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Does money spoil people?

Does money spoil people?

There is a saying that ‘money spoils people’, which means that people who become rich also start being rude and nasty. Is this true or not? I do not like categorize people, all stories are different. Probably everyone knows someone who is rich and nice person, and someone who is wealthy and horrible…What can determine behaviour of these people?

1.    First of all how they got their money. Some people are rich because they won the lottery and some of them because they are genius who made a discovery of new, brilliant solution. There are also ones who are rich because they inherit all wealth from their ancestors… It is not a rule, but I think that people who work hard for everything what they have are more stable and realistic than ones, who don’t need to do anything because they got everything for free (without dedication or hard work). They won’t probably understand normal people (read: not so rich) what makes them often conceited. Many of the multimillionaires state that they will not give their offspring too much money. One of them is Bill Gate (second the richest man in the world), he said in interview: „I definitely think leaving kids massive amounts of money is not a favour to them”.

2.    Important question is also-does money is your only goal? There are people who wants to be rich and it is their life goal. They live to make money, they dream about them... People like this don’t care about employees, environment… They have their goal and they would do everything to achieve it. But there are also people like Graham Tuckwell who donate $50 million for scholarships or Ted Turner who transfer $1 billion to the United Nations… There is nothing wrong in having money but desire to want more and more may be deadly for human relationships.

3.    Does money really change us or maybe it is people who are around us? When someone become rich, there are always people who start telling that he is a different person now, that money made him blind… Probably sometimes it is true, but other time it is people, who are jealous… It is not weird that someone who become rich change a little… He need to be more careful because he don’t know if people are nice to him cause of his money or they just like him.

4.    „Money spoils but only those who are already spoiled”. This sentence I read on the  one blog. And I think it’s been the best summary to this text… People who profess strong values in life would not change just because of money. People who always felt insecure may change into ‘monsters’ when they feel the power of money.

Money is always a hot topic. Not only in life but also in…art! As a curiosity I want to show you few examples, where money is used as a main topic.

1.Topic of money was used even on pictures in 16th century. Here are ones which are pretty popular: 
The Moneylender and His Wife” Quentin Massys, 1514

„The Moneylender and His Wife” Marinus van Reymerswaele, 1539

2. „Money, money, money, always sunny, in the rich men’s world” sing Abba in their song ‘money money money’. It is not the only song where money is main topic. Lilly Allen in her song ‘the Fear’ sing: „I want to be rich and I want lots of money. I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny”.

3. World spoiled by money was also shown in movie ‘Wall street’ directed by Olivier Stone. It creates a picture of people, who would do everything for money without respect to anyone.
4. Money was also used by Andy Warhol in his pop art pictures:
'Triple dollar sign' 1981

Money will always be a subject which generates a lot of emotions. There is no only one answer for question ‘does money spoil people’.

Questions for you:
Do you think that money spoils people?
Do you know any extra examples of using money-topic in art?



  1. I think that money can be temptation to spoil people. But everything depends on the character and moral values important for ones.
    I can recall one example of using money as a topic in art: a song "Money" performed by Pink Floyd.

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  3. It is thought that a considerable amount of things, which everyone obtain might be bought for money however not everything. The best things in life are said to be priceless. I'm absolutely convinced that money in a big amount might be the reason for spoiling people. They, in most cases, become rude or give themselves airs and graces. The affluent society might buy journey around the world or expensive car so as to ensure entertainment but family, friendship, love, remembrance are the best and the most precious things in human life, which one can't buy for money.
    When it comes to art I've heard about some artists, who use paper money as well as coins to make origami figures. They are so brilliant!

  4. I don't think that money can really spoil human, it's our habbits that make us using money in good or wrong way.
    As an example of using money-topic in art I want to bring the "Richie Rich" cartoon - I used to watch it many times.

  5. I formed my opinion on my observations and think money can certainly spoil human. There is a great song 'Money' by Serj Tankian, where he states that money is a cause of absurd, foolishness and limit personal freedom. You also do not know limit of money you would like to have because there is no limits. People always want more. I completely agree with artist. People are too obsessed about piece of paper which is sad.

