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Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine mostly may be associated with some old lady living in small wooden house in the forest which try to cure people by using herbs and it also may be true. Fact is that this is much more popular than many may be thinking.
Some areas of it are – in opinion of many – completely useless but another are quite popular.  It is also known as unconventional medicine and it is about keeping balance in our body. It sees illness as something separate from sick person and lead to imposition human body into perfect internal balance which may have impact on health. There are some of most popular areas of unconventional medicine:

focuses on deep hided cause of illness and gradually excise it. This method was created around two hundred years ago by German doctor which were claiming that best way to cure somebody from something is using thing that made him sick (with practicing strictly selected doses). Homeopath is not only condition analysis but also mental health. Its best uses are in chronic diseases and also headaches, insomnia, neurosis, problems with digestive system. We can also help ourselves with homeopath in high blood pressure. It is most common recommended to pregnant and feeding women, children and allergy sufferer.

I guess almost everyone at least once tried some kind of special tea for stomach illness, insomnia or vexation. This is most popular way to use alternative medicine. It helps us to sustain our bodies and to prevent diseases. Everyone know something about it - melissa for being stressful and problems with sleeping, garlic and onions used in syrup for cold and many more.

don’t ‘cut’ human in pieces but sees it as one and because of that curing is dedicated to body and mind what makes is efficient. Everyone know that scents have impact on our emotional and physical state. By using aromatherapy people can boost memory (probably most of you had that moment when you smelled something which recalled you some place or person), condition, mood and help in preventing diseases.

is about recovering  Qi energy balance by pinching in strategic places with silver or gold stylus. Those places are accountable  for highest internal organs activity. Its old technique from East – China, Japan, Mongolia.

is ‘soft’  version of acupuncture and was known thousands years ago in China. Acupressure consist in touching, repressing, tapping and stroking relevant places on body. It works on nervous system and helps in reducing pain.
"Body map" on bottom of feets.

People who try to cure people with alternative medicine pay attention to every aspect of patient – his body, his mind and his soul. This is main cause of high popularity of it. Because of curing whole body those ‘doctors’ often offers much more time and attention than ‘traditional’ doctors who simply are not able to give one person so much time. Another advantage is emphasis on preventing illness – differently to traditional medicine which intervenes when disease already appeared. 
What is probably biggest disadvantage of alternative medicine is – comparing to traditional – still limited data about its effectiveness. Also people often forget that words ‘natural’ and ‘safe’ do not mean that they can drink big amount of different kind of teas for everything that hurts them, because everything may cause some damages when it is too much of it. Another thing is lot of diet supplements based on herbs are mistakenly called ‘natural’ and producers are claiming that they contain exactly what our organisms need and providing about their healing action despite that there are non researches which would acknowledge that.

   1) Did you hear of alternative medicine before? About which areas? What do you think of it?

   2) Would you like to try this kind of treatment instead of ‘modern’ medicine?
   3) Do you know someone who use alternative medicine?



  1. Recently i've heard about light therapy. There is a special lamp which have a use in different kinds of medicine. And it actually works. My father irradiate his knee after some injury and after really short period of time it not only relieve pain but also ease recovery. I consider alternative medicine as a better option of curation.

  2. I heard about herbs which can improve functioning of the human’s body. Sometimes I use melissa to prevent stress. And it works! But I’m not sure that alternative medicine is a good way of dealing with health problems. It might be healthier than taking pills which can be harmful in excess. I think that is only a kind of placebo.

  3. I've heard a lot about alternative medicine. Each of these ways I know. But I don't use them. For me this is not working. Sometimes I drink a different of herbs, but not because I think that would help me. I like their taste simply. Sometimes they are good on a better night's sleep. And this is great. I don't know anyone who uses with fascination alternative medicine. I would never be able to use acupuncture. Sticking something in the body? For me terrible.

