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Students on the job market

Students on the job market

Students and generally young people want to be independent, live on their own and move out from parents’ flat. The first step to achieve this goal is to find  a well-paid job.  Nowadays in a crisis time to get a well-paid job  being under 30 may be a miracle. In my presentation I would like to explore this issue and check if there are chances for us to be appreciated on the job market and at last to earn fair money during and after studies.

Unemployment in Poland

According to the newest research from January 2013 by the Polish Central Statistical Office unemployment in Poland is on the level of 14,2 percent- over 2 million Poles are without a job and a source of income.  In 2012 one among ten unemployed people was with a university diploma. Most of them lived in big cities. Leaders are in Warsaw- where by the end of March 2012 among 44 thousand jobless  people 10 thousand had a higher education- and in Opole 223,5 thousand- this is the number of all unemployed educated people there  in March 2012. According to the research European research mostly in the bad situation are students who are graduates of  politics studies, European studies, and philosophy, as well as  students from faculty of law and management.

Unemployment in Europe

This is not only the Polish problem that young people have no job. In the countries touched by economic more are,  for example, Spain and Italy where the situation on the job market is dramatically worst than in  Poland. In Spain and Greece unemployment rate among graduates amounts around 50 percent. In the research over 80 percent of young Italian people between 21-30 years old said that they don’t see perspectives for the future for them. Just in Italy one of the ministers called people who lived with their parents “bamboccioni”- It means big children. She said these words because she was nervous that Italian young people don’t even search for a job and live with parents. The Prime Minister Berlusconi asked by one of the students how she could live like this and what kind of future she would have, he answered “ Stay calm you’ll marry one of my son”. It was outrageous but serious European politicians want to help. EU is preparing special projects to give a job to young people. We’ll see…

Necessity of experience

How can we improve our  position on the labour market? The best way is to search for possibilities to make our experience deeper in fields where we want work in the future and we must do it during the studies. Later it may be too late. Universities have special units- for example at the University of Warsaw it is the Careers’ Office.  There are  proposals of courses, trainings  and offers of jobs. It may be a good way to get experience.

Polish dream?

Recently,  there has appeared a story of 20 year old Piotr Kaszubski. Apparently he opened his aesthetic hygiene clinic only for money that he saved and earned during his life (that what he said).  He is called “ a 20 year old millionaire”. There are various opinions- some people say that he is a liar and he is a masterpiece of marketing company , others say that he is a genius and that’s true. Well anyway, my advice is “stop to buy buns” and “THIS IS IT” ;p. To be serious I would like to believe that making business in Poland is easy.

What are the solutions to the unemployment among young people?
Have you ever worked? What is your job experience?
Have you ever used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job or extend your professional experience?



  1. Nowadays is's rally hard to find a job, especially for young people because in general they haven't got any experience. They want working but it isn't any offers fot them. More and more often they create their own blog or website where they sell clothes. There are many kind butiks in the internet like Local Heroes, StaffbyMaff, Boho and others. I worked only as a waitress during the summer holiday and like a baby sitter, but after that I realised that I don't like childreen.

  2. It is hard to say about the solutions to the unemployment among young people. I agree that the biggest problem with getting well-paid job which will fulfilled us is the lack of our experience. We just can't say that if we do some things or we will obey some rules we will get this job. It depends on many factors and different according to the job.
    Yes, I have worked three times in my life, but I do some little things all the time. Thanks to it I have got some small job experience, but it is too small to do something more serious that I really want. I have never used help from this kind of institutions, but I think they can help us to extend our professional experience.

  3. Today a lot of people don't have work. It's not just problem for young people, but also for people in the middle age. For many unemployed only way to keep their family is working abroad. For them it is a good solution. However, in my opinion, this will lead in the and to situation, that the most talented people will leave the country. Employers are now very demanding, often looking for people who have experienced at work. Therefore, we may take an internship before we start looking a job. I personally hasn't worked, yet and I haven't used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job or extend my professional experience.

    1. I agree that many companies require experience. In most cases, we can only get a job if we have this experience. However, how to get experience if nobody wants to hire someone without it. It's a vicious circle for me. Yes, institutions such as career offices are helpful, but not every young person has the chance and the opportunity to take advantage of them. Hence the high unemployment among young people. There are many jobs that students undertake, such as waitressing, working behind the bar. But what an experience it is if they dream of working in big companies. I think it's hard to get a dream job these days and it takes a lot of effort to overcome this vicious circle.

  4. 1. I think that when we have an suitable answer, we can easily change this uncomfortable situation. In my opinion, people should begin their own business or study on fields, which give them skills, that are necessary to work in a future job.
    2. I worked as an telephone interviewer. I was asking, for example, about opinions of a present government or EURO in Poland. I think that my experience isn’t excellent, but I had a chance to get to know, what are the people’s opinions about government and other areas interesting for me.
    3. Yes, I have an account in the University Career’s Office and, in my opinion, it’s a good idea for students, who have no experience in writing CV or are searching for a job.

  5. It is true that in this crisis time is's very difficult to find any job. However it's not impossible if you are the best in what you are doing in my opinion won't have many troubles with searching a job. The company’s also expects some experience so just don't be lazy and try to do what you can. I think young people make one terrible mistake. They starting studding things that are easy but not this what can interest them. Also they forget that in our time we really need a good specialist in "simple" jobs. For example baker or plumber.

  6. I agree that it isn't easy to find well paid job with possibility with development yourself. But.. in Warsaw is easy to find job as a waiter, seller or telephone interviewer. You have to only look for this job and don't be afraid.

    Actually I work as a babysitter one day every week. It is nice job and well paid, but I don't feel that I give me new skills.
    From April I will work in a Copernicus Science Center as a animator on a galleries. It is good job for students, because you have to work 30-70 hours every mounth, so you can normal study and gain experience in working!

  7. I think in similar way like the author this presentation. Employers want to collect employees with some experience and big qualifications but there is a big problem! How young people can achieve this level if they don't have any chance to improve yourself. I think the future employers should be more understanding for young people on the job market. Today I am afraid of my future job because I know that I only count on me. Without drop or connections I am less worth than people who have these things. However I still believe that I would work in my profession because I chose scientific field of study three years ago. I was aware of this decision and situation on the job market. Also I am person who is always caring about developing own skills. Some time ago I was taken as a trainee at Polish Geological Institute. I mentioned that time very kindly and with benefit for me.

  8. I agree with most of your comments - how young person after studies may have required experience? When we talk about bad situation in the Polish labor market, we should remember about hundreds of thousands, maybe even million people who emigrated to other countries, especially members of EU. Our politicians should make everything possible to finish this practice and change young people's situation. It's very important for future of Poland.

