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The Re-working of "Work"

In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue beat grandmaster Gary Kasparov in chess. In recent years, other IBM’s Watson superc
computer beat the contestants on Jeopardy! and Google’s driverless cars have logged thousands of miles on American highways. It’s hard to believe that a decade ago, workers worried about jobs being outsourced, but today companies can assemble teams in the cloud to do sells, customers supports, and so many other things. It's official, the quite near future will have less and less use for human workers. Robots and algorithms will do the tasks that millions of people now do for modest salaries. In this TED TALK, Andrew MacAffe, a deep thinker with possition at the MIT Center for Digital Business, will show you some evidance that droids are in fact coming for our jobs.

Obviouslly, not everyone will be able to drive those killer algorithms or learn the boring math. So what will we non-nerdy humans do for work? What future skills are necessery for success? 

There was an interesting report published in 2011 by the Institute for the Future to understand the skills workers will need over the next decades in our changing world, based far more on technology and its continued advance. The report looks initially at what it feels are the six drivers that are shaping our landscape and then the ten skills they see as emerging that need to be where we place our future focus upon

Short documentary about 1997 chess match beetween Deep Blue and G. Kasparov
Googel cars:
MacAffy TedxBoston 2012:
Cloud Compiuting:
Raport from Institut For The Future:


  1. In my opinion this is a topic that is still developing and deeper. Already machines replace the work of many people.Technology is constantly improving. I think the effects of this phenomenon are not able to predict.
    The fact is that our lives are dependent on computers and various programs and we need to continue to learn and keep up with the development of technology.Who knows, maybe in the future, create new jobs directly related to the operation of robots and other machines?

  2. Well I couldn't read the whole presentation because at first I saw the statement: "Obviouslly, not everyone will be able to drive those killer algorithms or learn the boring math." I don't agree with that.
    But it is clearly that today we are more depentent on computers and other devices and I think it is natural that in the future we will be dependent more than now.

  3. @ Martyna it's a true statement!

    I’m also sceptical about any long distance prediction. But we need to understand that technology is accelerating faster than most humans are discovering sustainable comparative advantages in production.

  4. In my opinion the most important skills are the social ones. Many of us have a problem with emotional intelligence which is crucial in terms of working in a group. Moreover, I do not believe in the statement that people will become useless, I think we will have to adapt ourselves to changes and new tasks.

  5. I have to agree that it is hard to predict something about future. We only can guess. Nowadays, people use computers in every kind of work and I think it won't change. We would use more and more devices, because it wolud make life easy for ourselves.

  6. I agree with Andrew MacAffe we should be not afraid about developing technology which ‘stole’ our work places. It is rather a blessing and we have do everything to use it in right way. In my opinion it is important to change educational system to accommodate it for changing world and job market. Probably in future peoples who are good at repeated, even very scrupulously, some routine work won’t be needed any more. So it is important to teach children how to find innovative solution. I’m frightened what present form of Matura exam doing with teenagers way of thinking. There is no place for creativity, only answers from strange build key are correct. Several years ago Math have become obligatory exam again. But why we show have to find solution of equation 0=ax^2+bx+c with only one method but on the thousands examples? It wouldn’t be better to do some logic enigma? A lot of them are easy for child who is 6-8 old but become difficult when we become older. It is because we lost our creativity and it is a huge problem.

  7. Nowadays,technology is changing very quickly.We can't predict what will happen in next 20 or 30 years.When we consider about how many new helpful thing was introduced to our every day life,we will be shocked. I think that it will come days when we will be dependant on computers and high technologies.

  8. I think that droids can take our job but it will be replaced by another jobs like beeing conductor of that machines or somethin like that. Development is good and we shouldn't stop it because of our fear of loosing work places, but of course we must me reasonable about it.

