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The role of a man over the years.

Most of women believe that a man must be bravestrongresponsibleself-confident 
and  take care of his womanFormerly man learned from his fatherwhat to do and how to behave in life. They were the leaders of the family. Today is completely differentNowadays, role of men dropped significantlyWomen have become 
They took roles in society of men. And how  these roles are changed? 

As it was in the cave?

Historically, the role of a man was simple - assured survival. He had qualities that allowed the tribe to survive. He gained his food, and he defended his flock. 
Roman man

Man in ancient Rome was a major part of the family. As the father of a spouse, the owner of the property and slaves. He had authority over his daughters and sons. So who ruled in such of house? In principle he. He gave instructions and tasks to slaves.  


                                       Middle Ages

The role of men depend on the state in which he was born. The poorest peasants they farmed fields to the stateThey worked hard. Richer people were knightsTheir task was to defend the king and serve him.

How is it today?

Until recently, the man was supposed to set up a family and maintain it. He assured her existence and felt a fulfilled humanWoman was a housewife, and a man was fulfilled in a job. The role of a man to clean and order at home? It was close to zero. A man could at most replace the blown bulb or go with a carpet to beater. But times are changing. Modern man returns home after work and no longer sits in his favorite soft chair with remote control in hand. He helps his wife in household chores. He knows what is vacuum cleaner and how to do laundry. Modern man knows how to take care of children. He isn't seen as unmanly because it has become the norm. A guy in an apron for women becomes more sexier than Brad Pitt . 


1.What do you think about the current role of men? 
2. What affects on them change?


  1. These days men aren’t said to be a head of the family. They are treated like women and it’s normal. They don’t have to keep a household. Women are independent and self-sufficient. Sometimes it turns out that a man earns less than his wife or he takes over typical woman’s chores at home: he cooks, cleans, takes children to school. It is not something wrong. Maybe it is only inconvenient for men. Every man would have an injured pride, if he had to cook instead of work far from home. He would be boiling with rage. I see also an advantage: men can take care of children and have a parental sense of bringing up a child. They can do everything which was assigned to a woman.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Men are like a women nowadays. And it's good in all. (Without gays clothes or other deviations of course). It's obvious that our biological role have never been changed. Woman give birth, and breast-food and man... do something too... Stereotypes are like a invisible cage. Woman should sweep, cook and bring up children and man should repair bicycles, hammer nails and hunt a lot. This kind of thinking closes our door to improve our life. Everybody should do whatever he wants. To sum up in my opinion role of men is different in every home, because every man is little different.


  4. Stereotypes of brave, strong, responsible and self-confident man it's not current and thanks God for that. Men don't need to be a head of the familly, he should be a partner for a women. Roles are miced now and it's better for us. I think it's recommended that we help in household chores, know what is vacuum cleaner and how to do laundry. In the past men was a big child - now he should become a men. It is a metter of responsibility.

  5. Over the centuries the role of men has evolved from the caveman to the cleaned up, cultural man in suit. We live in time of equality, men are treated almost the same like women. Although I think men should take care of women, be kind and make women feel secure. Roles are mixed, woman and man are now partners in relationship, but I think that is cute when man is romantic, brave, creative and gallant when he's trying to impress a woman. Every woman wants to have their own kngiht in shining armor and to be his princess.

  6. I am utter opponent of stereotypes. I'm interested in "male subjects" like sports cars or martial arts, but I also like to cook and take care of the children. I was even a dance coach in kindergarten and it was a great experience for me. Therefore, I will very gladly shared with my future wife household chores.
    It seems to me that gender equality affected the most on these changes. Women work outside the home, so the man also have to work in their homes. Spouses must support and complement each other to live happily and in harmony.

  7. I think they finally can stop thinking 'i can't sit at home with kids while my wife is at work' and spend lot more time with their kids but as i can see from post on iternet they still claiming that this is unmalny and other stupid thigs. I also think that they should stop - also women should do the same - worrying about what other men (their full of manliness friends, of course) and stop trying to be hard and manly because they 'should be' in name of some kind of memorial when they had to chase mammoths.

  8. The role of women has changed over the years. Currently, men are not strong males (usually), heads of families that do not dominate, but partners in relationships. It is good that Dominators changed with partners who want to create a good relationship with their partners. However, currently, there is a lot of stereotypes about men who should be strong, brave and thoughtful. In my opinion every man and woman powinies such and to be and should not be dropping the total weight, for example, home maintenance. I think that the role of women has also changed so that the lives and status of women has changed. Now more and more women are strong, independent, active and also require their partners to help them with household chores.

  9. It's true that nowadays the role of men is completly different than even 20 years ago. Modern man supports his wife in her daily duties. He could cook, clean up and what is the most importantly he has a strong bond with his children because he has been present in their lives. I think that men were forced to change their position in family life because women have become more active in proffesional life.

  10. Nowadays people talk a lot about gender equality. Because of that thinking that man must have good job with high salary and women is only supposed to take care of home and children is no longer actual. I think that division into men’s and women’s chores makes no sense. We are all human, we can work, take care of children and do laundry. Sex is unimportant.
    Men are still lost after war. In this time men were fighting and dying. Their sons were growing without model of man and women were growing in power, because they needed to start to work and make chores they were not doing before. Nowadays women have power and men don’t know how to deal with it.

