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How to improve your professional qualifications?

How to  improve your professional qualifications?

Many people worry about their qualifications, experience, languages, CV...
Nowadays employers seem to expect more than before. It's connected with a new profile of an employee. He should be young, full of energy, after studies, know a few languages, have soft skills on a very high level and minimum one year of working in his achievements.
The problem appears after high school or during studies - it's a moment, when we have first thoughts about a job. In this article, I will write a few tips, how we can increase our professional qualifications.

1. Personal characteristics and soft skill
We should be communicative, polite, cultural, kind, conflictless, active, open-minded, reliable, creative, honest and involved...It means that we must work on ourselves before, if we want to find a job. Being communicatve can be not so easy, if we are shy. Then it's good to talk with unknown people in different situations to change it. It's also important to feel when we should be serious and when smiling.
Being conflictless...if we have a problem with it, we should try to learn how to resign sometimes. There is no employer, who want to a rowdy in his company.

2. MS Office
Do you know everything about it? If not, try to learn alone with your computer or take a good course (we can find a cheap one in internet)! Word is usually easy for everybody, but Excel, which is not seldom expected, can be difficult. Don't forget about rest of programmes, if you need them.

3. Languages and certificates
Nowadays english even on a high level is not enough. We should have more in our CV. Firstly, we must remember that for example CAE means more for a an employee than simply ''advanced''. Seocondly, it's very good to know a few languages for example german or spanish. Smart idea is to learn a orginal one like chinese, arabic or even a dialect like patois. Of course it depends on a job. We can attend to a course in real or buy it in the internet + practise. 

4. Experience
We should look for interships and traineeships. There are some possibilites for example special websites, groups in facebook, gumtree, jooble, organizations from your university etc.
Try to catch something in a directon, which you are interested in! 

5. Postgraduate studies
It can be a great solution, because it's connected with better education, but very often more specialised. Check a list of it in your city and consider if it would be worth to invest in it.

However, the most important is to be...positive and believe on yourself!

Which method is the best for you? Why?
Do you think it's hard to increase your professional qualifications? Why?



  1. In my opinion every method is really good but I think the best solution is experience and good education. Nowadays, it is really difficult to get good job. Unfortunately when we have good education but have no experience we have no chances to get well-paid job. And in the other hand we cannot get job when we have some experience but we have no education. So there is one possibility to have chance to get well-paid job: having education and experience. I think it is really hard to increase professional qualifications because we have enough time, money. But if something is interesting for us then it is easy to increase our professional qualifications.

  2. Every method is good to increase our knowledge and make us more interesting in front of future employers.The most important is knowledge,self-discipline,motication and good-willing,because when we got these,we find eventually a job and gain essential experience.
    I think that it isn't so hard to increase our proffesional qualification.There are a lot of internet courses or free trainee for students. We have to be strong-willed and patient.

  3. It seems to me that changing our personal characteristic and soft skills is the most difficult part of preparing us to be good candidate for work or sometimes, even impossible. I’m not sure that well paid job is worth it. Primarily, we should feel comfortable in our soil, so maybe it is better to look for occupation which recruitments will not be in a conflict in our personality. In my opinion very important is a good command of tools which we will need in our future job. It is a good idea to check in some job offers which computer programs may be the most useful and spend time to learn how to use them in an effective way. It is nice to have some interesting hobby to make future employer interesting in your CV and choose it out of tens similar.
    Increase our professional qualifications is not so hard if we really want to. Nowadays, there is a lot of way in which we can develop ourselves. Internet make a great opportunity to attend to a specialized course even if you live in a small city. Students scientific association also make easier rising our competence and doing it in a nice atmosphere with peers.

  4. I think that the most important thing for recruiters is job experience. Gaining it often means working for free for a couple of months but often it is worth to do so. Professional competence is valued in any kind of job - it's easier to employ prepared person than pay for training course for begginer.

    First advice is really usable - soft skills are very important for employer, especially if we do not have to much experience - we should encourage recruiter that we learn fast and with ease so we can catch up our shortcomings in hard skills. Social skills are also very important - ability to work in a group is absolute base nowadays.

    I suspect that we should rethink advice number 5. More and more often we can hear that employers don't want people with too high degree. Even though Polish law doesn't oblige to pay doctors more, there are people who have to depress their education to find a job easier. It is even more common in Hungary where law guarantee people with master's degree higher minimum wage - consequently, employers jumped to hiring bachelors. So we can see that postgraduate (or even graduate at times) studies are not always the best solution to encourage employer to employ us.

  5. As for me, a good method of language learning and heavy reliance certificates. In fact, employers now look at foreign languages. Increasing number of companies are international, and it is necessary. English, more and more German, French, Spanish and Italian languages ​​are beginning to be fundamental. Learning languages ​​can be not only an investment in our future, but also gives us the opportunity to creatively sacrifice free time.
    I agree with the author of the text, it is good to also work on ourselves. Overcoming shyness, delicate self-confidence and the ability to present your person may result in finding a job of our dreams. Just think positive!
    In my opinion, it is not hard to increase Your qualifications, but it needs dedication of free time. Nowadays, there are many courses that give us the opportunity to not only develop their interests, but also training up.Finding such classes should not be difficult. Most, if not all, companies and training centers should have their own websites with information about the courses offered.

