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How to choose field of study?

There is a moment in everyone's life when he or she must answer an important question . Who am I and who I want to be? The choice of fields of study and the university is a good time to look for answers. Of course the choice doesn't have to be final. We can always change direction. But we must make it clear that choice will determine in some way who we will be. And not just as a people. It will also determine our place in the job market. 

Not so long ago in Poland, we could experience big campaign to encourage young people to  study at technical colleges, to choose sciences fields of studies . Was it so horrible idea to go to the humanistic fields of study such as philosophy , history, archeology , philology few hers ago? Few years ago when some universities wanted to pay students if they would study science. Well, precise analysis of data from job centres in the last 12 years shows that the unemployment rate among philosophers today indicates 1%. In this past years it never crossed 4%. For comparison, less than 1% of the graduates from Medical Academy are unemployment. At the other end of the list is the University of Physical Education and the University of Life Sciences.

About 80% of companies are asking "what?". What I want to sell, what to do in order to sell it? A little less than 20% are asking "how?". On this level, they begin to think about the technology, functionality. Only small part asks "why do we want to do it?". This is a key question and only humanists asks that question. Asking "why?" comes to the bottom of the case. Create a project basis, then you should ask "how?" and finally - "what?".

Of course, I don't think we should be on one or another field of study just because of some research . It seems to me that we should learn only what is close to us and we what we want to learn. What makes us curious. It doesn't matter if it's worth to study something. I took up the study of philosophy without knowing anything about such research. I was under a lot of pressure. In high school my friends constantly was laughing my idea of ​​a life which was associated with the philosophy. My family (especially the older ones) tried to stop me.

It seems to me that the most important thing is to be honest with ourselves and do what we want to do. I'm not saying that if someone doesn't want to learn and wants to sit in front of the TV and drink beer all day he should do this. Success requires hard work. It is about being honesty when choosing a life direction.


1 What you are studying and whether you feel the selected field of study well? 
2 What criteria have chosen when you select the field of study? 
3 Were you under pressure during the selection? 
4 What do you think of the humanities and what about science?

- Tygodnik Powszechny nr 8 (3372) ISSN 0041-4808, "Ludzka połówka Leonarda" 

- Polityka nr 10 (2948) ISSN 0032-3500, "Filozofia bytu"


  1. I am studying archeology, and I think it was a good choice for me. Sometimes I wonder how it will be in the future, if I find a job, will I be able to keep. However, every day on classes at the university, I am learning things that I'm really interested. As a result, I do not regret my choice.

    My choice of field of study was associated with a childhood dream. I wanted to look for treasures and travel around the world. My parents often say that I watched too many movies with Indiana Jones .. ;)

    I was under pressure during the choice of studies, but I had a dilemma .. Should go on promising studies, or follow my dreams.

    In my opinion, on the humanities is for many students causing trouble finding work in certain professions. On the other hand, science is going to be forward-looking. Technology moves forward and in the future the demand for specialists in many fields of science.I have to agree with the author of the text in a certain issue. We should learn what we are interested in, not that what we are coerced. If anyone is interested in humanities and works hard can achieve similar success as a person studying science.

  2. I am afraid that I cannot agree with you. The unemployment rate among philosophers does not mean anything to me, because it refers only to the fact if somebody works, so people who answered 'yes' can be shop assistants or waiters. It is obvious that it is much better to study something that you are interested in, but it is not always possible. I am a realist and I think that our perspective is different during the studies and later. Being unemployed graduate may affect our way of thinking.
    I am studying economics and management, some obligatory courses were hard and awful. Even though I am passionate about different things apart from economics, I think I made a right choice.

  3. I am studying finance and accounting. To be honest I'm not sure if it was good choice. I have to learn really boring subjects but I hope that this direction could find a really profitable job.
    When I select the field of my studies I thought about money and possibility of professional career.
    I wasn't under pressure during the choice of studies. It was only my decision. I would like to be fulfilled and rich:-)
    Sincerely, I believe that science are more safe direction. I mean that if you study humanities you can have problems with job placement, if you study science you probably will find good job.

  4. I am studying Economics and I hope that it was good choice. Unfortunately it isn't my passion. I decided to study it to have more possibilities to get good and well-paid job in the future.
    I have never thought that I choose Economics. I always thought that I'll work as a Maths teacher but I decided with my parents that it is better direction. But less interesting than Maths.
    I was under pressure during the choice of studies. Unfortunately it wasn't just my decision.
    I think that we can't say that science directions are better than humanites. Many things depend from luck or for example place when we live. And in my opinion people who are really good in their proffession always find a job. No matter they graduated technical university or humanities studies.

  5. I'm studying philosophy, too. I spent some time figuring out what I’m passionate about and when I made up my mind, I eventually enroll for phliosophy degree at university.
    I had no specific criteria or whatsoever, just read few books and talk to few people about philosophy and then I was on the board among "intellectual elites" of this country:)
    I wasn’t at gunpoint due to the fact I had no disaier to go to university right out of high school. I had plenty of time.
    Ofcourse we should keep both. Philosophical theorizing and humanities discipline can’t afford to ignore findings of the best contemporary science. The idea about closing humanitas departments is huge mistake or telling people that those departaments are useless is not an argument. People should have choice. Glad that Jakub debunked myth about massive unemployment among humanities students in his post.

  6. I’m studying Math and Econometrics. When I was making decision what field of study I should chose I had hundred totally different ideas even in May after my Matura Exams. The most important question for me was then if I be happy spending half of my future life in job which I can do with degree in such faculty. I was under no pressure when I was choosing field of my study. My parents rather tried to support me. They use to repeat that it doesn’t matter what you are doing if you do it well and with passion you can always earn a big money. Today, I can’t say that being a economist or mathematic is something that I have want to do since being a child but I don’t think that this decision was a mistake. I like most of my courses, I’m only scared that their correlation with skills which are needed in a job market is so low. Statement that studying Economics is a key to success in life seems unreal for me. Nowadays, market is full of economists, have a diploma, even with great marks stop being enough. If you want a good job you have to be a volunteer, practicing member of student organization, expert in Excel and other office programs, and of course student (for whom insurance premiums are lower) available 40 hours per week. Our society become older and older if you want be sure about your future go to study medicine or IT. Otherwise you need a lot of soft skills. I totally agree with my parents. There is no matter if you are a psychologist, philosopher, school teacher, economist, doctor, computer scientist or engineer. If you are doing what you really want to and you can look at this as a hobby you will be good enough at this field to get good money.

