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Wage discrimination or not?

Data from the Central Statistical Office show that women on average receive about 20% less pay than men. The average men earns 4248 gross, that is 3026 net. In turn, the average women earns 3541 gross, that is 2533 net.

An analysis of the average salary in the so-called 'great' occupational groups shows that in the case of office workers, the average salary for men is 2320 net, and for women in 2277 .

For example, in the group of "experts" men on average earn about 1 thousand. net more. However, for this group we include both teachers and developers. The teaching profession is virtually feminized, while among the better-paid male-dominated programmers. Contrary to appearances, the differences did not blurred in the case of lower-paid positions, such as men employed in elementary occupations earn an average of 1,856 net, and women almost 400 less.

in wages of 20% at first glance indicate that in Poland there is an incredible wage discrimination, which you have to fight by all available means. However, the case is not as obvious as
it seems.

Wage differentials in the public sector
From the
NIK report shows that differences in wages in the public sector in the groups comparable positions due to the role for all institutions fully given organizational unit in which the worker is employed. Women earn less because they generally occupy lower paid positions such institutions often than men are employed in the departments responsible for the organization and administration of the work.
In turn,
men go to the specialized departments responsible for the tasks of the unit. Such stations are better remunerated. Also give more opportunities to the sophistication of overtime, etc. There was no misconduct on the selection of employees for specific positions where education plays a crucial role, seniority and competence. At the same time NIK checked if there is no wage discrimination when the man and woman occupy comparable positions. Weaknesses were found only in 3.4% of couples, which can be considered as margin.

Wage differentials in the private sector

The report "Discrimination in employment on grounds of sex" prepared by the Office of the analysis and documentation of the Senate Chancellery that in the private sector wage differentials are larger than in the public.

In the EU, women have to work an average of 14 months to earn as much as men in the year. At the same time, the report clearly indicated that differences in wages due to the fact that women often choose lower paid occupations in the sectors of care, education and health. In the report, no reason given and no data to suggest that women employed in similar positions - are significantly discriminated against. This does not mean that this phenomenon does not

CSO confirmed that Poles  spend an average of 39.4 hours per week in work. On average, men are working about four hours longer than women. Women work 37.1 hours a week and gentlemen - 41.3 hours .

Also, women are more likely than men to work part-time - 11% of women vs. 5.4 % of men doing work part-time. At the same time men often work in more than one place. Decides to it about 7.8 % of working men compared to 5.7 % of working women .

There are a number of reasons for the disparities , but the most important of them comes down to determining that women usually devote themselves to the care of children - use of sick leave , parental leave and maternity . It affects on the time of their work , which indirectly has impact on wage formation . It remains an open question whether these elements are included in the definition of wage discrimination ?

CSO data, the EC and control of the SCC does not negate the existence of the phenomenon of wage discrimination based on sex in the sense of deliberate undervaluation of women to men holding a similar position. Only confirms the thesis that it is not a common problem in Poland, because the reasons for the differences arise from the fact that men work longer hours, often choose better-paid jobs, they spend less time on sick leave, rarely decide to parental leave, etc. It affects the statistics of salaries, which at first glance suggests that women on average earn less.

And now question for you:
What do you think about this topic?
Are women really undervaluated?
Do you know any other reasons why men earn more money?



  1. In my opinion there is no valid reason a woman should be paid less than a man for doing the same job. But I think women get less than mens income because women can't do everything what men can do like working in dangerous and dirty place. Especially men are stronger than women and they can do anything like going to army.For example when student finish high school the girl student choose nurse carrier and boy choose doctor so its make the difference in salary. In company also women are working easiest work than men and men are helping women after he done his work. Its show that why there is a wage gap in man and women. But in today's world all should be equal and everyone should get same amount in same work .

  2. I think its really popular topic at the moment, becouse of rising more and more of feminist movement. For sure it has some basics in the past, becouse the salary amounts didn't came from nothing. I think that women are not undervaluated. They just earn that much, as they work for. No one talks about how more privileges women has, that men dont. I dont know any reason why men earn more. Maybe they do, becouse thats how this world works?

  3. I think that this is unfair that women earn less than men. There is no evidence than men do their job better than women. It is disappointing that women which do their best have paid less than men only because they are women. What is more I believe that salary should reflect our work, not sex. That is why I think that wage should be rather comparable.

  4. I've never considered on it. I've never heard about different salary for women and men for the same job. In my opinion men often work in worse condition ( works performed at the height, carry a burden). I think it is the most important case of different salary. I would't call it as discrimination. I'm working, I don't feel something like that. If men and women work in the office, on the same post, they will earn the same wage.

  5. I think that there is disproportion between women and men salaries.Even after many protests and actions connected with it.Secondly,women are rather rarely promote than men.One of the reason could be the fact,that employers think that women can go on maternity leave or after some time,want to have more free time for children,Women are generalised,because not all of them behave in that way.There is one of the reason why employer want to give better position to men.In my opinion,women are better at job,because they are more responsible and accurate.