  9. In my opinion new technologies are good for us. I know that because of learn by experience. On my study I create many new maps with contour lines, mountain sides and aboslute values. If I tried to do something like that, I wouldn't do that. It will take me many hours. When I have specialist programme, I can do that about 3 minutes. On the other hand, sometimes on the Internet is programme( for students from secondary school) about math or physics. I think it's stupid because education in secondary school is basic and everyone should know this standard of knowledge.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. It is really difficult to say how our work will look like in next 10-20 years, but I am pretty sure there is so much to do on the Earth that we shouldn't worry that machines will replace us. Looking back at the progress made through last 20 years, we can easily see that when one kind of job became useless, soon the other one came up. As tedious but easy things are made by machines, people have time to extract their potential for more developing and important work. This tendency is notably visible in science work – now when computers do calculative work and measurements are faster and easier to make, scientists can dedicate far more time to analysis and interpretation of researches. Maybe if people have more time, the biggest problems of modern world will be solved? I notice that we often underestimate power of our brain – it really is a perfect machine and no computer is to be compared with it. Of course, people can write genius algorithms, but still machines will not be able to do more than we make them to do.

    I am not sure what skills will be the most useful on labour market in next 10 years, but I believe that reasoning skills and creativity are valuable notwithstanding the time.

  12. People will be lossing their jobs in the industries, because there a robots will replace the real workers. The machines, the robots are cheaper, more effective, can work for 24 hours per day. But it made that this machines need to be repaired. So I think that people will be more specialized workers in future.

  13. I also agree with Andrew MacAffe. We shouldn't be afraid about developing technology will replace our work places and us. Nobody knows what will happen in 20 years. Computers is very important part of our life, we use it to almost every activity and I think it won't change. We rather would use more and more devices, because it woluld make out life easier.

  14. Technology is changing all the time. Everything is going forward. And in fact we are not able to predict what will happen in a few years. Are machines replace people? It's hard to say. I think that for a few years, people will be more dependent on machines and various types of equipment than now particularly in touch with people but that's just my guess.

  15. In the future we would try to make our lifes much easier than now, All thanks to technological progress, some electronic systems or droids will substitude in some parts of life, but this could be destruction for mankind. Lots of fantasy movies create bleak pictures of future world, when people will be under machines control. We should use technology cautiously, to dark visions can not be realized.

  16. I think that the main skill for people always will be creativity. That's something, that computers can't do. They can recreate different processes, do a lot of work better than people, do it faster with no need to pay for employees. But computers can't be creative, and even when they can, it's just a program, that is based on some calculations, program made by a human. Art also can't be done by computers, because it requries something else than just thinking or doing.

  17. Maybe it's a little bit difficult to imagine a world ruled by robots, and other science-fiction pictures. But for me isn't very hard to imagine a world, so dominated by technology, that it would be an inhuman, and really difficult to live. A technology already has changed a model of human relations. Maybe in a future, a need of seeing each other personally will disappear completely? A lost of a working place is just one of the dangers which brings technologization . I'm conscious of course how helpful a technology is when it comes to medicine for example. But also I always remember about a shape of second world war, which was directly connected to progress of technology.

  18. I think computers can make our life easier, but there are some human skills, which will be always needed. We should also remember, that a machine isn't perfect - it can go off or become quickly not enough modern. I agree with Anton Petrash, that for example a creativity is irreplaceable. Additionally, we shouldn't forget, that people make and control computers and not otherwise.

  19. Computers are a part of our nowadays life, but they can't do things like human can do, and I wish they will never do. People are saying that technology improve our life and because of computers we are more intelligent, but I don't think it's true. And machines also steal job places, because some activities that in the past normally were doing people today are doing machines.

  20. I think that new technologies have a huge impact on our lives. A lot has changed for decades. Computers and other devices help us in our daily lives. I can not imagine what would happen if these devices didn't exist. Of course they can't replace people but they can help, for example, sick people, who can not move.
    Like many people have mentioned - this is a big problem that the robots can replace humans on the job. But I agree with that, they will never replace our creativity.

  21. To be honest we live in strange times indeed, when unpredictable technological progress, famine and unemployment keep the world awake at night. I'm convinced that people are not able to predict future 20 years in advance. Everything changes and develops so quickly nowadays! Year in year out people become more dependent on technology, it might be a reason of replacing people by machines and mass redundancy.

  22. It is hard to predict in which direction the technological progress will go. It is running so fast and even if we see many dangerous effects, we can't make it stop. But in many cases, technology makes our life easier. Now many professions are becoming out of date, but on the other hand they are being replaced by new occupations (often connected with technology).

