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Social portals


Once, people communicated through a variety of ways. To make contact with new people, we had to move in from one place to another. Elected in long voyages, or various types of letters sent. But the era of computers and the Internet came the new times. Man does not have to have so much trouble to keep in touch or make new friends with someone with similar interests. There followed the era of social portals.

What are social portals?

Social portals are websites that enable communication between people via the Internet. The man who signs up to the portal of this kind will have made ​​possible easy contact with other people. Such portals allow for rapid exchange of information, photographs and various materials (primarily in electronic form). You can express your opinion, share their passions with others, or comment on an important event for us. This is a quantum leap in the direction of interpersonal communication.

Which of the social portals are the most popular?

1. Facebook

This portal was created 4 February 2004 year. Its main founder is Mark Zuckerberg. At the beginning it was a portal from which use Harvard. He had to maintain contact between students and university graduates. Over time, more schools began to cooperate in the creators of the site. At this point, Facebook is a fully independent portal, which already uses more than 500 million users on the world (as of July 2010). Today it is the most popular social portal that has been created. Also filmed a movie about the creation of a portal.

Image retrieved 14 November 2011 from :

2. MySpace

Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe MySpace created in 2003. main purpose of the service is running your own blog, where you can write about yourself and your interests. Important for the portal is also possible to create your own photo gallery and music profiles. Thanks to this portal has a very high popularity in the music industry, film and television. Many musical groups use the portal to their promotion.

Image retrieved 14 November 2011 from :

3. Twitter

Twitter creators were Jack Dorsey, Ev Williams and Biz Stone. They did this in 2006. The program provides a micro blogging service that allows users to survive a text message (no more than 140 characters). Entries can be added via the home page, sending a text message or using other applications. Sent message is then added to the user profile.

Image retrieved 14 November 2011 from :

What are other ways to use social portals?

In addition to using the above methods are still a few around which the dispute have complied. As it turned out, some employers are using social portals to monitor their employees. There were also cases of exemption from work because of comments or pictures thrown on this page. Some companies verify their new employees prior to employment on similar sites. As it turned out medicine also uses the social portals. There are doctors who watch a patient profile on the website helps in making a diagnosis (some of them say that social portals can be addictive for some people).

Although social portals have their bright and dark side, it still is a great step in human communication.


Wikipedia : Retrieved 14 November 2011



  1. I think that social portals are very useful for us, it is very easy way to stay in touch with your friends, even the ones you don't know very much. You can get to know how your friends spend their free time, you can invite them for different events in the city, and what is very important it is free way of communication, you don't have to pay for it so you can talk as much you want;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Today, You need just a few seconds to send a message, image, video or music to somebody and it doesn't matter where You are. This give us great opportunity to maintaining contacts. Unfortunately, despite of all advantages it also have drawbacks. Social networks start to create their own world which is very easy to enter but hard to leave ( it takes a lot of time!). Also users begin to lose their privacy, they “cross the borders” because they want to be spotlight. In plus is fact that they can be in touch with other people or on top without leaving home... I think social networks give us a great chance to make contact, however we should remember that it doesn’t give us a real relationships.

  4. I think that social portals open the whole world for you. You can connect with your friends, family etc. from any place in the world. You can show them in which beautiful places you really are. Even relationships can be started on facebook when you meet someone from another coutry and you don't know how to connect.
    However we have to be careful with it because social portals can pull us inside and we won't distinguish real world from the fake one.

  5. Currently, social networks play in our lives a big role. Everyone wants to have on them a lot of friends, everyone has a lot to say, met the various discussions. They help as much as possible in maintaining contact with friends, but it often happens so that we prefer to talk with someone who lives two houses away in the chat on facebook than go for a walk.

  6. Now social portals are very popular, people can't imagine their life without it... but for a few years this fashion pass, and people find something new to spend their time there.

  7. I agree that social portals are useful- popularity ratings are saying for themselves. However it is necessary to call attention on the fact, that apart from many adwenatages (we can meet a new people, make a friends)Facebook and similar portals have a lot of disadventages.
    One of them is lack of a direct contact. On Facebook we can talk with our friends but we don't know how is their mood, are they happy or sad? In my opinion the best of method of keeping our contact are meetings face to face. On the other hands when we use the social portal we lose our privacy - all, what we are putting on the wall became publish and in one moment it would be uncomfortable for us.