  11. Nowadays, the role of men has changed a lot. Men aren't the head of the family often. Women are independent, image of a man as a strong male disappears. I think it's better that now men can help at home and know how to do things, about which once even thought. Often, you can even meet up with situations when a woman earns more, support the family... And the man takes over the role of "housewife". A definite plus is that men have more contact with their children, they aren't preoccupied only work.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think that the current role of the man is still quite similar. Maybe he is not required to support his family, but he is more responsible than a woman. That's how we were created - women should raise their offspring and men take care that there is nothing missing from the family. Fortunately, strict boundaries have become blurred and sometimes these roles can be changed. A man is able to raise a child as well as a mother, but a woman has to play this role for birth. Modern men also undertake "women's work", we can see them more often, cooking, washing or ironing clothes and cleaners.

    They are influenced by all the changing stereotypes about the standard division of roles and works for women and men. Women also won a lot of rights and can apply for occupations that were once intended only for the opposite sex. The changing world has also meant that many jobs requiring physical strength have become much easier, and that is why women are also able to do so.
    I think that these changes are positive, but there are limits that should never be exceeded.

  14. The gender equality should be the practise. I believe that the fact that fathers take part in childcare, that guys iron clothes, clean the house and make a variety of activities which was done by women only in the history is extremely good. The gender is only social construct and the obligations and rights should be even for people irrespectively of their sex and gender. The patriarchy is one of the biggest enemies of the civilised world. It's fantastic that it is dying.
    Katarzyna's theory about "fashion for being homosexual" is ridiculous and pathetic. This is based on stereotypes and not-understanding of the world. With the level of homophobia dropped, more LGBTQUIA people come out. Moreover, I don't think that males are less "male" as for example antifascists are strong, well-built, etc. but also very progressive and do activities which were reserved for women.

  15. In my opinion it is normal that formerly role of man was so precisely specified. A structure of society was involved brave and powerful man. They were been responsible for family and for hamlet. It was not so important as now to man could cook or go baby-sitting.
    Nowadays, when also woman can do works which was assign to man once, society don't need to separate role man and woman. We can swap our tasks and help each other.

  16. I agree with you, that role of man has changed. Novadays man are more carefull, sensitive and helpful. I think that the reason is that we ( woman) are more self cofident, we fight for our rights etc. Unofrtunatelly, we can observe that today it's common that boys are less manly. When I wonder about my future husbend I see a man, who is strong, self confident. He must be a head of the family, but it's not connected with not being helpfull. We must find the golden mean.

  17. I am inclined to believe that these days the role of men is totally distinct than in days gone by. Equality is widely prevalent. It is the effect women’s willingness to be independent and self-sufficient. Currently women crave for being educated and having lucrative work. They do not want to be only hostess. As a result men support them. They do the cleaning for instance vacuum, iron clothes or cook and rise children of course. The stereotype that men is head of the family is out-of-date. Men are not so brave and strong as long ago.

  18. I think that it is change for the better. Men and women are becoming equal. Women can work wherever they want and men can stay at home and take care of children. It is considered normal. Men don't have a pressure to earn more money than women anymore. I really believe that it is good for both men and women that there are treated like just people not like representative of given sex. Stereotypes are slowly stopping to be important.

  19. I believe the common ground between men and women have leveled quite a bit in recent times. There are no more strict rules as to what man is supposed to be doing, and what woman is supposed to be doing. The distribution of duties and rights among genders is probably the closest to equal in history so far, and role of mother and father interlace with each other. There is nothing strange about a female in formal suit working for some corporation, and many people find a man taking care of his children as adorable and see him as responsible.

  20. The world is changing, so it is natural that roles of women or men is also changing. In my opinion changes of gender role head for equality and eliminate connect gender with any stereotype role in home or society. Both sex should take care about family and their home. Self-confident, responsibility or independent is advantages and needed personality traits without regard to sex. It is obvious that if women work and take care about family men also should raising children or do housework.

  21. The modern world is changing, and with it the perception of gender roles. In the twentieth century, the ideal family model is a woman who looks after the home and children and a man earning money. Today, the equality model of the family is preferred - a man and a woman can work and look after the family and it is a reason to be proud of both sexes. I think that the changes we are currently observing are correct and I fully support them.

    In our cenntury roles are changing it is true, but i think that this is a good situation. I am not looking for the agressiv men who will be the head of the family. I want to live with men who will be partner and friend for me, not a rival. We should live together not separately because of roles and stereotypes. I am strong, independent women do that's why i need assistance, not someone who will be strong, brave and will be decided about me.

  23. We are living in times, where everything is changing very fast - including generally accepted roles, that (years ago) was so different than today. I strongly believe, that not only technology is moving forward, but also people and the way how they live. I'm not a fan of role division, where women are suppose to make dinner, laundry and every other house works, while men are reaching higher and higher steps of carrer. And that is why, the best idea is to make house works together.

  24. I think that situation of men has really changed. Of course, they still has some advantages because of common stereotypes, but they sure can do a lot of this that was forbidden for them before (such a taking care of children or the house). Some conservative groups still seem to treat men like some superior creatures, but thankfully, there are less and less of them.

  25. The relations between men and women has been changing in history due to new trends, changes in societys and maybe development. Old pattern of brave and hard man is disapearing and today ideal man is mainly fragrant, gentle and witty. It is not bad but real men should not forget how to protect his women, children and maybe his country. Unfortunately today less and less men know how to use a gun which was a basic knowledge one age ago. Everything should be averaged - man is man, woman is woman.

  26. I think men are nowadays more sensitive and helpful. Women are more independent and resourceful. It is a good change and it is an effect of equality between men and women. Hhowever in the same time couples want to keep the traditional model of realtionship where men is a head of the family and women take care of home. It is visible that more and more people are against it but still most of families work like traditional model says. The good think is that if some people want to run their family in different way then it`s not a shock anymore.


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