  6. I have to agree that in some cases still exists problem with different salaries between men and women. Men are considered to be more committed to their work and according to other stereotype women are more involved to their family life. Luckily more and more often women are treated the same way as men at companies, because in most of them the most important factor during the employment is education and experience.

  7. It's obviously a difficult case to be given a simple answer. What I'm aware of is that men and women are are different, and therefore they are better/worse at different things. There are statements about awerage gender skills, which imply where usually a man would succeed and where a woman.
    On the other hand, statistics can not be decisive in individual cases and everyone should be paid equally to his effects. Woman are often undervaluated - esspecially when it comes to the work they do at home.
    Men earn more money because they are supposed to feed the family, but is it so? I'm sure stereotypes shouldn't be the basis of salaries.

  8. In my opinion wage discrimination is a huge problem and it is truly inappropriate that nothing is being done to change it. Women earn less both in public and private sector. In particularly hopeless situation are young women as employers are afraid that they want to raise their own familys and are not focused enough. Actually I do not understand this situation, taking into account the fact that women are statistically better educated than men. Undoubtedly, something needs to be done to change this wage inequality.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I also think that there is no reason a woman should be paid less than man for doing the same job. This is big problem and discrimination. Our salary should reflect our work, experience and skills not just sex. In my opinion this problem will be getting smaller but our salary also depends on our boss and his opinion.

  11. The wage gap is a very complex issuse and it's also full of myth. I'm glad that some of the myth were debunked in your post and video. The only rational solution that I see, it's to pay someone for their skill.

  12. I think that this topic is "on time" at the present time. In many companies, industries can be observed discrepancies in pay between men and women. Sometimes, it's not about lower or higher position, but the work with similar requirements. You could say that men work more, harder and longer than women. However, most women now being able to work at the same level as men. Therefore, there is no reason that women earned less just because they are women. Salary should be dependent on the quantity and quality of work done, not because of the gender of the worker.
    The problem of lower wages of women is unfortunately true. I must consider this as discrimination. Women as well as men can work in companies, factories, and even serve in the military, why could not receive the same salary as men?
    It seems to me that men can earn more money than men, because they are considered to be more stable employees. Many companies are concerned that as employ a woman, she becomes pregnant and you will have to look for a replacement. Involves an additional cost. Therefore, more cost effective to employ a man and offering him a slightly higher salary than paying two people. However, it is my opinion Besides one of the reasons for the current situation in the matter of wages.

  13. In my opinion this is a huge problem, and the fact that different sectors are occupied by different sexes isn't an explanation, but just one of the symptoms of the problem. Instead of focusing on numbers it is better to think about the heart of the case, which is why women usually don't occupy director's positions etc and finally find a solution to that problem. And unfortunately there are cases when women is paid less although she does the same work

  14. I think that the case of wage discrimination isn't so simple. The problem is still alive maybe not in the same level like in the past but constantly we can see examples of wage discrimination. I don't know why. I think that sex shouldn't play in this case any role, only skills and knowledge. It hard to say why there is such situation but I think that for sure a big infulence on it has history and tradition. In the past, position of women and men was different than today and I think it has a big impact on the current outlook and maybe it is one of the reason wage discrimination.

  15. I think that we should be paid for the work we do the same, gender bias is unfair. Of course, if woman does manual labour and she is weaker and slower than man, lower salary is justifable - productivity differentials cause wage disparity. But why should I get less money than my male workmate if the quality of our work is the same? It is said that we are discriminated because there is a risk that we will go for maternity leave. Not all of us will do that - quite often we can hear about women who go back to work three weeks after labour. And why don't employers consider that men are more likely to go on convalescent leave? Men more often provoke risky situations and they do not care much about their health. What is more, we should not forget that paternity leaves are getting more and more popular. So we can see that possibility of long absence in work is quite high among people of both sexes - I believe that in this case differences in salaries are too big and it should be changed.

  16. In my opinion it is a problem, because i dont know why but lot of people think that women are worst workers than male workers. maybe it's because women can get pregnant, go to maternity leave what is linked up with less effective work. but the worst is fact, that on science studies male professors are trying to convince girls students that they are just a women, they cant work on construction and so on. but why not? I reckon that its really good that this subject is more popular now, because we live in XXI centrury and someday this diference between women and man pay should end. I dont want to sound like feminist, so there are of course some jobs just for men. e.g I cant imagine women working in mine, its really hard work and in my opinion reserved only for men, and this is one example why men should earn more.

  17. I don't think that we could name it as a wage discrimination. As it was said in the article, salary depends on the occupation, work time and other factors, that are not gender related. The main reason for those differences in statistic data is the fact, the women choose worst payed fields than men. Another thing is that in most cases woman is the one who stays home with child. This makes a great influence too. And there are a lot of women that make more money than men do. To be fair, I have to say that if you are good at what you are doing - you will earn good money - no matter if you are a man or a woman. Some statistic can't show the real picture of the job market.

