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You = Your Profile

Have you ever wondered how many of your friends don`t have an account on any Internet website? Not many, right? You know your profile is your digital image. Here you can be whoever you want to and do whatever you want to do. Networks can help us with finding a job meeting new friends. Social networks help you see connections between people which are hidden in real world. 

One of it is Twitter ant this is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read "tweets", which are text messages limited to 140 characters. Registered users can read and post tweets but unregistered users can only read them.

How it works?

Not signed up? You can do it now here:

But not everyone likes twitter ;)

Another one of social network is the Google +. It is the second-largest social networking site in the world after Facebook. How it works? If you have a Google account you have also YouTube and Google+  account well you don`t have to sign up many times at many sites well it`s saving time - isn`t it? Short introduction below.

Above I showed two types of social network outside Facebook which is the most popular. Both of them have their mobile apps.

And now it`s question time!

How many social networks you use?
How often do you check your profile/wall?
Do you think you are addicted? 
What do you think about social network - is it our future? Why why not?


  1. I use only one social network- Facebook. I checked my wall every day, sometimes, when there is nothing to do, even more. It is difficult to admit, but I have to say that it is a kind of addiction. I tried to fight with it by several times. Fortunately usually with a good results. When I drive me to not check it by three days in the fourth day I don’t feel any need to do it. Unhappily, it is a good idea only when you can forget about word which surrounding you and focus on the people and thinks you really love, for example on holiday. Nowadays Facebook, beside of being source of entertainment, is becoming place where you can easy find all useful information about your school, dates of test, usable materials, help with difficult homework. Everything for the asking, or may by better say for logging in.

  2. I have only facebook account.I check my wall several times a day.I think that I'm addicted to it,but especially in the summer,when i'm far away from my town,I usually cut down to facebook.
    In my opinion social networking sites will be getting bigger and bigger with even more functions.because they became main way to communicate,especially between young people.

  3. I have my profiles on various social network websites that I check
    every day. Like my friends above, I use Facebook. Besides I’ve created
    my profiles on Google+ and LinkedIn (the latter I use not so often.
    It’s something brand-new for me and I’m getting used to that).
    However, my facebook profile is well-developed and I can easily share
    or get urgent information with my friends thanks to student’s or
    science’s groups. All social network websites are quite habit-forming - in spite of using them for a good purpose - you can also waste your time doing absolutely nothing, just playing video games for instance. That is what made me addicted to them but now I’m fighting with myself. I’m trying to limit hours I spend in front of computer. In my opinion social networks will be present in every community you belong so you can’t just dissociate
    yourself from them. In fact, the social network websites will be
    becoming our future, so it seems to be impossible to not have any
    profile on any social network websites.

  4. I use two social networks. I have my profiles on Facebook and on Google+ and I check it everyday. It is really useful because I belong to group from my university. There is many informations about our homeworks, meetings and classes. In my opinion I'm not addicted to social networks. I've created my Facebook profile two months ago because I've known that it is helpful on my studies. Now, I don't use it for pleisure. It's just my duty. A lot of people say that 'If you don't have profile on Facebook, you don't exist'. So social network is our future, because it's really easy, quickly and cheap for people to communicate with the other people by Facebook. But I prefer contact 'face to face'.

  5. I use only one social network which is most popular Facebook. I check my wall few times a day but I don't think that I'm addicted because I only use it when I'm bored. In my opinion social networks help us stay in contact with friends who live abroad or far away from us but it also affects our relationships. Sometimes it is easier to chat instead of meet face to face.

  6. I use two social networks : Facebook and Instagram. I guess that's the great solution for me because I've got a lot of friends who live abroad, so it's much easier to contact with them via Facebook chat. I check my wall everyday to see if there is something new going on with my friends ( new relationships, angry break ups, and so on :D ) Moreover, I Get notifications on my mobile phone so I can check it anytime. From my point of view, being absolutely honest, I'm a little addicted although I can live without Facebook during my holiday break :) I think that social networking will be be always popular because it makes life easier

  7. I have account on Facebook and I think I'm totally addicted to Facebook. I'm saying that Facebook is only for contact with my friends, with group of university buy the truth is different. Facebook is a kind of 'world' where you can create yourself, you can monitor your friends. It's exiciting that you can spy on sb's life and this person doesn't know about it. What's more, I'm addicted because sometimes I hear sound of Facebook chat but my profile and the website of Facebook doesn't work :D I think Facebook is good for me because of being in contact with friends. On the other hand Facebook is a mystery - in the future we will use only Facebook or other portal to deal with every issues :)

  8. I have Facebook and Google account but I use only Facebook. Honestly I check my profile several times per day but mainly to see if there is any new information on my university group. Of course by the way I also check what’s up with my friends but I try to control and limit using Facebook. I think social networks will be more and more developing in the nearest future. Perhaps there will be new applications and additional options to contact with friends but I think that nothing can replace face to face contact.

