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How to get by with stress

People often don't know what is tress. But definition is easy. This is stimulus from our mind which we can control. Reaction for it is depentent from us.
There are a lot of situations when we get stressed. I think that going to nwe school is the most mtressful situation in our life. We don't know what kind of people we can meet or if we meet in general. We don't know have difficult our studies will be.
I think I can help you. I'll give some examples hove tp get by with stress.

1. Recognize a stressful situation and eliminate unnecessary stress
We have to know what kind of situations are stressful for us. We have to know the source so the best idea is to write our situations in a piece of paper and band for two groups: those which we can easily eliminate for example before pirst classes or first meeting with new people and those which are complicated fo example before exam. In situation like this we have to do a plan and step by step write what we have to study every day to pass.

Smiling is the easiest way to get by with stress. Even if situation is bad we have to smile to another person. We can expect thet reciproates the same. If we are away from people we can watch movie or read something what makes us lought.

3. Use your imagination
You can bring back pleasant memories. That can be something from childhood, beautiful pleace where you have been, nice smell or craete your own world.

4.Do sport
When you doing sport you can forget about all your problems, to fullfil oneself. You can also go for a walk, do something in your garden. Do this only to not preoccupy thoughts by stressful situation.

5.You have to have a friend
If we care about someone we don't think about problems. We can meet with friends, go for coffe. And also play with our dog or cat, go for walk with him or just snuggle.

6.Try to pray
It doesn't metter if you believe God or no. If you pray sinceraly God will know that something is important for you and of course He will help you. You can also singing a song or say pray which you know.

Try to remember when was the last time when you were stressed?
What did you do to eliminate it?


  1. Stress is a huge problem of modern world. We live under pressure that's why stress is a permanent fixture of our lifes. Actually I'm easy-going by nature but the last time I was completely stressed was during my driving licence exam. I didn't know what was going on. My hands was shaking and I totally lost control. How I deal with the stress? I go to the gym, call my friends or listen some relaxing music - it always cheers me up;)

  2. When it comes to my life, I’m really often stressed. I don’t know why but it is connected with probably my personality. I’m getting stressed even if I learn at home. Why? Because I know that I have a strong willingness and motivation or ambition to do something best. The harder I learn and deepen my knowledge, the more I’m stressed. It depends on my ambitions. When I know something, I want to show it, prove it but I’m afraid that I don’t do my best. For me studies are also very inconvenient because every time I have been exposed to stress.
    It is hard to eliminate stress but in my opinion, the best way is to meet with friends and forget about all problems which are besides you. It might be a meeting at home – such a great opportunity to laugh or watch movies. Every time, I have problem with stress, I talk with my grandma – she is a very collected and easygoing person.
    A good way for dealing with my stress is hobby – dancing, singing or drawing. It helps not only to cheer up but also to forget about sadness.

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  5. I stressed before each exam. I was the most stressed before graduation. I couldn't keep the pen in my hand. It was so much stress. My ways to relieve stress? First of all, running. When I worried something and think constantly about it, I wear a track suit, go out of the house, and run. Another way ,maybe a little unhealthy is chocolate. I adore her. It calms me, and so it increases the level of sugar in the blood and better I think for example on the exam.

  6. Let's pray - it's the best :D When everything failed, you should pray only. I think praying is a good method but it not solve the problem of stress. It may give you peace of your soul etc. but not get out of stress. I'm sorry... But I have to say thank you, because the tabula rasa idea is very constructive and helpful. I'm going to use it !

  7. I agree with Batosz - praying it's useless methode. Of course for me, you can pray if you want. i think that for me the best option is my imagination. when I'am in stresfull situation I imagine a script for it, it could be totally abstract, but it helps a lot. Sport is a good solution too, when i'am tired i don't think about problem - I turn off my emotions. The first metgode is logical - if we have awarness of something it's less stresfull. White sheet of paper could solve our problems.