  18. Wage disproportion is a big problem in all European countries. A lot of governments have an idea to change something by legal regulations. In my opinion any regulations aren’t needed.
    There is no circumstance that nowadays, women earns less but we need a little critical thinking during analyzing data. Like Michał said, one of main reason why women earn less it that they usually look after children. At present, model of family is changing. It is difficult to found young match who thing about having more than one child. Wages dispersion is smaller ten 10 years ago so it is not an extraordinary situation when dad taking leave to care for sick child. Furthermore, thanks to Internet a lot of works can by do effective from home instead of office. So women become more flexible and reliable employee. What is more women are better educated than in the past. So they are able to work on a higher position.
    As a women I get angry when I hear that for the same job I may earn about 20% less than my male friend but it seems to me that it will be changing in the future.

  19. The wage diffrences are very annoying and this is good that we are aware of it and we should fight with this discrimination. I think that fack that we are women or men shouldn't have inflence on our salary. Even if it is more common for woman to take care of children we shouldn't think stereotypicaly. I hope that it will change very fast.

  20. I think it is very interesting topic. It can be perceive like a problem so IT is good to talk about it. I don’t work now so I don’ t see this problem in my life but if I give consideration I think it is stereotypical attempt. Because for ages that men should earn for family what I think is good. Women have always more domestic duties and should work less time. Next argument is that men have more power(stength, endurance) so maybe they can do more at work. But it is very not fair if man earn more of women when he work as much as she, at the same level.

  21. Wage discrimination can be a problem, but it depends on a company and an employer. I think it's unfair if a woman earns less than a man. However she is sometimes worse employer, because she spents more time with her children, she can always be pregnant etc. In my opinion it doesn't mean she should earn less, people should understand that it's hard to join a few social roles in a one person...

  22. Discrimination against women still exists. For me it is very sad and frustrating. Unfortunately, women only recently have the full rights and that iswhy is this situation. Rather, improving, and I hope that at the end of discrimination disappear. Still there is a stereotype that a woman does not have time. Outside of work she takes care about children and cleaning and cooking. According to me, women have greater benefits than men. But the world has adapted the male point of view. Women should still fight for their rights. Must have a choice of what they want to do in life.

  23. It's reall annoying for me that we are living in the XXI century and we still can see this "battle of genders". In my opinion we should end forever with this discrimination, it can't be that this difference if I'm women or men shouldn't have any influence on how many money we can earn. Women must fight for they rights and I agree with them.

  24. It's acknowledged that wage discrimination has existed since "the down of humanity". The difference in earnings among employees especially women keeps most of them awake at night. It's so unfair that women, who hold the same position as men earn considerably less. We live in really strange times indeed when despite existing the equal rights, the sterner sex is treated much better when it comes to pay packet. I don't know any relevant reason of this problem but undoubtedly it's about time to change it!

  25. In my opinion womens are definitely undervaluated. Excuses that we earn less due to the fact that we work less or more often use maternity leave is not fair. I feel like only because women is the one who is pregnant, our role in society is reduce to being a housewife... Meanwhile womens often work 24/7. They need to be great workers in job as well as good mothers and wives in home. I think we should do everything what is in our power to improve conditions in which womens work. It is scary that many womens are affraid to have a baby because they may lose their jobs. We need to see the power of womens and give them chance to prove their value.

  26. I think that person should be evaluated because of their results, not their gender. If someone do their job effectively he/she ought to be appreciated. I've never felt an undervaluation as a woman, but my job experience is really low. Because of that, I can't mention any other reasons why men earn more money.

  27. Well. It's not that easy and simple. That's right, women often earn less. I know that it is associated with the fact that the employer must remember that women can be in pregnant, be on maternity leave and once a month woman are less effective. However, this is not right, because woman must carry a child to permanent population. I think that we should respect them. Women are doing as much work as they can, just as men do. I have very mixed feelings about the lower salary for woman. There are positions in which women perform better, and there are those in which men are better.

  28. Wage discrimination is a really interesting topic. I decided to find out some information about it. According to the freshest Hay Group research, women earn average 4 % less than men in Poland. The Hay Group explains that the roots of this situation lay in a stucture of employment. Amount of women working on low positions is 2 times larger than men. What is more they wrote that woman don't have boldness to negotiate their salary. That is why they often have smaller income than men who are at the same position (they probably have negotiated firmly).
    However, it isn't an explanation. Why people who have the same responsibilities don't earn the same money? I am aware of the fact that in the past women stayed at home, took care about childres, cooked, cleaned etc.. With the course of time the situation has changed. Nowadays we (women) have as many opportunities as men, we can study, we are wise, clever... and I think that employers have to take it into consideration and make our salaries as high as mens.

  29. I think it’s all connected with social roles witch are choosing by women. If for someone the most important thing is to be good mother, she will probably work less or she won’t build up her career such as others who have different world view. In consequence ‘good mothers’ probably are ‘worst employers’ especially during some period of time, when children are small.

  30. I think that women are undervaluated to noone else but theirselfs.
    Anytime your trying to get a job you must first sign a contract before
    you start working, so you know what your sallary will be like. If you
    find it to low just go find another job! Many employers just think that
    man can be more effective than women, if a women can prove she wokrs better than she can alawys try to get a rise, if she really wokrs as good,
    then she won't be rejected for sure, noone want to lose good worker!