  6. As its known, money is really important thing in our life. For me it is obvious that money doesn't bring the happiness, however... it is better if I have enough money to live, buy something new, go for a holiday etc. Does money spoil people? I am convinced that it depends on personality. What is more, I compeletely agree with Eliza - a way in which people got their money is considerable. It is more likely that person which won the money on lottery would be changed by money. These people are not aware of the real value of money which they have got for free - without any effort. On the other side we have people who work as hard as it is possible to achieve something, to be as experienced, clever, competent as it is possible. They became rich only thanks to their hard work, determination and skills. They know that becoming rich was hard and time-consuming. What is more, they regard what they have and often want to share the fruits of their work with poor people.
    What about art? There are a lot of films, songs and paints connected with money. Why? The answer is simple! It is a topic which is always "fresh". Yesterday, today, tomorrow... People always care abot money.

  7. Money, sex and power are probably three things that would always lure people... Some of them are really obsessed with these things. When they cross the line and lose sense what is normal, they might become cruel people with desire to have more and more. But it is not a rule. Every person is different. Our behaviuor is determined by so many things that it is hard to say when someone gets spoiled by money or when not...
    I can't think about any other examples of money-topic in art.

  8. I think that money is always an impact on every person. Some people money can actually spoil and some do not. It depends on what is your approach to the money. If you can use it and know its value, you can respect it, then you do not change for the worse, the money will not spoil you. But if you care only for making money, not looking at other valuable things, it is obvious that you can become in the future, the old stingy miser.
    Money can also be used in the theater and musicals. It is very often used prop.

  9. I think the most important factor is the way of getting money. Mostly people who worked hard for thier wealth seems to understand the value of the money. But from the other hand their children, who were born with their parents' money in the diaper can samoetimes grow to mean and rude jerks.
    And still there is Iron Man, a billionare genius and also, a pain in the butt.

  10. Maybe there's some truth, that money are changing people.. I think people tend to money, because money means power. Who is rich, this is simply an easier life. Unfortunately, in this race people sometimes forget things in life really matters.
    I know songs about money: Travie McCoy: Billionaire ft. Bruno Mars or Aloe Blacc - I Need A Dollar.

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  12. To my mind money don’t spoil people, it all depends on the character. But it is qutie hard to resist the negative influence of money. The more we have the more we want, because it is easy to get used to luxury. It is really hard to control yourself and no allow money change you.
    The topic of money is very often repeated in such a music like rap and hip-hop.

  13. In my opinion it's the most likely that money spoil people who gain them without any effort. For example pampered children of millionaires look down on not as well-born kids. It's awful people trample all over each others only because of bank balance. Hopefully there is many rich people who find money as goal life but also as a way of help for others. Foundations, charity ... they can be really generous.
    To find some money motive you only have to listen some rap music;)

  14. It is said that money spoil people. I think it depends on every people. There is some people who won in a lottery or inherited money. In my opinion, some problems with moral decay are connected with human’s personality and approach to life. People who works hard, succeed thank to their enthusiasm, effort and commitment, are “normal” because they appreciate every minute and hour which they spent on. Thus, there is a great example that not every people are spoiled by money. But unfortunately, I know some people in my age who are spoiled by money. Why? I can’t understand it because they don’t earn money, they aren’t wealthy but their parents. Some professions are said to be “elite” and that’s why people think to be the bee’s knees. Money changes people and the reason why is difficult. But I’m convinced that is directly connected with personality, parents’ approach to life, treating money as the most important thing.

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  16. I don’t agree with the statement that money spoils people. Money allows people escaping from problems of everyday life, from worrying about future or being anxious about food, clothing and shelter. Welfare allows taking care of health, physical fitness or personal development and that encourage people to be better. Wealthy people can easily support family, friends and still have funds for their own projects.

  17. I think of money as a commodity as any other. I do, however, agree that the notion of being rich and leading a luxurious life is very attractive for some people, even though they often don't stop to think about why it's so important to them. Suddenly earning a vast fortune can indeed skew morals for some people, especially when they start to treat it as a measurement of others. However, it's impossible to judge everyone this way, as there are many people who have risen to success from poverty and understand the common folk thanks to that.
    I have met a couple of nasty rich people and a couple of nasty poor people and in my opinion, the worst of them all are the nasty wannabe-rich people. It's my personal taste of course, but the irony of them not being successful yet judging others by their fortune adds another layer of bitterness.
    As for money motives in art, I could only refer a couple of rap songs, nothing else comes to mind.

  18. In my opinion saying that money spoils people would be an overstatement. I think it depends on what one belive in and what rules he follows. One who thinks only about himself will behave like a spoilt child no matter weather he is rich or poor.
    I know that money-topic may be also used in comics. In Donald Duck series there is a figure named scrooge. A duck for which the biggest value in life is money.

