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         Role of women in different cultures.

Thin women in Europa and fat female residents of Africa. Tanned American and Chinese with snow white complexion. It is not hard to see than canon of beauty is widely dissimilar in different part of word. Differences in perception of role of women in society are yet deeper.

Woman in western civilization- woman as a leader.

In western civilization women have very strong position. Woman as a leader become more and more frequent phenomenon ( for example Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel or just female owners of firms).

 Feminism, which is especially relevant to this region, has helped entrench position of women in society. Amount of followers of controversial Gender ideology is increasing here extremely fast. Pressure from governments to gender equality is even ridiculous sometimes. For example UE enacted decree which obligate membership countries to achieve level of 40% of women in executive board before 2020 (nowadays it is around 15%).  There must be some reason why present level is so low. For example this kind of work is significant time-consuming and demand huge commitment which may be difficult to reconcile with role of mother. But law is a law. ;)
On the other hand, there is a lot of scientist claimed that women are better leaders because of:
· Women leaders are more assertive and persuasive,
·     They have a stronger need to get things done and     more willing to take risks than male leaders.
·  They were found to be more empathic and flexible, as well as stronger in interpersonal skills than their male counterparts.

Woman in Islam

In Muslim culture role of women is diametrically opposed and  confine women’s liberties is not  unusual. For example men are empowered to bit women, in some area raped women may be accuse of fornication (which is punished by death penalty ) if she doesn’t found 4 witnesses testify against rapist.  It is not uncommon to take marriage with girl before 15, moreover they have very tight rights to wealth garner during marriage ( for example they do not share anything from immovable property such as land, real estate, farm or such value).  

Muslim countries show  the world's highest gender gap in education. UNICEF  notes that near 70% of adult Muslim women are illiterate.  In the most orthodox society they are not allowed to take any  professional activity(unless economic status of family make it essential).  What is more in some country (like for example in Saudi Arabia) women are not allowed to have diving licence or just do shopping by themselves and the only reason why she can left house is prayer. In  Islamic country women are obligated to cover theirs body by chador. This regulation is controversial because it concern every women in Islamic countries, irrespective of religion, and Muslim women visiting non-Islamic countries are unwilling to accept local dress code.

The aforementioned facts paint women rights in Islam in extremely bad lights. But it is not the whole truth.  Plenty of these thinks come from rather specific culture of geographic region than from religious policy. I recommend watching undermentioned film.

Woman in Japan- ryosai kenobo (good wives and wise mother)

For centuries Japanese has been perceived, especially by western watchers, as graceful but very  subjection beauty. In Japanese tradition ideal women use to by define as good wives and wise mother. Their role in society or economy has been confined.

Nowadays a lot of things have changed. Good proof maybe statement of a longtime resident of Japan who writes: "I can remember very well that in the 1920's a wife was likely to follow, deferentially, a pace behind her husband on the street, encumbered with whatever babies or bundles needed to be carried, while he strode ahead in lordly grandeur. Over the years I have seen the wife catch up with her husband, until they now walk side by side and the babies and bundles are often in his arms."

However there is still a lot od thinks that should be changed.   Women in Japan are usually well educated and they cannot complain about confine their personal rights. But there is one interesting and stunning issue in these modern country- position of women in the labour market. In Japan parents found huge difficulties to combine work and family commitments. It is the main reason why most of women go to “retire” when they born a child and never back to work. What is more Japan have huge gender pay gap, women’s median income is 60% of that received by their male counterparts (twice the OECD average) and only 3.5% of management is constitute by women.

Questions for You:
1.       What do you think about woman as a leader?
2.        Have you heard about some examples of human rights abuse against women?
3.    How can we faith for gender equality? Is feminism a good way? Or maybe we don’t need equality but  justice?
4.        What do you think about gender pay gap? Is it reasoned?



