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Music TV shows

Are music TV shows a real chance for creating a pop star?

Turn on the TV or radio, read a newspaper, look at street adverts carefully. What can you see? What are you listening to?

On almost every TV channel we can find advertisement about another edition of X Factor, Must be the Music, The Voice of Poland. What is their value? Why there is a permanent need to create such TV show? Is that only a money issue? Or there is something more, which make people believe that it can somehow change their life?

Let’s pay attentionabout those programs and try to think about most popular winners. Who they are? Are they only stars for one season and later no one remembers about them? Or maybe they still exist in the music community and their popularity is continuous?

Did you know that the present singer in QUEEN is Adam Lambert, one of participants in American Idol, or one of the winner of Oscar (a movie – Dreamgirls) and Grammy is Jennifer Hudson, also became popular thanks to American Idol?

On the other side... Can you name some polish stars which became famous after TV show? Do examples like Justyna Steczkowska, Enej or Dawid Podsiadło sound familiar to you? What about Damian Ukeje, Alicja Janosz or Gienek Loska?

Unfortunately, there is a big difference between the culture of listening the music in Poland and Great Britain or United States. Those countries promote music stars, people buy CDs, go to the concert. Here, in Poland, we rather prefer to download music from the Internet, go to the concert of foreign stars. Local musicians therefore are lonely, without anyone’s help.

Anyway, I know there is a thousand questions which remain without answers. Indeed, my point is to consider whether a way they’ve achieved a success is really important for us. I have an impression that polish people tend to pigeonhole (excluding Steczkowska which is known since I can remember) them and judging because they were lucky and someone’s noticed them. Not because they are talented and deserve it.

Another point of view. Those people are judging by group of 3-4 people from jury at the first step of competition and we can say something by sending texts during live episodes. Do you think that this method is fair? Are you sure that your votes are counting honestly? How could we know if everything isn’t set by the production?

Why those group of 3-4 people have never given a chance to singer like those(:)):

I would love to hear from you what do you really think about programmes like that, your point of view about achieving success, whether those people got talent or they just look good and the audience want to see them. Can you name some other stars from that kind of TV shows? Have you ever tried to be part of them? Why those shows are so popular?



  1. I think that programs like that give opportunity to people who want to show up are demonstrate their ability. Only people who are have outstanding personality and people liked them will achieve a success. I know Monika Brodka and Krzysztof Zalewski who take part in polish Idol. I listen they music and I really think that the path their choose for their career is very good.
    I never tried taking part in shows like that. I am not so much talented.
    I remember that I watched Idol only because I wanted to poke fun at this people who went there without any talent. People probably watch them because for entertainment.

  2. Can you name some other stars from that kind of TV shows?
    Of course. I watch The Voice of Poland so I know many stars from these kind od TV shows. For example Rafał Brzozowski or Ewelina Lisowska from X Factor. But I don't like listen their music. Kamil Bednarek is one of most popular contestant these kind of shows and I think he's really got talent. Unfortunately I don't sing well so I can't take part in these shows. I think these programms are popular because people like watch usual people who sing beautiful.

  3. I know some stars from these type of shows for example Alicja Janosz, Ewelina Flinta (Polish Idol) , Dominika Gawęda (Szansa na sukces). I think that thanks to these programms people have a chance to be popular and achieve success in their favourite domain.
    I play the violin and saxophone but singing isn't my strong side, I prefer playing the instruments.
    Music shows are popular because it is a great entertainment for teenagers, adults and elderly people. Music certainly improve our mood and if we add also a rivalry between contestants it is an amazing spectacle.

  4. Music shows are good way to promote yourself,but in my opinion, it last really short.These people were good recognized when they show off during music tv,but after that,if they haven't got any manager who take cares of them,their disappear from the media. There are only a few people who get huge career after music show.Jennifer Hudson or Adam Lambert are great example.They took the chance to became successful musicians.

  5. I think that they are a really good opportunity but we have to remember that they are not only about singing. Creators are looking for people with good stories. Unfortunately sometimes singing really good is not enough. On the other hand once people are a part of those shows they are getting a chance to have an inside look on this business and decide whether this is a kind of career they want to pursue. We can say that some of winners of these shows have been chosen based on popularity not talent but isn't this how the music world outside looks like? Why some pop stars are famous and brilliant Broadway singers are not?
    I would like to mention some winners of British edition of X-factor - for example James Arthur with his hit single "Impossible" or the latest winner Sam Bailey - nearly 40-year-old prison officer with an excellent voice.
    I've never auditioned for this shows because I really can't sing.
    I think that they are popular because people like to believe that they sometimes hard life can still change and they'll have an opportunity to live their dreams like people who are winning.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like programmes like that but only if level of competitors is high and it isn't focused on jury. I know a few names like Lemon, Enej also, Kamil Bednarek, Ania Dąbrowska. I actually personally know Piotrek Niesłuchowski who was in first edition of The Voice of Poland and he was in final four, unfortunately he didn't make a big career but I belive he will. He has a rock band "Hanza". I've never tried to take part in such program because I'm not musician. They are popular because they gives chance for ordinary people.