  7. I'm studying Management. I've never have clear answer on question what I want to do in my future life,but for me it was important to develop my general knowledge about buissiness. At first,I considered finance and accounting,but after all consideration,I was more convince to my actual field of study. I was really scare about my decision,but it change a lot in my life.

  8. 1 What you are studying and whether you feel the selected field of study well? I;m sudying law, and I'm happy about it because I find it interesting.
    2 What criteria have chosen when you select the field of study? I thought about what can be interesting for me what kind of subjects i want to learn and what are my good sides and of course how can look my future after this faculty.
    3 Were you under pressure during the selection? No I wanted to study law since 3 years and everyone knew that, but somebody were telling me that I shouldn't because I don't have contacts.
    4 What do you think of the humanities and what about science? I think that this sellection is silly I'm both humanist ans science so it was always hard for me to decide.

  9. I'm studying cultural studies. As you may guess it wasn't my dream to be a cultural studies graduate, but it actually was my first choice of studies after my Matura Exams. I wasn't sure what would I like to do in the future, but it was obvious for me, that it has to be something connected to art. Most of my interests are based on creating art (as photography, painting, drawing) and learning about it, but it would never think I could do it for money. I chose my studies, because I wanted to learn about something I was interested to. During my first year at university I started to consider learning at Academy of Fine Arts on Interior Design course, so I'm going to do my best to achieve this. During the selection of studies I wasn't under the pressure. I can't imagine studying something that doesn't interests me. My parents also wanted me to be happy, so they never forced me to do something I don't want to. In my opinion it should be everyone's own choice what how we want to spend our life. Because of the pressure a lot of young people make wrong choices and it doesn't lead them to succeed. Both, humanities and science studies are important and we can't call somebody better or worse because of his/her life choice.

  10. My field of study was a good idea. I'm really satisfied that I study geology. It's really future-orientated major of study. We have many courses in mountains and mines, it's really interesting. I have fantastic collection of minerals, I recommened :)
    As regards humanities and science, in my opinion if you are good at something, you will have good job in the future. If you like, you can :) But it seems to me that the best will be at least two faculties and it will be easier to find a job :) It's the same with engineers :)

  11. I am studying Nanostructure engineering (chemistry and physics) and, unfortunately, I have no idea if it was a good choice. My field of study is really demanding and takes a lot of effort. What we do is for sure very interesting but I have no time for anything else and as I have some hobbies and physics before going to university was not one of them, I cannot say that I am fully satisfied with my decision. What is more, even though nanostructure engineering is very prospective, there is really high possibility that I will have to leave Poland to get a job connected with my studies.

    I had to choose between Economy, Sinology, Japanese studies and Nanostructure Engineering. It was really difficult to decide which one I prefer. Even though I gave up idea of going on Economy quite fast, I didn't know what to do with the rest. I was quite good at science and I didn't want to throw it away, especially now, when scientists and engineers are believed to be needed on the labour market. What is more, NE was part of government programme which ensured us introductory courses, bridging courses, better laboratories and gave us a chance to get bursary (what an author wrote is unfair, we are not paid just for studying, you have to work really hard to earn the money - only the best 30-50% students get it). On the other hand, I am really interested in East Asia and Japanese studies were my dream for years. But it is difficult to find a job after such studies.

    I really wish someone had helped me with my decision. Unfortunately, my parents wanted me to choose on my own. I was pragmatic - I came up to the conclusion that having a job means money for living and hobby. I was under pressure of time - after they had published lists of accepted candidates there was little time to make up your mind. Sometimes I regret I wasn't more idealistic and didn't make my dream true but in general, I feel lucky that I know more about how the world works than most people do (thanks to physics and chemistry).

    I think that there is nothing wrong with studying humanities if you are really interested in it, you are sure of your skills and you don't mind doing work not connected with your profession. Too many young people choose humanities just because they don't understand maths - it is not a good reason. If you don't know what you want to do in the future technical studies are safe choice - it is much easier to get job after them, but remember that studying science is really a hard work.

  12. I have been studing sociology from two years. I choose it because I think that studing time is the best time to develop myself. And in my opinion sociology which is interdisciplanary is perfect for that. I don't worry about my future. I'm sure that this field of study give me work in future.

    The chose of sociology was my choise. My parents gave me freedom. They didn't want to made a pressure on me.
    I think the humanities and science are exactly in the same level of importance. This first one and second one are dispensable. We the humanities need some technics and engeeners.

  13. I am also studying sociology and I am very happy. . I wasn't sure what would I like to do in the future so my choice was quite random, but fortunately it turned out to be a good one. Nobody forced me to do anything, it was only my decision. I wondered more the choice of university. I also don't worry about my future, because I think that no matter what field of study you study, you can work almost everywhere, of course, aside from such professions as doctor or lawyer. You only need to finish a course that gives permission to work in this position and that's it. I know a lot of people who work completely in other branches than their field of study.

  14. I'm studying Political Science. It wasn't my first choice. Honestly I'm a little bit disappointed in my studies but I hope that everything will change in the next year because of the choice of specialization which I need to make. When it comes to what I think about the humanities and science fields, I think that maybe science fields are more practical and safer, but only when someone is really interested in. So I don't think it is a kind of field but skills and interests, because if someone really likes your studies is no problem to find a job and find themselves in the profession, regardless of whether the direction of humanistic or science.

