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Different approach to cheating on tests

In Poland over 90% of students admit to cheating on tests. In USA it is much lower - 60%. 
Why there is so much difference?

Maybe because in Poland there are practically no consequences of cheating. In worst case scenario, teacher will see this, take away your paper and you will have to repeat the test.  But there is a chance that you succeed, because a lot of teachers try to ignore the fact that their students cheat.

How is it in other countries?

Well in France if you are caught on A-level exam you will have to wait two years for repeated it.

In USA you be suspended (in high schools) or expelled(higher education).

In Mexico you fail all year and you have to repeat exams from two semesters.

In South Korea there are corporal punishment.

So much  worse than it is in Poland.

And how students react when they see that someone cheat?

In USA they turn each other in. In Poland you gain respect. The more fancy method, the better. Simple piece of paper is a relic. Cell phones,bluetooth headphones, steeling tests.

So is it in Poland, all comes to that students cheat because  “they can”? Or is it they feel like they don’t have study because they not gonna use that knowledge in the future?
Do you think that expelling somebody from school for cheating is too heavy punishment or not?
Do you think that there is any chance that students will understand that cheating is wrong?


  1. So is it in Poland, all comes to that students cheat because “they can”? Or is it they feel like they don’t have study because they not gonna use that knowledge in the future?

    Cheating is treating very forgivingly in Poland.When we became catch on cheating,we have to write test again,get the worst grade or we only get notice or even nothing.Only a little students get catch on cheating,so the other think that "they can" do that.

    Do you think that expelling somebody from school for cheating is too heavy punishment or not?

    In my opinion expelling somebody from school for cheating is too heavy punishment,but on the other hand, it is enough threatening punishment to steer somebody from cheeting

    Do you think that there is any chance that students will understand that cheating is wrong?

    In my opinion,students know that it is wrong,but if they do not understand something or have really bad grades they turn into everything,which can help them

  2. I've got mixed emotions about this subjecy, cos I also was cheating during exams in my school and sometimes I'm cheating on my studies :P I think it's mostly, because there are a lot of informations that we don't like to learn, because it won't be important for our future (for what a chemistry in the humanistic classes ?!). Expelling somebody from school, just because of cheating is irrational for me and have no sense. In my opinion everyone will know where are the borders of cheating during life as an adult..

  3. Well it's hard topic, because.. almost every student is cheating sometimes. Just it's hard to remember all the information in books and everyone wants to get the best marks he can. Expelling somebody from school because of cheating is irrational for me. Firstly he should get a warning, then maybe after 3rd time he can get expelled from university.

  4. I think that sometimes students are really cheating because they can. Some them don't even try to remember anything, they are just taking photos and then they are so proud of themselves when they've passed and haven't learned a thing. I don't understand that and that's probably because most of my exams are oral and then maybe because I'm not really used to it because people cheated from me when I was in school so I grew up knowing that if I want to pass I have to learn on my own :)
    I think that expelling somebody may be a little too much but I think they should definitely fail this particular class and then if they were caught too many times they will just not have enough good grades to pass.
    I don't think that we will ever understand that it is really better to test what you know than cheat. But of course I must agree that there are some exams which are so badly constructed and we have to use knowledge that is irrelevant for our future that I'm not surprised students are cheating.

  5. So is it in Poland, all comes to that students cheat because “they can”? Or is it they feel like they don’t have study because they not gonna use that knowledge in the future? I think that both of these reasons are true, smetimes we cheat because we are to lazy or we can't learn something or we just ignore this subject.
    Do you think that expelling somebody from school for cheating is too heavy punishment or not? I think that this is too heavy but maybe this is the solution. I think it could help even if this is very radical.
    Do you think that there is any chance that students will understand that cheating is wrong? If somebody is intelligent he know that this won't bring anything good and this is as taking doping in sport, but social permission is so big that it won't change so fast.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I think the main reason of cheating is that students think that they have to have good grades because then it means they are really good in something. Knowledge is not important, only grades. And that's why I believe that grades don't really reflect what you know in fact. On the other hand, I also think that cheating is useful when we just want to pass an subject which, in our opinon, will be useless for us in future and we don't need to learn it. In my opinion, expelling somebody from school is too heavy punishment but maybe it would be effective, especially in Polish schools where cheating is something normal and I don't think it will change in future. For me cheating sometimes means cleverness but I know that it is related to the stress because it happens to me to do it ;)

  8. It seems to me that it depends on the person. Some people cheat because they are lazy, others cheat because for example they forgot about the test. Even if there are people who think that what they are learning is not practical and they will never use this knowledge they should approach this problem from a different angle. They should think it will be useful to get a good grades and to get a good grades they have the learn eventually. Of course, expelling from school for because of cheating is too much. Writing the test again is enough. We should not generalize. Some students will understand that cheating is bad and others won't.

