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Differences between artists among the time

Like most of people, we have our own idols that make a big impression on us every time we'll think about them and that sometimes we would like to have their characters or just to be like them. This people have a big influece on our behaviour and they can change the way we are looking at the world (especially when we are aiming to live like they are living).  But there is a huge difference between artists in the past and this that live nowadays, it's not just a thing of their appearance, but whole process of changing the culture.

Not so long ago, back in the 60' and 70' the music business was going through the culture revolution. This were the years when many rock-stylish bands rised to become a world famous legends of music, admire all around the world  such as The Beatles, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and so on. On the stages there were no just a stars, but rebels, who have changed the traditional meaning of music forever. When Jim Morrison was posing during the photo session without his shirt it was controversial, but nowadays neglige as an artistic expression isn't such a scandalic thing. The popular singers like Rihanna, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus etc. are exposing their naked body parts in almost every promo video. But it's just a mirror of the past generations. Of course not only image has changed. Also the lyrics of the songs nowadays are simplify to the maximum, instead of real poems in the past.

The same thing is with actors. Nowadays actor doesn't have to play good to became famous and rich, I would say he is more a celebrity making young people screaming. Often he needs to be just well-build or looking beautiful then to have a real talent. Of course in the past actors also were handsome, actresses were pretty, but they had something in their acting style that gave for the films an uniqe atmosphere, for example „Easy rider”, „Chinatown”, „The Godfather” and many others.

The culture is going through methamorphoses and the same thing is with idols, because they are creating the culture space we are living in. There will always be someone who will want to bring „old” culture to the modern sphere, but truly everything we can see, hear or read today is an echo of the past.

And what's your opinion about it. Do you think artists nowadays are as good as in a past ? What's your idols and for what are you admitting them ?



  1. I think that we cant compare artists from the past to the nowadays one. It were different times, different culture. Today artist has a lot of opportunities to become famous. In my opinion they talent is on the same level. My favourite artist, not idol, becouse i think that musicians, actors etc. are not goot example of idols, is probably Leonardo Di Caprio. He is always perfect prepared for the role, that he is playing, and his play is really, really stunning. When i watch movie with him, i feel like it is documentary about some person, not just a movie. He is playing, like he would be that person in real life.

  2. I think that there are plenty of artists who are as good as the artists in the past. But there also a lot of people who have no talent and are considered as artists. Nowadays people can become famous only because someone will take them picture and suddenly they are stars, they are everywhere: they sing, act, do everything.
    I don’t have many idols especially among musicians and actors but I have a lot respect for Meryl Streep, because though all these years she has been an amazing actress and it is always a pleasure to watch her play. I also admire Christopher Nolan, whose films are brilliant and always in every particular perfect.

  3. People like to say that art from the past is better . I don't agree with this . Big art jest moved from mainstream to underground . Today we also have many great artists, painters, musicians, writers, directors - but they are not as well known as mainstream artists . If you like 60s music you should listen to the new wave of garage rock from San Francisco (Ty Segall for example) or any band from Warsaw label Crunchy Human Children (for example The Phantoms). It is not that the artistic spirit of the 60s and 70s is gone. There are many artists who are continuing the work of the 60s and 70s and you can tell that they stuck in them. This spirit has been superseded by young artists. They are different and maybe we don't like them but we have a large selection of what we want to listen to and what we want to see. And we can't argue with each other about the taste. Unfortunately all of my heroes are dead. The Stranglers - "No more heroes".

  4. There are some remarkable artists contemporarily, but in the group of so-called artists they constitute minority. The awerage level of artists value is lower nowadays, but the same is with the level of cultural life at all. All self-respecting people suffer from embarassing condition of the popular culture.
    I don't really have any idol. I'm not really seeking.


  5. In my opinion it is difficult to say that artists nowadays have changed. For me a lot of popular actress, actors or singers just don’t deserve this designation. They are just celebrities. On the other hand we connot generalize. There are still plenty of real artist who can affect, divert and dispose to reflection. It is true that songs and movies are simplified these days but one of the main cause is that recipients become admass and indiscriminate. Demand create supply. There wouldn’t be so stupid productions like for example Warsaw Shore if nobody want watch it.
    Maybe not an Idol but artist who I really appreciated is Sabaton band. They are compose songs about history. Some of their songs tell about Polish history. My teacher showed them to as at history lesson at High School and since then I like this band very much.

