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Are you wasteful or stingy?


What is better to save money or to spend it on everything what you want, need? Some people save money for years, and some spend huge amount without any problems in one minute. What kind of person are you? 



Overspending. It's really dangerous when you spend more money than you can afford. It's interconnected with credit cards, which banks are giving easily and people take even more easy. There is nothing wrong with credit cards if you are using it with your head and if you are aware of every consequences. But unfortunelty nowadays it's big problem, because people have not only one credit card, but also mortagages, cars loans and so on. All this factors can put you in never ending money debt. 


What is better, to keep cash or to pay by card? Some people say that if they have cash they know how many they spend. They plan, and use simply math to control their expenses. But nowadays most of people use cards, electronic money what makes spending easily, and what's the worst your money just run away. After a shopping day you are shocked when you visit your bank account. 

Some people love spending money, it makes them feel good, relaxed and happy. It doesn't matter what you buy: new high heels, game, trip to Thai Islands or the newest and the smartest TV. New things as a result spending money sounds like happiness. Or am I wrong? If so, it means that probably you are...


You hate spending money, and everytime when you check your bank account you feel sad that again you spent too much? You are saving for something, or just for the "rainy day"? Do you read every article about "How to save money?"

Everything is fine with that, but I hope you remember a tale called "Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, with Scrooge who was greedy, cold, lonely and of course stingy. 

Here is the list of the most strange things which mean/stingy people do. 
1. "One of my mates is pretty bad. When we all go for a meal together she will take a calculator out and calculate her portion of the meal down to the last cent."

2. "One that happened yesterday was, one of my really tight friends charged another friend 3 euros for a slice of his pizza when they came. "

3."Used to work with the meanest woman in the world. She was going to the shop one day and asked if any of us wanted anything. I wanted something (can't for the life of me remember what, we'll say a bottle of Coke) so gave her €1.20. She came back five minutes later Coke-less, gave me back my €1.20. Turned out the shop had put Coke up to €1.22 a bottle and she didn't want to spend €0.02 of her own money in case she wouldn't get it back off me."

4."my dad walked into my neighbours house one time and there were sheets of toilet paper all over the sitting room. The wife had bought 3 different kinds and was seeing which brand was the best value (which had more sheets per roll). I'm going to assume she would disregard such things as quality and texture."

5."My favourite was a friend of a friends Dad who had two TVs on top of each other. Because one had no sound and the other had no picture ."

Do you know any suchlike stories? 

In fact the most important is to find balance between saving and spending. 
Because it is easy to overdo in both.


  1. In my opinion, it's good to have savings, but do not overdo it. Money is not just to hide them. Food, need shoes and other things, of course, also need should not be subject to budget savings.

    I know one story similar to that presented by the author. My friend is a very thrifty person. Sometimes even too much. . . One day he spoiled his shoes. He argued that it makes no sense to spend money on new shoes, a cobbler was too expensive, according to him. He decided to give himself sole glue stick. To make sure that the sole does not come off, he also used the tape! ! !

  2. It is hard to decide whether I am stingy or wasteful, because everything depends on an occasion and situation. One of my biggest weaknesses is coffee. I spend a lot of money on coffee, especially during academic year. Moreover, I love travelling- in my opinion the best possible way to spend money is to pay for trips. Usually it is just worth it. It is obvious that the best solution is to optimize decisions and to keep balance between spending and earning.

  3. The last story made my day, stingy people are so pragmatic, aren't they? ;)

    I am lucky not to know such an exteme scrooge. The only mean person I have met was one of my schoolfriends. He skimped on everything and always remembered who and when borrowed money from him (he even charged interest) but he didn't have any idea how he would spend his money. I know he will be successful businessman (he is studying on Warsaw School of Economics) ... but even with great amounts of money will he achieve real happiness?

    I am not sure if I am stingy or wasteful. I think that my expenditures are quite normal. When I want to buy something, I check if there are any discounts first but if I cannot find them I will buy what I need anyway. I do not buy luxury items too often but I do not save on gifts or celebrating special occasions. My only weak point is collecting books (especially comic ones) and CDs. Usually I buy them on Allegro, eBay or discount shops but still it is quite big expense. So maybe it makes me a little wasteful... On the other hand, if I need money I can sell part of my collection with little loss (books are not like clothes or food - they have their value all the time if we care about them). What is more, books broaden our mind so I can say that my hobby is not waste of money but a kind of investment :).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think that it is really hard to say if I am wasteful or stingy. It depends on my humorous. When I am sad I buy everything what I like and I can't control my expenditures. It is really annoying because I usually buy sweets. After that I am really depressed because I spend money for useless things. But sometimes I am really mean and I buy only these things I need. I study economy so I all the time learn how maximize my utility and save money. I don't spend money on expensive things. I rarely buy clothes and the most money I spend on cosmetics and food but I think it is normal. Fortunately I don't smoke so I don't spend money for cigarettes. It is really expensive.

  6. I'm not stingy, but I'm not wasteful either. If I have money, I spend it. Simple as pie! By the way, dosen’t phrase ’westful student’ (unless he or she is a rich kid) sounds suspicious? Unfortunately, I don't recall any similar story about stingy schmuck.