  8. In present Time stress is a problem that we all have. Problems at school, work, even family situation leads us to fear/stress and questions "what would it be?". To solve a stress problem I like to go for a walk, jogging or workout at the gym. Also I like to watch a comedy and when I am forgetting what stresses me I am able to do things that I'm supposed to do.

  9. Stress is really horrible, but it can be motivating, at least for me. When I was younger I was really shy and I was afraid of strangers, but when I started to dance and I had to perform in front of several thousands people, I agreed with stress and I used it as additional power. Then I started and the beginning was really hard for me- shaking hands and legs, but when I start my performance on the stage I know that I have to do my best and I usually do.

  10. Nowadays stress seems like it's one of the biggest problems of the society. Of course these way, which are proposed in the article like sport or pray can be helpful, but for me the best way to chill out is just go for a bicycle ride. It always make my mind thinking fresh and als I get concatrated more.

  11. Acually i'm getting stresset very easily - stucking in bus in traffic - i'm literally trapped with people i dont know around me, I really hate it - possibility to being late, lot of exams at once, argue with someone. I eliminate it by listening music at loud, it helps me calm down.

  12. Acually i'm getting stresset very easily - stucking in bus in traffic - i'm literally trapped with people i dont know around me, I really hate it - possibility to being late, lot of exams at once, argue with someone. I eliminate it by listening music at loud, it helps me calm down.

  13. I'm stressed 24/7. I don't like being around people, and I easily get overwhelmed. Being stuck in a room full of them disturbed me, so I find most of my studies very difficult to go through. I usually doodle or read to zone out, or daydream when I get bored. It usually helps with mentally getting away from the stress.

  14. Thanks for sharing these wonderful ways to deal with stress. Anyway, my best friend gets anxiety attacks and his problem is getting worst day by day. I am thinking to take her to the chiropractor Mississauga clinic for therapy. If you have any reviews about this therapy on stress relief then please share here!

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  16. There is period in my life right now, when I'm stressed nearly every day, cause exams are closer and closer. I have several ways to solve this problem. The best and most useful way is to study, just study. The second way is to phone my mother, cause she can support me and give a piece of advice or just make me feel better. And my dog can really help me. It is enough to snuggle it. It can help even to through off an illness.

  17. I feel stress mostly before exames, then I feel scared, I have got problems with my stomach and I can't remember lots of informations. Then I loosing some things like earphones, gloves etc. But I also have got different ways to fight with stress - I meet my friends, go to the cinema with boyfriend or watch film in TV or via Internet, play board game or read books. Then I feel better, more relaxed and I can prepere to all my exams or another stressful situations.

  18. When taking about stress one quote is coming to my mind, that every cloud has a silver lining. In my humble opinion when it comes to stressful situations we need to always take it as a motivational stimulant. I feel stressed especially during end-of-term examinations, but I know how to deal with it - the more you learn the less stressed you are and the more confident you become :)

  19. I’m stressed most o thef time because I am kind of neurotic person. Not only important situations makes me stressed but also normal like everyday conversations.
    I’m always trying to breath deep and slowly and listen to my favorite music. I also convince myself that this is not bad, I don’t need to be stressed so much, there is no reason for such reaction Z(if there really isn’t).

  20. I have really serious problem with stress. The biggest reason of my stress are studies. When the time of exams is coming I feel like paralysed because of stress. I can't sleep, I can't eat and think clearly. I'm aware that is unhealthy for me but it's stronger than me. My only solution in that situation are medicines. It's also unhealthy but not that much like no sleep and no eat.

  21. I think that nowadays stress is an integral part of our lives. What do you do to deal with it? Firstly - you should consider stressful situations that we can eliminate from our lives. I'm usually nervous before a major event in my life, such as an exam. Often, stress causes people even receive speech, stop thinking altogether. According to me the best way to prevent stress is to listen to music, to me it always helps. Moreover, in stressful moments I like to go work out, bad emotions leave me then. In case of problems, don't forget about our friends, they're always available to help!