  6. In my opinion, earlier times are irreplaceable and they will never come back. Music was something unusual and it was real passion for singers. I absolutely admire whole generation of artists who created rock music about 70's and later. Lyrics in their songs were absolutely deeper and had a sense. Nowadays, lyrics are really shallow and this music is unambitious. As I mentioned up, I admire rock artists for example Deep Purple or Depeche Mode whose music has a magic and I still love to come back to these old times.

  7. And what's your opinion about it. Do you think artists nowadays are as good as in a past ? What's your idols and for what are you admitting them ? I think that there is a lot of great artists that have real talent and we should distill a lot of things from them, but of course the most famous people not always gives good example of behaviour and unfortunately they have big influence especially on teenagers. In the past artists didn't earn such big money and they treated their job with passion nowadays this is very common that celebrites are doing anything to be famous and rich. I realy appreciate Adele because he showed that you don't have to be controversial to be a big artist and sell album and became famous. She only standing and singing but everybody loves her because she is genius in that.

  8. I don't think that in the past times idols were better then now, especially rock stars. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll - that all what was important in their lifes. They were drunk and stoned all the time and I think that they were not best examples for anyone, but in my opinion they were so much better musicians then contemporary stars and I love music from that times. I appreciate musicians like Eric Clapton, bands Rolling Stones, AC/DC or Metallica, after all these years they have tens of thousands of fans, they are still very popular despite so many problems in past.

  9. I think that previous actor generation was better than actual except maybe few od them like Johnny Depp or Robert Downey Jr. We shouldn`t cross out all of nowadays actors. I haven`t got idols. Maybe Slash would it be. He left his education for playing guitar and now is the greatest guitarist for me.

  10. Of course, like most of you, I think in the past were better idols than now. In the past, even in pop music we could find something interesting, each band had something amazing in its style or in way of its music. However, we must remember that in these days - of the door or AC/DC- music had been forming. Each musician was looking for the best sound for his kind of music. Nowadays, I think most of 'sounds' are discovered and it is really hard to invent any new ones. And in my point of view that's why we compare the music 'in the past' and modern music. That's the same thing with actors. In these days the cinema and all this business connected with movies was developing.
    It's natural that we remember only the first man, who invented something, who started the way of doing something. But the quantity of 'new' things in one field of art is simply limited.
    As regards the idols- I don't have any 'idol'. I like listening the doors, AC/DC, the Beatles or even Pink Floyd. But I'm not the person. who really like following somebody's example. I like listening them, as I said, and that's all.

  11. And what's your opinion about it. Do you think artists nowadays are as good as in a past ? What's your idols and for what are you admitting them ?
    Few decades ago people seemed to be more creative. When we talk about artists, the best examples are musicians and filmmakers. More than 30 years ago they had to use only mechanical equipment like life instruments, special effects without computers in movies, and I think, everything was more thoughtful and refined. For example today's musicians and dj's create everything thanks to computer programs, but theirs songs are nothing compared to Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Electric Light Orchestra etc., who used only life instruments and simple synthesizers but effect have been awesome. Formerly, filmmakers produced movies, which, first of all, was inspired and pioneering discovery. Today we can watch movies , which are based on schemes that have been invented years ago. If we talk about artists, we should mention our. polish producers and musicians. During the communism we had artists on a european level, maybe on a global, concerned filmmakers and musicians, like Czesław Niemen, Krzysztof Komeda, Wojciech Kilar, Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Kieślowski and many of them. Despite the Iron Curtain, they were recognizable and appreciated internationally. Today we haven't got great artists, only shallow celebrities

    1. It is really hard to tell if nowadays artists are better or worse than a few years ago. But in My opinion before were less artists than now. Artists weren't as rich as today. But I think they were really good people who know what they do well. Unfortunately there are many people who want to be celebrities not good artists and it's really frustrating. You can sing, play and do many other things but you aren't good in it. Of course I know manyartist for example good actor Daniel Olbrychski or directioner Roman Polański. I think they are the best in their work.

    2. I think ppl were more informed and had more interesting attitudes and ideas when first all that great stuff were developing. Now I think ppl just accept the most idiotic interpretation of that golden age, which wasn’t perfect either. I admire some ppl work, but I don’t feel like give them a credit here. It’s kinda personal ocult obsession.

  12. In my opinion artists are good as they was, if we define artist like artist but not an 'artist'. I hope you know what I mean. Today popular is what is easy to sold, not what is good. That's why in media there are many 'stars' not artists. The art is damanding. Nowadays who has time for demanding art? If you really want to catch some good spectalces, concerts, movies you have to foor it. But you'll find, for sure.


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