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How much is your body worth?

Organ Trade
The commercial trade in human organs, including trafficking in persons for organ removal has developed into a global problem. Each year in the world are carried out 10 000 illegal surgeries. Before 2000, the problem of trafficking in human organs (mainly kidneys) was primarily limited to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Nowadays trafficking in organs is spread all over the world. 
It is connected with the growing demand for organs in highly developed countries. Thanks to the development of medicine we have a new treatment options, but unfortunately some people see them only as profit.

Every tenth organ is illegal. Why it is so common?
„Corruption is an essential ingredient and prerequisite for trafficking in organs. The trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal on a larger scale would not be possible without the assistance of corrupt police officials, customs officers, officials giving out visa and travel documents, and sometimes officials in the health administration who issue false licenses to hospitals and doctors.”(OSCE Report, 2013). As a result of health complications in donors or recipients, many of them will be identified by the medical services.
Sale of human organs poses a lot of problems. In European Union this kind of trafficking is banned, but in many countries low is not strict enough. Trade in organs for transplantation is developed in Asian countries, especially those which once was legal (China, Philippines and India).

China, the leader.
As far as organs are concerned China is the leader of illegal amount of surgeries. It is really common to take organs from sentenced to death prisoners. Experts estimate that in this way are killed each year more than 4,000 people. It is difficult to assess how many organs are used for comercial profit. Most of death sentences are taking place near hospitals. It makes organ’s way to new owner shorter. Officialy in China this kind of trafficking is forbiden, but those acctions are very common.

Commercial paradise:
In India state authorities allow free organ donation, but only under the condition that between the donor and the recipient, there is a "relationship". Mafias are using it as kind of blackmail. They threaten to kill someones family member and force to obedience. In India for Kidney you can get around 2000PLN which for poor people there is a lot of money. Statistics indicate that more than 90 percent of kidney donors in India live in extreme poverty.

Colombia has the cheapest prices. You can buy a new heart for 280 000PLN. In Asia we pay that much for liver, but in Pakistan we can get it for 70 000PLN. Human lungs are also extremly expensive, one costs 900 000PLN, however in China we can buy it for aproximately 300 000PLN.

Kidneys are the cheapest, the cost equals around 40 000PLN. It is because kidneys are the most commonly transplanted organs.



  1. People decide to illegally purchase organs due to the long waiting time in the queue. Unfortunately, illegal operations are often dangerous to health. Other people decide to sale organs bodies due to the poor financial situation. And interest is booming. So ours body is treated as a product. But it is much more worth especially when our body can help someone. I am for a transplant but free in the hospital for example after my death. I am ready to be a giver.

  2. People decide to illegally purchase organs due to the long waiting time in the queue. Unfortunately, illegal operations are often dangerous to health. Other people decide to sale organs bodies due to the poor financial situation. And interest is booming. So ours body is treated as a product. But it is much more worth especially when our body can help someone. I am for a transplant but free in the hospital for example after my death. I am ready to be a giver.


  3. Why people do that!? Better for everybody would be that they will sell their brains... But, I'm afraid that it'll be bad deal for buyer. Ok, I understand that ill man need this liver, lungs, kidney or whatever to survive, but how he will be feel with thought that somebody sells this because he have to. People are the monsters.

  4. Over the last few years more and more often we hear about the possibility of illegal purchase human organs. People who decide to do this are desperate to save own or their family health, sometimes Life. I mnie this kind of life saving is bad and illegal but everyone should think "what would I do in this situation?", "If I had no choice I would let my mother/father/child die?". I think if we all heave Money, possibility and no other choice we all would do the same - save somebody's life. World is unpredictable, people are being murdered for organ trading, but even when we're dead, we can save somebody's life.

  5. After reading this text I don't know what I should write. For me, it's horrible that still people are killed for their organs. In XXI century... that's awful! Also I haven't known that it's so expensive, because of that people still operate outside the law. And corupted police and other authorities don't help... The scale of phenomenon is huge, we need fight with it. The best question - how?
    We can educate people by social campaignes but results will be slow.

  6. I don't know what to think about it. It is sooo horrible. I don't ever supposed that in these times there are people who kill only for organs. It's insane what people can do because they need money.

  7. Everything you read in this post seems to be so unrealistic. However, unfortunately, all this is true. Such situations take place even in the present times. Unfortunately, I get the impression that they will take place more often. More and more are heard about successful organ transplants that were impossible in the past. I even read an article about the fact that the last organ that can not be transplanted is the brain. That is why theories arise that it can be a kind of "cure for eternal life". This vision, however, is terrifying for me.

  8. This post presents the dark side of organ trade, but let's put it another way: Many people decide for this quite controversial method to save somebody's life as somethimes it can be just the only way to get an organ faster without waiting when you will get it from a legal source. People have, for instance, two kidneys and they can live easily with only one. Also other organs, including liver or lungs can be transplanted from living donors. It goes without saying that it is profitable for those who sell and the people who buy the organs. The question whether it is okay to obtain organs for transplantation in this way has its ethical nature and should be answered by the person who sells it for money and the one who buys it.

  9. I think that the fighting with organ trade should be the priority of the international organisations. It's horrible, especially because of the fact that it mainly affects the poorest people. Moreover, we should fight with the myth that it is important to be buried with all the organs - we can save a lot of lives and reduce the prices of organs which in turn will reduce the number of killing people for organs.
    On the other hand, I believe that the law should be modified and selling organs which are doubled (as kidneys) shouldn't be the crime. Of course, it should be conducted under a detailed control of the state.

  10. It's unjustice that someone can just buy a kidney in the case which the others are waiting the years for a new organe.
    The enviroment international should be ogligated with an illegal trade of organs. This is a disrespect for human body, some family and humanity in genereal. But very important is that we make a decision that our organs can be used for a transplantaion. For us, it's nothing but can save a life.

  11. I must say I can't accept any illigal trade especially if it comes to trade a human body. It is hard to understand for me how someone can even think about forcing someone else to give his kidney or anythig similar. It is outrageous. I must say I really hope that one day medicine will be advanced enough to heal most of diseases without any transplantation.

  12. It is absolutely terrifying. I can't understand why people do such horrible things. Even for money. What is mych scarier is that in some countries it is kind of acceptable. If governments won't start punish this crimes it will be still happening. Someone has to say stop. And people who decide to use organs from illegal sources also put themselves in danger.

  13. It's highly unacceptable that in epoque when the one of the biggest achievement is human rights regulations which in theory works almost arund the world. I think that this problem should be displayed in eyes's f public opinion, and of course that's the goal for politicians from all countries which are obliged to face this terrible, global problem.

  14. It is terrifying, how common is this problem and how many people die because of that. It is shocking that there are governments and people on high position, who assent on that or ignore problem. Law all over the world should be very strict for these crimes and all people, who attend in illegal trade in human organs. Differently it will last as long as it will be profitable.

  15. It is scary but common. However the problem is in people's businesses, debts and difficult situations. It is sad that person because of his problems is forced to do so horrible thing. In my opinion a solution is improvement of live conditions in the world. Then people will not need to sell their organs and whole tradesmans of this thing will go bankrupt. Of course it is very difficult but we as people living in societys should do everything to eliminate this problem from our live.

  16. That's actually one of the things that scares me - a lot of people who are missing supposedly are kidnapped for their organs. It's horrible that people have to do this to save another life, but it's also a reflection of problems in global health service. People have to wait for a long time to even get on a transplantation list, so they're looking somewhere else. I think that tracking down those traders is going to be possible someday, but for now it's impossible.


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