  4. I've heard a lot about alternative medicine. Each of these ways I know. But I don't use them. For me this is not working. Sometimes I drink a different of herbs, but not because I think that would help me. I like their taste simply. Sometimes they are good on a better night's sleep. And this is great. I don't know anyone who uses with fascination alternative medicine. I would never be able to use acupuncture. Sticking something in the body? For me terrible.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow! It's very interesting, especially this map of body on the bottom of foot. I will massage my two little fingers between the big toe and the two smaller, when my eyes will hurt. Maybe it'll help me.
    According to your questions: To be honest, I didn't hear about something like that before. I always have thought that it's joke actually and alternative medicine don't exist- or exist, but it's normal medicine with eastern doctors. I don't want to try this. I believe only somebody with 'modern' medicine certificate.

  7. Alternative medicine is area of medicine that I've heard from mate from my class. His father is a bioenergotherapeutist. Always I thought "He's shaman", "It's all foolishness". When I read this article and I spoke to my friend I have changed my thoughts about this kind of medicine. I think now I'm ready to try this kind of threatment, besides acupuncture.

  8. I come from Podlasie, the region really connected to the traditional way of life. It's visible in medicine too. When I was ill my mother gave drugs only in really bad illnesses, but normally she made me a cup of tea or hot juice from sambucus. It always helped me. Nowadays I don't buy drugs too. I just take very hot bath (almost like sauna) and drink a lot of hot juices from fruits from my backyard, which we've gathered in the summer. It's much healthier.

  9. Hey this is such a wonderful post on Alternative medicine. There are so many methods that provide treatment naturally and without medications. Have you heard about the acupuncture therapy? It is the most effective treatment. I have got this treatment for my leg pain at acupuncture Mississauga clinic and saw good results.

  10. I have heard of alternative medicine before, but I've never tried anything more than herbal teas etc.
    So I can't answer if it's work in my opinion. When I feel stressed then sometimes choose melissa or mint, one day it works, another I don;t feel difference.
    But one thing I know - I will never try acupunture! I'm scared of needles!
    Oh, once I had tried aromatherapy, it's good for runny nose and when you have got problems with sleep.

  11. Yes, I have heared about alternative medicine many times before, I even have tried some of them.
    When I was ten, my mum used to give my homeopath pills to cure my travell sickness, and I must admit it always helped :) Moreover, during winter times I cure my common caught with aromatherapy.
    I always wanted to experience acupuncture treatment, it seems interesting to me and I have heard that it really helps to cure some aches and pains. My aunt had some annoying migreine and acupuncture helped her to cure it.

  12. I’ve heard a lot about alternative medicine. Some believe that this is an effective method of treatment, others just the opposite. In addition to the aspect of effectiveness, I think it’s a very interesting topic. I’ve heard the most opinions about herbalism and homeopathic. I don’t know if it’s working. I used to drink Melissa but I didn’t feel any difference. I would love to try acupuncture and acupressure. I think it can be a very interesting and pleasant experience. I think everyone in their lives has been treated with alternative medicine, for example drinking medicinal teas or taking homeopathic medicines.

  13. I hate popping myself with medicines. That's why I avoid going to the doctor's. So when I read about alternative medicine I am very positive about it. Of course I think that most of our illnesses are created in our subconscious (I recommend reading about placebo) but if I am to decide on the treatment I choose the altrnative one. I've never tried acupuncture or acupressure but both of them seem very intriguing to me. Maybe one day I will try it.

  14. I've heard about alternative medicine. Mainly about aromatherapy, herbatology and acupuncture. I think they can help. The most important thing is that using them is not risky and does not cause side effects. I often use aromatherapy and drink lots of herbs and teas.
    I would like to once try acupuncture despite the fact that I'm afraid of needles. But I heard a lot of good about this method. My brother uses similar methods for desensitization from dust.

  15. I have heard of alternative medicine before most often about aromatherapy and herbalism(I didn't know that it's called that). Of course in some movies I have seen acupuncture but I don't know too much about this. I personally think that this kind of medicine is realy good in some cases it's even better than normal medicine. When I was small I remember that when I was sick my father always gave me syrup with onion and sugar and it was the best cure. I am sure that if I had a chance to try more this kind of treatment instead of "modern" medicine I would try it without hesitation. It would be nice if even the doctors sometimes used them.

  16. I have heard about alternative medicine from my friend who used it herself. If I remember correctly, it was a treatment with needles. She said that it helped her a lot. I think that alternative medicine is great because it can cure us of diseases without the need to take medicine. Nature alone can help us fight the disease. If we only have the opportunity to take advantage of something like that, we should definitely use it! I would!