  9. I only use one social portal-Facebook. I mostly use to chat with my friends, sometimes I post something or add photos. I check my profile couple times per day. I am not addiced to social networks, I am more addiced to being constantly in touch with everybody.I could live without Facebook but I would replace it with something else. I would't say that this is our future, but I addmit that we going more and more reliant from sites like facebook, twitter etc. In my opinion it is gonna last for couple more years and someone will come up with new brilliant idea and then everybody ditch social portals.

  10. I have account only on Facebook, because I think that it takes me a lot of time so I can't have more accounts. I think I'm little addicted to facebook, I check my wall few times a day and if I don't have an internet for few days I'm little nervous. I think this is our feature because it gives us a huge opportunities to contact very fast and for free, so I think that people in the future will stop to send a text messages because they will chat only.

  11. I have Google account, Facebook and Vkontakte. The last one is the local social network which is used by Russian-language users. It inform that was registred more than 230 mln of users. On Google I use only Gmail, by Vkontakte I connect with my friends from Belarus, but I prefer to use for this Skype. And on Facebook I joined to specific groups from my faculty, where can be found some useful information. But in fact, I check my wall less often one time a week, I really don't want to feel myself addicted from this. I believe that there are many people, whose life became better with developing of social networks. Conditions of life are changing and we live in this changing world. I think, that our great-grandfathers thought the same ;) But when I read the comment from my colleagues, I noticed that almost everyone admitted addictions to Facebook. Maybe the most important is to try to use advantages and to remember that nothing cannot replaced real life, friends and family.

  12. So right now I'm using only facebook and Instagram, which is not in question in this post. But I used to use twitter as well. But after some time it started to be boring, because lot of people which I followed were complaining all the time, about everything. So I decided to delete my account.
    In Facebook I'm checking my wall/profile all the time! And yes, I'm addicted. Facebook is kind of chain, you are still thinking whats going on, who wrote to you or what your friend posted on your wall. Frankly, I'm terrified when I dont have access to facebook.
    I reckon that social networks are our future, because it gives us lot of good things and it has lot of advantages. Like people who are far away can be in touch, you can see every day what your friend did or where he was. I can't imagine me as old lady sitting in front of computer and chatting with friends, but I think internet and computers change everything, so it will be normal.

  13. I use only one social network, it is Facebook, which I think is the most popular in contemporary world. I check my wall practically everyday when I come back home, it became a habit for me and I do this really often, especially in the evenings. It is a kind of curiosity if someone liked our posts, photos or videos. However it is also necessary if we want to find out some information about our studies, notes from lecture. Unfortunately, I must admit that I am addicted, but in a small degree I think. If I am at home I need to check my profile and have a constant contact with my friends. But there is also period of time when I want to forget about this social network and focus on everyday activities, it is particularly on holidays. When we observe how rapidly the social networks develop, we may conclude that it is our future. The huge amount of people use or start their adventure with websites like Facebook, and it certainly won't change. It makes our life easier, happier and gives us lots of entertainment and in the future I think that these websites will be extended in their functions. However we should remember that this is only contact by the Internet and it will never replace a real conversation.

  14. Firstly I want to say that I agree with a man in second video, because people don't really happy and they can't focus on real life. They only write what they are doing or they have right now.
    I use only Facebook and I have it only to have a contact with people who I met on summer camp. I check the wall once a day to talk with people who live in other town. I think I'm not addicted, because when I drive on holiday I don't need a contact with the world. Interesting topic is future of internet. I think the internet will be more widespread than now to connect with other people.

  15. I use only Facebook, like most of us. I also have a Google+ account but I use only the mailbox there. Am I addicted to Facebook? It's hard to say, it depends on what anyone thinks about addictive. For example, when I'm at home, Facebook is open almost all the time. However, it doesn't mean that I use it all this time. I use it mainly to communicate with my friends, with my group of studies and sometimes to relax with my favourite game. I think that Facebook is really useful. We do not always have the opportunity to meet someone in real life and that portals make it easier. To me, it won't change in the future. People will continue to use these sites because it is very comfortable and gives a lot of possibilities, and maybe in the future, technology will allow us for more and more. So, we'll see ;)

  16. How many social networks you use? I use few social networks. Generally I use facebook. But I also use a Twitter and Google plus. Google plus is good becouse it works with google acount. It's very fuctional. It easy to put there some photos, to edit, to send them.
    I check my facebook profile very often. It has changed when I bought new mobile phone with internet conection. I'm online all the time.
    I think that i'm not addicted . But I use social networks all the time. They have important role in my work and study.
    I think that social networks are reality nowadays. It's not a future. But I think that It will be changing how people use this networks.

  17. I use both Facebook and Twitter. I check my profile/wall few times a day but I don't think I'm addicted becouse I could live without it. I have more interesting things to when I have free time, I prefer spending time outside to siting at home next to the monitor. Is social nerwork our future? It's difficult to say but in my opinion social network sometimes makes people' lives esasier, nowadays people are more and more comfortable, so social media may be our future.