  23. I think that vision of world where robots do everything is a little bit scary... We might have a real problem with unemployment if computers start operate most of the jobs. What then? Probably there will be small group of people who will be rich and the rest will be very poor without a job. Is this what we are looking for? I think that computers should help people to make things easier but not replace people.

  24. I think robots won't work without people so there is no need to be afraid of the future. It is really difficult to make robots think as a human, so they could replace people in some fields but not in all.

  25. Some people said that the future is unpredictable, that the world could be dominated by robots, that it could be a little bit scary and I agree with these statements. I am aware of the power of technology. Looking at the new devices which help people with they everyday duties on in struggle with some diseases I am really happy that it is being improved such ably. However... taking into consideration a people who were made redundant due to technical devices I am not so optimistic.. What is more, thinking about robots which have more and more skills: it has both benefits and drawbacks. Benefits are obvious and I won't write about them, but not everyone see drawbacks. What people will do if the robots become independent? What if they loss the control on robots? - That is why I totally agree with Eliza - robots should HELP people, not REPLACE people.

  26. We shoulnd't be afraid of technology. That's true that robots are taking over the job of people, but only the hardest work. That's good that people do not have to destroy health! Still we need people to take care of robots and to do work, that robots can't do. We need technology, so we should learn use it.

  27. I think that it's normal that machines replace human in some jobs because they are never tired, they are precise and they are cheaper. On the other hand there are jobs that can be performed only by human, for example hair dresser, painter, designer, jobs connected with art. We need machines in dangerous places, in difficult conditions, I can't imagine space explorations without computers and electronic devices. The only think I am not comfortable with is discovering Artificial Intelligence.

  28. I think that it's normal that machines replace human in some jobs because they are never tired, they are precise and they are cheaper. On the other hand there are jobs that can be performed only by human, for example hair dresser, painter, designer, jobs connected with art. We need machines in dangerous places, in difficult conditions, I can't imagine space explorations without computers and electronic devices. The only think I am not comfortable with is discovering Artificial Intelligence.

  29. I'm sure that machines won't replace human hand in everything,
    even though there are many things that 'think' like human. For example
    robots won't born children and feed them naturally. I think it would be
    really nice if robots do all the work for us and we could just spend time
    with our families and things that gives us pleasure. Robots will work for free, so money would be no longer needed (and thats the main reason I don't think robots will replace us)

  30. Technology is extremely important in our world. In fact we can not live without this. And I guess it is good but sometimes we lost in all of this. People have so much that they do not know what is good for them. It is important to know how to communicate with the other, study, searching informations not only in the Internet but in books too.

  31. It seems to me that the whole concept from the begginging was to rid people of work and substitute them with machines which in my opinion is good as long as it doesn't mean more powerty along society. In such a world people would have to make money in completely different way or maybe there would be no money at all.

  32. Without technologies humans do not have future. Replaced human is normal and it is optimization for corporation owners. But technology developing should be wisley realized.

  33. Technology won't replace highly specialised human workers for decades to come. What they are doing right now is cleansing our lives from tedious tasks. It's true that they may be used in some areas of the workforce, but the demand for people to look other them and their building will increase as well. Maybe it's time society underwent a change and started forming new jobs and ways to earn income?

  34. These days it is hard to imagine life and every working places without technology. People are replaced by modern machines because of the fact that they are more effective and profitable. This common process isn’t undesirable, probably it causes structural unemployment which is higher and higher and lead to the spread of dissatisfaction among people. But think twice! Thank to technology, people are rested from some duties and unpleasant, exacting work. We don’t have to afraid of the destruction caused by technology. What about exploring and discovering human’s property and cultural heritage? It cannot be denied that without every devices people couldn’t have found some artifacts, debris or even evidences of human’s existence. Remember that devices and every machines facilitate life and support people in every activities. They should be called “improvement for society” or “dependent device controlled by people”.

  35. I believe that the development of technology is impossible to halt therefore we shouldn’t be afraid of it. We should rather accept that increasingly intelligent technology will become an integral part of our daily lives and use it wisely. I believe that we still have to wait a long time before robots and computers will be able to replace humans in most of their activities.

