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New ways of distributing information

Tempo of changes in the world never was so fast like in late years of 20th and the beginning of 21st century. In fact modern living was changing every year – in eighties people invented personal computer, then appeared Walkman, mobile phone, Discman, laptop. The Internet and circle of its users was bigger and bigger. 21st century brings many changes in way of lives – nowadays many people are connected to the Internet for almost every minute and every hour using their mobile electronics like smartphones, notebooks and tablets. One of the main and the most important change is the new way of distributing information and the problem of sifting content for usable part of it.
Information business
For many years press was the basic way of getting information. At the beginning it was one pages short newsletters about local issues (17th century). Then newspapers became multi-pages and illustrated medium witch was creating opinions and presenting information from all over the world. In 19th century monopoly for information (which was very profitable business) gained huge international news agencies like Reuters, Bertelsmann or Associated Press. Next to news agencies many big newspapers was born – New York Times, Washington Post, The Times, Newsweek etc.
The challenges for modern press
The development of the Internet gives new opportunities for selling information. Nowadays media concerns often have their own Internet services where users may find news quicker than searching in paper version of newspaper. The solution was selling digital version of newspaper – this opportunity was given thanks to new types of mobile accessories like smartphones and tablets. For publishers advantage of this solution is that the process of making of newspaper is expensive. In December 2012 one of the biggest magazine – Newsweek decided to gave up with traditional paper version and continue only with digital version. Many people asked then ‘Is it the end of traditional press?’. Many of them forecasted that other newspapers and magazine would make the same move like Newsweek. Finally they was wrong – recently Newsweek issued that paper version of magazine would be reactivated in 2014.

Electronic toys everywhere
There is no doubt that things like smartphones or tablets makes our lives more comfortable. The question is if the world should give up with traditional ways of sending information? There are lot of old or poor people who haven’t got tablets or even computers – it is the reason to deprive them of possibility to get basic information? That is one of the few questions witch people should ask themselves.
What do you think about the future of traditional press?
Do you think that all changes and fast tempo of our life is a proper direction for humanity?



  1. I don’t remember the time I bought a newspaper for me or my family. All Information I got came from the Internet, but I’m from generation of tablets and Smartphones so I think that is not a shock for anyone. Looking from my perspective I think the future of traditional press rather in dark colours. Still there are lots of people who don’t accept modern devices but it is changing with time.

    I don’t know if it’s proper. It just happens. In the Middle-ages people did different things and no one would expect today’s life. It is exactly the same what is going on with current changing. If it is in a proper direction , the time show. And history judge us when the time comes.

  2. In my opinion in the nearest future the Internet oust newspapers.We will be checking information on tablets or mobile phones.More and more people are buying electronic versions of newpapers.It's easier to get and keep.

    It's hard to say where our lives are heading. We develop in very fast way.We cannot predict what cause nowadays discoveries.I think that they can make lots of good if we will embrance form them in proper way

  3. I think that in few years we give up traditional press. Year by year circulation of newspapers drops, so eventually there will be no point to print them.
    I think that many changes make our life easier and better. But are they are proper and in the right direction - hard to say.

  4. When I see on my generation and on people who are younger than me I'm shocked. Many of us don't read newspapers we have everything on tablets and mobile phones. The Internet is common and more popular than TV today.
    I think that world changes too fast so it can led to disaster. Screens have bad influence for our health especially for our eyes.

  5. Unfortunately, I think that new information on our smartphones, tablets will replace traditional press. But I know from my own experience that there is a group of people who prefer traditional solutions. In many situations tablets for example are useful and more comfortable but I don't like use various devices all the time, we shouldn't completely give up to new technologies.
    All changes in our life and absolutely fast tempo certainly isn't a proper direction and in the future it will bring negative consequences starting on illnesses and ending on full dependence on electronic devices. Common sense should be preserved in order to maintain distance to the whole technology.

  6. Sadly I must say thet it doesn't look good for a traditional press, even if now it's quite popular. More and more people start to see the newses in their mobile phones, tablets etc.and it looks like it's the new life of a press in the future. But there is nothing better then smell and feel of paper press (like all the literature). In short time the fast tempo can be a right destiny for modern countries, but it will cause many consequences, because our brains aren't adjusted for super fast memorizing.