  19. I agree with the sentence „Money spoils but only those who are already spoiled”. There are so many ways to spend the money that such generalization is simplification. There are people who use money to help other. Fore example the TV presenter, Dorota Wellman gives away her money has been made out of adverising.
    Of course money also appears in literature. Greek mythology has had Midas and William Shakespeare had made "The Merchant of Venice".

  20. „Money spoils but only those who are already spoiled” - it's an answer for question if money spoil people. I met many people who were spoiled because of their family money. They didn't earn it. It was a gift from ruch parents. If they were smart they wouldn't be spoiled but that didn't happend. Money is the best and the worst thing which could happend. Even love is better. Money in art? Of course there is one example - 'Money' by Pink Floyd.

  21. For me money is one of example of human creativity which turned out as an another illness. We created money to make our life easy, but after centuries it’s clear – money kills. Wars, dictatorships, tyranny of corporations in capitalism and of course tyranny of communism. Also religions are about money. God? In churches of various types (from Pakistan to USA, from Argentina to Russia) there is only one Almighty God – gold coin. Money is something which makes people crazy. Like in “Money” of Pink Floyd.

  22. As I think, money spoils most of people because they're too weak mentally to remain emotionally stable. Most of people with money thinks that they're better than the poor people, because they had to earn their money, so they had to work hard (what's not always true) and the poor ones are just lazy and stupid if they can't earn that much money (what's not always true, too). Desire to possess everything what's possible ruled over the people. Who has more, is better and more interesting than the others who is not worth the attention, because literally there is nothing interesting about them, because they have nothing interesting. That's really sad, but it's generally true except a few people.
    The only money-topic in art which I can think of now is Brian May playing the guitar with a sixpence instead plastic plectrum.

  23. In some way, I agree that money spoils people. Especially from the rich family. Whatever they want, they can get it from parents for who it is not a difficult. Most of these people are easy-going because they automatically think that everything will be fine and they obtain success without hard-work.
    Unfortunately except above pictures, I don't know any examples of money-topic art.

  24. I think money spoils people, but some people can deal with it and learn to live like a good person having money and other don't. It's important to stay true to yourself no matter if you are rich or poor. I love hip hop music, and the topic of money appears in most of the rap songs.

  25. Money spoil the people. That's an obvious. I can see it almost in every place, in every country. Money change the personality of every rich man. They change the way of thinking and understanding the world. In common opinion everyone can be a wealthy person. You must be only clever, flexible to the job market and stress-proof. This is the fake rule of capitalism. Of course people were focused on earning money from ages. Money weren't born in XVIII century but much earlier, so it is not only about capitalism. Nowadays unemployment is really high and it is true that there is no job for many people. Employees earn only a really low pensions and almost all the market belongs to the international big companies and trade unions. Money are one of the most important thing in our live, but are we able to earn them in a big number ??

  26. I don't want to generalize, so I can't admit that money spoils people. I totally agree with the author of the text, we are all different, so it depends. I know cases when people came from poor families and when they became rich, they were completely crazy. They thought that since that time they were better than other people. I think that the most important things is how we were rised up and what our partents told us about the importance of money. Of course that money changes our life, but it shouldn't change our personality.

    Money was a topic of a lot of movies, songs or even paintings, but I don't remember any specific example.

  27. Nowadays money rules the world. Without them noone could live - it's sad but true. Of course some of us try to save as much as we can by buying cheap things or cut down whims. But let think what you will do after winning at lottery? In fact I will buy my own flat, maybe also car and try to invest my money.
    There is category of people whose can't think clearly after winning so much cash. They spend them for stupid things and other people are talking about it. But there is also another category about which wrote author - people who work hard for their money. I think it can create two kinds of people - misers or people who want to help others.
    Everything depends on characters' these people!

  28. I think it depends on person - some people can handle having a lot of money, and some just get crazy about it and lose it. Money can spoil, especially when you haven't been working on it. And about the art, maybe the wolf of wall street? Having money changes main character somehow.

  29. I think that in some cases money can spoils the people. There is two aspects which have a huge effects on it: What was the person before She changed into a rich and how She obtained the money. Moreover, We have to remember every case is different. A person may change only for a while. When she/he gets consciouness then she returns to normality. It is normal that sometimes we lose control on something. The most important is to be consciouness of that, and try to be a good person. If we get lost for a while we have to try come back to be yourself.