  31. Everyone should be paid for his/her efficiency and responsibility he/she takes, gender should have nothing to do with that, aspacially nowadays when some of men are more womenlike than women themselfs and the other way round.

  32. I have seen a lot of discussions in media recently about this topic. It is connected with feminism movement which is based on equal rights for women in society and it is still a problem even in countries like United States. I think nowadays we can see inequality but women will have the same position in society as men in the near future.
    The reason why men earn more money is because of conservative opinion around the world. Women were always seen as soft and weak, so they are undervaluated.

  33. I think thah it dependes on the profession. For example women are desirable as a teacher. Unfortunately it is often the case that women earn less than men. It's becaouse of the RISK of getting pregnant by woman or caring for a sick child. Then the employer will incur certain costs and losses. However, this is slowly changing, and now increasingly mans be with a sick child. So I think that over the next few years, that will change.

  34. In my opinion there is no excuse for paying women less than men if they're doing the same things. There are many jobs dedicated for men, because of their physical predispositions, however there are a lot of jobs which are good both for men and women and in every single case of this situation, they should be payed equally.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I think that women often choose different jobs than men. They often work for society like for example teachers, psychologists or nurses. Such jobs often don’t allow to earn a lot of money but I think that women are happy doing it. In my opinion women have different priorities than men, they usually sacrifice their time for families or relationships whereas men often don’t need it in such measurement. I wouldn’t say that women are discriminated nowadays, they can work there where they want.

  37. In my case it is hard to say anything, because I don’t know any woman who would be undervaluated at work. To my mind the most important thing in this topic is the fact that we discuss it. It show that the society is changing and there is a hope for equality.

  38. I agree with reasons why women get lower salary that are shown in presentation, for example they go more often on parental leave and focus on satisfaction insted of money. I think that men are more likely to choose jobs connected with science and engeeniering which are usually better paid than humanities. However, women and men who are on the same position should earn the same amount of money because they do the same job. Gender does NOT matter.

  39. I agree with reasons why women get lower salary that are shown in presentation, for example they go more often on parental leave and focus on satisfaction insted of money. I think that men are more likely to choose jobs connected with science and engeeniering which are usually better paid than humanities. However, women and men who are on the same position should earn the same amount of money because they do the same job. Gender does NOT matter.

  40. Unfortunately, still a lot of people and employers are convinced that men are better workers than women. They set goals and strive for them, do not cry and work very hard and good. Women can not do hard work and are not as much clever as men, she has children and houseworks So she can not focused on her job. All of this is not the True. The situation is completely different and wemen very often are better workers than mens. It depend on concrete person.
    And everyone at the same possition should earn the same money.

  41. In my opinion the gap between men and women nowadays is less and less visible. But it doesn't men it's gone. Maybe that's because since the begining men were working and women was supposed to look nice? I think that men can work longer, take more difficult tasks and even help women. Maybe employers trust men more easily?
    It would be nice if everyone earn the same amount of money (on the same positions) but our world is not equal and it won't be.

  42. Men are supposed to be a wage-earners. It hasn't changed for ages. That's why men are more focused on rearning money - it's their the most important duty. They feel under pressure. Adding to this your arguments we have an answer why men get better salalary. So women, don't feel unvalueted. There is many other areas in which we can dominate:)

  43. A wage discrimination is a really big problem these days. It is said that women earn fewer than men. Wage disproportion is thought to depend on an occupation and a position in the working place. For woman it is so frustrating. When it comes to this article, I think that the author shows only women like people who spend the most time with children.
    Some of the profession are mainly destined for men – constructor, engineer or trucker.
    In my opinion, people should be evaluated by their profession, skills, working experience but not by their sex. I can’t understand explaining that women earn less because of maternity leave or sick leave. Statistic speaking it affect on the time of their work and of course on lower salaries. Probably it makes a sense but not only this factor influence on a wage. It probably depends also on a profession. Gender doesn’t matter. This treatment should be changed into equality.

  44. It was a good topic. No doubt for it. There is a salary problem between men and women. It's sad that some corporations don't want to do something with this. It's not only in Poland but it happnes all over the world. For example, in Japan women not only have lower salary than men, but also if women get pregnant they have to put a resignation of job and focus on raising children. Permanently. Of course, there some exceptions, bit still, most of them must choose what is important for them. Household or career. However. I know a type of job, where salary is the same. It's selling.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I think that the problem is even more complexed. If we pay someone for hours of their work we need to constantly watch that person if he or she is really working and can't really say if that work is productive. If we start to pay for work that is actually made it would be much easier and also employers can't manipulate our wages.
    Differs in men and women wages are also cultural. It was always men's duty to gather food and protect family and as we see there is a huge problem to get over with that stereotype.

  47. I personally believe that women are still undervalued in Poland and this problem is not only the matter of differences in making various personal choices or working long hours. After speaking with my friends I can assume that wages of men and women can differ even in the same position, especially in private sector. However I can only assume that, because salaries are top secret in Poland and it is forbidden to discuss about it with colleagues at work. That lack of transparency is also one of the reasons why wages in polish companies varies so much even on the same position. The main reasons why some people get better salaries that the other are of course better qualifications but also higher self-esteem and higher financial expectations.