  22. I'm always stressed before every exam and test. But there are of course much more situations that are stressing. My favourite ways to get rid off stress are for example do a cup of hot chocolate, watch a movie, read a book or even listen to music. There are sometimes days, that nothing helps me, so I just have to do some sports. I focus on winning and feeling pain if I train so hard. It's for me the best way to reduce stress.

  23. According to the questions, the last time when I was stressed was about two months ago. I had to make a call. It was related to an important thing for me, which I had to establish with the dorm administration. I was afraid that I would say something wrong and it would be the reason that woman in administration wouldn't agree to my request. It was really stressful for me. What I did? I wrote a text in a special text file on my computer. I had written a few arguments in points in the right order which then I said. It made this conversation easier for me. Thanks to that, stress was smaller. I didn't use methods which are mentioned in this article. Any imagination, any prayer, any sport - just proper preparation. I recommend it! Everything went according to plan.

  24. I have heard that it is the bad lifestyle and stress that cause most diseases. Unfortunately, stress applies to all of us. In such a busy world, where we are constantly being watched by others, we must act under pressure and we try to take a little time for ourselves to avoid stress is practically impossible. Unfortunately, this problem also concerns me. I'm stressed for a lot of reasons. Mainly they concern studies and my future, but also ordinary situations of everyday life.
    What brings me the greatest respite is to come to my family home. My family lives in the countryside. It is there that I have inner peace. Walking through green meadows, woods or hugging animals brings relief to the nerves. I also love trips to the mountains. By conquering peaks, man can feel full fulfillment and in my conviction he is "closer" to God. I recommend all contact with nature, because it works for calmness like nothing else.

  25. The last time when I was really stressed was my driving test. The day before my test I was frightened. I couldn’t do anything and found any place for me which was suitable and comfortable in that pitch. I was so nervous. To deal with stressful situation I decided to go to the gym. Doing sports help me forget about daily problems. In addition sport improves our physical and our mental abilities, what can help reduce stress. What’s more, doing sports is an excellent way to relax. When I was waiting for mine turn to get stared my test, the stress got back. What I did? I started to talk with random person to de-stress.

  26. The last time I was stressed was my matura exam. I remember that my stomach ached, I was sick, I was irritable and I could not sleep. However, when I realized that I was well prepared for my final exams and I will pass it well because I learned a lot, I was better off right away. In addition, I drank a lot of lemon balm because it has a calming effect and is healthy. It also helped me a lot. In addition, my friends who were already after the exams helped me and kept repeating that I have nothing to fear because it is not as difficult as it looks.

  27. I am very stressed now, because session is coming and amount of learning is overwhelming. I really hate this time in the year because you have to spend a lot of time on reading books, and in my opinon this kind of learning is very unproductive, beacause human's mind can't remember so many in such a short time. We are learning to pass exams, and then we forget most of it. I think that more than one student has problem with stress in this time of year and repeated stressful situations can have serious effects on our psychological condition in the future. To eliminate this stress I try to think about I will do after the session, about my hobbies. Moreover, when I really lose hope, that I will pass the test , I try to explain myself, that nothing will happen when i won't pass exam. The earth will still go round the sun, I will still have my friends, my hobbies and everything what is important for me. And course I can pass in next year, so exams aren't the most important things in our live and i think that this kind of thinking enables to little bit relax.

  28. First of all, I don't agree with saying that going to new school is most stressful situation which may happen to us.
    Anyway, I think stress is one of the biggest danger nowadays. This is an important reason, why people have cancers and other diseases. Some of your tips are helpful, but I know that when you're stressed then it is really hard to, for example, eliminate it. It just is in your head! But sport or friends (and pets!) are good ones. Especially sport, which causes endorphins. Praying is also a great method - you feel better when you know that you don't have to fix everything on your own :)

  29. For my the best way for stressful situation is smile, friends and God. When I prepare to difficult exams I try to make a lot of shorts breaks and then I watch funny films with my friends.
    On the other hand I pray and ask God for help. I know that he give my more fire and power and I will be able to good prepare to exams. :)

  30. Stress is a huge problem nowadays. A lot of people day after day fight with stressful situations. People live under pressure. I think that solutions from this article can be helpful. It's nice text. When I'm stressed I try to calm down, so I repeat myself that 'I can do it, I'm a strong and brave person, so I handle it, it's easy'. Of course, smile, praying and friends are very helpful. And music - I love music, so for me - it's perfect way to reduce stress.