  30. Money definitely spoils people. Men and womans who have a lot of money often forget about family and friend and they think only yourself. All the time want to more money and they work in day nad night. They lose control over yourself. They want to have the best cars, clothes and big house. But this everything don't give you happiness if you don't spend time with immediate family.

  31. I personally think that money does spoils people. Of course there are examples when having a lot of money doesn’t influence on them. But saying in general, the more money you get the more spoiled you are. Money give the people opportunity to do many things. It helps us to have easier lifes. It is easier because you can try different things. Financial stability is also great thing. But on the other hand you may feel too comfortable about it. In result people start to rank others by the amount of money they have. They sometimes think that they are better or more valuable. It gets more dangerous with every coin. It’s becoming addictive because you might want to have more and more money. The truth about money is that it depends on how did you get them. When you get rich because of winning the lottery or you just were born rich - it’s most probable that money spoil you. But when you have been working hard to get them, you might still have common sense.

  32. Like it was said in the article, we can’t categorize people. In my opinion money have got some kind of influence, but not always in a bad way. I’m sure that there are people who didn’t change because of money . I think it is very easy to change, if you gain a lot of money without work and very fast.
    There is a lot of movies, paintings and books, where we can find a money-topic. One of them is The school of lies written by Moliere. There is a character named Harpagon, who is a miser, and his one and only love is cash.

  33. There are a lot of people spoilt by money nowadays. I think it's mostly caused by graspingness and greed. However, all people can't be tarred with the same brush. Gaining a huge amount of money once is often sudden. I think at first people feel excitement and derangement. But the most important is to keep a cool head. In my opinion it's about your psychological condition. If you stay calm, go over the situation and take right steps you won't get spioled.

  34. I guess that I agree with what the author of the text wrote at the beginning. Being spoiled is not depending on how much money you have, it depends on what person you are. If you have a good heart, no amount of money will change you. I guess rich people are more confident, but also more helpful(they can always borrow money). So in my opinion money is not influencing the way you are.

    I also know a few money - topics in art. Good example is the film called "Wolf of Wall Street". It's about a guy that is a financial fraud. He is earning a lot of money, and it is becoming his obsession. He always wants more. It's directed by Martin Scorsese and the main character is played by Leonardo Dicaprio. The other example that comes to my mind is song from the record called "Dark side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd. The lyrics is about benefits and flaws of money in general.

  35. In my opinion money can spoil people, but it is not a rule. Some people's main objective is to earn money, because they think that only having money can make them be worth something. But when they actually gain big amounts of money, they start to snub poorer people. I also know lots of people, which are rich and kind to everyone. So I guess it depends on character and personal attributes.

    I know a song by Jessie J called "Price Tag". It says, that "it's not about the money" and in the life there are more important things than price tags and cash. Money can't buy happiness.

  36. We need money. They make it easier for us to function in society on a daily basis. Through their mediation, we can acquire goods and services necessary for us. What happens when we have too little or too much? In my opinion, most poor people are jealous of what they have more. They look with hatred on people who do not have to count every penny and can afford everything they want. In turn, as mentioned in this blog, rich people are unpleasant in relation to those who have less than they. They look with contempt at people who can not afford new clothes or holidays. However, not many people behave like that. There are also those who are glad that there are people in the world who are better and also those who help those who have worse. Unfortunately, differences in the properties we own will always exist.
    When it comes to using the topic of money in art, it often scrolls. He is touched in many contemporary films. The motives of getting money, killing people, or even changing people through them appear very often. There are also performances with this thread and exhibitions devoted to them.

  37. I agree with the article that money is a hot topic. Nowadays, money is very important in our lives. With money, we can afford a lot of pleasure. We can explore the world, buy everything that we want. Sometimes money also have to pay for a drug or surgery. However, we must remember that money is not everything. Often people who are rich lose real friends and family. When you focus only on earnings, you forget about your loved ones. Then we can say that money divides people.

  38. Money is a thing that very spoils people. Sometimes this spoiling is a better change but it's very rarely. A lot of people who are rich are also rude, self-confident. They don't care about other things and people. On the other hand I think that in today's world we all are more or less spoiled - when we compare it with the situation f.e. 30 years ago. We can't imagine our life without certain things like Internet or phones. In comparison with the Third World countries we are also all spoiled. But it doesn't mean that spoiled people are worse people. Everything is for people, that's why we shouldn't take into considerations if money spoils people - because we are all spoiled in fact.

