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Rail transport in the world

Rail transport it millions vehicles, railway tracks, stations, billions passangers and tons of products. A correct working of trains is necessary for national economies. Transport of people, products and resources is one of the main problems in nowadays. Maybe, trains are the solution of the problem?

I would like to show trains in different countries - the best systems of rail transport and the worst.

1. India

In India the rail transport is a good development, but it isn't enough for a good service of needs. It's normal, that people are on the roof of train. For us may be it very dangerous and horrible, but not for them. Trains are old and slow, a technical infrastructure is neglected.

Nevertheless, goverment of India plans build High Speed Rail. It will be about 900 km of very modern, fast and safe mean of transport.

2. Japan

Japan has one of the best rail transport on the world. Japanese trains are modern, fast and punctual. All rail system is 23 474 km long. The first line of High Speed Rail (HSR) built in Japan in 1964. Actually, HSR is 1850 km long. The fast trains run over 500 km per hour! They connect major Japanese cities.

3. Germany

Germany is famous for excellent rail. This mean of transport is very popular in Germany. Delays are almost never. Maybe they haven't the fastest trains on the world, but they have faster trains than in Poland. Unfortunately, the prices of tickets aren't low. For example, Germans students haven't a discount like we. But if you have a special card you may buy tickets with a discount.

Main railway station in Berlin. It looks like airport, not station...

Photo: own photo

4. Poland

In Poland is a big system of rail, but technical condition isn't satisfactory. Length of all railway lines is 19 336 km. The main company is Polskie Koleje Państwowe (Polish National Rail), but it includes many other companies. Probably, all Poles laugh from trains unpunctuality. In the picture below to the right is: "Summit unpunctuality. Late for a train in Poland".

It should be noted the Polish railways is modernized. Grants from EU are a strong motivation to renovation.

Train may be ecological, fast, safe and cheap. I almost always go by train. It's more comfortable than bus, for example.

Do you think that a train will be main mean of transport on the world? Do you like go by train? Please, answer in comments.

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  1. It is very funny photo from India;) I think that all of us are dreaming about trains like in Japan... Fast, no delays, speed 500 km per hour- in Poland fantasy. It's a pity because trains are very comfortable way of transport. And I think that when it is organized in a good way it can be main mean of transport. Unfortunatelly not in Poland. I really regret it because every week I go by train to Lodz. Anyway, I like travelling by train;)

  2. Similar pictures of trains in India, we can also sometimes see in newspapers. It's terrible conditions in which people travel there.
    Every day I reach the train to the University and I must say that riding a 6-7 in the morning is not a pleasure. About this time seated on the places that don't even have dreamed of. at this time trains run fairly often, but they are overcrowded.
    Twice a month I go to Lodz and fortunately trip here looks much better.
    I like to go by train, but not during the week at 7 am;)

  3. I always go home by train. Every time it takes about 5-6 hours and every time a train is full. Sometimes I have lucky and I find sitting place, but sometimes not and this time I really hate PKP.
    I prefer train that every other mean of transport, but I don't like it anyway. I want to have a skill of teleportation ;)

  4. Sometimes I think that we are convergeto inhabitants of India if we talk of number of passengers waiting for the one's train:) I was in eighteen when I first travelled by train. It was very interesing experience - fast,cheaply and comfortable. However my image about Polish trains become utopian very quickly. How the academic year only started everything changed. Today I always think that I ,,fit" to the train, before I will go on the station. I am dreaming about travel in Polish by train, similar to that, which we can meet in Japan. Whether is it a realistic dream?

  5. In my opinion we needn't very fast rail. We have very good infrastructure, but in bad condition. So we should renovate present infrastructure, becouse it will be cheaper and more efficient. Maybe later, we can think about High Speed Railway.

  6. I think that we shouldn't complain about our railway system. Look how it's in India. xD In my opinion trains will be the main way of transport but on short distances. On longer ways planes are still unbeatably faster and more comfortable.

  7. I travel by trains very often and I like this kind-transport because it is much more convenient and cheaper than traveling by bus. But it bothers me that the trains are very crowded and, for example, if you travel in the Friday afternoon that you can only dream of a free seat. I hate rail transport in the winter because trains always have the very long delays.It is no cheat. Poles can only dream of such trains as are in japan or in Germany.

  8. Railway is a better means of transport than cars because we can send materials, resources and people for long distances and it is cheaper than the use cars. Railway is a relatively safe means of transport. Unless you travel on the roof. Travelling by train is grossly comfortable because when you want to sleep or eat you can go to a special waggon. Personally I like travelling by train. Additionally, I give you a fantastic movie about the polish corporation PKP.

    Have fun.

  9. In my opinion rail transport is one of the most important mean of transport. A lot of people travet by train everyday to work or to school. It is the best way to travel around our country. Tharvelling by rail is often faster than by car, because we don't have to stay in traffic jams and we don't have to think about place to park. Another advantage is of course price- it is cheaper to buy train ticket than to fuel u a petrol. It also make advantage for our environment. Besides this advantages, I just like travelling by train- looking through the window and observe differend landscapes. Opposites this advantages there are also some disadvantages. The most important of them is the timetable- in Poland it is normal that trains become on the station with a big delay...

  10. Rail transport is the best transport on land for industry. Because it's helpful to transport each of materials. For common people better is transport by own car. Beacuse we can go everywhere we want and travelling by car is comfortable than train. Maybe someone likes traveling by train but it's only my opinion.

  11. Rail transport is very good way to move. It could be the best way to transport in future. In Japan trains reach 300 km/h. It's faster then normal car and i think very comfortable. I very like traveling by train. You can stand up whenever you want and go to walk.

  12. I got a good information for you! I used to travel by so many differen trains arount the world, and mostly they are similar to polish condidiotn. Ok, meaby they are not so late, but price and comfort are close to our standart. In west Europe you can choose some extra conditions, but it cos a lot! TGV is extreamly expensive (more than 80 euro for the lowest class).
    What was your longest train delay? Once I moved to Gdańsk from Warsaw in 14 houers, instead of 6. BTW In totaly crowded hall. LOL

  13. In Polend traveling by train is very expensive and uncomfortable. In last holiday i was in Gdansk by train, I bought ticket to Inter city and train was very destroyed, smelly, and train was traveling 10 hours...
    I like Travelling by train only short spaces,this is more comfortable than the bus, you can get up and take a walk, of course I like only if I go to the new train for example skm. I think train will not be main mean of transport on the world because train ride only on the tracks, and not commute to any place.

  14. They Pakistani Escorts are totally arranged and Lahore Escorts can take everyone to the healthy perspective regardless Karachi escorts.


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