  9. This presentation is pretty good and comprehensive guide on unemployment situation in Poland and Europe in general, I wanted to state that as compliment.
    There is probably no general solution to unemployment problem. Probably never will be since it is not first crisis and defiantly not first in Poland. Main problem is that many people go for a degree that is not really guarantee employment anywhere. Not only in taking humanities as minor/major, but in getting nowadays degenerated CS degree. But other reason is that of public bias that any physical job is unclean and for idiots who can't find any other. It leads many into higher education to get at least BS/BA degree and not looking for something seen by public as insulting. Like proffesion of crafter, miner, construction worker etc. Last year there was an article (I'm sorry for lack of source, If I will find it, I will put it) in Gazeta Wyborcza that there was not a single one bakery apprentice but over thousand people were estimated to get degree in CS! It is simply uncanny, in future like in middle ages it will be more prestigeous to be a crafter then medical doctor :P
    I never worked full time but last year i worked half-days and it did not collide with my studies. Job consisted of statistical analysis and making brief report in a Bank that I will not name. It was not rewarding but I got ahead in recruitment procedure because I took internships in PAN institutes consisting of pretty much same thing... since I was a freshman. Having that kind of experience got me nice job that would normally require finance BA degree. But it was not really rewarding in means of challenging difficulty or complexity. I did not got my job with help of Careers Office at University or anywhere. I went there but got disappointed after one lady wanted to convince me that there are no jobs for mathematicians or physicists and I need to look for something else. Like translations or helping with luggage in the airport. I am to this day not sure if she just had a stroke or relived some trauma from math class at high school and got urge to make me feel hopeless :P.

  10. Nowadays is's rally hard to find a job, especially for young people because in general they haven't got any experience. They want working but it isn't any offers fot them. More and more often they create their own blog or website where they sell clothes. There are many kind butiks in the internet like Local Heroes, StaffbyMaff, Boho and others. I worked only as a waitress during the summer holiday and like a baby sitter, but after that I realised that I don't like childreen.

  11. I think the solution is easy - opening new place to work. I know that now is the time where hard to open for example factory and make a new places. Firstly a company have to open a factory - make new places to work and than workers can fill the posts. When future workers graduated not necessary direction they, I take a risk, had commited suicide. I don't mind they won't have great life but fresh after studies It will be difficult to find a good job.
    I was working at the karting race circuit after highschool and It was quite bad decission because I was working in Blue City, concrete fortress and I was not seeing the sun and taking a lazy holidays time with my friends but I felt what the job is and I took some skills and met somebody. :)

  12. I agree that the issue of unemployment is a really big problem. In Poland but also in other coutries this problem is increasing. It is hard to find one good solution to stop this. I think that it is the problem that employers hire only people who have experience. And how young graduates can gain experience if nobody wants to hire them?
    I think that students should improve their skills, experience, during their studies. They should learn languages, do internships. I agree with you, after studies it may already be too late.

  13. In my opinion polish work market is open for creative and open people, independently their perfection. We have a lot of example of career people who haven’t got a specialist studies, but they have a experience in their work and the power to do something. But polish dream like “ Piotr Kaszubski” for me is a marketing game, is a person who is created and substituted by a big business company or businessmen. His history of how to be rich is impossible, most of the richest people started from small businesses but he start from big medical company!!!
    If you want built your company you must start now, step by step build your market power.

  14. When I was in high school, I was thinking about working after matura exam and I didn't want to go too studies. But everyone said: Krysia, you must go to studies, people without studies will die in poverty.
    And I think that this is a huge problem of our society - people think that it is better to go to university for something useless then go to work. And after 5 years we will have diplomas, but no experience. And most of as won't work in ours proffesions. But everyone must go to studies, because people who go to work after high school are, in opinion of society, just stupid. It's paradox.

  15. I'm living this situation in Spain, where unemployment rate is about 50 percent. The need of experience is the main problem to get a job, and because of these there are many young people that are working for free only to get experience to their curriculums. There are people who have to emigrate to other countries, like England or Germany to get a job.
    I have never worked, but because I'm still studying and I don't need earn money yet, but I have some friends that are looking for work, and some of them have part time jobs, like waiter or public relations in a pub, but nobody has a job related to their studies.

  16. I think that unemployment among young people can be decreased by encouraging them to take specific faculties at university. On the faculty of biology we have some studies funded by the government, finding job after graduating is not a problem. But there are also faculties that are in my opinion useless, such as european studies. Such students often end up being unemployed, or working in McDonald, if they're lucky.
    I have worked in summer as a babysitter and raspberry harvesting. I'm currently looking for a part-time job, with no luck so far. I've never used Career office yet, as I'm on 1st year and have no serious knowledge about Biology yet, so I don't think they would be able to help me.

  17. I think that good way to start career is to be on probation in the company you are interested in. This is actually the way I started my career. I registered in local Job Center and for first 6 months of probation I was getting allowances from Job Center. This was a good way to show the company that I am worth hiring and that company will benefit from having me on board. I worked for this company for another 3,5 years.

    I went once to Univerity Carrer's Office and they helped me to improve my CV.

    I've worked for past 10 years. 4 years in Poland in non-profit organsation as an Office Manager. Than 4 years in UK as an Assistant Manager in the restaurant. Now I work as technical support for british and irish market.

  18. Firstly, I think every student should start working before graduating from University. It will prevent later disappointment and show how difficult is to find a job. In my opinion, the most important thing is to find what are you good at.
    PS. Don't believe in this fairy tale about Piotr Kaszubski!

  19. Unfortunately it is true that people after studies can have problem with find job. Nowadays it is more people than jobs and this is the main problem. A small amount of people choose science or technical field of study which is the demand for labor. Personally I thing that studies can helps us to find job if we had good grades. On the other hand somebody who is resourceful can find job without higer education. There is no rule.

  20. Unfortunately it is true that people after studies can have problem with find job. Nowadays it is more people than jobs and this is the main problem. A small amount of people choose science or technical field of study which is the demand for labor. Personally I thing that studies can helps us to find job if we had good grades. On the other hand somebody who is resourceful can find job without higer education. There is no rule.

  21. What are the solutions to the unemployment among young people?
    In deed as a young people we have a problem with finding a good and weel paid job in our country. Every young person moves to big city to study or find work. But the job market is to small nowadays, especialy because of economical crisis. But it is still not that bad like in Spain for example. I think politics should at last find a way to get the situation in Europe better. Or maybe polish politics should try to make employers to engage yound people. Maybe give them tax reliefs for that...
    Have you ever worked? What is your job experience?
    Yes, I have been forking for almost 3 years with a little six months break, because of the economical crisis of course ;].
    Have you ever used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job or extend your professional experience?
    No, I haven't.

  22. What are the solutions to the unemployment among young people?
    There is no good solution, during crisis time especially. We should remember about education in reasonable courses and encouraging employers to employ young people.

    Have you ever worked? What is your job experience?
    I’ve worked, I’m working and I’ll be working.