  48. It was always a difficult and controversial topic. But it's very important. Women are fighting for their rights for ages. I can see, that there are not so many differences in wages of men and women. Somewhere, where there are outrageous differences in salary beetwen men and women it's of course very amiss, and something must be done with it.
    Recently, there have been a loud discussion about the earnings of tennis players - men and women. And I think there is not so easy to decide. Tennis male players are playing longer matches, and their shows are more popular. So it is not so simple.

  49. It was always a difficult and controversial topic. But it's very important. Women are fighting for their rights for ages. I can see, that there are not so many differences in wages of men and women. Somewhere, where there are outrageous differences in salary beetwen men and women it's of course very amiss, and something must be done with it.
    Recently, there have been a loud discussion about the earnings of tennis players - men and women. And I think there is not so easy to decide. Tennis male players are playing longer matches, and their shows are more popular. So it is not so simple.

  50. The World isn't fair! And it'll never be. Sometimes people do a lot and get a lot of money too... Sometimes poeple do nothing and still get a lot of money, because they have any conections or they know important person. Sometimes doesn't mean always and we must try to improve this thing...

  51. I was aware of existance of a "wage gap" before reading this article. This topic is a little bit more complicated then author of this blog suggests. This topic may touch him personally, yet there is no excuse for calling wage gap in Poland "incredible" when it is much lower below european everage. In Poland it is below 7%, whereas EU everage is above 16%, according to statistics from European Commision. Secondly, one who calls "wage gap" a problem, says everyone should earn exactly the same amount of money, which is ridiculous. "Wage gap" is just a hint for us, where to look for potential problems. Woman being payed less might be a problem, or might not, depending on the cause. If some boss hates woman and pays them just half wage in comparison to other employees, this is a problem, which needs a solution. If a boss pays women in his company half wage in comparison to men, becouse male workers are twice as efficient compared to female ones, it's allright. In conclusion I'd like to point out, that countries with lower wage gap may be more discriminating then those with higher wage gap.

  52. There's no easy way to answer. It's not ethical for men to send woman to a war or to an other dangerous kind of job, because an inner voice says: "HEY, IT'S A WOMEN. DON'T DO THIS." but that's not the same as undervaluing women. There's also jobs, especially physical type, that women are not as good as men can be. I think that every person should be treated as it deserves. Same thing with earning money. Best worker should be best payed. If men are better in something, they should be paid, but it works both ways.

  53. Of course I find a difference in salary between the two genders unfair, there's no question about it.
    I do,however, take under consideration that women have poorly paid jobs more often than men, and it's not due to the gender but the nature of the jobs themselves. But if it turns out that two people in the same position and with similar qualifications are being paid differently based on gender, thats when we have a problem.
    I don't consider arguments such as 'she might have children' reasonable at all. A worker must be evaluated on their performance, not on some 'maybes' that the employer thinks up.
    I do believe there are professions where women are discriminated against pay-wise, and that may be because of the fact that it's uncommon to see a women working there and it naturally builds mistrust towards her skills. Still, I believe a professional employer will be able to see past that.
    There is also the fact that every employee agrees to the amount of money they make. If somebody is confidant in their abilities, then why are they settling for less?

  54. I think that women are slightly discriminated in work, but also I could imagine that employer prefers worker who won't spend time on sick leave becouse of children. On the second hand we have public sector, where bosses may be less strict, but the salary is also lower. In case of ther women recieve about 20% less. Many of them rather spend time at home with family and aren't as much involved in work.

  55. It’s obvious that nowadays we (as a society) still have a big problem with different levels of salary for men and women. The reason can be that through almost of centuries men were connected into job, and women into family and kids. Happily, it’s changing. For the first time in the history women can speak openly about the discrimination and what is more – they are effectively fighting it. It's sad that some politician prefer to continue this annoying "debate" about gender issue and about homo,trans,metro and other sexuals, when we still have a problem with much simpler case - the equality of man and woman.

  56. There is a salary problem between men and women. It's sad that some corporations don't want to do something with this. It's not only in Poland but it happnes all over the world. For example, in Japan women not only have lower salary than men, but also if women get pregnant they have to put a resignation of job and focus on raising children. Permanently. Of course, there some exceptions, bit still, most of them must choose what is important for them. Household or career. However. I know a type of job, where salary is the same. It's selling.

  57. It's a very important topic. We live in a 21st century, women came a long way fighting their rights, but they're still being undervaluated. However, we have to remember that in the past 60 years everything changed. Women are wiping trails for other women, we support each other and we are doing big things, but If you let us, we can do bigger.

  58. This problem is still really importantin our times. Despite progressive development women are treating like worse category in some countries and corporations. But I think it's going in right way, more and more women fight for their rights and the level of salary grows. Now more young women don't think about having child and family, they prefer to create the best business life. But that group with maternity leaves etc still feels effects, especially when they have moron boss.