  15. What you are studying and whether you feel the selected field of study well?
    I'm studying spacial managment at faculty of Geography and regional studies. I'm satisfied with my selection, but I plan to start at another field of study in the nearest future.
    2 What criteria have chosen when you select the field of study?
    First of all, I've thought about field of study connected with my passion, because when i was younger, i started to be interested in architecture and urbanistic and my field of study relates to them, too.
    3 Were you under pressure during the selection?
    I did not have pressure, because I had known, what I decide, in the middle of high school. I passed mature exam with good results too, so I could only waiting for results of recruitment.
    4 What do you think of the humanities and what about science?
    I think these two parts of our live and studying are the same important, because we use science to description of material world around us, but we use humanities to give soul and emotions to this world.

  16. 1. I study Journalism & Social Communication (Marketing Media & Public Relations). I like my field of study. However, there are subjects, which I find useless for example history of 20th century in Poland.
    2. I thought about things, which I like to do and I imagined myself in the future.
    3. I was under pressure during the selection, but it wasn't from my parents or other people. I just felt a stress in my mind.
    4. I prefer humanities and I would like to connect my work with it. Science is very interesting, but to read and learn some facts as a hobby.

  17. I study European Studies, and I like it. Everything is very interesting, and in fact I really enjoy studying it. Of course there are some boring and useless subjects, but "from year to year" it's getting more usefull.
    2 I thought about lot of many fields of studies, like journalism, and other rather humane fields. but the main criterion was, what is quite funny, only University of Warsaw.
    As many of you I didnt feel pressure from parents or friends, because I know that they are supporting me whatever happends. but I was stressed a lot, just because of me.
    I'm not science person, it's really interesting, but I don't feel comfortable studying it. and I'm jealouse of people who love it and they study it. But I reckon that world needs science as much as humanities.

  18. I study European studies and I can say that is not the best field. It consists of too many different types of other fields like economy, politology, culturology, sociology, etc. It's hard to like and be good at all of these directions and sciences, just because they are too different.
    When I was looking for studies, I wanted to study something international and languages related. European studies at that time were a good choice for me. I can't say that I was too stressed.
    I think that humanities and science are both good, but for different types of people. It's hard to be good at both, that's why fields like European studies don't have very good responses.

  19. Unfortunately that is true that choice of studies is a huge dilemma and responsibility. And that is true that that choice determinate us in a future life even if we are going to change a field of studies. A data which refers to unemployment among philosophers is as surprising as reassuring :)

  20. I'm studying social policy. I think it's not bad, but sometimes I would like to study something else. I choose it, because I thought it will be interesting. I wasn't under pressure during the selection, cos all I do in my life I'm doing counciously. I prefer humanities, because I've never been good at sciences.

  21. I'm studying African cultures and languages, till now my feeling about it tend to be ambiguous. When I was choosing my major I wanted it to be unique and developing, I also connected it with some imaginations from books and movies which were very positive. I was quite stressed during the selection because I didn't really know what to choose, the reasonable solutions or the idealistic ones. Sometimes I think that humanities are something less important that science, because in fact we're reading and repeating the same things all the time. Whereas science is about to discover something or at least understand some real mechanisms. I'm in two minds about it.

  22. I'm studying Spatial Economy. In fact, I didn't know what field of study choose, so I was a bit under pressure. I'm stressed because what happend if this field of study doesn't suit me, and then I waste a year of study. A big impact on me also had family and friends. My choice was related with my hobby but also with the demand in the market. I do not know whether it was a good choice, because I don't know if I'll get a good job in the future. If I could have more time to decide I would choose a different direction. I would choose something more related to science. I think the science is better than the humanities, because it is a greater demand on the market for specialists. Students of humanities have problems with finding a job.

  23. I have been studying Finance and accounting for one and a half year. As you can guess, nowadays it's hard to be positive about the future but I'm enamoured of my decision. My field of study allows me to work in various places becoming from family company through bank and finishing on behemot. It sounds so promising! I chose my studies, because I wanted to learn about something I was interested in. Nobody forced me to change my decision, become a doctor or a counsel. It was only my decision, my parents want me to be happy and support me. I'm convinced that there is no matter if you choose the humanities or science. If you study what you really want to and you look at this as a pastime you will be satisfied and ready to earn a good salary.

  24. I study biotechnology. I find it quite interesting but I am not sure If I want to work in this field in the future. It wasn't my first choice but it was the only one which has worked. I decided to try it after getting few opinions about this field of studies. To be honest, I wasn't under any pressure during the selection. Humanities or science? The proper choice depends on personal features.

  25. I study finance and accounting. I really enjoy it now but I must mention that at first I wasn't truly convinced is this good decision. I've just ended up my matura exams and I was trying to figure out what I want to do. It was a time when I was feeling a little bit insecure about my future-I mean there was big discussion in media about unemployment among young people and so on... And so I chose finance and accounting, and I am really happy now. I wasn't under pressure during the selection, my relatives supports me no matter what decision I take. If it comes to humanity and science studies- I think we need them both!

  26. I am a second year student of biotechnology. It has not disapointed me so far, I am happy about my decision and I do not see myself in other field of studies.
    My decision is based on my curiosity about the world. I wanted to know how the things work. I was interested in biology, math and chemistry while being at school, so I made a research about available fields of studies and biotechnology interested me the most.
    I am thankful to my parents. They were positive about my decision and did not interrupt the process of finding the most suitable field for me.
    I think graduates of all fields have difficulties in finding good jobs. You cannot predict which fields will be more welcome in the future, world changes really fast.

  27. I have always dreamt about working in accounting or finantial department in a big company. That is why I decided to study finance and sccounting. It was my first choice and I can confidently say that it was one of the best decisions I have ever taken. I really enjoy lectures and, as a consequence, I learn with pleasure . I am looking for a future with enthusiasm, because there are a lot of places to work after finishing my studies.
    I chose an University and the field of study on my own. I was't forced to change my decision - my relatives supported me and accepted my decision without trying to have some impact on it.
    Speaking about science and humanity.. in my opinion everyone should have some basic knowledge in both of tthem. What is more, we need both people who are specialised in science and humanity.

