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Modern life

Modern life

Past against present, things have changed. Lifestyle, culture, habits, technology, politics, even the racial interaction look different nowadays.

A lot of people that have been brought up in time of wars is unable to follow the modern life.

The biggest part in that transformation took the internet. It has revolutionized whole industry of marketing, socializing and learning.

Back in the days people wrote letters to each other, which involved a lot of effort compared to today's standards. It is much quicker and more comfortable to open up a tab on Facebook or any other chat and just text a person in a blink of eye. Thinking about meeting a long-distance relative? Just log into Skype and plug in a webcam.

Notebook, camera, calendar, files storage, computer, photo and movie libraries, books, music player and many others. Can you recall how much space it used to take? Now it is all pushed and packed into one device, called by general - a smartphone. It has access to almost everything, starting from phone calls, ending at finding a date anywhere in any city.

Entertainment is another important thing in modern life. It differs a lot from what it used to be. The number one cultural place was theater. Actors were appreciated by their effort on the stage, everything was live and real. Now plays are almost forgotten art, Hollywood replaced them with their expensive productions. People rather go to the cinema and watch a movie that cost millions of dollars to produce. 


One of the rarest thing back in the days was a journey to another country or even through your own. People hardly ever traveled by train, not to mention a plane. Nowadays people are able to book a plane ticket to an exotic country in a few minutes thanks to the magic of internet.

The last but not least, is the freedom. A human right that should be respected and obeyed. In the era of high-technology people became victims of their own inventions. Cities, towns are monitored by many hidden-cameras, traffic cameras are reporting live everything that happens. Satellites are kind of 'Big Brother Eyes' that see and observe whole world 24 hours per day.

Here are some questions for you:

Are you old fashioned or modern kind of person?
Have you ever tried to talk to someone from another country in a foreign language on Skype? Would you rather write letters or use chats?


  1. I think that i am rather modern fashioned person. I like new technologies, becouse they are making our lifes much easier comparing to for example people who lived in XIX , or even XX century. I have never tried to talk to someone in a foreign language on skype. I don't really like talking on skype, becouse for me it looks really stupid when you are talking to the screen. I rather use chats, becouse i can think, what i want to write, and write it corectly. I think, that nowadays people's freedom is completely unlimited. Of course i am talking about democratic countries. We can do what we want, we have freedom of speech ect. I think, that it is very important to value other people's freedom, becouse when we do that, we can except them, to value our.

  2. 1. I can say that I'm some kind of person between old-fashioned and modern one. From one side, I'm active user of all popular achievements of technology - smartphone, non-limited Internet access, Skype, online purchases. But from the other side, I so much like this old stuff - write letters, spend time with friend and relatives in real, go to the theatre. And I always remind myself that not so long time ago things such as TV, radio and even electricity were new and shocking for people.
    2. Sincerely, I can't imagine my life without Skype, for example, this the only way to keep in contact with some my relatives. But I'm not so adventurous and I have never tried to find new friend in another country by Skype. It is much easier to me to get acquainted with foreigner in the street :)
    3. I believe that people need to feel freedom in everyday life, that they can choose, can travel, can spend their free time in appropriate for them way. And all this stuff as cameras on the streets, traffic cameras can be interpreted as something what do our live easier. Feeling of freedom is inside of ourselves :)

  3. Well it's hard to say for me really, cos I've got the days when I see myself as an old fashioned guy, but there are also days when I feel like a modern person. No, I've never tried to talk with somebody else in foreign language on Skype, but I'm writing a lot in english and french on Facebook with my friends all over the world. And there is my old fashioned thinking, cos I love writing letters and waiting for a weeks for answer :P Of course, freedom is the main aspect of humanity, but sometimes people don't see it. Our freedom can be only limited by ourselves, only freedom of soul can save us from mind slavery.

  4. I think I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't like new technology, but I know that I have to use them. Nowadays everyone must have a cell phone, internet access, an account on facebook or twitter. But I'd rather live in the sixties. But I live in the 21st century and I know that I must be a part of this lifestyle. I talk quite often with my friends from other countries. But I use the phone, I don't have an account on skype. Writing letters is cool but it is very impractical.
    I value my freedom and I see a funny paradox here. Man is an prosthetic animal. New technologies (mobile, internet, airplanes, computers, tv) are an extension of ourselves. We feel free but we are enslaved by it because when our phone bettery is dead or we lost our internet connection we are powerless.

