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How technology improves our everyday lives?

How technology improves our everyday  lives?

The development and improvement of technology has greatly improved our lives. It has led to a far better, easier and very comfortable life for the people. There are various ways through which technology has changed our lives and this includes the following:

1)      E-bussiness

The rise of the internet technology has improved our daily lives in very many ways. Apart from development of ours social lifes, internet have affect on buissiness world. The world business and trade has become very fast, easier and more reliable.

·         You can now transact business with a person who is very far from you without any difficulties.
·         Financial institutions and banks have introduced online internet systems which makes life easier.
·         The clients can get a very quick access at their account balances by logging in to the bank website
·         It has become easier to book railway tickets, bus tickets and even flights at the comforts of your home without having to move

2)    Tablet
Tablet PCs are lightweight, mobile PCs which are approximately the size of paper tablets. A tablet PC is a true personal computer with a compact, convertible design that enables hospital and medical center technicians, artists, design and entertainment industry professionals, gaming enthusiasts and many others to function without lugging around heavy laptops or portable notebooks. There are many advantages of tablet PCs which has seen a rise in their popularity and acceptance:
                        ·          Lighter than laptops
            ·     Comfortable to carry

·         Personlization of input

·         Flat working surface

·         Easy to work with

·         Great e-book reader


3)    E-book

It’s  electronic book in digital form. E-books can be read on computers or other electronic devices such as e-books readers


Convenience- This is probably the number one reason people love their ebook readers. They are able to carry their entire library on one lightweight tablet. This is especially appreciated by those who live in small spaces or who just don’t have room for one more bookcase and have a sky high “to be read” pile.

Some will even let you download books from your local library.


The wireless functionality of many ebook readers means avid readers never have to worry about running out books to read. You can browse and shop right from your reader and download new books instantly. Not sure you want to spend the money? Download a free sample to check out a book before you buy.


Accessibility- One of the most valuable advantages to ebook readers is their accessibility. If you have vision or hearing difficulties, the ability to change and increase font size or have your book read to you can make reading a pleasure again. Ebook readers are lightweight and easy to hold, making them invaluable to those with arthritis or other problems that make reading hardcover books painful to impossible.


Value- Ebook readers are fairly inexpensive and many ebooks are cheaper than their paper equivalents

                               Top 10 Future Technology That Exist Today

What will be next?
Many scientists is working on :
  • Hand-controlled computers
  • The Global Electronic Library which would combine all the available knowledge on the planet - all books, periodicals, newsletters, journals, newspapers, web pages, spoken word, and more
  • Development of nanotechnology
  • Mind control for your PC
  • Household robot which help In everyday Works at home
  • Technology for education (“projecting” people, objects, environments or other elements onto the environment around you)

                             Technology in 2019 - What the future of tech looks like:


1.What do you think about e-books? Have you ever use them?(how often?)
2.Do you have a tablet? What are the most important advantages about it?
3.Which, from  the aforementioned future technologies(or others), could be the most important in the future?



  1. I think, that e-books are really useful. You don't have to carry with you tons of books, becouse you have them in your tablet. I enjoy reading them, while i ride by bus, or tram. Also i like to read them in bed. It is a lot easier for me, becouse i don't have to get up and turn off my bedside lamp. I do have tablet. The most important advantage for me, is that i don't have to turn on my computer anymore, becouse i have got everything in my tablet. I can surf on web from the couch. All of my notes i have in my tablet, which is connected to my phone. That makes my learning much easier, becouse i can make notes on tablet, and then repeat them in the undeground or somewhere else on my phone. I think that the most important technology in the future will be Global Electronic Library, becouse we have to keep somewhere our culture. Paper sources can be destroyed, when we will have everything stored on multiple discs there will be no option to loose our cultural legacy.

  2. Personally I don't like e-books, I need to hold a real book in my hands, this is the only way for me. I still have problems with reading anything in e-book form, I just remember more from what I read when I can physically turn the pages.
    I don't have a tablet but I think I will have to buy it soon because it is more practical for my work - sometimes I need to check some e-mails or do something else in the middle of my university day and it would be much easier for me than carrying a laptop.
    I think that the most important technology will be the one which will allow mind control of PC in the field of medicine because it will help paralyzed people to be more independent. I hope that the biggest technology improvement will happen in the medicine - we can handle all the rest without it but things like this can really change somebody's life for better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I fully support the idea of e-books. It saves trees from being cut out and our spines from being broken. I use it very often and almost stopped reading traditional books.
    I have a tablet and what I appreciate the most about it is its lightweight and variety of apps that faciliate every side of life.
    It's hard to say, but surely it won't be the laser weapon created to "protect soldiers". Printing human organs sounds promising, but who knows what we'll need in the future? maybe just water....