  1. In my opinion woman can be very good as a leader but it depends on some conditions. As mentioned in presentation women have some features of characters that help them to do well their job and deal with lots of other responsibilities. But in fact, I think they are sensitive and easily doubt in their abilities which make them some problems with making decision and commanding people.
    I’ve heard some examples of human right abuse, but in my opinion what come to Europe is only a part of what really happened in most of Muslim countries (but not only there). Maybe is not a good example of that, but last time there was a big affair about young journalist brutally raped in one of those countries. It shows how men treat women generally. Without respect.
    Yes, justice is a better word to describe it. From my point of you we don’t need a gender equality in that sense like media present. Of course, our place is not only at home, with children, cleaning and cooking for the rest of family. But c’mon, about 25% woman in military? What for?
    Nevertheless, I thing gender pay gap is without any sense. Woman work hard as man do, so why those differences?

  2. Women can be better leader than men,because it is thought that women are more careful and responsable,so they take care about group.On the other hand,some of them are too sensitive to make a big step towards something or in front of huge risk,so their foresight can stop the development.
    I've heard a lot of examples of human rights abuse against women,especially in Islam culture.Women are belong to their husbands.They cannot have own opinion.They could not even drive a car or get good education.
    It's hard to say something about gender equality,especially by the fact that most of people who fight for their rights are often only scandalists. I think that nobody want full equality,but only justice.Everyone should have the same rights,but it doesn't mean that women have to work in the mines.
    I think that gender pay gap haven't got any sense.

  3. 1. What do you think about woman as a leader?
    I think that woman can be better leader than man. In our country the President is man but I kope it can change:) Women are more responsible and calm than men so I think they can be good leaders. For example Angela Merkel has good influence for German's situation in Europe.
    2.Have you heard about some examples of human rights abuse against women?
    Yes, I heve heard about many examples of human rights abuse against wamen. I think it is the most popular in Islam culture.
    3. How can we faith for gender equality? Is feminism a good way? Or maybe we don’t need equality but justice?
    In my opinion feminism isn't good way because it leds to disaster. We don't need a gender equality.
    In my opinion gender pay gap have no sense.

  4. 1. I heard that women can be a good leaders, especially after childbirth, because they less risky and well-organized, not so self-confidence as men, thats why they check everything twice. I think, if woman feels a need to build a career and be a leader and if she can do it well, why not?
    2. A ban of getting education is the most well known example of abusing of human rights against a women. Also there is a lot of strange, awful situations in Africa, when mens in village say that certain woman is a witch, for example. And she should go away if she want to stay alive. There is a lot of such examples in cultures with domination of men, in which they decide about everything.
    3-4. Now a lot of talk about gender equality and there are special programs which were created to achive gender equality. Specialists examine different situations in society and propose such decisions which ensure both women and men the same quality of life. Any decision should be thoughtful and should be considered in a cultural aspect of certain country. And one of the directions of such programs is certain payoffs for skilled person, no matter woman or man.

  5. In my opinion, position of women as a leaders is proper due to their nature, responsibility and huge sensitivity what is so important especially if we consider issues of poor people. However, I think that women have less self-confidence and firmness than men so in some situations they may have got problems.
    There are a lot of examples of human rights abuse against women, I have read for example about women in India where they are raped, treated as a slaves, men feel unpunished and also carry transactions of trade them.
    I think that we don't need a gender equality. In fact, everyone should feel fulfilled and appreciated, women should realize their dreams and come true in their ideal work.
    To me, gender pay gap is useless.


  6. I think that being a good leader is not a skill which depends on gender. It depends on your character. I have to disagree that the EU law which obligates its countries to reach the level of 40% women in executive boards is ridiculous because women don't have time for being in top management because they are mothers - we just have to get used to the fact, that child also has a father who should take care of him as much as mother. Women are as good managers as men and I think that the law is controversial but it is the only way to start some important changes in society and then maybe we will see a person not only gender when it comes to job interviews.
    Unfortunately there are places where human rights abuse against women means something more than a hard job interview - it is sometimes really dangerous to be a woman in India or Islamic countries or even travelling there as a single woman. We've heard lately about rapes in India and how law is not respected in that cases or even doesn't exist.
    I think that there is no one good way to make gender equality - we have to try in our everyday life to make it happen in small ways. To stand up for ourselves, become more self-conscious and create families as we want them to be - tell clearly how we want to live and what we are expecting from our partner and hear what he expect from us and try to find some balanced solutions and then it will go further into our work etc.
    I think that there should be no such thing as a gender pay gap. If I'm working on the same position, just as hard as my male college why should they pay him more?

