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  Genetically modified (GM) organisms are organisms which genome was changed by method of genetic engeering in order to obtain new physiological features. The first GMO was created in 1973 and the first commercial GMO was sold in the USA (in tomatoes people reduced the activity of gen which is responsible for maturation and softenity of tomato. During works in the laboratories people gets organisms which are used in agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industry. At present, they are used to feeding farm animals or producing oil, for example genetically modified rape.  
The examinations on people's aren't still conducted, which would have proved harmful action on our health. However, there are many reports which confirm mischievousness of GMO. In the animals which were feeded by genetically modified food found damages of organs and systems. According to farmers, these food elicited various illnesses, infertility and death of thousands animals. So, there are many proofs that GMO will increase allergies on human's health.
Here there is a film which aware us, how it is in reality, not listen to specialists who are for genetically modified food.

In order to ask for the first question, I want to focus on advantages and disadvantages of GMO.

* better resistance to "stress" - if cultivations may be more resistant on pests, it would reduce danger of low crops.

 * more healthy food - through inserting genes to cultivations like rice or wheat, we can raise their nutritious value.
* more efficient farms - new genes in cattle may raise production of milk.
* reclamation of contaminated soil - thanks to genetic engineering we may obtain species of plants which will be able to absorb significant amounts of toxin.
* threat for existing biodiversity in the environment.
* strongly allergizing transgenic toxic protein - produced by plants. Against prohibition its presence found even in products for children.
* unexpected crosswords genes in plants - through the connection of normal plant with modified plant we may obtain for instance 'superweeds'.
* possibility of bad functioning some important genes in human organism - ecologists from Greenpeace as a threat for people give growth of disease on tumors and allergies.


Nowadays, this topic makes a little controversy. In order to better understand the issue of GM food you may watch this film:
If you want to know more about it and read comments other people, go for example on
I hope that you are able to ask for these question:
What do you think about genetically modified food? Are you for or against it?



  1. I am against GMO. Primarily,because of the fact,that we do not know lots of that products. Producents should label their products if there are genetically modified. Consumers should know what they are buying. Maybe genetically modified food are more resistance to "stress",but on the other hand they can have bad influence on some important genes in human organism and what is more important to me they are strongly allergizing transgenic toxic protein.

  2. I am for genetically modified food. I think that this food saved a lot of lifes for example in africa. Also we are eating it, and don't even know this, becouse even grain that is being seed everywhere was modified in the 50's. They changed it so it is more resistance for cold. With this food we can feed more people than from normal. It is not true, that they are toxic, becouse scientists are chaning their genetical code, without using toxines or some unhealthy chemicals. I think, that people's bad opinion about GMO mostly comes from very bad knowlege about it.

  3. I've really never think about it, but I must say that I don't see too many cons of genetically modified food. In my opinion if we won't continue the politic of GMO, there will be no enough food for not only poorer countries, but also for this richest. To feed all the humans the Earth must be much bigger for uprawy etc. , but sadly I must say that also too much food is wasting every day, because we buy more than we can eat. So all in all, even if it's not a food of the best quality, I'm for GMO.

  4. I think that it is still too early to know how much GMO really changes human's body. I would like it to be a good way to feed the planet but on the other hand I am afraid that it will have some really unhealthy consequences for our bodies. If there is any chance of getting ill after eating them then I think we should look for some better solutions for feeding the whole world. For now I am more against GMO than for it.

  5. I don't trust in this method of changing food, making something with gens is always full of risk, I think that GMO schould be checked realy carefully. If we have natural food why we can't use it? Why we are changing everything around us this is very dangerous.

  6. I'm certainly not for banning GMO. It seems to me that we still have a choice and everybody can eat what he wants. If you want you can buy GMO at a chain store or supermarket or you can buy eco food in special stores (but it's not cheap). We can go to the market to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy or meat. The last option is to grow your own fruits and vegetables at summer and autumn and by winter buy fresh food at markets. I am a vegetarian, I chose the last option and I'm happy. But we should not ban GMO because it is a cheap way to grow a huge amount of food that is needed in third world countries. Maybe GMO is a little bit harm for our health but I think that big campaigns that wants to ban GMO are exaggerating this problem.