  5. I think that e-books are practical and convenient. They are very light and do not take a lot of space.
    I don’t have a tablet but I am planning to buy. I think the most important advantages is that you can carry it with you everywhere and you not even will notice that you have it with you unlike with laptop.
    I think that The Global Electronic Library and nanotechnology have the best chances to expand quickest and have a significant influence on our life.

  6. 1.What do you think about e-books? Have you ever use them?(how often?) I think that e-books are great development but I don't use them because I don't have any device that is needed like smartfon or tablet.
    2.Do you have a tablet? What are the most important advantages about it? No I don't have tablet but I want to because it is as like computer but lighter and very usefull on lectures.
    3.Which, from the aforementioned future technologies(or others), could be the most important in the future? I think that the most important could be printing people organs because we are lack of organs that are needed for sick people all the time. It could be a big revolution in transplantology.

  7. I think that e-books are fantastic solution especially when we travel, it is more comfortable. I sometimes use it but I prefer traditional books because my eyes are less tiring.
    I don't have a tablet. The most important advantage of it is that people can be always in touch with their friends and gain fresh information from the world. It is handy tool which we cn take out practically everywhere and use it as a smaller laptop.
    I think that nanotechnology is our future because it will change various fields of life for instance medicine, transport, even sport. It is fantastic what people create in order to rescue environment and Earth.

  8. I very like e-book and in my opinion they have plenty of advantages. At first they are cheaper than normal books. Moreover you don’t have to carry heavy books, everything you want you can always have with you in one so light tablet or just mobile phone. I use them very often. Most of my book for studies have electronic form.
    I don’t have a tablet. I have laptop and mobile phones and they are enough for me. But on the other hand it will be more comfortable to read books on tablet.
    I think that thought- controlled prosthetics and other application technology in medicine will improve. Nanotechnology will be important too. For example if we found out how to keep hydrogen in safe and cheap way they would not be any more problem with energy.

  9. 1.What do you think about e-books? Have you ever use them?(how often?)
    Lily (lilygcs) I love my Sony PRS505 eReader. Instead of carrying a couple of books in my purse I now have over 200 books on my eReader with space for more. The battery life is awesome and with the extra cover I bought that has a light I can read in bed without bothering my other members of family. I use it everyday.
    2.Do you have a tablet? What are the most important advantages about it?
    I don't have a tablet. My e-reader , laptop, PC , IPod and mobile phone is enough for me :D
    3.Which, from the aforementioned future technologies(or others), could be the most important in the future?
    I think that mobile phones will contain eveything we nned in the future and there will be no need of using any other devices because the phone will have it all.

  10. 1.What do you think about e-books? Have you ever use them?(how often?)
    I think it's really good thing. We can have all our favorite books in one small e-reader and we don't have to waste so much paper. I read cauple of ebooks but I prefer books.
    2.Do you have a tablet? What are the most important advantages about it?
    No I don't have tablet, but I think it's really great because it's smaller then laptop and bigger then smartphone, so you take it everywhere you want and you can do everything you want on it.
    3.Which, from the aforementioned future technologies(or others), could be the most important in the future?
    I think nanotechnology could be the most important in the future, not only in technology but especially in medicine.

  11. I think that e-books are great. They are very convenient (you can take all of your e-books with you and read them whenever and wherever you want on your smartphone, kindle, tablet or laptop), easily accessible (you just buy them online or download) and environment-friendly (no trees were used to produce the paper). I also have a tablet, mainly for reading e-books and for my work. It's very small, lightweight and much easier to carry around than a laptop. The only problem I have with it is writing - in my case the whole touch screen thing needed some time getting used to :) In my opinion almost all of the new technologies are very important for us to develop, but the most important are these used for medicine and protecting the environment. Sustainable development is the key here: we can't develop if we destroy our natural environment.

