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Every single past decade Internet user must has heard about Google- one of the most efficient Internet search engines.


Google is a play on the word “googol-the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The name reflects the immense volume of information that exists, and the Google’s mission: to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.


The company established by two Stanford Univeristy students in 1998 is a phenomenon, in ten years transforming from a small start up into a worldwide company, expanding rapidly and conquering almost every new popular Internet technology.

After building its position with the help of Google search engine, the company developed and marketed new products like Google Chrome,Gmail, Youtube or Google Buzz which makes the company big enough to start thinking about taking on niches so far occupied by giants sort of Microsoft or Apple.

So unusual may seem fact that the main source of revenue for organization are advertisements. Google generates profit through its completely self-made AdWords program. This is the factor that possibly has had the biggest impact on the company’s success – offering products to people with no fees included, completely for free. Who would not be interested if he had been offered a high-quality service without paying anything?

But what is really astonishing, it is the way people work there, completely different than in 99% of other big companies- this is the genuine Google Corporate Culture.


  • Googleplex

What is so extraordinary about atmosphere out ine the Google offices and laboratories? – the unconventional offices. Buildings are built the way they could let as much sunlight in as it is possible.. There is a lot of open swimming pools and numerous cafeterias. And now you should realize that you’re imagining Googleplex, a huge Google Incorporated headquarters.

  • Unconvencional Offices

The unconventional offices. It’s the main factor that makes Google company so extraordinary. Physical space matters. It’s easier to be productive, creative and happy at work in a colourful, organic, playful environment than in a grey, linear, boring one.

Depending on the country, every office has some local expressions like mural in Buenos Aires or ski gondolas in Zurich, which reflects each office’s personality. Funny and fancy accents like lava lamps and indoor bike lanes in the Nethelands (employees may use bikes to move through the complex), large inflatable balls in Dublin office.


In Headquarters of the company employees have access to various facilities, allowing relax the mind and the body like swimming pool, sand volleyball court or gyms that offer yoga and dance classes.

There are also a lot of funny and fancy accents like lava lamps and indoor bike lanes in the Netherlands (employees may use bikes and mopeds to move through the complex). Moreover shuttle buses system has been launched that brings people to work every day.

Besides there are multiple buffets, healthy lunches and dinners for all staff are served at a variety of cafés.


Not only is so in the General headquarters, but in every single Google office in the world. For example: climbing wall in Boulder- USA California, slides in Zurich, large inflatable balls and funny desk potato heads in Dublin office. In addition, in every Google complex there are employee groups for all interests, like meditation, film, wine tasting and salsa dancing.

Besides, there are multiple buffets. Healthy lunches and dinners for all staff are served at a variety of cafés. In the picture we can see one of the Google’s canteen with foosball.

Google feeds its employees well. If you work at the Googleplex, you can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner free of charge. There are several cafés located throughout the campus, and employees can eat at any of them. The main café is Charlie's Place where the use of fresh, organic food and healthy meals is promoted.

The café has several stations, each offering different kinds of cuisine. Options range from vegetarian dishes to sushi and ethnic foods from around the world. Most buildings have a snack rooms which offer candy, granola, chocolate-coated pretzels, juices, coffees and other goodies. All of it is free to employees.

  • The approach to an employee

In Google common is belief that the work should be challenging and challenge should be fun. Loose atmosphere in the office area influences employees creativity and liberates bulk of ideas, which elaborated in friendly surroundings may evolve into something really valuable, even more than those made up in casual, stressful corporate circumstances. Proper environment contributes to overall success of the company.

In comparison to other huge high tech industry companies, the approach to an individual employee in Google differs considerably.Management supports fresh ideas and inventing new things. A computer engineer working for Googe is not limited olny to do the tasks he is acquainted with every team meeting, he is encouraged to propose crazy, sometimes even absurd ideas, which may develope into one of another Google top products like it was for example with Gmail or Google News. Employees are even ordered to spend about 20% of their time to work on their own projects. People work more effectively, with more efficiency when they are working on something they like, are interested in or passionate about. Google’s will to take as much as possible from the time spent in work by engineer is based on conviction that every single employee has active life out of the workplace and bringing small pieces from there to the lab helps in the development of the whole company.