  9. Or maybe students in Poland cheat because our society does not appreciate and respect the value of mental effort and comprehensive knowledge? The acceptance of cheating is one reason, but the ignorance of society is the second.
    Honestly, it's much fair than keeping clean-handed conscientious kids with thouse who take advantage of them and spoil them by showing their lack of respect to studying, teachers, school etc. However, maybe there should be a chance given to them to prove that they fathomed the mistake and improve their behaviour.
    Only when they try to learn and get the effect of their job and by a miracle they'll figure out how unfair it is to cheat.... But let's say - it will never happen.

  10. I think, that polish students cheat, becouse our system lacks of responsibility for such things. Even if they got cought, they will probably only need to resit an exam. On the other hand in my opinion polish students cheat, becouse they don't want to fail. Many of them thinks, that it is better to cheat on exam, than have wasted holidays by learning to the resit. I think, that it is a good point that a lot of informations, that we have to learn will be never used. I think, that expelling people from school for cheating is really good idea. We need some heavy punishments to change polish menatlity on cheating. By the time, when they will see, that cheating is bad, becouse it can ruin your life, polish students will manage, that cheating is really wrong idea.

  11. I think all students know that the cheating is wrong, but they do it. It's easier and quicker cheat to learn. Teachers in Poland aren't look after pupils. Schools are different now. Few years ago pupils respected teachers. Now pupils make the jokes and films put on the internet. Students are unpunished when they are cheating. In other countries teachers look after students and punish peolpe who cheat.

  12. It depends on the teacher and some of them are really demanding and they keep an eye on students who write tests. But there are also these teachers who often see that students try to cheat and they aren't prepared properly. However, they pay no attention maybe in order to allow him gain good mark. If there is acceptance to these behaviours, why student can't use it?
    I think that expelling somebody from school for cheating is too heavy punishment. Everyone sometimes may not deal with the huge amount of material to learn, as a result he isn't prepared for the exam. The mark should be reduced by not more.
    Students may understand that cheating is wrong only when they notice that knowledge which they ommited is important in their life. Concrete situation would aware them that they should regret that they neglect learning about something they thought as irrelevant.

  13. In my opinion the main cause of cheating in Poland is a universal acceptance of this phenomenon. I was so disgusted when at last exam at my department about a half of all students ‘had to’ go to toilet during only 3 hours-long test. I do not believe that so many young people have such problem with urinary bladder…
    Another cause, like author of presentation suggested, may be belief that most of facts witch we have to learn have no practical use. One of my favourite lecturer said that it is not that someone in the future would require founding extrema of functions of more than one variable but proof than we are able to learn everything in a short time. When you cheat your marks are fake proof and it will be notice faster than you think.
    Further cause is our history. For several centuries there was no other way to achieve success in Poland beyond of fraud and usage all of weakness of system. So it is still in our mentality.
    It’s seems to me that expelling somebody from school for cheating is too heavy punishment. We should try learn students that not marks but knowledge is the most important.
    I think that there is a big chance to change students approach to learning process but it require bottom-up work. For example start testing understanding of lesson beside of knowledge of some facts.

  14. In my point of view, children in Poland simply got used to cheat. Using possibility of cheating, in place of making any effort is quite typical not only for children- but for all of us. The main point is to understand why it is not good for us. If we are aware of it, the problem of cheating won't be exist. Of course, at the beginning, for example in primary school, it is hard to do that. And that's why, I think, methods like in the US or in France work. Pupils see that cheting is not worth. And it is better to learn something even by heart than to cheat and be expelling from school. And there is no question about useful of this material in the future. You just have to learn it and that's all. And I think it is only chance to make kids understand why cheating is not good for them. I would like to tell my children (If I had) that I really regret I was cheating. At school we obtain only basic information. And I see that all these material, which I haven't learnt (and in the exam I was cheating) now I have to learn it by myslef.

  15. In my opinion students cheat not only because they can do it but sometimes they want to learn but it is too much things and they don't have enough time. But I think that teachers allowed to cheat. Sometims even they see that students cheat they don't do anything . I think in Poland students don't think that they lie if they cheat. In my opinion penalty is really good idea.


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