  5. I think that I am a mix of modern and old-fashioned person. My modern side is of course the one used to communicating via Internet but also redefining things which can be improved, I am not afraid of changes. On the other hand I've always felt old-fashioned in many ways - especially when it comes to friendships or some rules which I try to follow even when most people don't understand it.
    I've never used Skype but I'm communicating over chat with my foreign friends.
    I would love to write letters, I think that this is really something that we should do even when we are using chats for everyday communication. There are some things which are sometimes hard to say out loud and they sound inappropriate for chat - for those words letter are perfect. They allow us to rethink what we want to say and make the person who will receive that letter very special.
    I think that freedom is the most important value and I am happy to live in a place in the world when I am really free. Even if someone says I'm not, I feel free and that is the most important feeling in the world.

  6. Are you old fashioned or modern kind of person?
    I think that I'm rather modern kind of person but in some aspects I may distinguish myself. I use tools of new technology but I sometimes read traditional newspapers and books, not everything on tablets.
    Have you ever tried to talk to someone from another country in a foreign language on Skype? Would you rather write letters or use chats?
    I have tried to talk to my friend from Norway on Skype but we were talking in English. It was absolutely funny and it is only way to communicate because we meet ourselves very rarely. I prefer using chats because it is faster and more comfortable. The answer we may get practically at once.
    Do you value people's freedom? Do you think it is limited nowadays?
    To me, freedom is absolutely important but only when we can use it properly. We shouldn't abuse it and exceed appointed boarders. I notice that it is limited nowadays and unfortunately, people limit it through modern tools and machines. When someone has smartphone, laptop, modern television next to him, he isn't able to feel free. Our freedom is limited but at our own request.

  7. I'm pretty much old fashion modern kind of person, that's how I would describe myself. I'm not up to date with all that race but I take what's usefull for me and does not seem to disturb my normal life.
    I have talked to some foreigners by skype but I'm not into it. It's irritating.
    I'd rather write letters - if it's about important things, but I'd text a message or chat to ask about next day test.
    I value it as much as it's not disturbing me and my freedom. I think that somehow people have too much freedom, especially in western world. They are anonymus and can do whatever they want. Is it okay?

  8. I am rather old fashioned. Of course I use modern technology just like mobile phone, computer, internet every day but on the other hand my world vide is conservative.
    About 3 years ago my dad’s friends from Germany visit us on the holiday. After this we maintain contact by skype and facebook. I prefer chat or write text massage. Letters are so nice when you get one but their big disadvantages is long time which you have to wait for answer.
    I appreciate people freedom a lot. Unfortunately it is still limited. And we don’t have to looking for examples in The Third World or Russia but on our own sandlot it is a standard. I am so angry about OFE reform. It is not enough that they try still our money but what is more they ban advertise OFE whereas ZUS is promote by government everywhere.

  9. Are you old fashioned or modern kind of person?
    I guess I'm modern type of person. I use all these new gadgets and technology because it makes my life much easier. Thanks to them I can be in touch with my friends around the world!
    Have you ever tried to talk to someone from another country in a foreign language on Skype? Would you rather write letters or use chats?
    I do a lot! I use usually skype, it's a great way to brush up my english and i use WhatsApp to chat with them. It's really comfortable and cheap ( i mean, it's free.).
    Do you value people's freedom? Do you think it is limited nowadays?
    Nowadays we can hear more and more about the actions of government which spies their citizents by eavesdropping their conversations and so on but I think we should deal with this facts that with the growth of technology-development we are exposed on such actions. I value my free will a lot.

  10. Are you old fashioned or modern kind of person? I'm mixed. I use a lot of modern technology but I'm always two or three years late. I like some old fashioned entertainment like theatre but I love cinema to. I'm trying to be on time but I'm not crazy about it.
    Have you ever tried to talk to someone from another country in a foreign language on Skype? Would you rather write letters or use chats? I talked with a lot of people from another country but not on Skype just on chat. I don't write letters of coure I'm chatting.
    Do you value people's freedom? Do you think it is limited nowadays? Freedom is one of the bigest value we should protect it. I think that it is limited but it is some times needed to protect our safety. But we should know about that we are observed it shouldn't be hidden.

  11. I'm modern kind of person, I really like new technologies. I can also learn very quickly how to use them, I have friendw who is really bad with it, she don't know how to use apps in her phone and she needs help when she's using computer. I rather use chats because it's faster.
    People's freedom is one of the biggest valeu, we should protect it but it also should have some limits, we can't explain everything freedom.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It think that I`m old fashined. Yes, I have a spartphone but I`m using it only as a telephone or maybe sometimes as web browser but if I want to listen music I`m using music player, If I want to take a picture I`m using camera. I`m just prefer using thing which are specialized at doing something and they are better than all in one devices.

    I have never tried to talking with someone from another country in foreign language on Skype. I`m using chat because it`s faster than traditional letters. I like writing letters but when I`m doing that I write only about irrelevant things where immediate intervention is not required.