  39. For me the main point in this article is phrase „Money spoils but only those who are already spoiled”. I’ve never heard it before, but it will problably my favorite opinion ever. When you treat other with respect, you are just a normal, good person, money won’t change you. Everything depends on you, wealth or huge amount of money affect on anything. It just can give you a possibility to show your real character, what you really think and want. That’s it. Money is only a context, not something inside us, which has a importance. Regarding to money as an our aid – remember one thing, be a human with a big heart, not with a wallet.

  40. I often hear that rich people are bad and steal a lot. Seriously? So the poor people don't steal anything? They also steal... I agree that money allows people to be who they really are inside. Money isn't bad and I believe that it doesn't spoil anyone. Without it, some people would be also bad. It doesn't matter. But thanks to it, for example, some people can support charity campaigns - without money it would be impossible. [Sacrificing your time for others isn't often enough. To really help someone, extra money is often needed.] That's why we can't say that money is bad. It brings a lot of positive things and happiness.

  41. Do money spoil people? I think that it mainly depends on the character of the person and in what environment they grew up. People are divided into those for whom money is the most important value in life and do not count with others. However, there are also those for whom wealth is an opportunity to help other, poorer people. Responding to a question, I think it's a matter of what values we use in life. There are people who, from a sudden injection of cash, go crazy and forget about others. However, there is also a large proportion of people for whom money is not so important to spoil their character.
    I know the song "Money power glory" by Lana del Rey.

  42. In my opinion money does not spoil people. Everything depends on what kind of person you are. If you are susceptible you can change into worse because of money. Regardless, money helps make your dreams come true and makes life easier. The most important thing is to have a good health and other things are also for people but with moderation.

  43. I think that money can spoil people, but only those who are susceptible to this. In my opinion it's really depends on what kind of person we are and what priorities we have. There is also another version of money impact on people. They can become misers, so they won't be spoiled at all.

  44. I agree with Ania. We can't make a generalization when we talk about it what is an influence of money on people and on their behaviour. In my opinion every case is individual - for one money are only a way for make one's dreams come true, for others being rich is reason to have a big head. In the second case people who are around this wealthy person don't like him.
    I think it is principal to know how we should use money and how we can benefit by oneself social standing. We should remember that we all are still normal people, regardless of amount money in wallet. Keep it in your mind: you can be both a evil poor man and kind millionaire. It is your own choice!

  45. The author of the presentation defines ‘spoiled’ as being rude and nasty. In my opinion in such a meaning money can spoil people but only those who are not shaped yet, whose values are not put in order, who haven’t defined themselves. I believe that teenagers, adolescents and young people are especially at risk of it. On the other hand I’m sure that money can change every person. Usually it’s in a bad way but it happens to change person in a good way too. In my opinion when somebody become a rich person in short time, will concentrate on spending money and having pleasure life more often than on developing oneself. Of course it’s not a rule. I think that depends from system of values and priorities if the change is in a good or bad way.

  46. According to the question if money can spoil people, I think it depends on people character. Some of the people who become rich quickly and sometimes randomly for example thanks to the winning in the lottery, can change their attitude to life and friend or family. I think that the wealthy people who earn money due to the hard work, generally are modest. In addition wealthiness doesn’t affect people’s behaviour. If you are spoil the money don’t help you.

  47. I believe that money can corrupt people and change them from good people into terrible human beings. When people gain money, they usually become selfish and cold hearted, and their only goal is to get even more money. Although there are definitely people who are decent despite their large wealth, usually having a large amount of money is equal being spoiled.

  48. I think that money have spoiled people in the past, spoils them now and will spoil them in the future. It's a part of human nature that we envy everything that others have, and the more they have the more we are jealous. For many of us earning money is only target in our lives. That's sad because it means that we are very materialistic and don't care about other important values in life.
    And how about money in art? Andy Warhol said that "Making money is art". We can find many examples of these theme in films, paintings and music.

  49. In my opinion the problem is how not wealthy people perceive the rich ones. General prejudice is very often visible and the myth that wealthy people are the spoiled ones still exist nowadays. For me money doesn't define people and whether money will change them or not it depends on many factors, for instance, individual treats or personality.