    Have you ever used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job or extend your professional experience?
    No, I think that is helpless. We, young people, are left on our’s own.

    And yes, story with Kaszubski is just fairy tale.

  23. Solutions to the unemployment among young people-if you don't find a job for a long time, sometimes good is retrain, not good stay in your death profession.
    my job experience is small, I was working only in last holiday- I was giving out leaflets.
    I never have used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job because simply I didn't need this.

  24. I am rather employer than student. I guess I am the oldest one here. I work for almost 20 years now (17 exactly) and more than 10 years as middle level manager I am just finishing my masters now.
    So I am not in the same situation you are.
    But I have no problem with young inexperienced people. You cannot expect to have the same salary as fully prepared to perform sophisticated tasks worker, but on the other hand there is no school that could teach skills I expect from my department employees.
    My recent colleague I employed was almost just after school - he worked few months as line worker (at shop floor). And I have chosen him because he was eager to learn, honest and open minded. Maybe he was lucky one. But age nor sex was not important to me - I just needed someone that will be able to learn much and fast. And money will come with experience he will gain.
    My company will be very happy to employ young people just after school. But there are some conditions. You must prove you are eager to learn. You must be very active and problem-solving oriented individual. And... what is unfortunately very hard to fulfill - you must communicate fluently German. And this is true - salary for people just after school is not very high. But it grows relatively fast. As fast as your worth grows.

  25. I really wish I had the knowledge of the head of the Ministry of Finances so I could give an answer for the unemployment among young people.

    Perhaps, there are jobs out there, but young people with higher education don't want it. What they want is at least 3 000 PLN and what they have complete lack of experience and practical knowledge. Yes, that's true.

    One of my biggest dreams is to run own company that will last at least 2-3 years - maybe that is the way to follow - being an employer; not an employee.

  26. If you want to find job - you will find one, no matter what. But the point is to find a job paid worthy without working per 14 hours a day, what is way harder than the first option. There's also problem with taxes - we are too much taxed by goverment - we have to give them about half of salary, so it's pretty hard to give someone a job.

  27. I am not sure why young people have problems with finding the work, because almost everyone from my studies don't feel like wroking. I mean, they feel quite comfy living on their parent's money. And now, when we are ending our school, I heard that they thinks that someone will give them job, just like that. It's kind of sad for me.

    I am working since I was 18, till now. I worked for a 2 year in restaurant reception and it gave me very much, like selfconfidence, or discipline. Then I was a manager in coffee bar for a 4 months and for now I am working in cafe with my friend. I think I have experiences which will be very important for my future job, even if I leared it in gastronomy.

  28. I worked in a hostel once. Great experience, but low wages. Then I found a job in the television newsroom and I'm here today. Earnings also are not the best, but at least I'm doing what I love. I never used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job.

  29. A lot of researches show that the main source of high youth unemployment rate is a big gap between what we learn at school and what the market needs. Great example can be Germany. Since they have started building educational system in a close cooperation with employers, the amount of young people without work has fallen significantly. On the opposite site we can put Spain with weak correlation between education and market needs which gives as a resoult high unemployment.
    I have never worked in an area related with my field of study. I regret that I didn’t attend at any traineeship on last summer. I am going to looking for something this year but it will be much easier if I have some experience.
    I have never used help from the University Career’s Office. I rather try to find something in my own right. I was twice at Career Days and try to find out what skills are the most important for employers.

  30. What are the solutions to the unemployment among young people? I think that government should help young people to start their own business and should make new work places by supporting small enterprises. Also we should change way of educating by giving young people more practice.
    Have you ever worked? What is your job experience? Yes previous summer I was working for two months in factory which produces lamps for cars. It was physical work but it gaves me distance and showed how hard and low-paid work it is and how unfair it is. Now I'm having a practice in law office what is conected with my faculty because I'm studying law. I like this job because I know that it will make me more atractive on job market in the future.
    Have you ever used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job or extend your professional experience? No I haven't but I found announcement on the University Practice website.

  31. I think, that solution about unemployment of young people is in themselves. A lot of youngsters dont know what they want to do, and they want to earn a lot of money from the start. Thats not good. You should gain experience first. I have never been working, if we are talking about full time 8 hour job. I was doing a lot of freelance stuff including some graphics ect. I dont think that i will use University Career's office to help finding my job. We should be adroit in our lives and should all manage to do this by ourself to know how it works.

  32. What are the solutions to the unemployment among young people? I think that young people who can't find a job go try to looking for a job by the Internet, go to place when people help them find work.
    Have you ever worked? What is your job experience? Unfortunately I have never worked and I don't have any experienced which are connected with work.
    Have you ever used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job or extend your professional experience? No I have never used help from the University Career's Office but if I'll decide to flook for a job I'll try it.

  33. What are the solutions to the unemployment among young people?
    There is no clear answer how to deal with unemployment among young people.I think that young people looking for a job with bigger salary than they can really get without experience.What is more,they also give up too fast.They have to remember that after study they shouldn't do the same thing.They can also get other qualification to be more interesting for future employers or do something on their own.
    I haven't got any experience in working and I have never used help from the University Career's Office but I think that I'll have to find some traineeship.

  34. That is true, that finding a job nowadays is very difficult. And that can be a huge problem for young people, who don't have to much of experience, or also for older, just before their pension. Also the case of "experience" is quite problematic - sometimes even to get the practice they say that you don't have enough experience. And if you study and work it may be very difficult to do some extra voluntary service. I'm quire prepared for having difficulties in finding an employment, because my studies are humanistic.

  35. I also think that nowadays it's really hard to find a job especially well-paid job. Young people don't have experience what is the biggest. I was working only on holidays for 3 months in call center. It was a great experience for me and funny how different people are when they are talking to a stranger on the phone.

  36. The best way to improve your life, find well-paid job, go to allinclusive vacation, is go to west countries. There are posibilities, there is easier. At least everybody say that :P I think about it, but the hardest is make decision because it is far away from home, family and friends. I worked many times, it usually was unprofitable. Everything with job is really hard. If you want to earn good money, you will draw huge credit :( Today I don't have solution. Maybe for one year when I'll have finished study, it will be better.

  37. In my opinion, there are mamy solutions to the unemployment among young people.The problem is that at present you have to overlap and ask. It is hard to get the first job, becouse young people have to convince that they can the much more independent from lack of experience.
    I worked a long time in a fast food. I think it's quite important experience in my life, but I will not say that it was a dream job.Although,a spite of appearances I learned a lot there.
    I have never used help from instytutions like from the University Career’s Office, but I think it coulb be o good options for a lot of young students.

  38. Oh, probably there are many things to be changed when solving the problem of unemployment, the main are - setting lower retirement age, simplifying the employment system and enterprise low.
    I have already worked as a caretaker for old people and as a waitress.
    I have never asked for advice in the University Career’s Office but I'm about to soon.