  28. I'm studying polish philology and my specialization is media studies. When I was choosing my study, my criterion was what is my hobby, what I like, what makes me happy and in what I am good. It was my decision and I was only consulting it with my family. They have said that this is my decision. And I thank them for that, because I am doing what I like and I'm sure, that in the future I will have a good job.
    Humanities courses of study are good, but only if you like it and you feel good with that. The same is with science. This is the basis of choice - to be good, and to be interested with the topic.

  29. When I was looking for different fields of study two years ago, I had real problems with choosing one. I didn't know what I wanted to learn and eventually I chose media logistics. For me it's a good choice because it combines many different sciences such as mathematics, physics, law, economy and statistics. I believe that when I graduate I will find a good, rewarding job. Choosing field of study was very stressful because it has influence on my future life, wrong choose may cost 3 years. I thing that humanities are very popular among young people and finding a job might be more difficult than after science but everything depends on personal interests.

  30. I study biotechnology and I think i couldn't choose better studies,
    I like what I do and enjoy it. I wanted do study medicine, but I didn't managed to do it so I decided to start something temporary, but after few mounths I changed
    my mind as biotechnology is much cooler and suits me more. I have to say I was under the pressure during selection, because I realy wanted to show that I can handle studying medicine, but now I'm happy that I didn't achieve it.

  31. To my mind, our first mistake is to choose the studies while thinking “where will I work after these studies?”. Maybe I am idealist but I want to believe that we study because we want to know. Nowadays, we forgot that the aim of the studies isn’t preparing us to work (in the meaning of a work in a company), but getting some knowledge, developing our skills, learning us how to find and select the information. If we studied just to prepare ourselves to the work it would be easier to do by simply working, by getting real experience. Because University is not a vocational school.


  32. I study African Languages and Cultures in our Warsaw University. I didn't always do that. At the beginning I wanted to learn economics. I know those are completely different fields of study but I think made a good decision about what I study now. I hawe lots of posibilities for my future. Whats more I study business psychology. I learn a lot about comunication. When I have choosen my study I wanted something special. I study because I want not because I have to. And my choise was the same. I think that humanities and science are equally important. If you have an idea of your future, You can study everything in fact

  33. I am a third year student of European Studies with specialization European integration process. I interested in politic and I wanted to find out how European Union works. It is very simple field of study. I like discuss about current politican situation. It was my own choice. Humanities are good studies for people who like discuss. In my opinion Science is more interesting and important for country.

  34. I'm studying biotechnolongy and I'm pretty glad about that, although I have to admit this was not the field of study that i dreamt of. The reason i chose this path was that i haven't managed to make it to the medicine studies. Now when the time passes I can see that I was pretty lucky that I've started to study biotechnology.

  35. 1. I'm a student of polish philology. I always want to be a teacher of polish language and I always know that I want to go to this field of study.
    2. When I chose field of study I thought about my passion. I wanted to do something what I love.
    3. No, I wasn't under pression. There were a lot of people who didn't understand me and tell me that I will be unemployed in the future but I wasn't worried about it.
    4. I think that everyone should do something what he or she like and if somebody has humanistic talent, he or she should develop it. I disagree with opinion that after science study people always have good work and earn a lot of money. I think that everyone can find his or her place in the world, but he or she should want to do it.

  36. 1. I study European Studies. I chose it mostly because I was lost and didn't really know what I wanted to do- so I thought that choosing a interdisciplinary major would buy me at least a year to make a choice. I'm still not sure if I made a good decision because I rejected a few places in technical majors, and I still don't know if that was the right thing to do.
    2. As above, I chose European Studies because it is a mesh of different majors and I wanted to have a bit of contact with all kinds of subjects before deciding on studying something permanently. I'm enjoying it so far- it's very eye opening if you want to study in order to develop as a person. I do know, however, that it is not a major which qualifies as attractive to employers.
    3. Paradoxically, I both was and was not. My family and friends were supportive, although I could easily tell that my parents were hoping that I would choose the technical path. I was mostly stressed out by my own fears and doubts, which I still carry.
    4. I believe that both demand our respect. High level language and arts are quite difficult to deal with if you have no abilities in them, even though they have the common opinion of being easy. Science demands a lot of effort and work to be put into it, but always pays back. Out of the two, I personally think language is the more interesting one, but science is the one that offers answers. But one must remember that there are other sides to life so it's not like somebody is automatically a linguist if they're bad at math.

  37. I study philology and I have different thoughts about the field I have chosen. On one hand I believe that philology, linguistic and other humanities are fascinating, evolving fields that allow you to gain extensive knowledge. On the other hand alumni of these fields usually earns less than their colleagues that graduated from economics and technical studies, especially immediately after graduation. However choosing field of studies despite the interest only to fit the market’s requirements it is not something I would recommend. You will never be good at something you don’t like.

  38. Making decision of field of study is not an easy ride. It determines your future life. Unfortunately at first I chose wrong. it took me almost half of a year to come to a right decion which was finance and accounting. It suits me because it involves some mathematical skills. It is also related with business, stock market so the things I'm interested in.
    Making that decision was so nerve-wracking due to it was my second and the last choice. Maybe it not dreamy field of study but I am content with it.

  39. 1. I study finances. When it comes to my decision, sometimes I’m deeply surprised that I chose this faculty. I’m interested in everything which is connected with artistic way of thinking. Accountancy and insurance can’t be treated as creative potential. Now I’m really satisfied with the field of study. It’s so interesting and I believe that I have an aptitude for accounting, making graphs or counting.
    2. Mainly I headed into my needs and interests. I wanted to do something which provides me happiness and contentment. At first I checked fields of study at the university and decided what I want to do in the future. I selected three options which were very crucial for me. It cannot be denied that finances are very demanding but also interesting. I figured out what I actually would like, it turned out that finances and accountancy could be the best option because of opportunities to find an desired profession and that’s why I stood up on that.
    3. Honestly, of course, it wasn’t a pressure for me to choose the best way of my future. I was supported by my family because that tried to advice me. They accepted my decision that’s why I’m so pleased.
    4. When it comes to humanities and both science, it cannot be denied that you need lots of patience and effort. Humanities for me are more interesting because you have to have an artistic soul, think unconventional, break the rules. It’s really difficult to study it when you don’t have any notion about it. Science requires lots of devotion, ability of concentration, loves to mathematic and technical issues. Thus, regardless of the fact what you choose, you need to love it and accept everything which is connected with hard working. In my opinion, humanities are more enjoyable, in particular learning foreign languages. This kind of ability is so desired and one of the most important issue – always useful.