  14. In my case "old-fashioned" and "modern" blend together surprisingly easily into one person. But I'm definitely old-fashioned if it comes to culture and entertainment: I would always choose a play over a movie. I adore theatre for it's atmosphere, closeness of people, art and words, and for it's very real emotions. Movies are also great, but it's just a completely different kind of art.

    I have talked to someone from another country in a foreign language more than once :) It's a great opportunity to learn some slang words and different accents. I also love writing and receiving traditional letters. It's something very emotional and romantic in written word from a person you're close with.

    I highly value people's freedom but I'm not into some kind of conspiracy theories about our government spying on us in every minute of our lives. If you want your privacy just don't post everything on facebook, twitter or instagram. Not everyone has to know what you had for dinner :) It really is as easy as that.

  15. As in case of Emilia, I feel the same. I find myself as an old fasioned and modern person at the same time. I like texting with my friend, but in five minutes I meet with someone face to face and talking whole day. I like new technologies and I know it will be hard for me doing without my mobile phone, but I don't use apps or even skype on my phone. I can manage without them, I prefer 'normal' text to chat on Facebook. If I had a choice, I would chose writing email or as I said text to someone in foregin language than talking on chat. I had chats on Skype with someone from foreign country, but it is still not very comfortable for me.
    As regards the last question, I agree with author of the presentation. Our freedom is limited thanks all these cameras on the street, whanks special applications on mobile phone and so on. We are observed by all these modern, strange things. But I see people get used to it, and don't worry about their precious freedom. That's why I don't have too many photos on my facebook or not often use gps on my phone.

  16. Are you old fashioned or modern kind of person?
    I thnik I'm mix of these two types. I daily use modern kind of communication and press. Mainly, because I must. Everything connected with university and social life requiers using e-mail, social network etc. However, I'm type of human who likes leave his mobile at home and go outside or read a book or magazine.
    Have you ever tried to talk to someone from another country in a foreign language on Skype? Would you rather write letters or use chats?
    I haven't got ability to talk or have dialog with someone from another counrty by internet or posting yet.
    Do you value people's freedom? Do you think it is limited nowadays?
    Human freedom is the base of our existence. It is also important like love or religion. Today our freedom is limited thanks to social globalization. Everyone can find you in almost every place on earth.

  17. Are you old fashioned or modern kind of person? I think that I am old fashioned person.
    Have you ever tried to talk to someone from another country in a foreign language on Skype? No, because I don't use it. As I mentioned I am really old fashioned person and I don't like use programms like Skype.
    Would you rather write letters or use chats? I prefer meet with people face to face because it is more comfortable for me.
    Do you value people's freedom? Do you think it is limited nowadays? Yes, of course. In many countries freedom is limited but not in Poland:)

  18. I think that I’m rather old fashioned and despite the fact that I appreciate modern technology I still prefer face to face contact with other people. That kind of contact gives me more satisfaction during conversation. I have never talked to somebody in foreign language because I haven’t got such a person but I think it could be a good method for learning different language and in general culture,
    About freedom I think that XXIst century is „the most freedom” time in whole history of human. There are many organizations which take care about radial problems and the governments of many countries also understand how this question is important.

  19. Are you old fashioned or modern kind of person?
    I think that I'm both of them.I use some of modern technology like most of us,such as:computer,mobile phone,Internet,because without them it's hard to live nowadays,but I'm not this type of person who follow new technology and development.
    Have you ever tried to talk to someone from another country in a foreign language on Skype? Would you rather write letters or use chats?
    I have never tried to talk to someone from another country in a foreign language on Skype.It is scary to me,because I don't know who is at the end of monitor.I'd rather use chats.
    Do you value people's freedom? Do you think it is limited nowadays?
    In my opinion,nowadays,we are deprived of freedom.We are following everywhere.On example,throw fb and other social networking sites.Our shopping are registered.In big city on the streets,in schools,shopping malls there are thousands or milions of security cameras.

  20. I'm a modern man who like heaps of old stuff such as vinyl records, VHS tapes or printed books. But I'm reaping the fruits of technology too. I'm very stoked that I can load most of the books or music to one mobile device and carry it on my pocket. These days I hardly ever skype with friends, but I often use FaceTime or Viber for calls and chats. I guess we have far more freedom than back in the days and I see some value in it.

  21. I'm person which is between old trends and modern lifestyle. I do enjoy some things from the past, I appreciate their culture, science, generally speaking - heritage, but I also can't imagine myself without my smartphone or tablet.No, I've never tried to speak with anyone on skype from foreign country, but I think I'll try one day. I prefer writing e-mails. chats demand my immersion.
    Of course I think people freedon is valuable and I think it is not limited due to technolocigal progress. In fact, it helps to be abvailable all around the world, wherever you want to be. It gives you lots opportunities.


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