  39. I agree with most of You. It's not easy to young people to find a job after their graduation. In some cases it could be even impossible to get the dream job to people, who have no connections with the managers. But there is also a big problem in young people's way of thinking. A lot of them don't choose their path of life basing on things that make them happy, but just repeat schemes and look for the well-paid job, that will probably never make them satisfied. That's why they don't attempt to make their work best and no-one wants to employ them.
    I never used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions. I used to work at restaurant as a waitress, but it was only summer job, and I didn't get much experience.

  40. Well I have never worked (not including some kinds of helping e.g. in pub) so hard to say about this topic. I want to work after my 1st year of studies and I think I might try a help from the Univercity Career's Office to get a good job and get some experience there.

  41. I don't have good solution for unemployement of young people. The most important is to find a reasons of this situstion. Probably many of good vacances are already taken. Free vacancies are only in the low-paid jobs.

    I worked a lot. I earned some money on harvesting in norge. That was hard job but well paid. Also I have an experience of beeing waiter and barister. Now I realise some projects made by myself.

    I never take help from uniwersity Career’s Office. I try to find by my own way.

  42. In my opinion everything depends not only on a type of studies, but mainly on student's attitude. I am aware of the fact that I should work really hard, if I want to get a proper job after studies. The experience is crucial, so I try to take part in many different projects, etc. Last summer I spent 2 months in a company as a trainee. It was absolutely worth it, because I gained experience. I have never used help of any institution to find a job. I think it is much better to look for a post on my own. Being only a student is no longer enough, it is essential to do something else.

  43. Unemployment among young people is serious problem nowadays - the best economists and sociologists try to find a way to solve it and they are not successful. This is why I’m afraid that my ideas of reducing unemployment among young are impracticable. I believe that first step to the solution of the problem should be cutback in people having higher education. Allowing people who score 30% in Matura Exam to study is just a misunderstanding. Most of those people choose easy faculties after which they have no real job prospects. If they weren’t allowed to go to university, they would go to trade school and get profession. Our problem is incompatibility between requirements of the job market and education that young people choose. If everyone had a degree, who would do manual labour? Another problem is fact that young people would like to earn great amounts of money from the very beginning. Often they reject job with good perspectives just because of low start wage. Well prepared contract of labour should protect young and employers - ensure personal growth for the first group but also enables second ones to fire lazy or incompetent employee.

    I do not have much work experience. I have worked in a bookstore during last summer holidays covering for my friend who had to leave for some time. I liked the job very much because I love books. Also talking with customers was quite enjoyable part of this job. Even though working in store is not my dream job I think I was lucky to try it, for sure it was nicer than working in some fast food restaurant.

    I have never used help from the University Career’s Office – on my studies I have courses all day long and it would be very difficult to find time for work now so I haven’t looked for it yet. But I think that situation will change soon – it is said that during sixth term we will have more free time to do something more than just studying. I would like to use this time to get some job experience. If I’m not successful in searching for work myself I will go to Univerity Career’s Office – I believe they know how to help me.

  44. I think the best solutions for us young is education, finish good course and acquiring qualifications. I belive that for good professionals will be a work. Yes I worked, I learnt other people, I clean and serve guest in guesthouse. I never used help from the University Career’s Office and another institutions to find a job but I think it is very good idea, I must try!

  45. Unemployment among young people is a very serious problem. This can cause a lot of problems in the future. The present young people will get frustrated and inexperienced. A good solution is to work abroad. Of course, this is not a solution for everyone. Personally, I worked but only in the holidays. I think, however, that even this work is a good point in my CV. This year I would like to start to work and study at the same time. I've never used the career services assistance. I think it's a good idea. My friend just found a very nice job with their help. I like the description of Polish dreams. Too bad it is not real.

  46. Replies
    1. Well, in my opinion problems with unemployment among young people are connected with our education, too. Nowadays we have a lot of Bachelors and Masters of law, managment, socjology, journalism, etc, but only part of them find a job, not necesserily in the profession. First of all, this is due to overflow on the job market and low level of education, so we must think about changes, maybe like reduction the number of students in concrete fields of study. Maybe quality is better than quantity.
      What about me, I have never had full-time job, only seasonal works during vacations, but I know how difficult is finding an interesting and well paid job.

  47. I think it might be a good idea for young people to stop following the patern-which is going to the university after high school. We don't need so many educated people. I think we should encourage folks to teach some useful trades like mechanic, welder, painter... There is less and less people who wants to do such a thing and now there is a deficit of experts in this areas. I think that these are really well-paid jobs-of course if you are good enough in what are you doing. Probably kids don't want to have a job like this because it is connected with bad fame, lower level of prestige.
    When it cames to my experience, I have worked in one of insurance company. I was aswering calls. It was helpdesk. It was much more stressful than it seems to be.
    I have never used the help from Career's Office.

  48. Well It is hard for me to think about possible solution how to solve the problem of unemployment among young people. Internships and speciality courses can make young person more attractive on job market. I don't have a huge job experience, I have rather taken a part in some projects as a volunteer. I have never used a help from the University Careers Office but maybe some day I will.

  49. I think that young people should working while studying. But to be honest - this is not easy. If we have classes everyday, we can't work in our profession. We can only work in shops on weekends. That is all! And in holidays, but please. Everybody need some rest. Students aren't robots. But I think that good options are students organization. Everyone can find something good. This is work for free, but in future it will be useful.
    Like me - I am in student organization, I've learned how to manage people and projects, I have known a variety of marketing activities, which will be useful to me in the future.
    I have never used help from the University Careers Office or something like that.

  50. Nowadays, due to the rapid progress of technology a lot of people could be made redundant. There is an "employer market", what means that employers have wide range of candidates for each vacancy and they could execute complex recrutation which will emerge the person who perfectly makes the demands.
    As its known, it isn't enought to be neighter educated nor experienced. Employers are searching for people who combine those characteristics. In my opinion there is one solution to find a well-paid job after finishing studies. We should take part in as many activity as it's possible. There are many options, for example: voluneering, students scientific association etc. What is more, a lot of companies offer interships for students. I think that it is the best and the easiest way to get some experience which will be appreciated in the future. You can ask for advice the University Careers Office or simply Google it. :)

  51. Unemployment among students and generally youth keeps the world awake at night. Nowadays it's the most visible problem, which societies have to face with. How to cope with it?! First of all, strong vocational training programmes reduce unemployment and increase wages. Earlier having a degree was something prestigious, now people are expected to have something else and chiefly there is request for manual workers such as electrician, plumber or chimney sweep. I'm convinced that the main reason why people don't want to be technicians is usually their pride, dignity and treating vocational training as something less relevant. Even some people don't have a gift for studying and even abilities they couldn't imagine their life without higher education. I agree with Eliza that we don't need so many educated people.
    As for me and my experience, next week I will have been working in CA Bank for three months. I'm responsible for clients and have to help them with various problems but to my surprise it's really stressful and demanding job- I'm not bound to it.
    To be honest I've never used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job or extend my professional experience. I always do it on my own.