  17. I heard of alternative medicine before and I believe in power of herbs. I have never tried any other kinds of this medicine before, but I think that willingness of being healthy and the faith are really helpful during treatment. I would like to try acupuncture and find if it works to my cost. In addition, when I had medical problems with my stomach I drank lots of herbs. At first, the effects weren’t be so spectacular, but after a month my examination findings have improved. I guess that during herbs treatment is important to be regular and drink herbs for months.

  18. 1) I heard about alternative medicine before reading the text. Especially about
    acupuncture,homeopathy and herbalism. I think that if these ways aren't harmful for us we can use it, but we have to remmember about using this specifics in moderation. Everythig can be unhealthy with large quantities.
    2) I try special herbal tea for sore throat, but it doesn't help me. I think, if ever "modern" medicine can't help me, i will try alternative medicine.
    3) I heard that someone of my friends use some alternative medicine's specifics for insomnia, especially herbal tea and it help them, but I don't know anybody who use acupunture or aromatherapy.

  19. While alternative medicine comes from nature or body physiology it's acceptable, but if it's just a human imagination and what someone believed it's true without any proof - it's probably just to trick you and get your money - so let's be carefull and don't get fooled.

  20. I've heard about it, because my best friend use only this kind of medicine. This is really amazing, when we hear about it on examples. I'm not sure that it can help also me, because a big part of this medicine occures in a head. When it comes to my experience, I use only herbs. I really believe in its effects.

  21. I know about alternative medicine. I guess it is getting more and more popular. I have recently watched the programme which show what is acupuncture. As far as I know it is believed to has a plenty of benefits. Hardly can I assess it kind of medicine because I have never tried it. However, I am willing to try this kind of treatments instead of traditional medicine. I should add that I would not like to replace traditional medicine for alternative medicine because there are not the proof that unconventional medicine is effective. Herbalism is commonly used. I know many people who practise it and I personally use special teas, onions and garlic. I am convinced that it is efficient and mainly prevent people from diseases.

  22. I think that alternative medicine will not replace traditional one for a long time. I heard about all of presented here. But I tried only two of them. The herbalism and aromatherapy. I think also that this two are the most popular and the oldest. From three which I did not try I am willing to try an acupuncture. This started to be more popular even in Poland and I am interesting how it is working. And I want to check if it is as good as advertisements show.

  23. Personally I sceptical in believe in alternative medicine. I think this way of treatment can be use preventively or in combination with modern medicine. Of course drink herbal tea isn’t something bad and it can be helpful, but when we are ill, we should go to the doctor or take some “modern” medicine.

  24. I have heard about alternative medicine, but I have never tried that one before. I don't think that this kind of treatment is going to replace the traditional one, but I'm very glad, that people, who are not using doctor's advices (there are groups of people, where they don't trust traditional way of treatment) have their own "medicine".
    Although my attitude is things like that is quite skeptical, ina day I would like to try one of this method, just to find out how it works. And I hope, that I will do that as soon, as possible.

  25. I've heart about alternative medicine - especially about homoepeathy. Personally, I am very sceptical. Firstly - idea that 'less is more' is strange. For me alternative medicine could be dangerous when someone has (for example) cancer, and he drink herby drink, because someone in internet say that normal medicine is bad.

  26. I really like this post! It`s so useful! alternative medicine should be more popular than it is. We can use herbs instead of pills. It`s much more cheaper and there is no risk of addiction. I think that mother nature is much more powerful than we suspect. I am huge fun of this kind of medicine. Many times when I have headache I use 'czarnuszka'- polish seeds, and It`s working! Sometime it`s better to try something natural insted of chemical medicines

  27. In my opinion alternative medicine is very important but to some ilnesses. I believe is some solutions. I totally believe in accupressure, it really works! Also some natural treatments are good for example to skin problems, I thin that we should use alternative medicine in common way.

  28. It is better for us to use alternative medicine because it is not invasive as conventional medicine. Most of medicine business is formoney more than for out health. I agree that alternative medicine needs more time than pills which works in 10 minutes but it we need to know that bigger effort gives us better effects.


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