  59. Women are not discriminated, at least not in European countries. Statistically they earn less, because many women give up work to take care of children. There's nothing wrong in it. If woman does the same job as man she should earn the same money as him, but we have a law which teoretically provides this. Woman are not undervaluated, they used to, long time ago.

  60. I saw problem with wages and different between woman and men and i think it is horrible. Woman because of patriarchal has not only one job. They work in home when man do his job and don't care about they living.
    Yes I know it's changing, but a lot of people specially men think about woman like you must sitting in home and take care about house, when i man take care about money.
    But it's not only polish problem, a lot country has identical problem. In Hollywood a lot of female actress talking about money and they proved the earn less than mens actor.

  61. According to the newest data, Poland is one of the countries with the lowest gender wage gap. Of course, there are still some inequalities, but they are mainly caused by leaves related to care of children and also by women's tendency to choosing less payable jobs. As Benjamin Disraeli said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics", so we should often take statistical data with a pinch of salt.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I have to admit that woman in Poland, but in gereral in whole Poland are undervaluated. It is really sad that we live in 21sth century and woman don't have the same rights as men have and we still have to fight for it. I don't understand why woman earn less or why normally they occupy lower position at work. Intelligence and abilities don't depend on sex and it should be obvious for everyone.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. It's obvious that some jobs are dedicated mostly to men and other to women. However, I think it's sad that when both male and female work in the same profession, women often earn less. It has many reasons. I think the most significant one is the historical aspect. Women were often viewed as housekeepers while men were supposed to support his family. I believe that soon in the future the difference between earnings of males and females will vanish and I think it's already much better than in the past.

  66. In my opinion things are getting better since feminist movement start to develop. It's still quite noticeable that on some positions women are earning less money than men, but for me, it's not that big issue as it was back to few years ago.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I think the topic of presentation is very important to every woman in the world. There is some true that woman are hgetting less money than a man. Woman have got problems with heeling up with the positions. As you can see there is much more male bosses than female bosses. Of course there is not like that everywhere. There are places where women are appreciated and threated equally with man.

    I don't know what are the reason to threating woman like that. They work the same way as men, sometimes even more accurate.

    In conclusion, I hope that there will be less and less such situations, and everyone will be rewarded for how much work they did, not for what gender they are.

  69. Personally I think that women and men on same positions should earn the same amount of money. Unfortunately men are often paid better, especially on high positions. Differences in researches may be also caused by the fact that women use sick leave and maternity leave more often, which make their salaries lower (because of less time spend in the job). In my opinion wage discrimination is being reduced over past years. The reason of it may be fact, that women fight for their rights and equality.

  70. This is a very interesting topic. It raises an important issue. Unfortunately, I personally do not have much information about the difference in earnings between men and women. However, I think that wages should be the same for all those who do the same job. And their amount should depend on the level of difficulty, the time of exercise, knowledge needed to perform it or engagement. I think the differences in earnings between men and women in most cases depend on the factors that I mentioned. Women usually have a lot more household duties and look after their children, which is why they work a little longer. Also, most men do physical work that women can not do through their biological conditioning.

  71. To be honest, I have never observed the problem of womens' discrimination when it comes to wages and salaries. That's why this article seems quite shocking to me. I don't know if all things included are true but if they are, I would definiately say that women are undervaluated. But to be sure, I have no experience in that case.

  72. To be honest, I’ve never see that problem. My mum, my grandmother dont’ have problems like that, Also in my job – my boss, boss of my boss are women with really great sallary, most o employee in the bank are women without that problem. But I have to trust that article – for my it’s a horrible think, just understandable. I watched a short film about that, there was 2 child (boy and girl), they had to tidy room, and after finished work, boy got more colour stones (that was the value :)) than a girl. For course they part their „salary” 50/50 and everything was okey. It’s show us really unneccessary and terrible problem. But there is a hope – just look on those child, they know what is justice and equallity. We just have to be like they. Just a good people.

  73. “Wage discrimination” is a topic that is often discussed today. We strive for equality between women and men, so wages should also be the same. I think when analyzing the average earnings of women and men, it should be borne in mind that men perform more pchysical jobs, so their salary is better paid. For example, most engineers, pilots or builders are men. When it comes to working in the office, for example, I think women should get the same pay as men. What's more, I think women's work should be more appreciated.

  74. I think that in some sectors women are, indeed, not appreciated as they should and I completely do not understand it - after all gender does not change our professional competences. I think it's unfair. Women can be much better specialists than men, there is no rule.

  75. I think that it's no longer a problem that women earn less money than men does on same position. If this problem occur in some companies women need to fight against this because it is a discimination. I don't think that women are undervaluated. We've got many stereotypes that women should stay at home with kids, make dinner and etc. But i think nowadays that's only stereotypes. We've got many women running the business as CEO, today many women are on high positions in the companies and they earn a lot of money. I think one of the reason that men earn more money is that men are expected to be more direct and hard in business contacts.

  76. Wage discrimination exist in many countries in the world till today. Despite the fact that modern society claims that nowdays there is no place for discrimination and that it is not a problem in today's world the fact is that this phenomenon still exist. Wage gap is mostly caused by gender discrimination and many other biases against women. In many countries there is still tendency to think that men are better in making careers than women. This phenomenon has its roots in the past when the inequality was drasticly visible in every field of human's daily life. People who earn different salaries for the same jobs are just unfairly treated and little has been done to improve the state.