  52. In my opinion it is really difficult to regulate the job market. Even economy experts haven't got a good solution for all society.
    I have worked some weeks during each holidays in my dad’s company, since I was 15, but it was rather simple, physical work.
    I have never used help from the University Careers Office, but if I have a problem with finding a job, I will ask for help.

  53. I think the problem is that people after graduating University are too ambitious. Everyone wants to earn a lot of money with no experience. Maybe a solution is to start in a simple, not well-paid job to gain some experience and get to know many people from other companies and than try to find a better job with someone's help.


  54. I heard someone said that to reduce the unemployment people
    should go to work, I think this is true! There is a lot of jobs people
    can take, but they don't like to because the salary is not what they would
    like it to be. I can understand that, because many people are very smart
    and 10zł/h is just pathetic offer, but 80% of them (even among students)
    has finished (or even not!) some terrible public "university" and realy did't learn anything, so noone will employ them for better salary. I was looking for a job few times and I found it easy

  55. To my mind the best solution is to explain to the young people that finishing the studies doesn’t help to find a job. Especially if you just study to have a title, not for the knowledge. A lot of young people (who in fact don’t want to study) would not then waste their time at the university. They could spend it on getting some job experience. I never used help of University Career’s Office. I have had bad experience with this kind of organizations, they could never help me. I worked, but it was never related to my studies or interests. It was always a part-time job or holiday job. In fact, I never had a problem with finding a job. That's why an unemployment problem is a bit unfamilliar to me.

  56. It is hard to find a job. For everyone. For young people especially.
    They are not well educated. Do not want to know something new in other disciplines than theirs. They can not talk to each other. And a good ability to communicate with others is essential. They are curious about the world.

    Nobody teach them how to look for a job. They make mistakes in CV. During the interviev do not know what to say, they are not prepared.
    The problem is that young people want to achieve spectacular success and are too lazy. Much talk and not enough doing. That is not possible.
    If you want to have a good job and have a high salary, you must work hard and persistently.

    I worked once, during the holidays. I learned a lot but it's not for me. I want to be independent, to decide where, when, with whom, and if I work.
    I have never used the help from Career's Office in my University and naw I do not want to.

  57. Young people are ambitious and they want only those good jobs. This is a problem, because they have got prohibitive needs and are angry if employers don't want to hire them. I started form working at construction in the age of 16, then as a bartender, cook and many more, not so good jobs. It was only to have money, whoch I spent for courses and internships to gain experience and now I take really high positions. In the age of 22 I was a creative director in one company and PR manager in next one.
    Young people should not maybe lower their expectations but they should be more realistic and flexible

  58. I believe young people expect too much from their first job and give up so easily when they don't earn much money at once. Unfortunately job market doesn't give much opportunity for educated young people. The only job offer graduated student can find is : shop assistant, waiter and something like that. For the beginning it's fine but not in the long run. I work in the caffe but I can't imagine it would be my permanent job.

  59. When it comes to young people, it is so hard to find a job, especially during studies. Of course, I mean working in place which is connected with our field of studies. Why is it hard? Because young people don’t have any experience. It cannot be denied that bosses require language skills, several years professional experience, ability of working in a team. To find well-paid job young people are obliged to have experience. These days, young people choose a simple way to earn money during studies. They grab everything which is not so time-consuming but also unskilled. Unfortunately, bosses are said to hire people with job seniority (there are many people in the middle age). You can develop yourself, make some refreshment courses, do internships, improve your skills but there’s no guarantee that you will work in your profession.
    Last holidays I worked as a waitress for 3 months. That was really hard working. My shift lasted 12 hours. My first job was such a big surprise for me because I hadn’t expected that I could involve in this type of job. The most interesting thing was getting in touch with people from some countries. That was not only ordering dishes in the kitchen, preparing soft drinks, serving customers. I could improve my language skills. My experience is really minor.

  60. Nowadays, many young people are trying to find themself on a job market. Especially, this is a common practise among students. It is obvious that students are strating almost self-reliant lifes, and they have to earn some money. Of course they don't have much experience and time, so in the most cases there are a part-time jobs. Working in some coffee house, stores are propably the most popular part-time jobs in Poland. I think it is a good option for young people. It may gives them responsibilty and learn respect for money.

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  63. I never used the university careers offices, but it is only because that was not looking for serious work, only some seasonal to earn some extra money a few cents. As far as my experience it once edited the video in the company organizing weddings. As for the problem of unemployment - is a very interesting topic, but for a longer discussion. I think that in Poland we are dealing with declining industries. The economy centered on agriculture, which employs only 10% of the population in conjunction with the indigent society that is not willing to use the potential of services is a phenomenon that affects negatively on the creation of new jobs, and consequently unemployment.

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  65. I have no solution for young people in my generation. Nowadays networking is useful. We have to make friends in many places and then that relationships could be helpful. In my opinion, sometimes job interviews are totally mistakes. For past 4 years i have worked in many bars in Warsaw. I love that job. Now I'am working in the radio. Because of the job I don't need money from university. That money is better for some one else who needs it. Career's ofice is a part of previous era. It' not for people who wants ambitious job.

  66. In my opinion the job market is that complicated that there is no solution to make everybody hired. When I see that even “economy experts” (what a bullshit-job) don’t have a solution, I just know that it’s complicated on purpose. The capitalism works this way that somebody have to be poor to make someone else rich.
    About Careers Office. Honestly, I have never gone there, but I think there will a moment during my studies here that I will feel that I definitely should go.

  67. My experience with looking for a job is very poor. But I have some friends- they're about the same age- who are working. I've noticed that the most popular places to find a vacancy are resturants and cinemas. They offer you elastic working hours and relatively good money (for a student of course!). Disadvantage is you're not able to get promotion and better salary, but when you don't connect your future with particular job, it's not a problem. Generelly I think that as a student or young person, there are many ways to earn money, but it is very hard to get satisfying job. That's why my peers often don't see their future optimistic. Especially when higher education isn't enough, sometimes even skills, because you don't have any connections.

  68. I believe that giving private lessons is a great option for part-time job for students. First that you can work as many hours as you want or need and you can fit the job to your schedule at the university. Secondly you can share your knowledge to other people, help them and earn money same time. Thirdly teaching someone is the best option to learn, so you can develop yourself.

  69. I have never worked, so I cannot talk from personal experience.
    However, I have heard that there is, in fact, work. It's just not suitable for people with a higher education. I think that opening up vocational schools and quality technical schools would definitely give a huge release to the job market, which is flooded by graduates that have diplomas and not much else.
    I am studying in a so called 'useless' major, but I'm here mostly because I enjoy learning and I just picked the one that seemed the most interesting. I definitely do not believe that I'll get a job after graduating from here, so I'm trying to acquire different skills on my own. To add to that, most employers probably value experience the most, so I'm planning on acquiring some.
    When it comes to tutoring as a job for students, I think it's not for everybody. I have tutored a few times and wanting to do it properly, I put a lot of effort into teaching. There were results, but the entire ordeal was just so tiring and frustrating for me that I decided to never take up such a position again.