  40. I am studying law and I think it was proper way for me. I was looking something conected with history and politics which also coold give me a good job in the future. I was not under pressure when I was choosing, because i had made decision long time ago. I am a humanist, I think it's much more interesting direction, but I have great respect for science and I find it very needful.

  41. I'm studying nanostructure engineering. I wanted to become scientist since I was little kid and nothing ever changed.

    I was never good in reading feelings and emotions of others. I got bored instantly when I had Polish lessons in high school. For me it was pointless to learn about stuff which are only temporary. I always was fascinated about scientists who can see the world in way no other could. I always wanted to become one to (at least) try to make the world a little more understable. But of course, I like reading books and watch movies, it's also important to have an opportnity to relax and without humanists it wouldn't be possible.

  42. As field of studies I've chosen the Japanology. When I chose this speciality I thought about my ability to learn other languages. Plus, since I was kid I've been interested in culture and history of Japan. Mostly thanks to the anime or manga. After 4 years of studying this language, I'm not sure did I choose correctly. Still, I'm glad that I was able to learn a lot of stuffs there.
    Those who study the science should be more respected. After all, thanks to them our civilization is making progress in science. Humanities are also important. By them we are able to understand and find many interesting things connected with national or foreign culture.

  43. I am studying sociology and I feel very well learning about this field of science. My only criteria was to do what I always wanted to do - and that was getting knowledge about people and their behavior, becouse that's what I'm instrested in. I wasn't under any pressure during selection, becouse my family knew that I am the only one who can choose what does he want to do in his life. They worried at first due to the stereotypes of sociology as a field of study after which there is no job but they accepted my choice. I believe that humanities are part of science, so if we want to have full knowledge about world, we need to expand humanities studies too.

  44. I study journalism and media marketing but that wasn't my conscious choice. As a young girl I had no idea what I want to do in the future. I felt the pressure from my parents and the society. I am not saying that I regret my decision but i think i would choose differently if i was choosing now.

  45. I study indology and I'm very happy with my decision. Every peace of information I've learnt here I find very interesting and I never feel bored. The languages are easy and brings me a lot of pleasure during studying. As everybody I was under the pressure during the process of choosing the field of study and university. As well, I think that philology is very prospective faculty. It doesn't only about languages but it gives you also comprehensive knowledge of different culture.

  46. I am studying finance and accounting and I think that It is for me. I like maths and economy. I like count something and this occupation bring pleasure for me. This field of study was my dream and I don't have other ideas. I sometimes think whether I should go on this major and I have second thoughts. When I spoke about this with my parents, they convince me that It is good brainchild. I prefer science but To my mind humanities are too difficulties like science. It depends how interests and abilities have people.

  47. I'm student of international relations, so I'm definitely a humanist and I think it was good choose. I'm interested in diplomacy, policy, foreign cultures, army. At first I has been thinking about law but now here I am. I was looking for studies with wide range of possibilities like meeting with people from other countries, learning about how to create foreign policy. Another criteria was as little much as we can! :D
    Okey, I'm joking.
    I wasn't worried about selection because of high score from my A-levels. But my mom was really scared and angry because I decided to choose these again law. Now I'm thinkin about starting second field of study.
    In my opinion humanities are as important as science. Both of them need to cooperate, we can see that in every field they need to use achievements from "other category". Especially in multidisciplinary studies!

  48. I am studying finance accounting and insurance on management department. When I’ve been choosing it I was thinking about that I like math and I want to use it in a practic ways in my future job, and I was always interested about that how market works. There’s always some pressure, I love theatre I was been dreaming about becoming an actress, but so many people want to, that I gave up on that idea, cause it’s unreal and unstable job. I belive if someone is good on what he does it doesn’t matter if he’s studying humanities or science, still he will find a way to use it in work.

  49. I study Iberian studies and I'm tottaly in love with my faculty. I can't even imagine studying something different. When I was choosing my studies I just wanted to study what I love and continue my the biggest passion. I didn't feel the pression at all during the selection, because from the beginning I knew that I wanted to study it. I didn't think about future job or money. Some people are created to humanities and other for science and we shouldn't think about the money while choosing faculty, we should choose what we are good at.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. I am studying portuguese philology. when I made a decision about my studies I wasn't sure if it is a good choice. Today I know that the decision wasn't very good. I don't rue and I don't think I wasted my time studying, because I learned a language and I really developed myself. From the other hand I know It is not my dreamed direction.
    I was not under pressure during the selection. I have never though about what I can do after my studies. I just wanted to study something interesting and developing.
    I think that humanities studies develop and expand your horizons, then you can do a lot of things, not necessarily in your profession. And sciences studies, they developed you in a specialist area and normally you work in your defined field.

  52. I’m studying cognitive science and I like because of it’s variety. I chose it simply – I was looking for something interesting and I found this and Japanese cultural studies, but I haven’t got enough points.
    I were kind of under pressure during selection because my parents wanted me to go to college, but they gave me choice because they already knew they cannot force me to choose what they want.
    I think that nowadays there is more job for people who were studying science or IT than humanities. My studies feature both because I have linguistic and philosophy but also math and programming.

  53. I'm studying management and I feel that it was right decision. It was my choice and of course my parents also helped me. They have their own business so I've always known that I will do something in this direction, also from my early years they noticed some of my leader qualities. My main problem was and it is with mathematics and with everything what is connected with it. And it's also rather difficult for me to study management at university because of polish language (my native language is Russian).
    There is such an opinion that after humanities studies it's difficult to find a well paid job, but I believe that every job can be successful if you are doing what you want to do and with a big passion.