    Rhonda Burne in her book 'The Power' has written that money is only a tool to experience the things you love in life. It is essential to remember that money should be seen as a tool, not a life goal, because many people perceive money itself as the goal. and that's leads to nowhere.

  50. I agree with author's statements about money. For me, it all depends on how you become rich and what values are important to you. People need to experience hard work to respect money and learn its value. But of course, it’s not a rule that everyone that earned their money by doing nothing is a “monster”. What is more, becoming rich being the most important goal in life is weird because there are many more aspirations that could be put higher. For an example, mine number one goal is to be happy in life and make every moment count. In life, we can find things that are priceless so money is important but not the most important.
    My example of money in art is origami made with dollars. It’s called "moneygami" and many people do this and post photos of it on the internet. Below, I’m adding link to one of it.

  51. Becoming a billionaire or millionaire will change your perception about the money and people around you whether you are spoiled or not. Just remind yourself your first earned money. You probably felt as if you could rule the world from now on, even if you were perfectly aware that it's not much. If kids will earn money by hard work, they will learn how to appreciate it. And don't be fooled by rich people giving their money to charity. Most of them are just giving some loose change as for their standards just to show the world, how good people they are. Maybe some of them have pure intentions but still I wouldn't believe a word of what they say.

  52. Quite often it's actually the poor people who are the most obnoxious. They can go around angry all the time, because they can't afford what they want and need. Sometimes even their basic needs aren't met, so it's difficult for them to be in a good mood. Why do you think people steal? Well, mostly because they have no other option. That's why countries in bad economical situation have a higher rate of robbery. It's easy for people to subscribe all of the bad qualities to the rich ones, cause the majority of the society simply feels envy towards them. Poor people have to compensate their lack of success in some way. Very often the impression of 'flauting riches' is just an effect of one's own insecurities and resentment. However, I agree that hard, fair work humbles you down, makes you respect more both people and money. I love the point nr 4. I believe that money only gives you an ability to express yourself more fully. Money is just a tool. How you use it describes what kind of person you are. If you wanted to, you could as well spend all of your earnings on the charities. It's your choice what you will do with your money, so I think it's obvious, that it represents who you truly are. If you're greedy you will quickly spent all of your money on drugs, pleasures and fun. If you look at the most wealthy billionaires, they often got rich by helping people in some way (providing valuable service that people are willing to buy), many of them wears each day the same 5$ plain t-shirts and invest most of their money into their business, becouse they believe it's important for the world. We shouldn't judge people on the basis of their bank account. There are good and bad people on both sides.

  53. "Money spoils but only those who are already spoiled". I totally agree with this sentence. I personally think that money does not spoil people, people just are getting free with help of them, so they become "true form" of themselves. There are big amounts of people who became better form of themselves with help of money, but nobody cares. I don't know why but people tend to see only bad part of everything,they just don't want to see something good. We mostly remember only bad things about us, other people and so on. So I understand why we think that money spoil people, that is because we want to see only bad things and we don't notice anything good.

  54. It is hard to answer the question if money spoils people. Generally speaking, money is problematic issue. Money is necessary to make a living. Moreover it is related to phenomenon of inequality. No wonder that money is used as a main topic in art. I totally agree that it does matter how people got their money. It is crucial if someone became rich or someone is rich all along. Providing that people became rich suddenly they can feel better than other to my mind. Undoubtedly, there are different situations and different personality. I am inclined to believe that the most crucial is life expectation. Focusing on money and being rich makes people spoiled. As a consequence of aiming at becoming a millionaire people do not care about family, friends and employee. They only desire to have more and more money. Supposing that people work hard in order to earn money they will be more sensible.

  55. The article is about how money influence peoples’ minds. The author explains different kinds of the influence of money. One of the main ideas of the article is positive or negative effect that money has on people who become rich. There is a rather widespread opinion that money spoils people. I agree with the author and I can say that it depends on peoples’ character. If a person is rude, than money can not make him kind or even more rude. It also depends on the way in which people get their money. If a person works hard to achieve his goals and to become rich, he understands that it cost him a lot of time and efforts and there is no point for him to become spoiled after reaching any kind of success. But if a person had made no effort to get all money he has, for example by winning it, then his personal character comes into play.
    As money was always a great problem and topic for conversation, different artist wrote stories, songs or even draw pictures about money. Modern popular rap-songs are mostly about money, about the attitude of rich singers to money and about the role of money in their life. If a person ask me about an example of rap song about the attitude to money, I would recommend him the song ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ by Pink Floyd which tells about flow of money in our life.