  7. In my opinion it’s too early to call the grave of the traditional press. I’m taking Newsweek short affair with new media into consideration. It’s likely that traditional press will survive longer than we think. Everything changes whether we want it or not and currently we are undergoing the beginnings of change that will have a deep impact of yourself. It’s very interesting times.


  8. I think that unfortunately traditional press will be a niche product in a few years. I find it kind of sad because I hate reading everything online - nothing compares to the smell of the new newspaper or a real book and for me reading online is a totally different thing and I'm trying to avoid it if I only can.
    I think that we should find a way to stop (although I am the best opposite example of slow living) because living that fast is simply dangerous for our health and we don't have time to think about people who are around us because there is always something more important.

  9. I think that traditional press is having crisis, and this is normal if we have a lot of informations for free we don't have reasons to buy newspaper. But I think that there are people who prefer traditional newspapers and it won't change so fast.
    It is hard to stop progress. World is changing in incredible fast way and we are mixed in this so it is hard to stop for a moment because this can make you out. I hope that we won't lose our humanity.

  10. Well, there are two options. First, we'll keep on developing and our whole world will change into so called science0fiction reality and therefore traditional press will be fully entirely replaced by digital version of it. Second, we'll try to keep on developing but careless with global warming and growing social problems and therefore traditional press will remain, because of too big part of humanity staying immovable and they'll need this paper information.
    In my view it's only geting worse when the pace becomes faster than we can manage to follow. While chasing the succes in today's world we're loosing our beliefs and values. I would sincerely recommend people to slow down and become more thoughtful.

  11. I think, that future of the traditional press is not looking good. More and more newspapers are going online, they are shutting down paper publishments, and replacing them by ebook edition. Nowadays it is not profitable to release paper press. No one wants to go to the kiosk, when they can download today's newspaper in a second from the internet. I think, that we should slow down the pace of our living. People from all over the world live in a rush, they hurry everywhere. There is no time to slowdown and think about others. In my opinion, it is going in bad way. Nowadays older people cant catch youghster tempo of living, we can only wonder, what will be with us in the couple of years.

  12. I like newspapers and I often buy them. There are some newspapers that I buy regularly. I like to feel the weight of books and paper. Our language more and more adapt to fat information and a short form. For example twitter. Messages to 140 characters. We use abbreviations like "lol", "tfw", or just the punctuation. When we are angry - "!". When we don't know what it going on - "?". I don't like it. I hope that the traditional newspaper survives. But I realize that sooner or later the newspaper will become the exclusive merchandise, defeated by electronics. For example "Przekrój". Few years ago shortened by half and now it's not even printed anymore.

  13. Less and less people have used traditional press, nowadays. In my opinion in future this trend will be even more considerable. It is just easer to have all of your favorite newspaper in one tablet and may look at any article whenever you want that buy paper version (which usually are more expensive)
    I don’t think that all changes and fast tempo of our life is a proper direction for humanity. Internet, television and mobile phones kill the distance between our house but it don’t means that we have nearer to each other. Nowadays, more and more people are living in their own small world and don’t invite anybody to it.

  14. Generally, I think people read less and less, especially in Poland. Therefore, it is hard time for book and traditional press as well. The question concerning the traditional press is the same question about traditional books and e-books. It depends on differents factors why people chose this type of magazine and not the other. I prefer 'traditional' books and newspapers, and I see I'm not alone. In my point of view, something printed is more permanent than something electronic- what can be demage by adrop of water. The method of acess is also different. Thanks the Internet, the magazine could be read by bigger amount of people and the paper magazine will read only these people, who buy it in news-stand. However, what will happen, when the power in your tablet finishes? People get used to read traditional papers, that's why this form will survive.
    Concerning the next question, I agree with Oliwia. In spite of having all these devices, which theoretically should make our lives more comfortable, we limit ourselves. I believe in that one day we will realize that this way is not a proper direction and we will slow down.


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