  54. I study finance, investments and accounting at the faculty of economic sciences. I think that this is the direction in which I can pursue my interests and who will help me get my dream job.
    When choosing a field of study, first of all I took into account my willingness to work in a bank or to run my own business. The university I chose offered the best studies that could help me accomplish my plans.
    Unless everyone felt a lot of pressure when choosing. Would that be what I want to do for sure? Is this university good enough? Will I meet the requirements? However, everything is good so far.
    I think that science is more useful in life, I like mathematics myself and I know how useful it is in everyday life. However, I think that people who are talented humanist, can also very well develop professionally in a space that is closer to them.

  55. I am studying Economics. After 1,5 year of studying I can tell that I am being more and more interested in my field of study, because now we are gaining practical knowledge. On 1st year we were only learning about theories and schemes, which I found really boring. I was even thinking about changing field of study, but second year convinced me, that I am in place where I want to be.

    I have chosen Economics, because it blends science (Maths) and humanistic approach. Also after graduating I wouldn't have to worry about job, because nowadays every company need accountants and people specialized in finance. My family accepted my choice, they are very supportive.

    I think that both humanities and science are relevant. It is just both of these fields require different kind of skills. But we can't say that humanists are better or worse than scientists.

  56. I think that everybody is able to find a job after studies. It just depends on what field did somebody study. Let's not be so stereotyped about the fact that people after humanistic studies have worse jobs or do not have them at all. They can have as well paid jobs as scientific students. During choosing your major of study you can't be governed by the widespread belief that if you want to earn money you have to go to scientific studies. You should follow your interests and choose such field that you will enjoy working in later on.
    I am studying Logistics and Administartion in Media and to be honest it wasn't any goal or target for me to study this particular subject. I was just going through the long list of different subjects and that one draw my attention the most. I was just like "oh, okay I like managing something, I am interested in the world of media, I've got enough points to apply so why not?". Now, if I has to choose again, I would choose the same. Deciding on the field of study in my opinion is very individual. My advice is not to panic and be cool about it. Everyone can find something for themselves. It's just about you doing what you enjoy.

  57. I am studying finance, investments and accounting. In my opinion that’s great field of study, but I feel a little confused. I always wanted to do something connected with informatics and mathematics, but I was afraid that this is faculty only for very clever people. So I decided to focus only for one of them and chose math. During the selecion and first months of studying I was very depressed and felt enervate. It turned out that being great in math is not enough. I had to learn a lot of new things. Now, after 1,5 year of hard studying I can say that I’m starting to like it more and more.
    I think that science is future and it’s very important, but without the humanities it doesn’t work. We shouldn’t say that one is better from another.

  58. I’m a student of Russian philology. It’s oblivious that my field of study isn’t in mainstream of fields like economy or law. I’m a huge fan, totally in love with East culture, so it’s a perfect place for me, I feel overjoyed to be there. So I choose it as my passion. I felt a huge pressure, because everyone frown on my choose, they thought that I should go economy or other field connected with maths. By them, only after that I could be a successful man and after philology I won’t find any job. According to the last question – in my opinion the most important thing during choosing field of studies is passion. Without it science or humanities are just without sense. So I think I chose correctly, everything will be ok – I hope so!

  59. I’m studying polish philology and I’m still figuring out if it was a good choice. When I was choosing it I tried to think about things that I’m good at and about my interests.

    When I was selecting my field of studies I was obviously nervous, and I had a thought in the back of my head, that this decision is very important to my future life.

    As you can see I’m more humanist than a scientist. I think it’s better now to be good at science, because there is a job for people who are good in it.

  60. I'm studying European and this choice satisfies me. When I was choosing my field of studies I wanted to decide for journalism but life sytuations forced me to change my choice. I didn't feel any pression at all during the selection because I knew that I could studing even in next year. During the selection of European studies I thought about my passion for humanities. I don't like science so I must decided for something like this and I don't regret my choice.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I'm studying Organization Of The Labor market and after half a year I can't say whether it was the right choice or not. It was difficult to choose a backward course of study because many universities have a lot of interesting directions to offer. In fact, my one choice criterion was to go to full-time studies. I believe that scientific studies are more secure in terms of searching for a job later, but if someone would go to them and bother with passing exams, I don't see the sense of such a choice.

  63. I am studying finance investment and accounting and I’m sure that the choice was suitable for me. When I chose my field of study I focused on what interests me the most. I don’t look at my friends who select any other fields of study. In addition, my decision was made in a calm and without time or my family pressure. I think that everyone should study and learn what they want and what they are interested in.

  64. I'm studying Russian philology and I think, that I selected this filed of study pretty well, because I love Russian culture and language. When I was selected the filed of study I was looking at things like:
    - Do I like it?
    - Do I think it could be prospective?
    - Do I think I will be brooding my horizons?
    Yes, I was under a pressure, but only because of my own stupidity. I was stressing out, because I was thinking, that I have only one chance and the filed of study will be deciding about my future. It's only partly true, because now I'm thinking about going on second filed after this, but something according to science also for the second year I will be applying for music school, where I can make my dreams come true.

  65. I am studying finance accounting and investments. I think that I have made a good decision. I find lectures interesting. When I chose my field of study I focused on mathematic and business. I like math and I am interested in business. That field of studies include both business and mathematic so the decision was easy. My decision was calm and easy, I wasn't under pressure, my parents and my sister helped me a lot to decide whether this field of study is for me or not. I think both humanities and science studies needs creativity and knowledge. We shouldn't make decision because of somebody opinion. We should study what we are interested in.

  66. Answering to the questions... I study at two faculties: at the Faculty of Management and at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. I chose my studies very carefully. I wanted it to be a reasonable choice. I was reading what topics are on lectures at various universities, checking reviews and asking friends. Now I'm very happy and satisfied. I really love my studies. I know that I chose the best possible way for me. In the future I want to work in a profession that is related to what I'm learning now.