  56. For me this is very general question (does money spoil people). Money are (usually) only tool. I think it is clear if someone win the lottery a lot of money it can cause troubles, because the person is not prepared for management the money. Concurrently there are many people who gain the money by "their own" (work). I think they are prepared to manage the money.
    Money in culture - I think money are everywhere.

  57. We see this topic everywhere, because it generates a lots of emotions - especially the most extreme ones, like love and hate. It depends of many factors, but we should be prepare for every situation. It's obvious that money spoils people, but everybody should have some control over their behaviour. An example of money in culture is "Money for nothing" performed by Dire Straits. They sings in funny way about that some people (like them) don't have to work to earn millions.

  58. Does money spoil people? I'd say yes, but as it was mentioned in the article it greatly depends on the person itself, and how the money was obtained. There are also many other factors, as human psyche, how they were raised etc, etc. too long to write about. What stay true however, is that money works as a catalyst for 'bad' behaviour, sometimes making people believe that they're better than others and subsequently making them a little loose on their 'good manners leash'

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. 1)They say that money spoils, most often those who do not have it.
    But if you go deep - the money does not spoil people, the person himself chooses the perception of money as a special form, which ultimately can change it.

    Those who got the money easily - the children of wealthy parents - often simply do not know them the price and because of this, negative opinions of ordinary people are created. Those who have come to the solvency in their own way and have experienced all the difficulties of earning a large fortune are extremely rarely seen and visible. Many well-known examples, on the contrary, demonstrate an increase in modesty and responsibility among financially held people.

    Moreover, it is worth noting that people who were under the power of high incomes, and not vice versa, were quickly and painfully deprived of them, falling into bankruptcy or poverty.
    2)The topic of money is very often used in such a music,literature,theater.

  61. I agree that money spoil people who are already spoiled and also those who haven't had time to learn how to manage money. If someone treat money as a way to achieve something, not as an aim itself, then there is only a little chance that he will change extremely in a bad way. Huge money need huge responsibility and it's something that parents, especially those wealthy ones, should teach their children. I know few people who weren't teached respect to humans or money and now they despise people and don't see anything wrong in it. I believe that it's possible to prevent similar situations and it's up to parents, because kids imitate most of behaviours they see in their house.

  62. I am not certain that money makes people spoiled. Of course, each of us knows a lot of examples people who became rich and changed themselves. Maybe it is majority but we should not generalise. In my opinion it depends on personality, upbringing and value system. By that factor we can recognise people - if they have honour, empathy and style. Unfortunately a temptation is very big and all of us should be determined not to became such a person in case of being rich.
    I know an example of work of art which presents connection of art and money - one of Caravaggio paintings, but unfortunately I do not remember the whole name of this work.

  63. In my opinion peoples' behaviour after becoming rich person depends on how they were brought up. We take it from parents, often copy their behaviour and we learn how we should treat other people and what will be the best attitude to money.
    Maybe some people become cruel after becoming rich becausethey are affraid that someone will clean them out.
    One is clear- money can change life but they shouldn't change our nature.

  64. I think there is as many views on this topic as people in the world. There is no one pattern. People shouldn't be judge by the ballance of their bank account.
    Although I know one brilliant song about money that I can share here:

  65. It is no coincidence that greed is one of deadly sins. I think that money always changes human. It is hardly to not agree that of course like in each case it depends on single story, but In my opinion we can say that in general huge amount of money isn't neutral for your consciousness, character and identity. You always have to face it. Level of your expectations changes, you want more becouse you now you can. The best example is I think fact that most of testament processes finishes as a war between heirs. What millions can do with people in best way shown in J.C. Chandor movie "Margin Call".

  66. Large sums may be tempting and dangerous. If you spend money on your passion, travelling, things like designer clothes, watches, exclusive cars or enormous yacht it is ok, but you must be carefull, stay away from drugs, gambling and know the balance in another expenditures like plastic surgeries. Great riches also may cause that you feel better than others, just because you have more money. But of course not everyone is the same. There are people who share their riches with family, friends, or Just with poor people who need it. Personally I know a man who works for free as a teacher, because he doesn’t need more money and he wants to help others.