  77. Wage discrimination is really happening and I think it's true. Good example is a case which came from a film "All the money in the world" where actor got for his part half million dollars, and actress which was playing as important part as he was got per diem. It seems so ridiculous that we live in XXI century and still women are discriminated because of their gender. Like I showed before women really get lower payment for their work, not only actress but others too. This text shows that well. I guess that the main reason why women get paid less is because there is still stereotype of women as this weeker, less inteligent, more emotional being. It was created long time ago, but still exist. It is influencing media, pop culture and unfortunately our daily life.

  78. In my opinion, how much someone earn shouldn't be considered in terms of gender, but in terms of position and responsibility which comes with work. If a woman and a man are in the same position, they should earn the same amount of money, but usually men stand higher in the company hierarchy and hence these differences. And the argument that women get less money because of taking care of children, is senseless because nowadays, roles in a family're changing and men, as well as women, take care of children.
    The subject of unequal salaries it is very popolar now, but in my opinion it's impossible to find a golden mean in this situation.

  79. When it comes to earnings, it’s so obvious that women earn less than men. If we talk about salary for the same position in the same job, it’s not so clear. For last few years in a public sector in Poland we can observe the tendency to regulate salaries depending on the job title. The definite payment is attached to the specific position in an organisation without any difference who is taking the position and how is handle with it. I believe it’s already working in schools, the army and the fiscal administration. I think the regulation of salary secure women against the wage discrimination. The reasons why men earn more money than women are the result of the differences in social and biological roles of sex and I’m afraid it won’t change as long as women give birth to children. Women want earn as much as men but they also have a need to be with children. The ‘500+’ program shows that there is a lot of women in our society who prefer to stay at home with children than to earn if they don’t have to.

  80. Wage discrimination in Poland is a hard topic. In my opinion, women are discriminated and we need to find a way to reduce those differences. We need to teach everyone that they are more valuable and that they can work as managers, chiefs or executives. There are too many stereotypes that people believe in, and we need to disprove them, because it is thanks to those stereotypes, that the women are underestimated. What is more, women (more often than men, especially in Poland) have much more responsibilities at home - we could even call it another job. It’s an important fact that many people overlook. In conclusion, women need to stand for their rights and stand against stereotypes because men have better positions, and we have to change it.

  81. I study economics. In last year I had a lecture about making money. Our lecturer said it was probably, that women could earn less because they had a shorter work experience. They give birth to children and then take breaks at work. According to the economic rule, their "productivity" is simply smaller. If it wasn't so, they would earn as much as men, because it would be profitable for employers to employ them (theory of marginal cost). I don't care and I hope that I will never be treated badly.

  82. In my opinion it is not fair to subordinate salary from gender, but I never meet with similar situation. I think that it is more frequent that men and women earn as much as good are their abilities and how much they get into their work. All people should be treated equally. Due to we have a different places off work to everybody could work there, where he will be able to develop oneself.

  83. I think that wage discrimination comes from the past and the conservative way of thinking. Women were thought to be less valuable and their work wasn't appreciated. Nowadays we changed our way of thinking but the salary system haven't changed a lot. We have to make equal salaries for men and women, otherwise women won't feel good on the job market and will start being worse workers feeling that their work is worthless.

  84. Wage discrimination... Another hot topic that make some people wake up in the middle of the night while screaming I guess... But yes, there is no reason why women should be earning less than men. Hopefully this situation will be changing and the ultimate equality will bless this rotten world one day. But people rather slowly change their minds, and that's why those outdated rules still exists...

  85. For me there is no sense to write about wage discrimination based on the blog post because there is no details (I write about NIK raport) - it is very general (I didn't read the raport). For me in public sector women should earn as much as men, but in private sector employer should decide how much earn his staff, because it is his company and there is free market, so if she/he decide that women earn more or inside out why not?

  86. Topic of equality is prevalent these days therefore this presentation is noteworthy. I am absolutely certain that women do not earn less because they are women. Wages are discriminated due to quality of word and office. I also believe statistic. It is widely known that women usually devote themselves to the care of children. What should I add is that women and men are different and some appearances are natural. Probably some women avoid stressful job because they would rather calm than high salary. However, as far as I know topic of wage discrimination is more profound. In order to assess that phenomenon there should be investigated more factors for instance by surveys.

  87. The topic describes the situation connected with the probable discrimination of women on their workplace. The topic also describes some reasons why women earn less money than men do. I think that the researches described in the article prove that women earn less money than men do but it also depends on different circumstances of the situation. To my mind, women are not undervalued on their workplace because there are some factors that affect salary. First of all men usually choose more dangerous and dirty jobs than women. In addition, it may not be the only man’s job. Men also usually work longer hours. All these factors influence the salary. That is why I can say that men and women get the same amount of money for the same job.