  8. I used to watch this kind of programmes some time ago, but ever since I remember it wasn't the person I wanted who won. There was something wrong with the unofficial rules according to which people were chosen. It was too frequent when I reckoned that the reason for which someone is wanted is not exactly or not always his talent but his ability to entartain - in shortest way to attract people's attention often because of some shallow motivators. It was cheap and I stopped watching it.
    Some of these people really have talent, some of them are just good product to sell (for example because someone is attractive, modern, provocative). Yet even the former get sold quite often, I mean people who lost their quaint personality just because they achieved success and are paid for the way they are. Most people can't resist success and big money going to their heads.
    On the one hand these progremmes are so popular because the society is in majority dissatisfied of their lifes and so they yearn for observing people both winning and loosing. On the other hand it can be interesting and moving to discover human abilities and hidden treasures.

  9. In my opinion programs like this in presentation are good for people who like to become discovered by other people. I also was trying to go to program in this kind but it's not quite easy to get into, and sometimes I think it's not about your talent but only about your image. I don't konw much people who are starring in this programs, I just heard about Ania Dąbrowska. As I said before I tried to be a part of this programes but (fortunately) I am not :) Popularity of this programes are based only on the reactions of audience in the studio and in front of Tv in my honest opinion.

  10. I don't like this kind of programs. Perhaps abroad they have some meaning. But in Poland, people go far in the competition will automatically enter the mainstream. They are thrown to the lions for the major labels. It is easy to sign a contract with them by tempting them with a lot of money. It changes them. I earn a living from music. I play in an orchestra, I have my own recording studio and a band. When it comes to music in Poland to reach a large and valuable success (including abroad) you have to do everything yourself. From composing, through recording, to organizing concerts.

  11. I don't enjoy watching this kind of shows. It's not my kind of thing and I would rather check myself with further comments. However I agree with the fact that some of the partakers might be gifted or whatsoever.

  12. I don't enjoy watching this kind of shows also, but I think it's quite good idea, because people can get well knows in these programms. Well I can't say much about this topic, because as I said I don't enjoy watching e.g. X-factor

  13. People like watch this kind of shows. I think TV shows help talented people become more popular. I know that Enej was in this king of shows and I'm happy, bacause I really like their songs. For me people don't forget about them.
    As always new singer or band are everywhere, in TV, radio, papers. It during perhaps two or three months and after that time media show up new singer or band. If we really like the singer, we will buy a new CD or go to the concert although he or she isn't popular.

  14. I don’t watch any of programs like this. In my opinion they are just easy way to make money. People like to watch success, like to decide who will achieve this success. It is great sales pitch show people than anyone could win, that ordinary people, just like you or your neighbor, may become stars. On the other hand there is no doubt that sometimes shows like this may become a gate to fame and success.
    There may be something here, that those people who go to next level just look good, have pathetic history and the audience want to see them again.
    I don't know any other stars who become famous beacuse of . programs like Idol or other similar, but prababbly it is beacuse I'm not intrested in shows like this.

  15. Can you name some other stars from that kind of TV shows?
    Yes, but I don't watch any of those programme, I heard about James Arthur (he has won British X-Factor), Kelly Clarkson (she has won American Idol).
    Have you ever tried to be part of them?
    No, I can't sing so I never tried.
    Why those shows are so popular?
    I don't know, maybe they just like to watch when people sing, or laugh at them when they are terrible.

  16. I don't like this type of programs and I've never wanted to participate in it. However, I see it is really popular and people love watching it. I don't really know why, maybe it is just interesting for them and show that everybody has the possibility to be a super star or just to be famous.
    On the other hand, this type of tv shows give young people chance to show something for the bigger public. In Poland we have Szymon Wydra or Brodka like confirmation of success the Idol.

  17. The truth is tv stations produce talent shows to earn money by sms and ads, maybe if they have luck, they find someone with extraordinary talent who has to sign a contract with tv station and after program they are faces of conctrete television like, for example Enej for Polsat or Dawid Podsiadło for Tvn. whether they want to or not they have to play at all tv event like new year's party etc.


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