  36. Do you like your computer and mobile phone? Yes? SO HOW COULD YOU CALL MATH BORING. SHOW SOME RESPECT TO MATH. Without it you would still be writing your poems on rocks...

  37. It's important to know what kind of skills we should have after the next 3 years. That would be probably the time we will get our first serious jobs. With this kind of information we can think now in which way we should improve ourselves.

  38. I think that people should do what they like and what bring pleasure not what they should. Work should be nice.

  39. I feel a bit scared when I think how much jobs can be replaced by robots and other technology. Not everybody is prepared for fast retraining. That's why it's good to try different kind of jobs. I also think that these computers can't work without human - we involved them. So don't be afraid! We need to adapt.

  40. It seems that if you want to have a job in future you should learn how to make robots, because there will be more and more of those, repleacing people's work, it is not wrong, just different. It is important to do something creative, because that's what robots are unable to.

  41. Not every job can be replaced by robots and the technology. For example, when I think about my faculty (Iberian Studies) and my future job of translator, it is possible that the computers will translate contracts or instructions, but for sure computers will not replace literary translation, I mean books or escpecially poetry.

  42. I agree with sentence that technology change the world and change people work. In many cases computers replace peoples, but I think always must be the persons who will be manage all of this. Droids can't replace all competitions. What with psychiatrists or psychologists? Doctors also should have "soft" skills. Very important skill of humans is creativity and this is something what computers can't do.

  43. Unfortunatelly I couldn't see the video. This is a serious problem that robots replace some jobs which were fulfiled by humans before. I think this is a real danger that machines occupy such a great part in out life. It is possible that in a few years we can lose control on the role of them in our life.

  44. In my opinion machines will never completely replace the work of people. Because human involved the machine and still can control it. What is more I've read in the business and economics magazine that it will be a need of people who study philosophy, psychology and national languages because they understand nature of human beings, because machines will never do that instead of us. But at he same time we can develop new technologies to make our lives better and easier.

  45. The topic raised in the blog is constantly developing. This is due to continuous technological development. Everything happens so quickly that it is difficult for the fearful people to adapt to it so quickly. In my opinion, the most important thing in these times is flexibility and the ability to quickly expand and deepen your knowledge. People need to learn constantly about new advanced technology. If employees do not adapt to these changes, machines can replace them completely. That is why it is worth learning information innovations and following innovative terrorist solutions.

  46. In my opinion, robotisation of the world is inevitable. I'm not sure if my generation will strongly feel the results of it. It will take a long time definitely. But our world is already highly developed and people can't be afraid of the world and technologies going further. Our grandparents when they were young they didn't even think that something like smartphones or the Net could exist. It's just about acquiring to the technological advance.
    The Earth will live for billion of years more. We are just in a short phase of its life. So I believe that in the far-distant future there will be flying cars etc.

  47. Nowadays robots and computers are used to do more and more tasks. It is inseparable with development of technique. I think that in the future (maybe not in 20 years, but in about 50 years) robots will be doing couple times more jobs than now. Of course, there are some jobs which computer can't to - for example doctors can rest assured. I also hope that in this case governments will find a solution to help citizens make a living.

  48. Nowadays everything happens quickly and the level of technology is increasing. We don’t know what happens in 30 years. Science is future. But to be honest I think that Andrew MacAffe is right. Developed technology can't replace us. We shouldn’t worry about that. There still a lot of jobs which can do only people, for example doctor. I hope that robots don’t replace a man on earth.

  49. I’m quite scared when I think about our future. I don’t feel comfortable and I’m not ready for changes like that. But unfortunatelly, all of those things will happen. A lot of us won’t have a job, because droids will be just better. I wish I knew the answer to this question – „What do we have to do?” – but I don’t have any conclusion.However I think some parts of our planet won’t be, some of us could just get away from this progress. For me, due to technology, we are losing our humanity, we are focusing on virtual world, not on real people. We are losing ourselves.

  50. I think people should get used to the fact that there will be more and more robots and machines, which will took peoples place in factories and companies. Thanks to this work can be faster and more effective. Of course, there are many disadvantages in addition to the advantages. People will lose their jobs and the machines will break down one day.