  7. From sb’s standpoint I can be perceived as a skinflint. But this is not entirely true. I have to say that I really like saving money. I like when I watch my bank balance and I see a lot of money! I know that it seems weird. On the other hand when I am sad I spend much money! I buy new shoes, handbags, clothes or some jewellery. It lift my spirits and I fell better. so I don't know if I am stingy or wasteful.

  8. I haven't got clear answer if I'm stigny or wasteful person.In fact,I don't like waste lots of money on useless things and I always have some savings. I always say that money is need to life as we want.I'm really delighted when I can spend my money on trips,concerts,shows..something which make my life more interestings. Of course,there are a few moment when I can't refrain myself against buying some pretty dress or shoes,but I;m a woman,it's understandable

  9. It is difficult to say if I’m wasteful or rather stingy. Like always truth lay somewhere in the middle. I live in a dormitory (it’s cost only 315zł per month) when my parents persuade me to find some more comfortable place without think about cost. Sometimes, especially when all shower are dirty it seems to be great idea but then I perceive that for difference at cost I can afford for nice trousers or high heels and buying prepared dinner every day. With this short calculations dirty showers stop being such a big problem, all in all it is always a possibility to go on the another floor :p.
    My neighbor is maybe not mean but the most meticulous that I know. For 15 last years she have gotten every household spending down. Even packet money which children take to school. She is an accountant so perhaps it is a kind of professional deviation.

  10. I think thet I'm rather stingy that wasteful because I always count how much I'm spending and I don't like to waste money. But of course I can be a little crazy some times and I buy some white elephant, but it is always prize for my achivement or something like that. However my sister is totally different and she spend money so fast that she don't know where they are and at the end of the month she borrow from me, so I'm happy that it happens to me so rarely and I don't need to borrow a lot of money.

  11. I think I'm not stingy, but I simply save up :) Of course, I like new heels and clothes but I try to manage my money during month. So when it is the end of month I have money on card. But the truth is sad, the more money I have, the more money I spend. Evenetually, I have the same amount in the end of month :( I thought that I'm stingy sometimes, but when I read this short stories I know that I'm not stingy. I'm only poor student of intramural studies :)

  12. I'm afraid I'm more wasteful than stingy. Actually I'm not sure which one is worse, but i consider it to be one of my biggest shortcomings. I spend a lot of money on things that seem to me essential. It could be books, clothes, food or anything that makes me happy. It means e.g. that I buy expensive food at restaurant instead of eating the same, but cheaper at home. I always try to do my best to save up some money and sometimes I succeed, but then the unexpected expenditure appears and I have to start over ;)

  13. I agree with last sentence that the most important is balance between this two statements. Radicalism is never positive.
    Today I have more problems with being the wasteful person. I earn some money that allows me to spned it whenever I want. I don't need to think about it. But sometimes I have some refections about it. For example that maybe if i try to save a bit of my salary I will afford for some biger, more expensive things. But long-trerm thinking is very difficult.

  14. It's difficult to say if I’m wasteful or stingy. I think that rather wasteful, but it depends on the day and my humor. One day I do not spend a penny, and on the second day I spend all my savings for for example Friday night :) I agree that the most important is balance between this two statements.

  15. It's hard for me to say if I'm stingy or wasteful. I think it depends on situation. I can be wasteful and spend all my savings but when it is necessary I can save and refuse to buy something. It also depends on how much money I have. The more money I have, the more I spend.

  16. Unfortunately, I don't remember any story like these. I think about my daily life and I can't say if I'm wasteful...It depends on a situation. I can save a money, but I must have a clear target, which is important for me. However I buy sometimes my favourite, but expensive coffee. To sum up, I find it as an individual issue.

  17. I think sometimes I am wasteful, but I can save money when I have to. I prefer to pay more for some things because in my opinion high quality products can be more effective and permanent, so some savings are not be good enough.

  18. It's hard to say if I am wasteful or stingy, because it depends. Sometimes I spend a lot of money for things I want to have. But I don't like spend too much, especially when it comes closer to the end of month. That's why I started to use aplication for my smartphone where I can control my budget. It's very useful to know how much do you spend on different types of things, food, hoobies, etc. It helps me a lot.

  19. I guess I'm lucky, because I don't have enough money nor to be stingy nor to be wasteful - problem solved. But seriously, I really don't like a wasteful way of living. People buy things, which the don't need. Or they buy such a big amount of food, that even the whole family is not able to eat that. I hate watching people throwing away a food. Of course I understand, that from time to time it is pretty natural, to buy something to make ourselves a little pleasure, but if someone's lifestyle is based on shopping, that the situation is just tragic. It's good to remember that a need of own things is created by advertisement specialists. I guess I'm lucky, because I don't have enough money nor to be stingy nor to be wasteful - problem solved. But seriously, I really don't like a wasteful way of living. People buy things, which the don't need. Or they buy such a big amount of food, that even the whole family is not able to eat that. I hate watching people throwing away a food. Of course I understand, that from time to time it is pretty natural, to buy something to make ourselves a little pleasure, but if someone's lifestyle is based on shopping, that the situation is just tragic. It's good to remember that a need of own things is created by advertisement specialists.

  20. I can't clearly say if I am wasteful or stingy. Maybe it depends on my mood, because when I'm sad I can buy many things that I like and dont take care about the cost. After that I'm really depressed because I spend money for useless things. But sometimes I am really mean and I buy only these things I need.


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