  31. Nowadays people are stressing more and more. We live in a system where it is present all the time. I believe that we should change our attitude. When we are stressing bacause of something we should always think what can be done if our aim isn't reached. It is possible that our stress is unnecesary.
    When I am stressing, I like to drink a sip of water. I believe that it is always a good idea to hang out with friend in the evening after a stressful day. Moreover, the sport is really important. When you are stressed, make a break for only a while and do some simple exercises as slopes and both your body and your psyche will be in a better condition.

  32. Those metods for me sound reasonable. The most important is to find a cause of stress. However an author probably forgot that it exists also a good stress who motivates us to do something more - for example a stress before a job interview in other language we rewise the words or reply for the imaginary questions.

  33. I wish those could help me, stress is a huge problem for me and I can barely manage to deal with it. I always feel when adrenaline is spreading through my body, reaching every vein before exams. And it can further lead to sickness, because Cortisol weakens immune system.

  34. Stress is very difficult part of our character. There are people, who claim that nothing can make them stressed, but I don't think so. Everyone has some border in life. I think that your tips are very usefull and can reduce stress, however it's easy to give advices and when it comes to victim of stress, it can be only temporary help. Everything depends on streght of our emotional side.

  35. Stress is very common problem in present world. So we need to find our ways to cope with that. Definitely hobby is something that help to reduce stress. It could be anything: reading, painting, sport - whatever gives you joy and makes you happier. What also helps is family and friends' support. It's good to know that even if we can't handle our problems there will be someone who can help and understand us.

  36. The old good friend stress. My every-day companion. There are a lot of guides how to eliminate stress in your life. We all know them- just ask anyone for advice and you always hear the same things. If it’s about me, the main problem about stress is that this is something completely irrational- just reaction of my weak body. Escpecially when I have a public speech. The worst sympthoms of being stressed are those physical ones like shaking hands, lack of breath, fast heart beating etc. They are visible and your „audience” know that you are petrifiede and they will watch you carefully in anticipation of your mistakes. I know that some of these mentioned ideas can be helpful for someone but personally I don’t believe them anymore. I’ve tried everything and nothing helped besides distraction myself, but it was temporary so it doesn’t count. However I admit that praying is effective but if you don’t believe in anything how can you pray? Why and to whom? I’m just curious.

  37. I’m stressed mostly before an exam. Sometimes I’m stress when I have to give a speech or presentation to some people on lecture for example. I really hate it. How I’m trying to reduce my stress then? Firstly, I’m looking above people’s eyes. I do not talk to them with deep looking into their eyes. It is horrible problem for me. It happends that I can forget what I had to say then. I think that good friend can help us also to eliminate stress. When it is possible to have presentation together we can set each other up. Then all the stress disappears.

  38. Stress is the biggest problem in our world. We have a lot of duties and activities that we must do in everyday life. Each of us should have a distance for everything. For example, failing the exam at the university can`t be the end of the world for us. The most important is to approach situations of everyday life. There are things that caused stress regardless of us, like the bad atmosphere in work or toxic relationship with a partner. We should give up on them for better well-being.

  39. Stress is unavodiable thing in our life so it is so important how to get on well with this. We cannot forget that sometimes stress is the factor that prompt us to act effectively but onder one circumstance that we learnt some ways to tame stress.