  51. In my opinion, globalisation and develop of the technology can lead to decrease of the number of working people. Nowadays, there are plenty of machine which work for us, for example working in call centre can be replaced by automatic secretaries. However, there are also some professions which require specific knowledge and skill and can’t be replaced by machines. It can be a doctor or economist who should be creative, innovative and be able to analyse data.

  52. When I am thinking about future, sometimes I'm asking myself 'How will it be?' And sometimes I am worrying about the fact, that computers/robots can replace human, and we won't be useful any longer. However, I'm also thinking, that it can't be true. Of cource many jobs will be replaced by robots, but at the same time new places to work will be creating. Also in my opinion jobs that are according to humans needs will always be needed, because who will better understand human than other human?

  53. In my opinion, it is true that in the future many tasks will be done without humans. Even now we have many machines that work for us. In the past magazines, factories and etc was full of workers and now they are in majority filled with machines and humans work there just to verify if the robots work properly. I think in the future there will be huge demand on people with high IT knowledge. They will be needed to brighten the machines and robots. However, there are many jobs that requires knowledge and skill that robots can't have. For example jobs like surgeon, stock broker, estate agent and many more will always need human workers.

  54. I agree with Anna Smolińska that nowadays the most important thing in these times is flexibility and the ability to quickly expand and deepen your knowledge. Every year, more and more different solutions, technologies and ideas are available on the market. In fact, I'm not even sure if things, which I study will be useful in the future. Unfortunately (or not?), everything can change... It's extremely important to develop all the time and be prepared for any solution.

  55. Development of new technologies in today's world rises a question whether people will be able to control the machines or they will start controlling them. New technologies are progressively changing our life improving it and making easier our work days as well as everyday life. On the one hand advanced technology can be perceived as a gift people should be greatful for, on the other might be dangerous if used thoughtlessly. Stephen Hawking once said that people are putting an effort into creation of machines that can be hazardous to human existance. Building computers, robots or machines that are able to think for themselves shapes the creation of artificial intelligence that can bring many pros such as giving an opportunity to replace humans work or resolve problems quickier saving time and making life easier but this phenomenon should be controlled by people so as not let the machines become superior to them. In my opinion the utopian future of robots, machines and constant developement in human history mentioned in the video will easily transform into dystopian future if artificial intelligence replace human's brain.

  56. Unfortunately I’m not so optimistic as Andrew McAfee. I agree with his statement that when ‘droids are taking our jobs,[…] we are free up to do other things’. But I don’t think that we (as the humanity) are going to work on reducing poverty, drudgery and misery around the whole World at that free time. First of all I’m afraid that poverty will rise. Not many people can deal with programming and other digital staff. Those who can will be extremely rich and those who can’t will be jobless poor and desperate. Thinking of brings me a movie ‘Elysium’ with Matt Damon to my mind. In my opinion it presents the more likely vision of our future but I hope I’m not right.

  57. For sure, the future will be full of various advanced technologies. We will need to change our abilities to meet future expectations of the labor market. Today we see that more and more computer scientists are needed and in my opinion, this the job of the future. Machines will take our jobs and we will need to find new places for us to work. In my opinion, humans will most likely work as supervisors for this machines and engineers that will make and repair them. I only hope that robots won't take all of our jobs.

  58. It is impossible to avoid automatisation. Robots help us at every single step in our life. I totally agree with Andrew McAfee - technology relieve us and give us a chance doing something prior like being with other people, whose are important for us, or with people whose need our help.

    I think that quote from Freeman Dyson is very, very wise - technology is a great gift of God. He gave us mind and abilities and we should use it to building our civilisation.

  59. In my opinion, this turn of events is not bad for humanity . On my studies we discuss about artificial intelligence problems, but I still think that is better for us, that robots and machines can do work, which people don't want to do. In this way, people can do other, more interesting works. It is not true that robots take workplace, because when we creat robots, we also create a lot of workplaces. I think that this kind od automation is not dangerous for us.