  67. I'm studying psychology and I think that is a good choice for me I find it interesting and I'm quite pleased. When I had to select field of study I thought about what I like to do in the future and what I'm interested in. Honestly I didn't think much about money. I wasn't under pressure during the selection. It was my choice and noone from my family or friends told me what to do. Answering on the last question, I think that some people are good at humanities, others in science and everybody should choose a filed of study that he/she is interested in.

  68. I'm studying Finnish Philology. I didn't take any other option into consideration while choosing my field of study. I decided a few years back and don't regret my choice. I couldn't be studying something I'm not interested in that's why for me interests are very important in deciding which field of study to choose.

    When it comes to sciences and humanities I think that the balance between them is essential and humanistic minds are as important as the scientific ones nowadays.

  69. I study Psychology. It’s my second studies but first choice. After my matura exam I received too small number of points to get into university and I started to study Management and Marketing. After 5 years I graduated successfully but Psychology was always something what I wanted to study. So I’m quite sure that my current field of study is great choice for me what I can’t say about my first field of study. When I was making decision on it, first of all I thought about what I wanted to do in my life ( the choice of Psychology), then, which field of study allowed me to get a good job after study (the selection of Management and marketing). I don’t think that I was under pressure of anybody during the selection.
    I remember the campaign which was mentioned in the presentation. I believe the reason of it was rather small number of specialist in science on the labour market then discouraging of humanities like the author suggests. I think it doesn’t matter if you chose humanities or science as long as it is something you want to do, as long as you feel like being created to do that.

  70. I’m studying Organization of Labor Market and I’m interested in this field because my Mum is an HR manager. I choose this field because I like working with people and helping them, by choosing their future job and providing opportunities for their further development. Nobody pressured me to choose any other field of study, so I made the choice by myself. My studies are humanities but I prefer science. I would like to end my studies at the labor market and after that start some other studies connected to this field.

  71. I study Polish philology and I am certain that I selected an ideal field of study for me. I love linguistics and literature since middle school, but only on university I can explore full of their marvelousness.
    When I was selecting the field of study I first care about my interests, because I know that a slave isn't a good employee. My dad was prompted me to choose something like accounting or economics, but I was knowing that it wasn't a good idea. All time I was having support of my family and friends.

    And what with humanities and science? I am for sure humanist, I have best friend who is a scientific mind. We don't argue who is better, but we try to broaden ours minds and not avoid knowledge. I think that it is important to be generally educated and I try do it.

  72. It's easy to say, that we should study what we feel we want to, but sometimes it's not the case. Many young people don't know what they want to do for many years even while studying. Prognosis or parents (rather not friends) could help you choose, but the final decision still should be made by that person.

  73. It comes as no surprise that following your passion is quite important. I believe, however, that one should also consider the possibilities (or lack thereof) of following you dream career path. Obviously you can make a great living in any filed if you're one of the best in the world. But in almost all cases, the majority of you won't really be able to classify as that. So at least check out what kind of life being mediocre in your field will give you... just in case you're not as special as you've thought.

  74. I agree that we should pick a career by ourselves. Only we can truly know what we love and what we're good at. Although, I thought a lot about what I want to study, I picked the field of study myself, but sometimes I still doubt if I made the right choice...My answer to your questions:
    2. I wanted to acquire knowledge that will be useful for achieving my goals.
    3. Unfortunately I was under some pressure, I knew I had to go to the university, so my parents didn't kick me out of the house.
    4 I think both humanities and science are equally important. I believe you should pick the one that is easier and more interesting to you.

  75. The article is about the period of almost all peoples’ life – period of choosing the future job. The author describes the way the humanists think while choosing the future profession.
    Now I am studying Management and this specialty suits my interests and abilities. While choosing this field of study I took the future prospects of the specialty, my interests and my abilities into account. I am glad that I chose this specialty by myself and I was not under any pressure while choosing it. To my mind, if a person wants to study what he likes and wants to enjoy what he does, he should rely only on their interests and on future prospects of the chosen specialty.
    I think that humanities are as important in our life as science. The only problem may be that people want to study humanities more than science. That is why some years ago the universities made several attempts to make people study science. The problem with the job market comes from the people’s interests. The essence of the problem is that today there is a greater demand on graduates from the universities of science than on the graduates from the humanistic universities on the job market. But still human professions are necessary in the modern world. The main thing is that a person should like what he does. This is the key to be successful in every type of job.

  76. I am studying Cogintive Science - the major conects humanities and science. I think there is problem to say that subject is humane other not. For example neuroscience is belong to science, but philosophy of mind is humane, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology have 'elements' of science - methodology, empirical research, but psychoanalysis couldn't be science, linguistics is humane, but informatic - for example natural language processing is science. For me there is no line between science and humanisties (of course it easy to say physics is science and philology humanities, but for example pshilosophy - it isn't easy to say if a problem belongs to science or to humanities).
    I chose my field because I like math, philosophy and I am intrestd in problem of IT. I wasn't under pressure when I chose it.

  77. Choosing a field of study is incredibly hard decision. It determines what we will do in the future to some extent. I am studying spatial economy and it is the best field of study I could choose. I had to choose between spatial economy, logistics and finance and accounting. I am interested both in geography and mathematic and spatial economy lives up to my expectations. Certainly, I wonder if I find good paid job in the future. However, I strongly believe that if I word hard I will not struggle with unemployment. It is said that engineers are needed in labour market, but unfortunately I will not be an engineer. When I selected the field of study the most crucial criteria was whether it will be attractive for me. Naturally, I was under pressure. After matura exam I had had a number of ideas for life. As for science, there is no doubts that it is not for everybody. There is required logical thinking. If you take into consideration humanities you can learn some things by heart. I believe that there is nothing wrong with studying humanities providing that you are interested in your field of study.

  78. Answering your first question - I am studying polish philolohy and I definitely have to say that I am feeling well with my studies. Ofcourse I do not enjoy everything, there are some wich i would change, but at the end of the day if may feelings would be different I would propably change the field. On the other hand feelings it is not everything. Decision which I made was considered, based of realistic assumptions and even if some time I have some doubts it is not the reason to me to think about my choice as a bad one.