  40. Stress is a great problem nowadays. Apparently and arguably a regular adult goes through the same amount of stress as a patient of mental asylum, about 50-70 years back. There's no universal way to deal with stress, and everyone has to find something that works for them. I personally struggle with stress and nullifying its effects a lot, but what I've found remedy in is music. Ever since, I haven't left my house without making sure I've remembered about taking my earphones with me, and it's been helping quite a bit.

  41. I often stress, sometimes even I don’t know why. The cause can be normal, everyday situation, nothing important or difficult. Fortunately it isn’t crippling feeling, which cause that I don’t know what to do. I think that these solutions can be helpful, but everyone should find your own way to get by with stress. We should remember that stress can be also good for example, when it motivate us to action.

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  43. I am a person who is often stressed - a test, an important meeting or taking up new challenges. I think it is due to the fact that I demand a lot from myself. When I get stressed, I take a few deeper breaths and try to distance myself. In mastering stress, it also helps to listen to your favorite music and practice yoga.

  44. To my mind stress is a bigger problem that we think. It could be very frustrating. I often stress, in stressful situation i need to breath and think about good things. Good idea is have fun with friends or spend time with your love. Im sure that we have a strong mentality but we shouldn't fight with stress alone.

      To my mind stress is a bigger problem that we think. It could be very frustrating. I often stress, in stressful situation i need to breath and think about good things. Good idea is have fun with friends or spend time with your love. Im sure that we have a strong mentality but we shouldn't fight with stress alone.

  45. Getting stressed might often lead to huge problems with your health - not only mental. When I do anything not as good as I know I can, I’m freaking out. For me the best way of dealing with stress is to just stop my thinking for a moment and have quick talk with myself. I know, that as a human I need stress, it’s keeping me safe and gives power to do things, that I can’t even dream of, but I also know, that i have it too much in my life and everything is not ‘the most important’. Sometimes I just need to fail something, because I’m not a robot. And that thought allowed me to relax.

  46. I'm that kind of person, who often gets stressed. Every little thing, even speaking in front of group of people, is making me nervous and in that moment, literally everything I can hear is my heart beating or my shaking voice. The most stresful moments of my life were practical driving test and speaking test on matura exams and I'm afraid, that I'm not going to forget about that horrible moments. Personally, I can't indicate a "cure" for stress - it just has to pass away.

  47. All of those tips are right - and I know it from my own experience. Stress causes many health problems, so eliminating it's origins is very important. People should be taught how to manage with stress since kindergarden, because it's indispenisble part of our life.

  48. Unfortunately everybody has a stressful situations and everybody has a problem with them. But in my opinion human beeing can to get used to stressful states of affaires.
    Personally, the last time when I was very stressed was an oral exam. I do not like very much this kind of examination because when somebody is waiting for my answer, I forget about everything what I must say. I prefer written exam when I have a time to think about my answer. In my opinion, in case of being stressed during or before an exam the prescription is to learn everything precisely. Of course I've heard about different strange methods of dealig with stress but I am sceptic.

  49. Stressful situations come to us everyday. It is important to learn how to control it. for me the best way is to take some deep breath, focus and think. I think yoga practise is very helpful here. sometimes If I have more time I try to do some sports. Running or gym classes are a good option when you want to clear your mind.

  50. I'm often stressed, but a small dose of stress can motivate us. For me, the best way to reduce it, is sport.
    The most stressful situation for my was probably the driving license exam. I remember that talking with my friends, who had this exam passed, helped me a lot.
    Reading can also be helpful, especially when the book is really interesting.

  51. I think that nowadays stress is a main problem of all community. This is the cause of many ilnesses and problems with our health. In my opinion everyone has individual way how to get by with stress. For example my way of getting by with stress is sport and music. An sometimes massage. I go to the gym, close the door and listen to music and I switch off thinking about this what is stresfull to me.

  52. For me the best way to reduce stress is listening to music and drawing. It is my hobby and it lets my mind stop think about problems. I also write a plan which makes me more confident that I can resolve stressful problem. Good way is also to think about your activities which you did for resolving problems. We need to remember that not everything dependes on us.


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