  60. Time is changing really fast and soon you will see, that people won't be smart enough compared to the artificial inteligence. People will be needed to write a code for machine to learn, and machines would consume loads of data to learn. Even the best people who could remember and analyze data perfectly will always loose with machine that has access to almost infinity data restricted just by computing power (that is getting better and better). Kasparow lost with computer about 20 years ago, how technology improved since then?

  61. I'm personally looking forward to the future. Silly notions of "rise of the machines" and the like aside, our world is developing more and more rapidly, the possibilities seem endless. Anyone whose future job will requite creative thinking and ingenuity can feel safe for the time being. Algorithms learn and process information. They cannot (so far) have original ideas. As for everyone whose job can be replaced by a bit of software... well, perhaps consider a new career path?

  62. I love this video. I actually think a lot about the future and the development of artificial intelligence, but this video has given me a new insight and made me realized how technology has impacted our reality in a positive way. The truth is with AI comes both - the dangers and the advantages. But McAfee's speech is a great inspiration to analyze the topic more deeply.

  63. In the modern world we live in the century of technologies. Technologies are developing technologies are developing rather fast and make peoples’ life to change. That is why today there is an opinion that some today’s rather easy jobs will be replaced by robots. This opinion can be true but it does not apply to the jobs that require creative thinking or specialists’ engineering skills. Even if robots will replace some kinds of jobs, there will be always the demand on specialists that could repair the robots, control them and write codes for correct functionality of robots.
    Even if there is a problem that robots can replace people from some jobs, I can say that the replace should also create some new jobs. Moreover, the human creativity will not be replaces by robots at least over the next couple of decades.

  64. For me it is not easy to say what will be for 10,20 years. # or 4 years ago in Davos it was said that we are living in 4th industry revolution. It is hard to say if increasy of technology advance will be the same. 60 years ago "creators" of informatic said there will not be such thing as internet, few years later the Pentagon shows firs web.

  65. There is no doubts that there will be demand for other jobs in the future. Just as other works were desirable some time ago. It is natural consequence of development. Due to high level of techniques some jobs are replaced by computers and other electronic devices. However, from my point of view people will be never replaced. Obviously, some jobs will became useless and redundant, but on the other hand others will become devised.
    Thus, I totally agree that some skills will be more required. For instance computational skills or new media literacy. Provided that there are more electronic devices such as robots there will be demand for people who will be able to man it. As a result, there will be demand for engineers, that is people with scientific mind.
    To my mind, technology development is positive phenomenon. It helps people in several respects. Devices are valuable when this replace people on blue-collar work.

  66. Technology develop faster and faster, so the future will be more mechanize than the present. Maybe computer and the other machines will replaces people in some jobs and activity. So some jobs probably disappear, but I think that there will be some new jobs. Thirty years ago there were many jobs, which now are almost die, but there are the new ones for example connected with technology. Changes are inevitable, world is changing, so job market also.

  67. The world is changing, and so must the society living in it, it is inevitable (Well, it technically is but that resolution consists of barren lands and radioactive fallout, so that's a bit of a "I'll pass"). Over time, many jobs will disappear, but many will appear instead of them. It has always been like that and I fail to see why would that change. Also, over the last few years the technology has lept forward tremendously, it is a little scary but honestly, I think we should be excited.

  68. Of course, without technology, people have no future. This is how oxygen we cannot live without it. And I think this is good, but sometimes we lose in all this. There are so many people that they do not know what is good for them. It is important to be able to communicate with others, learn, search for information not only on the Internet, but also in books.

  69. Whole present world is immersed in high technology, people use computers, tablets, smartphones etc. every day. Of course, the technology helps us to live faster and faster, do a lot of things in one moment. But we should not disappear behind a screens, buttons... Human beeings must keep humanity alive as long as it will be possible despite of fast and agressive technological development.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. As far as I am concerned in the future there will be enough work for people who invent things, use creativity beacuse robots are not able to think so intricately as human. Unemployment menaces people who work physically.
    In my opinion technical development is nowadays really vital but sometimes we should object in order to keep workplaces and not raise unemployment and social dissatisfaction.

  73. Technological progress is a positive phenomenon and we shouldn’t be afraid of it, but the truth is that it has also some negative results. For example it takes over some duties and makes human unnecessary on some positions. People say that one day we will be all replaced by computers or other machines but in my opinion they exaggerate. There are some professions which demand sensiblity or empathy and computers are not able to do them better than humans- sometimes they can't do this at all.