  70. The most important reason why a lot of young people do not get a good job is simple- they just don't want it. Most of students only want to pass their exams and that's all, because they don't care about their future. They only care about diploma. So the solution is easy. People must think about their future and do what they want to do, not just to get diploma which most of them didn't deserve.
    I worked in kindergarten as a dance teacher. I worked there for a year. Nobody told me how to do this and how to solve my problems. I just wanted to do it and I did it well. My boss was proud of me, my pupils really liked me and they learned a lot although I'm not proffesional teacher.
    I have never used any of these institutions and I would not untill I'd have to. I prefer to solve my problems by myself and I ask for help only when I know that I really can't achieve something. That's not always really good, but it's not my fault that my ambitions are too well feed.

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  72. We need to give opportunity to find jobs. The more it takes time, the more students and young people will be unemployed. As a student who worked in few places I can say that it's not easy to find job. Some advertisements requirements that is hard to achieve.

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  74. I work since graduating from high school. I had many jobs, and each one of them gave me something. Now i work in a retail company and learning a lot, but even work in Zara taught me many things that are really important i every job. Nowadays it's hard for young people to find a job, not only because there is no work but because they only want to be managers and bosses, and that's just not how it works. You have to go through the journey. Stating low, ending up high.

  75. Actually I work and study in the same time. I mean I started to work during the second year of the university and I have to admit that it is not easy. But I think that the fact that I will finish university is not enough. We all need to have an experience. I study Spanish filology and I work in the hostel, so I can practise Spanish and English everyday and that's the most important thing when you learn any language. First of all, you need to practise it and get to know native speakers of this language to understand their accent.
    I haven't used any help from the University Career's ffice, I found my job by myslef, but if anyone has problem with finding job, it is a good idea to go there and ask for help.

  76. I study finance and accounting in the Warsaw University. Moreover I start to work in a last month and I help accountant. For me It is seriously difficult work and study at the same time because I do not have time for friends and family. In the free time I must learn. I choose this job because I want to gain experience. It is very important because company look for people who have background. It will be useful when I end my studies. I find this job in the Internet and I have never used any help from the University Career's Office but I think it could be helpful for people who cannot find job. To my mind, young people should not give up looking for a job. Maybe they should search in other fields.

  77. In my opinion everybody should try to wokr during studies. It is the best way to check if we can work with other people, then we are more self-confident. When I'm lookinf for some interns or job considered with my studies I'm really sad because they mostly want graduated people with full-time schedule. So... I prefer to work for my extra money than doing nothing! Let's try typical "student jobs" like working in gastronomy, it is better than taking all money from parents. :)

  78. Unemployment young people is problem because of country politics to them and capitalism. What is the solution, easy start to live, help them, not to force them to rate race. I don't think the example was the worst, because i hearted Piotr Kaszubski has trial, becouse he did some illegal stuff.
    I have nerver used help from the University Career's Office to find a job so i don't have opinion about this subject.

  79. Piotr Kaszubski is just an very bad example, because at the moment police is looking out for him all over the world ;)
    I think young people should think about start their own buisness, that will help reduce unemployment. I work, I've started as office worker, sometimes is hard to put it togather with studying. I've been loking for a job twice - once I found it on my own, and other time friend brought my CV to the company where he works.

  80. In this article, the situation on the job market for young people is presented so depressed. Honestly? I totally disagree with this! Our age doesn't matter in the labor market. It's important to be an ambitious and clever person. If you know English and have good studies (and you of course have good studies, if you're ambitious), you can be sure, that you can find a lot of job offers. But if studies are for you just time for parties and alcohol, not for personal development, it's expected that you'll probably unemployed. There're many internships and apprenticeships for students (especially students of economic, finance, informatics, mathematic and business) on the job market. What is also important - this article is old and the unemployment rates are different now (they are lower).

    Personally, I actually don't work (I've a lot of other things to do, so I haven't time), but I did it in last summer. I was really satisfied and I learned a lot then. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all students, who are looking the job. :)

  81. I think that the author of this presentation overdoes a lot in his or her statements. I don't believe that students have so big problem with finding a job. I personally don't work because I don't have time for that now but I have a lot of friends who work and they didn't have problem with finding a job. Maybe it's not their dream job but they have an opportunity to earn money to make a living. They can afford to buy food and other needed things and also to save some money. So I think it's not a bad work - remember that they are students, they don't do a full-time job and they still don't have any higher education yet. The second problem in Poland is that too much people decide to study. They do it only to get a paper after 3 years. They haven't ever dreamt about studying. They believe that they would get a better job after studies - but it's not a warranty. It's not truth that there are no vacancies in Poland - there are a lot of companies that are looking for employees. The problem is that people don't want to work when the salary is to small. Also, we as Poland are in lack of engineers and other technical people - why ? Because all the people are studying. It's some kind of a vicious circle so it's no point in deeping into it. But getting back to the students' jobs - they have a big choice, they only have to want to find it.

  82. It’s very hard to find solutions to the unemployment, maybe a good one will be creating new work places in big concerns, with a possibility to develop.
    I’ve worked but not permanently. I took care of a group of kids and I was a babysitter. I’ve never used help from University Career’s office, to be honest I’ve never heard about it. Also I’ve never had anything in common with another similar institutions too. I think It’s good that there are organizations which help people to get an experience and a job.

  83. Although the rates of unemployment in Poland looks better now then they were presented above, I wouldn't be so optimistic about the labour market in our country. I'm not an Economist, nor a specialist; however, I think that unemployment in Poland is a problem. It's important to divide people who stay unemployed because of laziness and because of lack of education. It is nothing shocking to me that people have problem finding a well-paid job under the age of 30. Of course as a student you can work, you can earn some money but not in the profession you're actually studing. I mean you can work mostly part-time as a waiter or receptionist, etc. But employers will rather reluctantly hire a student, still completing their studies with no experience. It's ridiculous but true that employers often demand huge working experience from fresh graduates who didn't really have a chance to work in profession. Plus I do not blame people who sniff at job offers because I also wouldn't like to get a job with a minimum salary after years of schooling and studying. Of course you have to hammer everything out to succeed but I would say that being satisfied with your standard of living in Poland is rather difficult to achieve.

  84. Nowadays it is hard for students to find a job in their profesion, because they have no experience. Employers don't want to hire people without experience, so where young people should gain it? Fortunately there are some other ways to boost chances to get a job. Firstly, we can join student research groups or get involved in voluntary services. We can learn lots of skills which will be useful in future jobs. Other way to improve position on the labour market is to take part in courses and trainings which will provide our abilities.