  12. I think that e-books are great. They are very convenient (you can take all of your e-books with you and read them whenever and wherever you want on your smartphone, kindle, tablet or laptop), easily accessible (you just buy them online or download) and environment-friendly (no trees were used to produce the paper). I also have a tablet, mainly for reading e-books and for my work. It's very small, lightweight and much easier to carry around than a laptop. The only problem I have with it is writing - in my case the whole touch screen thing needed some time getting used to :) In my opinion almost all of the new technologies are very important for us to develop, but the most important are these used for medicine and protecting the environment. Sustainable development is the key here: we can't develop if we destroy our natural environment.

  13. I prefer old books with pages than e-book. But people who read a lot really like it, because it's more comfortable. I don't have a tablet too. I have a small laptop and it's enought for me. Convenience and lightness are important. Now we have smaller things with bigger memory and with more applications. This inventions make our life easier. We can take laptop or tablet everywhere we want. Due to good battery we can use it for a long time.

  14. It seems to me that e-books and e-books readers are very useful but I don't use them. I like traditional books. I like to feel the weight of the paper. Old books sometimes have its own unique smell that I also like. But it seems to me that sooner or later I will be forced to buy an e-book reader because in college I have to read a lot of different books and carrying them all is very uncomfortable. I think exactly the same about tablets. They are very useful and practical but I'm not a big fan of electronics and gadgets. Their biggest advantage is that they are small and they can be used for many different things (games, internet, camera, presentations, reading books, etc..). The most important technologies in the future will be those that use a renewable natural resources as a source of energy (for example cars on water). And also those inventions that make life easier for all of us (I would like to have my own teleporter in the near future).

  15. Honestly, I really tried to use e-book, but I can't! I love reading books, and while I'm reading a book I get used to feel the material- thickness of paper, its structure. I love to smell books-the magazines have it own different smell than new book and new books smell different than the old one. The other reason why I prefer books to e-books, it is the moment when you finish the book and you can put it on your bookshelves and praise you read it! It is impossible, when you read e-booik. And what happen, if your electronic device has not enough power to turn on? That's why I don't like e-books. As regards tablets, I have one, but I don't use it. I see it is like a little computer and it is easier to take it than laptop, but I can't convince myself it is as good as a laptop. I don't trust any new electronic devices! I'm not good at IT, so I am not waiting for 'new technologies', but it would be cool if experts invented a new household robot or mind control of my PC :D

  16. 1.What do you think about e-books? Have you ever use them?(how often?)
    I think e-books are future of literature and the press, but now I don't use this type of reading, I prefer reading 'real books'.
    2.Do you have a tablet? What are the most important advantages about it?
    Yes, I have a tablet. The biggest advantages are it's mobility
    3.Which, from the aforementioned future technologies(or others), could be the most important in the future?
    I think mind control for electronic devices, It will be a revolution everything will seem to be easier, but in my opinion, this technology will be the way to annihilation of mankind. It sounds sad, but true.

  17. 1.What do you think about e-books? Have you ever use them?(how often?)
    Unfortunately I have never used it because I prefer read books than listen them. But In my opinion it is good for people who don't like to waste time for reading or can't read because they are blind and it is really good for them.
    2.Do you have a tablet? What are the most important advantages about it?
    Unfortunately I don't have tablet so I don't know haw can be adventages about it. But I think it is as good as mobile phone or better.
    3.Which, from the aforementioned future technologies(or others), could be the most important in the future? Of course electronical devices which are bad influance for our eyes!

  18. There is no doubt that new technologies make our live different than it was even ten years before. There is many new electronics but if we are talking about new technologies it is important to state that our way of thinking is also changing. Once in process of learning people try to remember whole information. Nowadays people do not try to do this because they know they should only know where to find information! Easy access to Internet makes people more stupid and ignorant because they do not feel they should know something. That’s my point of view.

  19. I think e-books are another good idea that without discussions improved our life. I don't have my own one, but my boyfriend does, and I think it was a good choice for him. He uses it very often.
    Yes, I have tablet. The biggest advantages of it is I can take it wherever I want and to with it almost exactly the same what I do with my computer. Especially I appreciate watching my best movies during traffic jams.
    In my future? In my future I hope - nanotechnology. I want to work with this and one day create a special eye prosthesis :)


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