  7. In my opinion women can be a great leader just like men, there are no differences in term of gender, but maybe more in responsibility. Yes I heard and read many articles about human rights abuse women,especially in eastern countries, but not only. For me it's just the sign that even if we are living in the world of new technologies, mentally we are in the Stone Age. If we don't change look on the gender cases, it will be very hard to change anything. Feminism can be good or not, sometimes it's not just a fight against the rules, but it becomes illness. Justice is the right word to describe this case :) For me gender pay gap won't change anything.

  8. What do you think about woman as a leader? I think they are as good as a man. We are different but I think that being a good leader don't depend on gender.
    2. Have you heard about some examples of human rights abuse against women? I've heard that in Serbia women can't drink alcohol or inherit property, also they must service for men.
    3. How can we faith for gender equality? Is feminism a good way? Or maybe we don’t need equality but justice? We need both. I think that only justice won't change anything we need to change our thinking. Feminism isn't a good way because this is too radical.
    4. What do you think about gender pay gap? Is it reasoned? Ithink this is so bad. We are doing the same job with the same education level so why we can't earn the same money? It's unfair discrimination and we should fight with it.

  9. It's rather up to personal abilities and attitude than to gender whether someone could be a respectable leader.
    Recently I've stumbled upon an article about human right abuse concerning husband who decapitated his wife because of suspicion of betrayal. I didn't realy want to see it and I wasn't seeking, it broke me.
    I'd rather have faith in justice, because eguality may come out to be not as fair as we would like it to be. For example I don't feel like building my house and carring weights in the name of equality.
    It's definitely reasoned only by stereotypes and in fact it's a way much too obsolete to take place in today's reality.

  10. In my opinion gender has no effect on who we are as a public person. And women and men can be a great leaders.
    Of course I heard about human rights abuse against women. And perhaps in Muslim countries it happens more often but Europe is also not the promised land. We are dealing not only with simple domestic violence but the dismissal of pregnant women, the pay gap between men and women, sexual harassment. This is a huge problem all around the world. And it seems to me that it's not about equality but about justice for shure. If we can hire a competent man with great experience and good results or incompetent woman (or vice versa) we would like to hire the better one. When suddenly a law appears and says that we need to get to 40% of women in the workplace. This is stupid. But of course I do not support the gender pay gap.

  11. It is obvious for me that women have the same competences which men have and western way of life and in general western culture shows it. In USA and Europe many of the most important positions in business and politics belongs to women. But all should remember that woman in Europe had a long the way of proving competences (almost whole XXth century). This is a long way and even hereafter Muslin and Japanease women would prove that they are not worse than men it could probably take a lot of time.

  12. I don't have anything against women as a leader. However, I think we (women) are more emotional than men are. But women have these adventages, which men don't have and vice versa. That's why I think there is no equality in society, because simple we are not equal. Firstly, each person is different, what all we know. However, teher are number of adventages and disadventages of each gender and I think we just can't compare these two sexes. The other thing is culture. I really don't like when somebody comment the other culture and saying 'they are wrong! It is unimaginable!'. They live in other culture, in the other culture women and men have their own social roles and being brought up in polish culture we will never understand japanese or... Muslims! It is worth to know how it works somewhere else. Thanks that we can appreciate our situation, in our country-and that's all.
    And that's the reason why I really don't like feminists and don't agree with them. They want to do a great revolution, which is completly unnatural.


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