    I worked in small business two years ago. I was segregating documents and taking care of clients. My boss was really nice and he was always ready to help me. Also my co-workers were kind and helpful, they teach me, how to deal with documents and papers.

    I have never used help from University Career's Office, but I heard of it. In this place you can find job offers and join in trainings which are all about labour market. For example, there are courses in which experts tell, how to act during the interview to get a job.

  85. First of all, I want to say that this problem isn't present in today’s world - now unemployment is around 5%.
    In my opinion the problem isn't in employers, but in students. They think that they'll start their career from the highest post. Reality is different. I started my "career" in a cafe and the next step was bank, so it's a matter of patience. Of course I could resign from that job, because it was low-paid and I was the less important worker. So what? All of us have to try a job like that. Patience. In my next job I was on an important post, I felt very well and the salary was better. Now I'm going to find a better one, but what If not? I'll go to the worse one. You have to hide pride and start working. That's all. I haven't used help from the University Career’s Office, but this year I'll try. It could be a great experience, so I can't wait for it. But If they don't find job for me, I'll find it on my own. And like I said - you just can't be too proud - that's the main problem - a too proud student.

  86. I think that the problem is fact, that people want too much from the beginning. They all want to earn billions in their first job. I'm not saying that wanting is something bad, but it is turning into demanding. In my opinion students suppose to realise that to get to the top you need to start at the bottom. My first job was a waitress at airport. It wasn't the best job I've ever had, but it improves my soft skills which now are very useful. Next time, when I will be searching for a job, I will go higher and higher. But even if finding better job will be to hard, I will take a worse one. I will make one step back to make two steps forward.

  87. I think that a lot of young people isn't satisfied with earnings which are offered by employers. But we must remember that young worker have any experience and can't earn as good as someone who working on this position for longer time. Youth should be patient and... busy.
    I haven't worked, but I was help my parents at their job so I think that I am orderly, responsible and resistant. I wasn't have a contact with University Career's Office but I know it institution. I think that they help in much cases when students are looking for their dreamed job.

  88. 1) Young people should start work, or kind of activity in fields where they want to work in future as fast as is possible, because this way they gain experience. The second thing is that young people should try find and a job at any price, but in reality they often are very fastidious.
    2) I worked in online bookstore in the summertime after matura exam. Now I work in cinema for since year, because I can combine study with work. This is not the thing I would like to do in the future, but on full-time studies is very hard to find work, which is related to our interest and future perspective.
    3) I have never used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job, but I am going to do it, because we don't lose anything but we can profit a lot. We have to only sing up and system gonna inform us about job offers.

  89. Although the unemployment in Poland goes down it’s still highest among young people. The problem is that employer prefer to hire experienced workers ready to doing their jobs properly than workers which demand to be trained what cost a lot of money, time and energy and there is always a risk that the trained workers after their gain some experience they will find better jobs. I think that the problem should be solved by government by special placement programs for young people. It’s much easier to hire a person without experience if not to have to bear cost of that employee.
    The current study is my second study. I have a fulltime job but I use a parental leave this year yet. So I haven’t used help from the University Career’s Office.

  90. I believe that currently there is not so much unemployment. If only someone wants to work, he will find a job. Maybe it's not always a dream job, but it's enough to start. You can work in a shopping mall as a salesman, in restaurants as a waiter or kitchen help, handing out leaflets and even as a secretary in the office. Personally, I have never worked because my parents have their own business and I work with them. I never used help from the University Career’s Office or similar institutions to find a job.


  91. I think that young people have excessive predictions about earnings. They want to earn a lot in spite of the lack of professional experience and low level of knowledge. I believe that government should help young people to start business to reduce the unemployment. During the last holiday I worked as a waitress in the restaurant. I gained some knowledge how to serving customers and how to work under the pressure of the time. I think that the institutions like University Career’s Office are really helpful in looking for a first job, but I have never used help from this kind of institutions.

  92. It's hard to find the solution to the unemployment among young people. In Poland for example the umeployment rate is much lower than was 15 years ago. So things has changed, now we have better opportunity to work in a job that suits our university degree. I think the solutions to the unemployment can be evolving start-ups. Start-ups are often well business in the future and they are mostly hiring young people to help the business grow with the lowest costs. Also I think foreign companies should open more departments in other countries so more places will be for students to work.

    I have worked. I was pizza delivery person. It was mu summer holiday job. I have good memories about that job, the staff and the boss was nice, calm and helpful. Of course I didn't earned much money, but as a summer job it was very satisfiting and help me a lot to improve my skills with talking to people, organise my time and many many more.

    I heard about University Career's Office but I have never tried this so I have nothing to say about this. I think It's very helpful for students to find their dream job and start their career

  93. Youth unemployment has reached dangerous level in many countries nowadays and it is true that young people experience higher unemployment and less job stability than older workers with an experience. Many countries are good at identifying the problems that they are facing without providing any possible solutions to resolve them. Unemployment is kind of challenge for governments as well as for jobeless young people who has become the most affected by this phenomenon. Some people, who are tired of trying to find a job, suggest that migration could be the best solution to search for better job opportunities and better living conditions. In my opinion it is important to search for possibilities to gain experience, especially it is up for students that are in their final year and are more or less prepared to work in their field.

  94. I have never worked so I don't have any job experience. But I've visited University Career’s Office few days ago. They helped me to prepare a good-looking CV and proposed me some offers of courses which might be helpful in looking for job in the future.
    I don't see many solutions to the unemployment among young people. They should start gaining experience as early as it's possible. It's only way for them to be attractive worker for their future boss. If they are tired of looking for job in Poland they can go abroad and find new job there.

  95. It's very outdated article, so I'm curious how it looks like now. However I think that's always true, that it's not easy to find job after studies. I can tell from my perspective, that if you don't have any experience in what you are doing, you will have a hard time finding a job, but you have to keep trying.

  96. There is no doubts that unemployment among young people is a relevant problem. Probably the list of the solution is long, nevertheless having an idea and bringing it into effect are two different issue. The most crucial is experience and practical knowledge from my point of view. There is no use in having a theoretical knowledge if you are not able to use it in practice. Another important matter is determination. I strongly believe provided that you really want and you do your best, you compass what you desire. Unfortunately, some people study in order to have a diploma only, not so as to work in this field.
    Furthermore, as far as I am concerned, at this time, the unemployment rate is not so high. Therefore, these days this problem is not so serious. I personally have not job experience, at least such that can be useful during searching my dreamy work. By this time I had never used the University Career’s Office. However, I find it incredibly supportive and I will use it in case of need.