  7. I've always been convinced that what's natural is the best. Interfering with nature is really irresponsible as it is harmonized itself the most properly. I know people dream to live in a perfect world, but wait, are they perfect? Are they reasonable enough to use their succes in a good way, for the sake of everyone or just for one particular aim, which is seldom reconciling with other's. I think we're far to advanced with improving exterior in comparison to how backward we are with our interior.
    I'm against the GM anything, at least because I would not be eager to eat the perfect apple that doesn't get rotten after a year. It's a world of passing, I don't want it to be artificial but eternal.

  8. I prefer natural products and I think we shouldn't modify food but I am not against GMO. I think that more studies about this subject can contribute to medicine. As far as I know there are a lot of research and experiments which are involving making drugs which can really help.

  9. I'm for genetically modified food because it is healthier than traditional food and it is our future I think. If everything is exactly examined, we shouldn't afraid some negative consequences on our health. Moreover, we think too little about the environment so increasing meaning of GMO would help rescuing the Earth. What is also so important, many of plants are adapted to bloom in winter terms what is rarity. Starvation is a big problem in some countries and GMO would resolve partly at least this problem.

  10. In my opinion GMO create opportunity to fight with famine in Africa and other poor or hardscrabble land. A lot of researches have been done recently and most of them didn’t show any risk for human health or balance of nature. Crop GMO is cheaper and easier than crop normal plant. They are more tolerant about extreme weather conditions and more immune at illness or pest. I don’t believe in global confederacy and in my opinion institution like PAN or WHO deserve trust. On the other hand if I have choice I will probably buy normal (or organic) food instead of GMO.

  11. The idea of improving plants to get more and better quality food is not a bad idea at all. Bioengineering is important as long as it can help us improve our lives and cares for our natural environment and we absolutely should develop it. I'm not against genetic engineering but I'm definitely against GMO's in my food. Why? Because I feel that it is not used to improve my food's quality or my health. The purpose of GMO's presence in food industry is (in my opinion) totally different. I just can't believe that huge worldwide food corporations value our health and combating the famine in Africa more than their money, although it would seem right to me. I'm not into any conspiracy theory about GMO but I'm against it's presence in my food and that's why I choose organic and GMO-free products. It's not impossible to avoid it, it only requires a little more effort. And as far as I know that my food builds the cells of my body I'm going to put in my body only the food that I'm sure is safe and good for me.

  12. I'm against genetically modified food. The main reason for me is that we don't even know how GMO influences on human health, we don't know how much side effects can be dangerous for us.
    I'm against experiments on human body. I think changing food in this way could have really bad effects. I believe in that nature knows, what it does and modify nature is simply too dangerous.
    I'm afraid that GMO will cause strange kind of diseases, which man has never known and it will be much worse than cancer.
    As Emilia mentioned, our body is built from what we eat. And If I'm not sure what I eat, how can I be sure what will happen with my body?
    For me GMO is invented only to make cultivations faster and easier and thanks that - earn faster. I just support nature, because I'm part of it.

  13. I'm against genetically modified food. In my opinoin it has bad influence for people's healt. I like Biology and I am really interested in so I can tell that even scientists don't know if GMO is dangerous for us or not. I prefer natural products. I live in country so I can eat really haelthy food: frsh vegetables and fruits in the summer. I think it is good for me. I think people shouldn't eat genetically modified food because even in other food are many danger substances so they should choose normally food.

  14. I’m absolutely for genetically modified food because it has many advantages with no disadvantages. GMO could really help many countries with problems of starvation. The horrible think is that many peoples in Poland do not understand that GMO is. They think that GMO food is something like a… fake of food. It’s ridiculous because GMO is just one of a few kind of improvement in process of crop like for example fertilization. Lack of people’s knowledge made GMO something terrifying.


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