    Money is a common topic in music, especially in rap, but of course not only. Some artist are proud of their riches and admit they love money

    „I like boardin' jets, I like mornin' sex (Woo)
    But nothing in this world that I like more than checks (Money)”
    Cardi B – Money

    Other artists claim that money and fame are not blessing but curse

    miałem już wszytko
    miałem cyferki na koncie
    może to miałem za wcześnie, takie pieniądze?
    miałem tych fanów płaczących
    weźcie ich proszę zabierzcie
    Daje mi zaliczkę Warner, wydam na mega gablotę
    parkuję teslę za blokiem
    tęsknie za czasem gdy wolałem jechać peugeotem
    (Taco Hemingway - 2031)

  67. I think that there is no rule to that, it all depends on the character of the person before they become rich, I guess that as long as they have some morality and rules, they will still be pleasant after they become wealthy. Rom my experience most of these rich and rude people are the ones that became quite rich from being very poor, the most likely ones to be unpleasant would be the ones in higher middle class, and these from lower rich one I guess, but it also cannot be treated as a rule, many people in higher middle class also are nice.
    The examples of art concerning the subject of money that I know are movies like „The wolf of Wallstreet” or „Big Short” which talk about earning big money, its’ consequences, also ways of earning money and scamming people, going against the law. Another movie that mocks people’s love for money is ‘Rat race’ whose heroes are a part of a race for money, it shows how greedy people really are and what crazy things they can do to just to win an get the money. When I think about money, the movie called ‘Cabaret’ comes to my mind with a song ‘Money, Money’ sang by Liza Minelli, also money is one of the subjects in the film.

  68. We shouldn't generalize people. Everything depends on the person. Those who worked hard to be rich are usually humble and they don't have to impress others. Money doesn't change the inner personality of the person, but reveals their true self.

  69. Money has a different value for everyone, for one man it will be a priority and for the other just an addition. I agree with the theory that a man who becomes wealthy also becomes cautious. There are people who have lost their minds through money, but it all depends on their attitude to life and money

  70. I think that money is an important part of our life and we should not consider it as something bad. Wealthy people, who achieved their success due to hard work probably knows the value of money and they are not that spoiled. Perhaps money spoil some people, but it all depends on the character.

  71. I'm convinced that money can spoil us if we don't how to handle it and view it not as a tool or something we get when the opportunity occurs but as a priority in life. I'm glad that we learn in this text about the fact that categorization of rich people might be harmful because there are also of course helpful ones who represent society with strong values. The most vital thing, in my opinion, is the way people got their money. If they inherit it, they don't know how much it's worth. When people work hard for it, achieve it through involvment and skills, it's rare that money is their final goal. Even though they are millionaires, they still run a company or are involved in any kind of social activity. Personally I find it a healthy way to be a rich person.

  72. I’m off the opinion that money have an influence on people. Having a lot of money have many advantages but also disadvantages. You change your perception and you don’t see a lots of things and you can’t understand people who don’t have money at all. But everything depends on people and their characters. Some of them can became selfish, the other can be generous.

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  76. I feel like it's not the money that changes people. If someone is rude and nasty when they are poor, they will have the same attitude if they eventually get rich. The money just causes them to be in the centre of attention, therefore letting the world see who this person really is.
    As for the money-related pieces of culture there is a song by Republika called "Mamona". There is also a movie called "Big short".

  77. I think money can spoil people but it depend on person. As author of this text said: Money spoils but only those who are already spoiled. In my opinion people who have strong aims and authorities, would not change because of fortune. When people earn their money not only because of desire to posses, but when they also have greater goals or their job is connected with their passion, they probalby won't become spoiled.

  78. It is said that money does not give life, but it certainly makes a lot easier. However, sometimes it can really go to your head. It happens that in the pursuit of money and some elusive image of the future that will come when we have money, we forget what is really important. In the process we push people away from ourselves.

  79. I don't think that money spoils people. At most, money can show the true face of a person, because he no longer has to pretend or try. He has money, so he doesn't care about being good and kind to everyone. I believe that most people would behave differently if they suddenly made a huge fortune, but I don't think it has anything to do with some kind of magic effect of money. It's just that the person is like that and doesn't have to pretend anymore.

  80. To me people are not solid blend of characteristics, we can change over time even because of a mere nothing. That's why I don't think there is a true face of a person which money open. I'd rather say that money change amount of power one own. With feel of power and impunity one's personality modificates drastically. But it's about extreme wealth cases.

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