  8. I think social portals have good and bad sides. We can easy communicate and ask out to party or achive information about some events in our city, play games and applications. On the other hands we are still peeping altough we can blockade our personal information all this things will remember by portals records.

  9. I like social websites like Faceobook or GoldenLine. I never have used MySpace, but I heard about it. Through Facebook I can keep a contact with my friends from Spain, USA, Mexico, Germany or Croatia. It's easier and cheaper than by phone or post. Of course, social website network has pluses and minuses. But I think, that people will be responsible and careful everything will be fine.

  10. Social portals are another step in communication. It is easy way to find interesting information and opinions.

  11. Personally, I am against social websites. Of course they allows peapole to contact each other but on the other hand we can not have our privcy anymoore. Not only, can not we hide information about ourselves from our friends but also empleyers may decide whether to employ someone or not based on facebook profile. Which is moore, Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook menagment were accused of selling privete information to goverments or corporations. Still, the good thing about social websites, especialy facebook and twitter is that they had helped revolutionists in arabic countries.

  12. I think that social networking sites have their advantages and disadvantages like most things. thanks to them we can communicate with other people, very simply and quickly and get to know many new people. However I think that no portal can't replace face to face contact.

  13. Social portals changed our point of view for people social connections. Sometimes, instead of meeting friends, we more like to sit in front of computer and chat with them.
    In my everyday's life I think that I could live without any social portals. But on the other hand, my school and work make me so busy, that I don't have time to meet my friends every week. So I have to write with them, even if I don't like it.
    But there is also third side of the problem - social portals are not only places to meet with friends, but they are also great places to read some news. Let's see how many companies make their advertising campaigns on Facebook. Because I don't watch TV, I can gather information about new products of my favorite firms.

  14. Of course that social network can't replace face to face contact, but can help them maintain. Sometimes we don't have enought time, sometimes the distance separates us from friends. Important to remember that real life doesn't revolve on the Internet. Besides, thanks to social network, we can have permanent access to some information that really interest us, receive notification of events. I see a danger in this, but I think that if we preserve moderation, will be ok.

  15. Now social portals are very important and necessary in world when people have really little time for each other. Social networks are useful in keeping relationships with friends who are in another city or even another country.

  16. The main advantage for example of Facebook is that the many information important for me are on the one website, one page so I haven't move to another website to check another information. Generally it is good but someone forgot about real life.

  17. I use social portals like facebook to comunicate with my friends. There are also many informations about my studies: term of exams, notes from the lectures, etc. I don't spend much time on this sides, becouse I prefere face-to-face cantact, I communicate with others only, when I have to make a quick question. I don't publish there any informations about me and my life (like notes what i'm doing at the moment).

  18. I definitely prefer Twitter. After best years of facebook, it's the best place to share idea, and observations. I belive this is one of the best source of information too. What a pitty that in Poland, big part of users come from jurnalist world.
    I don't like in facebook, that people deserve to be "the best" and "super famous" there. I hate "wall" messed by some random spam for example. I don't even think about all those stupid photos...
    Ofcourse it sound crazy, but I hope, in future social portals going to be age restricted. Generally a lot of kids will benefit on that move.

  19. I can not imagine my day without social portals. I think it is a technological marvel - I can contact in a few seconds with my friends all over the world, show them my latest pictures, allow them to comment what I'm doing and keep contact with me. Social portals make it possible to "show off" your professional achievements too, which today is also helpful in finding a good job. Of course there are disadvantages such portals, such as selling privacy and the ability to track us by people who we do not want to give informations about us, but if you use these sites wisely - nothing bad can happen.

  20. Social portals Social portals are very important in our lives because they allow you to keep in touch with friends. People can use these to control what happens in their environment, in city between friends or in school. Users from portals formed a small society.On this portal you have information important for you(only one page), If you have a few minutes you can talk witch friend for free in bus in plain anywhere you want.Next advantage is that they are very easy to use.

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