  18. I use only Facebook. And the only reason why I use it, it is a contact with friends or people from school is easier by the social network, which everyone (or the larger part of the society) has and uses. However, I know people, who don't have the facebook and they see it is good for them and use the other website, which they find more interesing or better created for that kind of users like they. I don't tjink I am an addicted, because I really rarely use facebook in this way to check my or my friends 'wall' or profile. I use only the facebook's messenger on my phone to contact easier with people, who I have only in contacts on facebook and not on my phone.
    As Dominika Ch. I think the question 'is social network our future' it is difficult to answer on it. Nowadays, the world and everything connected with the Internet and electronic is changing so fast that I hardly can keep ut with it.

  19. I have both Facebook and Google+ account but I use only Facebook. I check my profile every day but I rather use Facebook to contact with my friends so I can't say that I'm addicted to it. I think that the social networks are very important and useful in our lifes. For example Facebook is a place where we can join a lot of groups which show us a lot of specific and interesting information. Moreover Facebook helps us stay in touch with people living abroad. Nowadays a lot of people use social networks because it's comfortable and it gives people entertainment so I think that in the future there will be more and more sites like Facebook and Twitter.

  20. Facebook is my only one social network that I use. I check it pretty everyday, at least when I'm at home. When there are situations that I'm not at home at all I don't have time to check it, but I check facebook almost everyday. It's hard to say if I'm addicted because what do you mean by that? I just check some news on wall and talk to my friends, but not spending a lot of time there. However I use it everyday.. have to use it.. so I'm kind of addicted to it. Well I think social networks is our future, it will work for a very long time until they invent something more interesting which will get more popular.

  21. I don't use any social portal except Facebook, not because I want to have my account there, but because nowadays it's useful to contact with other people, who sometimes don't want to talk face to face. I check my wall few times in a day, because I have more over 1 thousand "friends" and if I wouldn't clear all messages, my profile will change to the one, big mess, but I don't think I'm addicted. For example last summer holidays I didn't use it whatsoever. In my opinion, social networks like Facebook, Twitter and so on are just a popular trend and with every passing year it will become less famous as it is now.

  22. I have an account on Facebook and Google+. I use Facebook everyday, I check my wall several times a day, but during weekends or holidays I do it very rarely. I don't use Google+. I also check Twitter and Instagram but I don't have an account. I don't think that I am addicted to Facebook, but it is very important to me to have it because of my university groups (we share a lot of information about our studies). In my opinion social networks are cool, but they can't replace real relationships.

  23. I got facebook aplication on my phone but I don't use it very often. I'm kind of like more addicted to frash air or coffee and I don't care about wall posts. As it happens web pages, social portals, microblogs or personal blogs - all these different forms of communication - are pressent-focuse. There's been a lot of hubbub about it in the future. So time will tell.

  24. Well, I use two of those mentioned - facebook and google+. I never check my wall, I'm not sure if I'm aware (at all) of having it - so I suppose I'm not in the net of addicted. Unfortunately it seems probable that social network is the future of social life. Even in global dimension. People of my age are mostly addicted to it - the younger seems to have grown up in this - it's their world foundation, and unluckily those kids are futureh of humanity . However I deeply believe that even then there would remain a place for people like me, who wants to exist in reality,especially.

  25. I have my facebook profile, like almost everyone on the Earth. I have also account on Instagram, but I don't use it at all. I check my wall very often but it is just a stupid habit. Facebook used to be important for me and I used to wait for new messages, posts from my friends, likes, comments but now I don't care.
    I certainly was addicted to it but I think I'm now free.
    In my opinion people are less and less interested in facebook.They turn away from social networks because it is getting boring. But still social portals are the best way to keep contact with friends, and to get some information about your studies.
    For me Twitter is incomprehensible and I use Google+ just as a mailbox

    1. I only using Facebook. It is good for me because I can be up to date with e.g. my student affairs. Of course majority of my friends use this social network so it is good way for keep cheap and quick contacts with them.
      I think I check my profile average two times a day but sometimes no. Often I think that I am addiced but it is not true. When I did haven't much time I removed my account and this was a good experience but soon I again resumed it. I think social network isn't our future because people need contact in real of course need conversation but it never replace a meeting.

  26. I use only Facebook and I check my wall every day. I don't think that I am addicted but if I am I would rather say that I am addicted to the possibility of getting in touch with my friends all the time and to the fact that we are almost all in one place which allows us to keep up with what we are doing in our lives - where we are studying, working. I use it only as a platform of contact I don't use game applications etc. I think that social networks are our future because they made our life easier in some ways. As a manager in culture I am satisfied with a fact that I can find there people that I've met once but I remember that they have some skills that I would like to use in my future projects. I think that it will become even more useful than now at work and in our private life.

  27. I have just one social network profile and this is my facebook account. It’s depends how many time a day I used to check my profile but in average it could be two or three times. I’m absolutely sure that I am not addicted to such a things. It rather works in different way because I am often angry because I know that I should check my Fecebook account and read messages which other people sent to mu. It could be irritating for me. However I think that social network and social media at all are the future of communication.


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