  6. In my opinion, if you have more and more lines in CV, it will be better for you. As regars languages, I think English language is judged by employers as our mother tongue. Everywhere you go, you should speak in English even if you work in Poland. So it will be better for you if you will know 2 or 3 languages :) What is more postgraduate studies are good idea, but when? Extramural? What is with your life, family, children? You often choose beetween career and family. How you can reconcile it? We know, it's not easy. I'm confused and I'm scared about my future. It's hard to increase our professional qualifications because of lack of money (to go on language course or extramural postgraduate studies) and lack of time. But I try to broaden my horizons and experience - I'm working also I have practical training on study.

  7. I think that the best is experience. Nowadays job market is all about it. You have to know, what you are doing. You should do everything to get some experience at stuff, what are you doing. For example if you want to work in Bank, you should go as trainee to some banks and check which suits you most. i think it is not really hard to improve our professional qualifications. There are a lot of free courses that we can attend to, you can learn from the internet, like there are milions of videos at youtube about it. If you want something, you will do everything for it.

  8. 1 In my opinion the best method is to have an experience. I met with refusals at job interviews repeatedly. Although I had all the necessary features and was studying the most important for the employer was an experience. It's a little funny (and bitter) because some jobs, sometimes really insignificant position, requires several years of experience. Where young people can get it when the only thing that they are offered to is a few months (often without a payment) internship.
    2 No, this is not difficult. Maybe except gaining experience.

  9. I agree with most of people above that experience is the most important issue when you look for work. According to me, employers pay most attention to it and it may decide to invite for an interview. The more, the better. Of course, it is the best when our experience is related to the post to which we apply. Then our chances are much bigger. In fact, a lot depends on where you want to work, whether it is a large corporation or smaller company. I think that when recruitment is carried out by a professional HR department, then it is harder to get a job. Large companies tend to be more demanding. The second important thing is knowledge of languages​​, especially when we apply for the position in which they will be used to a large extent, for example, when the company is international and we have contact with branches in other countries or with foreign partners. In my opinion, it is very important to be active even during our studies through participation in various trainings, practices or just by working.

  10. Every method presented here is a good way to improve your professional qualifications, but I find languages and certificates the most important. It's always useful to know few different languages when looking for a job. It's even better to have adequate certificates. Nowadays a lot of employer and companies combine their business with various countries, so sometimes language skills are the only ones we actually need to get the job.

    It's not very easy to increase our professional qualifications, because it requires from us a lot of hard work and engagement and sometimes we don't have enough time for this. However if there is any opportunity to get our dream job, we should use every possible way to increase our professional qualifications.

  11. I think that each of these method is important but in my opinion the best solution is also experience. Unfortunately employers require from us more and more qualifications. You should know what you are doing and be good at it. I agree with this, but sometimes their requirements are impossible.
    Increase our professional qualifications is not so hard if we really want to. There is a lot of way in which we can develop ourselves. We can find almost everything in the Internet or attend to a specialized course.

  12. All of these tips are quite reasonable and I'm sure that if you give it enough drive you can start climbing the mountain of your dreams. However, I agree with previous opinions, that experience is essential if you want employer to take you seriously. There's no point in waiting, the sooner we start having some jobs to do, the better for our carrier. In addition, if you're not sure, what kind of work is the most attractive for you - the best way to learn about it is get into it and try. These are your good will and persistance that will make your way to success.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think this presentation id very helpful. That is true that it's good to start prepare yourself a little bit before you start looking for a job. A shyness may be a huge problems, and usually at work you have to communicate with other people. I think it's good to go to psychologist if someone has serious problem with that.
    Languages - of course. But in my opinion it's more important to know "just" English very well, that 3 languages just a little bit.
    Experience is a little bit problematic. It is difficult to divide a time between studies, work on 3 internships. I wish employers were a little bit more understanding when it comes to that term
    Any additional education is not only good, because it looks great in a C.V., but for ourselves, to improve our skills and be a better specialist in our field.

  15. In my opinion everything depends on a job. It is obvious that nowadays, the situation of young graduates on a labor market is not easy, but I believe that investing in a human capital by developing our skills can help us in getting a proper job. As the author wrote, professional qualifications as well as soft skills are crucial. It is essential to be communicative and well-organised. In terms of languages and computer skills, I think it is better to focus on those which really are useful to us.

  16. I think that the most important is geting expirience in practice. For example by inter ship. Mayby it takes more time than usualy curse but it's more effective.
    I think that geting profesional qualification isn't impossible but unfortunatly usualy cost a lot of money. Only people from rich families can attend for some profesional trainings.

  17. The choice isn't easy. A method depends on a job, which we want. There is a company, where language is the most important thing and there is also a company, which needs at first very experienced people. We should remember, that if we want to a serious post, we must show a great CV in every section.
    I think it's hard to increase your professional qualifications, because nowadays an experience is on the first place and it's complicated to collect it.

  18. I think we should try everything to improve our qualifications it is never enough. We should invest in our knowledge and what is really important train our softskills like public speeches or working in team. Job market is really hard in this times so if we want to survive and find great job we should start now. If you really want it isn't hard to increase your qualifications. For example I'm on the first year of law I don't have any contacts and family among lawyers but I found a practice in law office so If you want it means you can.

  19. Personal characteristics and soft skill matters. They're essential. Soft skills allow you to more effectively use your technical abilities and knowledge. Ofcourse others are important, but not fundamental. I don't believe it's hard at all. But needs a little effort.


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