    The basic criterion in my case were interests. As far as I am concerned if you don't like the topics you have to learn, if you aren't just curious about that you will waste your time and money (the money which you will use during the period of studying, and that wich you won't earn in the future after studies in field in which you won't be good couse you don't like it).

    My decision was actually conected with some pressure from my family and friends. The thought was always the same: "You will starve". It wasn't helpful but I didn't realy care of it. My life is mine, and even if somebody else has a better plan for it I have to realize it on my own so I rather prefer to have conception made by myself.

    Humanities or science studies? I think that it depends on you. Choose that what you like, and in effect that in what you will be better. Research is just research. Who can prove you that it will be true in your specific case.

  79. I agree that everyone should choose that field of study, which is interesting for him and let you develop yourself. Study something what is boring for few years is senseless and oppressive. I study ethnology and culture anthropology and I’m really glad that I’ve chosen this field of study. But when I was making this decision I was very stressed, because I wasn’t sure what I want to do and what is the best option for me and I knew that fields of studies, which I was considering wouldn't give me a good careers prospects.

  80. Choosing a field of study is not a simple task, especially for those forever undecided like myself. After all, you're standing at the fork in the road of your life, no? Well, in my opinion not entirely. Sure, it is an important decission, but not one that decides whether or not you'll be successful in life or fail miserebly. There's always space for maneuver in life.

  81. 1)I am studying finance.I'm not sure if it was good idea to choice because as for me I have learn really difficult subjects, but very necessary in our time.
    2)I'm was good at maths and physics,and decided with my parents that it is my specialty.
    3)Only my parent's help me with choise.
    4)In my opinion everyone should have some basic knowledge in both of tthem.

  82. I am studying law and music (on two universities) but I must say that it was very difficult decision for me because I was comparing several options. Nowadays, I am satisfied so I hope I will be happy in my future proffessional life. In choosing my fields of studies I had two criteria - voice of my heart (music) and voice of my mind (law). I must say that nobody helped me with that choice and I understand it because everything which may go wrong is my fault. Of course, whole my family support me in my decisions and studies. In my opinion it depends on person. I know scientists who will not achieve anything in their disciplines (I do not tell it to them of course) and I know very successful humanists as well so I thing that this division is inadequate.

  83. I am studying economics and I am happy because of that. I feel that many subjects are not easy, but they give me concrete knowledge which I will use in the future. When I was choosing my studies I read a lot of opinions on the Internet and also ask my firends who have studied similar studies. I was not under pressure during the selection, because I knew excatly what I want to do.

    In my opinion humanities are for people who are really interested in it and know how to use humane skills. Nowadays there are more workplaces for people who graduated sience studies, but for those who for example studied philologies or law there are also a lot of possibilities.

  84. I thought about career prospects but the most important in choosing my field of studies were my interests. It's easier to learn about something that you find interesting and I’m also convinced that you can’t be the best in something that you don’t even like. I believe that when you are hard working and strongly passionate about what you do, then you will find a job or at least way to use somehow your knowledge. After my matura exam I was a little under pressure from my parents, but I was sure that this is my decision and nobody can affect it. I was also sure that even if I couldn’t find a job in journalism or photography, I can do something what is not connected with my profession and be happy with that.

  85. I believe that choosing a field of study is difficult for most of the students. I am studying API and I think it was a good choice. I like most of the subjects and I find them very interesting. I wasn't under pressure during the choice of studies because it was only my decision. Also, I think that humanities and science studies are equally important.

  86. I study Russian philology, I'm satisfied with my choice. When choosing my course of study, I was guided mainly by my interests and willingness to learn a foreign language, so it was Russian. I wasn't under pressure. I made my own choice. For me, every course of study is good, it is important to make good use of the skills I have acquired.

  87. I study logistics and management in media and I'm really glad that I chose it. I wasn't convinced at the beginning whether it's my field and I fit there but I'm into my field of studying. I wanted to study something conected with social media, also a field which might be beneficial in the future and also practical. There was no pressure so it was only my choice, I had time to wonder and choose what appealed to me. I'm rather more into science than the humanities. I find it more innovative, just my type of activities.

  88. I feel that choosing the best field of study is hard. It is very important decision, especially when you are 19. I think I take a good decision. I do what I want to do since I can remeber, but I know how many peers have problems to find their own field of study.

  89. I was studying the history of art. I haven't found a job which is connected with this faculty because the situation with working in culture in Poland is not so easy. People who are interested in art are forced to do internships for free and then, if they are lucky, they can earn some money, but it will be a very low salary for a lot of work. However, I’m happy that I had a chance to study the history of art. I learned a lot during these studies and I met a lot of interesting people and perspectives. If I hadn’t studied the history of art, I wouldn’t have been able to understand some exhibitions and generally humanistic issues.
    Now I’m studying French philology. I have chosen it because now I want to study a faculty after which there is a possibility of a well paid job. Learning foreign language always increases our chances in the job market. I’m satisfied with my choice because my studies are not only learning a language but it also contains culture and literature which are fascinating for me.


  90. I know a few recruiters, some work in the huge companies, and each of them says that unless you study something like law or medicine, the field of study does not matter. You can do anything even after studies not related to the job at all. That was my approach when I was choosing my field of study. I chose the field of study that interests me because I know that in the end, almost 90% of the knowledge from studies is not useful at work.

  91. I've chosen my first field of study only because I liked some school subjects and was curious, not thinking about job perspectives. I was too idealistic at the time and eventually I didn't succeeded. That's why I partially agree with autor. Now I'm studying bioinformatics and it was measured decision. I think I can implement my knowledge in several ways. When I was selecting my field of study I considered job prospects, courses I will have, I've asked friend from bioinformatics for piece of advise. I wasn't under pressure because I'm kind of grown and independent. And I think it may be useful to take a gap year even if it's not so popular in my country.

  92. tudying abroad in high school is a transformative experience that truly opens one's eyes to the world. I wish I had taken advantage of this opportunity during my teenage years Choosing the Right Study Materials


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