1.You can be serious without a suit –the atmosphere may be casual,more important than the outfit are ideas and people -energetic, passionate from diverse backgrounds with creative approaches to work, play and life

2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well-The company is focused exclusively on solving search problems, it’s always better to be a specialist on one field than do plenty of things on the average

3. Great just isn’t good enough Google remembers that a company must develope all the time and become better and better

4.The need for information crosses all borders –Google’s mission is to facilitate access to information for the entire world, and in every language. Thanks to the Google translation tools, people can discover content written on the other side of the world in languages they don‘t speak.


Google established its position as one of the best employers in the world and, at the same time, one of the most competitive Internet and Software industry companies. Pushing people to work not by a threat but by an incentive makes them work more effectively and allows them to creative. And as we can see satisfied workers contribute to the company’s success.

Other sources:
Retried 20 November 2011

Thank you


  1. This is very original topic. I didnt know such things about Google. I like especially the fact that Google's employees can work in comfortable way , I mean no suits just your knowledge, places to relax, accomodation that makes your work more effectively. The presentation is very proffessional. Good job! :)

  2. My friend had been making a placement in Google in Zurich - she said, that it's such as on this photos. For her it was a great time.

    I didn't know what is the source of Google's name - now I know ;)

  3. I think that Google is the best place to work. I have visited Google in Warsaw once and I can tell it's the most amazing workplace in the world. This presentation is 100% true. They have a movie room and some other places to relax. One of the employees told me that they even have a sauna in the basement (didn't confirmed). Very good article.

  4. Congratulations! Your presentation is a very interesting. Finally I know why Google is Google. This presentation shows that Google is a very respectable company. I envy the employees such work. I regret that Polish companies don'tt provide such working conditions. I can't imagine that Google couldn't exist because I use this Internet search engine every day.

  5. I agree with you, it's very good article. I use Google very often (Gmail, Google Chrome) but i didn't know many things about this Internet search engine and work of people, who create this "Internet world". It's very interesting. However I think that missing something about dangers connected with the activity of this company. For many people (for example me, unfortunately) Google is irreplaceable, but I know that they process a lot of information about users too. In a result they know everything about us and they can control us. This scares me a little.

  6. I really love that you chose Google for your presentation :) I'm really into the topic of Google, because of my faculty and my personal interests. Actually, I am trying to get an internship in the USA for next year.
    I have to dispel the dream of Google - it actually is a really hard work what people are doing there. It's of course challenging and developing but if you think that programmers work is simple - you are wrong. Sometime there are days that you simply can't create anything, but then comes deadline and everything has to be finished. It's quite exhausting, because sometimes you have to sit up late and work.
    But for me working in Google would be a dream job - working with most creative and brilliant people on earth must be really fun ;)

  7. I never wondered how google arose or how the works there.
    Very interesting presentation and it can be really a lot to learn about the site that really makes it easy to move all through the Internet.
    I think this is a good place to work paying attention to how well the employees there are treated.

  8. It is very interesting presentation. I didn't know all this things about Google. Although I use it very often. I think that most people who use computers use Google as well. And everyone can dream to be treated at work in the same way as Google employees are treated ;)

  9. It's very good topic, especially that now google are everywhere. I like it because we can without any trouble find interesting things. Due to this article we know what look like google's business premises and how works their employees.

  10. I love Google, Iuse it every day. It is so good that this company tke care of their employees. I want work there!;) Good topic.

  11. Google ... one of the best sites on the Internet. It's all from my part, P

  12. I can not imagine life without Google! Extra facilitate, helpful in every problems. It's one of those technological marvels which make our life easier :) Thank God for Google! :)

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