  88. We can talk about discrimination when women earn less money than men when they do the same job, on the same post and they spend the same part of time in work. This article shows that difference in salary are connect with rationales reasons like position and working time. But it is thought- provoking why women occupy lower paid positions? Because of some stereotypes about female and male jobs? Or they just prefer calm job than higher salary?

  89. This is so sad that changes in this area are coming so slowly. But the more we talk about it, the more we can see and change. I think the main reason why men earn more money than women is because they are not to scared to ask for larger salary.

  90. Why is the whole article in capital letters? Reading this feels like someone's screming at me. To be fair though, it is a good topic to be 'screaming' about as it is a problem that has been resurfacing for years now. The difference in wages will always happen, everywhere. It is unavoidable, some people will earn more or less than the others. However, if we're talking about the same job, at the same position, with the same working hours etc. and a woman earns less than a man, that is in fact discrimination and something should be done about this.

  91. First of all, I think that in many professions women don't earn less than men by doing the same job. Often the differences result from the specificity of a given profession. An example of this is all physical work, such as building houses. Women can't carry things that are much larger than themselves, and they will make more time for it. During physical work, men can work more efficiently and faster. This maybe the reason why they earn more. However, I believe that there is an equality in the labor market.

  92. I think women are undervaluated. I believe it is because they have started their work YEARS after men. It is also, because men had their rights before women. I suppose it will be a big problem for years, because we live in a XXI century and it is a problem now, so... Maybe future won't change a lot. Of course, nowadays a lot of men want women to earn as much as they, but it is not enough.

  93. I think comparing men's and women's wages on the average doesn't really make sense, as it is true that women tend to pick professions that are generally less paid and men still usually have the highest positions in companies. However, studies show that men's and women's wages vary even on the same positions, and that is worrying. I understand there are other factors determining this pay difference, as maternity leaves and such, mentioned above, but this shouldn't be considered by the employers.

  94. I’m a little bit confused after this presentation because I thought that it will show how big gender pay gap is. Instead of that it claimed that men and women do different jobs and that’s why they earn different salaries. And that’s true, we can't deny it, but it’s just job market, not discrimination. Differences in earnings are often caused by ability to negotiate salary. Men have more selfconfidence and courage to do that so they often get what they are askning for. Is it fair? I think that it is, because if you are not asking for something more, you can’t be mad that you don’t get it. But if man and woman are at the same position and get different salaries only because of gender, it is discrimination and we should fight with it. I believe that, steo by step, we can change it.

  95. Nowadays this topic is quite popular due to rising number of women on labor market. We know that such phenomenon exists but in my opinion it is difficult to change. In private sector we can not do anything because the salaries are imposed by a boss and it is his right-the same problem we possibly may find in men's salaries. But in public sector that problem should not exists because if a woman do the same work as a men, she must earn the same ammount of money - other possibilites are not acceptable.

  96. As the blog post author said, the differences between men and womens’ wages actually vary because of differences in their positions in the companies or generally types of the jobs they do, men often have better paid types of jobs than women, for example in Poland it’s more usual for women to be teachers or nurses and for men it’s more usual to be I.T. specialists, brokers or drivers, and everybody can agree that the ones I mentioned for men, are better paid, while these two more feminine jobs involve much worse pay. The other argument for the difference not being as shocking is that women usually do work less, they have to take care of the house, their children if they have some, they are more likely to get parental leaves, so they earn less, I think that this simple idea is right, the problem is when two peoplr doing the same job earn different amounts of money. I am all for bonuses given to the best employees, but I strongly believe that the basic pay in one position should be equal for both men and women. To me the problem is that men are more likely to get important positions within the company.

  97. I am really sorry to read anything about a discrimination. In television and internet we often hear about the differences between man's a woman's payments. I am trying to be the best I can at things I do and I don't want to earn not suitable amount of money. This whole situation is making me angry but also a little bit afraid.

  98. In my opinion wage discrimination is a huge problem and it is completely unfair. I think that we should be paid for the work we do and our skills.

  99. The presented data is pretty old considering that now it's 2020 but more frightening is the fact that we still struggle with the same problems which relate to discriminatoion! In my opinion the topic is still worth mentioning because it's to be said that women are still afraid of applying for challenging posts which are occupied by men for years. It's completely understood that the problem occurs as women have been staying at home for years. I think women need to dare and employers need to give women a chance to show that they are as well-educated and smart as men and open up for them.

  100. In places where I have worked so far, women have always done easier and lighter work than men, perhaps this is where the income inequality comes from. However, we must take into account that all these jobs were related to manual work, so I do not know what it looks like in office work.

  101. In case of payment difference between men and women we shouldn’t be looking at the average wage statistics, because as the author of the article has stated women often take less-paid jobs, work less hours and they mostly work part-time. It’s obvious that the average payment will be low. We should focus on the pay gap that occurs between men and women when they are working on the same position, and if such a pay gap exists, we should do everything to level it down, since there is no reason for women to earn less for doing the same job as men.

  102. If a profession is dominated by women, men do not earn more or less. They do the same job, they get paid the same amount. It should be the same in every profession, in every position. Why do women often earn less than men in leadership positions? No one will tell me it's because they have fewer responsibilities.


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