The biggest problem with study in Belarus is such that the system of education is closed and no one goes somewhere to exchange experiences, the best students go abroad and looking for better life. In such situation it is hard to say something about level of education.
    4. I advice everyone, you should try to go somewhere to study, it can be Erasmus or summer courses, but I think it is something you must do. After that your view of the world can change, I believe that only in a better way :)

  6. In this globalization world, students generally prefer to Study Abroad in UK. because they create the scope for the students to get recruited by reputable companies. thanks for this

  7. I'm studying to know more and more about things that are interesting to me. I like my studies (social policy) because I can learn many everyday life things like the law, psychology, sociology etc. I think it will help me find something I will love to do. And I've got good sum of points to go for this studies :D In my opinion the standards of teaching at studies are good ( I can't say it objective, but on mine are well) I write with my friends from other countries and it seems to be properly good. I considered studying abroad and I would like to do it but I need better assignements. I think it's the best way to meet new cultures and learn foreign language.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm studying because I want to discover new things and to know more and more and because there are so many exciting things that you can learn and you've never had a chance to hear about them at school!
    I've been dreaming of studying Theater Studies since I was 13 and then when I was on the first year I've decided to take up second faculty, Management, because I find it challenging and useful in my work (I'm a Theatre Manager). I like my studies and especially the mix of theatre and management which allows me to always have a distance to what is happening in both environments. Sum of my points allowed me to study both of my dream faculties.
    I think that unfortunately our universities still are not as good as those in the Western Europe or USA. I think that we are not adjusting our standards to the changing world's - I sometimes have a feeling that for some professors the world or their subject hasn't change since 1990.
    I'm considering pursuing my master degree abroad or trying Erasmus exchange but I still have some time to decide. I think that it is a great opportunity on every possible level.

  10. I had a desire to go to university, but it took me awhile to figure out what I would like to study. I enjoy my course and I don’t have any negative feelings towards academic standards in this country. So far, I’ve only attended classes and lectures where I’ve met very interesting people and teachers. I'm thinking about taking post graduate studies in future, but I haven't decided where to go yet.

  11. Well, I'm studying, because in my opinion it's neccesary. I'm on studies I wanted and I like them. I think they will let me do the job I want and earn some money. I think that studies in our country has good standart. I'm considering about studying abroad on Erasmus but I think I'm not gona leave Poland.

  12. I'm not studying because I love studying but because I wanted to broaden my knowledge in the field of philosophy. I'm studying what I wanted to study. So far I like the university life. I think that UW is at the level of other European large universities. Perhaps abroad people think differently but this is my opinion. I wanted to study abroad in Stockholm the same course of study as here but I had no money for it. I hope that next year I will go to Oslo for half a year with the Erasmus program. And I don't think that because of studying abroad we can feel alienated, lonely or lose our friends. It's a short period of time (like 3-5 years), we have skype and planes. And language barrier is a good thing. Eventually we have to break it, sooner or later.

  13. Because I want to gain more knowledge than I have in high school. And because it is supposed to give me more opportunities in the future.
    The major I'm studying now wasn't my first choice. The reason why I didn't get was in fact the sum of points, I got 0,3 point too little. But at the moment I'm honestly content with my field of study.
    In my opinion there are some pretty prestigous universities in Poland and I'm rather convinced that education they offer is quite valuable.
    I have never considered studying abroad, but I would if not for my personality conditions. It's a big chance and great start, because it brings you independance , broaden your mind, develop your language skills.

  14. 1. Why do you study?
    I study because in this way I have bigger chance to gain well-paid job and fulfill my dreams. Moreover, I can develop my talents and skills.
    2. Do you study what you wanted the most? Do you like your study? Your sum of points allowed you to study dreamed specialization?
    When I was in high school, I couldn't decide what I want to study but in the end, my choice was accurate I think. Although I have just started my studies, I enjoy them and I hope that it won' t change. I had sufficient score to get to the university and study chosen specialization.
    3. What do you think about studies in your country? Good standard?
    In my opinion similar to other European countries Poland has a few distinctive universities and level is quite high.
    4. Have you ever considered on studying abroad? What's your opinion?
    I have never considered about it but I would like to gain knowledge in other environment. As we know, in Poland we have difficulties in finding the job and particularly in Western countries there are bigger outlooks.

  15. I study, becouse i want to broaden my mind, I want to learn something new. I am probably not studing what i wanted the most, but my current course is interesting to me and I enjoy it. Comparing Poland to the other Europeand studying standards we are probably not the best, but for sure we are at the top. Polish Universities have really high level of teaching. From the other hand if we compare it to for exampe USA i think, that Polish students has bigger knowledge when they are coming to the university, but at the end of it, American people have better qualities. I have never considered studying abroad, becouse I love my City - Warsaw and my friends. I think, i couldn't live without them, and couldn't live in different city or country. But i think it is really good idea, becouse you can meet new people, learn new habits and language. To sum up, I think it is cool idea, but not for me :)

  16. In my opinion go to university and study what you really are interested in is the easiest way to achieve success in future. It would help me found better job. What is more students’ life is great. You are adult enough to make most of decision by yourself but in the same time parents still are ensure that you are a child and usually try to help you financial.
    I had a great problem when I was choosing field of my study. I had found so many things interesting, and result of my mature exam make me able to study each of them. For first year I wasn’t sure that I made good decision but now I am certain that it was a good choice and I really like my studies.
    It’s seems to me that it is difficult to generalize. In some area we are really great, for example level of IT is so good than our IT engineer had no difficulties to found work abroad despite of language barrier. But when we look at statistic there is not a lot of Polish universities in the world top 100 ( I think that that the most problem in Polish education is money and politics. Our labs cannot measure with those in the west of Europe or the USA, and we usually forget that sometimes quality is more important than quantity. As an effect we can see the thousands jobless masters.
    I would love to try study abroad but I prefer something like Erasmus- programs which make me able to spend half of a year abroad and then come back to Poland. I am too attached to my family to stay abroad for longer.

  17. I think I study to increase my knowledge in this specialization, which I chose. I chose this one, which in the most reflect my interests. And that's why I think studies are for. Thanks studying you can know some problems better, deeplier. And I can't agree with these students, who consider studies only as the next level of their (obligatory) eductation or a school, which has to be finished to obtain a new paper, a new certificate. I don't think so, that's not the point of studying!
    The University of Warsaw is really good university, however, there are lots of students, who don't really know what they want to study. And it is provoked by that it is quite easy to get to the University. If it was harder, the standards would increase. Of course, as Oliwia said, money and politic of our contry also contribute to the actual state of affairs.
    I thought about studying abroad for a short time (for ex.go on Erasmus), but I don't want to leave my freinds and especially my boyfriend. It is really good thing for students, who don't have something what hold them here in Poland.


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