  97. I think there is no answer to the question: "Is it hard to find a job". I think it depends. If you are creative you can do something in internet (for example create films) or you can work as freelancer (of course you should can do something). For me if you are studying for example mathematic, informatic, etc it is not hard to find company where are vacancies (of course getting job is harder - but it all depands on your skills). There is a lot of meetings with employers, lectures which are lecture by staff. I was working in holiday (it was before I went on university).

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  99. I think that one of the solutions to get out of unemployment is creating new workplaces, but they should corresponding
    qualifications. Only in this case people will be satisfied.
    And yes, I was working in many places, for example in a psychological clinic. It was a form of internship after my graduation. No I'm a Chemistry and Biology tutor. I don't feel that it's my dream job, but I could get some money for myself without big effort. In the future, I would like to use the help of a Career Office.

  100. Nowadays unemployment isn’t so high. Results of looking job depend on kind of job, especially for students. I think it’s quite easy to kind some part time job for example in restaurant, café or shop. Difficult can be get a job, which is connect with studies and guarantee career prospects. Problem during looking job for young people can be no experience, but it isn’t impossible.

  101. Well that article is a little outdated in my opinion. I believe nowadays it is not that hard to find a job. Probably you'll fail to find a really well paid one at the beginning, but something is better than nothing, no? You also gotta start somewhere. The world's still in crisis, but the job market is definitely in a better spot than it used to be. If you look hard enough, you should be able to find something to start with, and then make your way up from there.

  102. Today it’s not that hard to find a job for student, I mean there are a lot of vacancies in companies which offer part-time jobs for students. When you want to find a job connected with your studies then the problem begins. Job market is open for engineers, programmers, doctors or nurses but Bachelors of humanities don't have that luck and they have to put much more effort into finding good job. Despite that I believe that if you are good at what you are doing and if you are strongly passionate about it, you will find something for you. In times when people finish studies only for having diploma not for being specialist, employers are looking for people who know their profession well- people who they can rely on. Today we have a lot more opportunities than we had just few years ago. Internet opens new ways of working, provides space where you can promote yourself, your abilities and talents. Now you can be independent, run your own business, freelace and work abroad- on-site or via Internet. I believe that determination is the key for finding a job so keep trying and you will find your dream job.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. My impression is that labour market is open nowadays for young people and it is not hard to find well-paid and interesting job. Now there is even an opportunity to earn money on platforms like YouTube. Only recquirement is to have something interesting to show others and have a camera. This is the way to attract some companies that can offer you advertising their products.

    If you want to create your own company, there is aa endowment from governemnt for startups.
    All yo have to do is want it.

  105. We should say that nowadays the situation of workers is different. Of course, unemployment still exists but in my opinion it is not so clear like for example several years ago. I am a student and all my friends do not have problems with finding job. I also has been working even before a beginning of studies. Obviously, it is not work of our dreams but, it is a job for students.
    I think that for young people earning money for example through the internet is good idea but we can not forget that only small per cent is able to succed in that trade.

  106. I think that with many young people the unemployment issue is caused by only having University diploma and nothing else, no work experience, no extra courses within their field, no track of extra work and projects from the time spent in uni and that may be the main issue. Because of that these young people are not interesting to potential employers and I couldn’t agree with tchem more. If I ran a company, I would also look for the extraordinary, active and ambitious ones who have already done some work in the field, taken part in some interesting projects and so on. On the other hand, the problem is also within the amount of money these firms offer, because people who have a degree think it’s unfair to them if they get paid with the minimum wage, so often they prefer not to work and look for a better job offer and to some it takes quite a lot of time.
    I think that working during your uni course is essential. I already worked with two fields, in two sectors: private and public, the first job I ever got was in a research company, in which I worked as a phone pollster, the job was awful, but it has taught me a lot, for example I found out that I don’t want to work within the service industry, where I would have a non-stop contact with the client. It also made me study better, so that I wouldn’t end up in there in the future. The other job I’ve already done was in an administration position within Mazovian Fire Station Office, where I got to know how office work is like, how to write official documents and also I got to learn how auctions work, and what the proces of buys in public sector looks like. Also by looking for a job Igot to know how to write a good CV, how to act in a job interview, what not to say and so on. I’ve never used help of Careers Office or any companies looking for jobs, but now I’m planning to try one of these.

  107. It is very hard to find a well-paid job if you don't have any experience. But I think if you want to find a job you will find it. If you are from a bigger city like Warsaw you can be a waiter, babysitter or receptionist. Maybe it is not a dream job, but it is always better to do something rather than doing nothing.

  108. Nowadays it is incredibly hard to find a job straight up after graduating a university. Unless of course you are a programmger, they you shouldn't have much problems even without graduating. However in case of all the other people I feel like the main issue is that employers require a lot of experience, which logically you can't have since you've just graduated. On the other hand however I feel like students after finishing their studies expect to instantly get a job that matches with their degree, and it creates a loop: you graduate, you want a job that fits your degree, the employer expects you to have some experience, but you cannot get that experience without a job. I think that if people want to get a job right after graduating, they should seek for one during their studies. They will gain some experience necessary for their future workplace, and who knows, maybe they will even get noticed by someone who would give them a decent job offer?

  109. It doesn’t surprise me that many young people leave Poland to find a proper job, because it’s really hard these days. I don’t understand why employers require young people to have both education and experience. It’s very difficult to combine full-time studies with work. Personally, I would like to finish my studies first, to have ready and structured knowledge, and then I might be good in my future profesion. But maybe in a year or two I’ll be forced to go to work. I’m afraid that in such situation I’ll fail my studies, which I care about. The worst thing is that even when I finish the university, I don’t know if I’ll find my dream job. Of course, I could start my own business, but I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Living with an uncertain future is difficult, but I believe my skills will help me find something proper.

  110. I believe that even if we cannot find a job that satisfies us, we still need to get some job. During my twenty years of life, I have already worked in several places. I wanted to earn some extra money so I took up any job. I worked in a meat processing plant, on a construction site and even performed such simple work as picking raspberries. I heard from a recruiter from a certain company that it is very welcome. This means that a person is hardworking and will adapt to any situation. People with absolutely nothing on their CVs are the worst, recruiters perceive such a person as lazy and reluctant to work. So I believe that no job is a disgrace, and if we cannot find any better one, we should undertake even the worst one.

  111. Students have a hard time finding jobs. One of the reasons, besides lack of experience, is availability and commitment to work. For many students, a job during their studies is just a way to earn money, and rarely does it offer concrete experience. You have to be really lucky to find a job in something that helps you gain experience. And school earlier does not teach actually useful skills in professional life, does not engage to develop soft skills. When a young person enters the job market, they are totally lost. You have to approach a lot of job interviews to learn what they look like and how to perform well. It takes thousands of hours of work for the absolute minimum wage to learn the value of the work you do and of yourself. And even if you want to try something different, new, more related to your field of study, it's not always easy. For example, in my field of study it is not uncommon for students to have to pay for internships in order to gain experience.


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