  74. This is really interesting. Technology advancements do sometimes mean that certain jobs become less needed overtime, but that doesn't mean entire industries are just out of luck. In fact, research shows that automation doesn't reduce the number of jobs available, and it can even add more jobs to the workforce.

  75. Nowadays, almost everything can be replaced by technology, but this is a topic that is still developing. The future is changing dynamically, new ideas are constantly arriving and human creativity knows no boundaries.

  76. I think we are endangered by digitalisation and robots. There are more and more professions which are automatised. It's not only about banking and big companies, even groceries involve automatic shop and sales assistants.Well, they are not perfect, not yet but they are enhanced very quickly and we should wonder what our future is. The occupation we choose right now to make a living might be affected in the future and maybe we are able to predict it right now. However, I think automation and its achievements is a great invention which bring us forward. I see the point similiar to the lecturer - it's all ahead of time and us. Technology is a tool to complete incredible goals. The things is that we should control it not to damage our well-organised reality where a human is an important participant of the game.

  77. It is obvious that the job market change very fast. It is caused mainly becouse of technology and developing communication between people all around the world. Plenty of jobs will dispair, the other will create. I feel that we cannot have an influence of that. We should only approve that and try to keep up.

  78. It can be true that machines are taking our place in a job market, but on the other hand we can see that as a good change. They replace us but in the same time we can re-brand ourselfs. Humans always will be needed in a job market. Our soft skills like interpersonal relations sont necessery. Computers won't be able replace certains jobs. Moreover, people are needed to design machines and intelligent computers. We should be able to fit in a changing world even if it's mean working with machines.

  79. The article was written almost 10 years ago and I fairly don't see much differences on the markets now. Technology makes our lives easier, that was pretty accurate predictiction. Who knows what will be in another 10 years...


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THE MOST TRUSTED  PROFESSIONS Many people say that their job is important for our society, but is it a trustworthy profession? A market research institute asked people about trustworthy professions. Here you will find its results. The Top Five Most Trusted Professions 1. Firefighters A 2009 poll conducted by market research institute GfK found that firefighters ranked as the most trusted profession in Europe and the United States with 92 percent of respondents fining them trustworthy. Perhaps it’s all in the job description—being required to step into the face of danger every time you head out for an assignment is not just admirable, it’s downright heroic. 2. Teachers In the same GfK poll that lauded firefighters, teachers ranked second with 83 percent. It’s a good sign considering that the people responsible for crafting the minds of our children are deemed trustworthy. “I think every teacher recognizes that they are part of a trusted profession—that par...

Wage discrimination or not?

Data from the Central Statistical Office show that women on average receive about 20 % less pay than men. The average men earns 4248 zł gross , that is 3026 zł net . In turn, the average women earns 3541 zł gross , that is 2533 zł net . An analysis of the average salary in the so-called 'great' occupational groups shows that in the case of office workers , the average salary for men is 2320 zł net , and for women in 2277 zł . For example, in the group of " experts" men on average earn about 1 thousand . zł net more . However, for this group we include both teachers and developers . The teaching profession is virtually feminized , while among the better -paid male-dominated programmers . Contrary to appearances, the differences did not blurred in the case of lower-paid positions , such as men employed in elementary occupations earn an average of 1,856 zł net , and women almost 400 zł less. Di...

Single-sex education

A little bit of history Single-sex education was traditional and dominating form of education till 19th century. Almost all schools and universities were single sex, which in almost all cases meant – men’s schools. This situation started to change because of two reasons: emancipation of women (fight for equality) and introduction of massive education. The first mixed-sex boarding school in UK was formed in 1818, it was Scottish Dollar Academy, and in 1878 the first university- University College London, allowed women  to enter on equal terms with men. What is interesting, the first Cambridge collage, which admit men and women was founded only on  1964. Pros and cons The topic of single-sex education is quite controversial. Like always there are pros and cons, some of them are quite irrational, other have a scientific background. The most popular arguments for single-sex education: 1. Boys and girls are learning in the different way, so they need differ...