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The Osbournes

The Osbournes was premiered on MTV in March 2002 and that was the beginning of the celebreality era. Show featuring the domestic life of Godfather of Heavy Metal and his family - wife Sharon, son Jack and daughter Kelly (the second Osbournes daughter refused to participate in the show, and publicly criticized her parents for their antics on the show). Viewers saw the fights between Jack and Kelly, Sharon's battle with cancerand the aftermath of an ATV accident that nearly killed Ozzy. Fans used to know Ozzy from a completely different side, and then they saw him as a very kind person. 

Thanks to show Kelly started her music career but she didn't achive the big success. Ozzys (and Black Sabbath) music became very popular again. Sharon started her career as producer of diffrent shows and judge in British The X Factor and America's Got Talent. 
The Show has also dark side. Kelly and Jack started taking drugs and both of them can't handle with the stress that came with show. Famlily was very criticized not only because of the children but also because of the language they used. There were a lot of vulgarisms and it was censored during MTV broadcasts of the series in the United States but not in all countries - Ozzy said that he prefer the uncensored version. He also said that he was "stoned during the entire filming of The Osbournes" and he will not watch the episodes for this reason
After The Osbournes big success television networks started creating celebreality. They show celebrity "everyday life" but for real they were filmed according to screenplay.

Keeping up with the Kardashians

There is a celebreality that create the celebrities. Keeping up with the Kardashians is the most popular show on E!. Show 
focuses on sisters KourtneyKim, and Khloé Kardashian. It additionally places emphasis on their brother Rob Kardashian, their mother Kris Jenner, their stepfather Bruce Jenner, their half-sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and Kourtney's boyfriend Scott Disick. In show people can watch very intimate moments like weddings (Kim with her fiance - Kris Humphries, they were married only for 72 days), delivery, a lot of fights between sisters, and a lot of not normal things (like Kourtney gives her sister Khloe bikini wax). Show is often criticized for emphasizing the "famous for being famous" concept and appearing to fabricate much of its storyline. 

Kim hadn't been famous when they offered her show, she had been just a friend of Paris Hilton. Thanks to the show she became a bigger star then her old friend Paris. 

Do you watch any celebreality? If not why?
What do you think about showing privacy in TV? Why this shows are so much criticized?
Why people are watching celebreality? Do you think that celebrities are showing they real life or they just fabricate storyline?


  1. I’ve never watched any celebreality. It has to be boring, at least for me. I can’t imagine me watching programmes like that, wasting my precious time. And, of course, I don’t care about their lifes, it can also be a reason. Showing privacy in television is nothing like earning money, it can’t serve any higher purpose. I suppose these shows are so criticized because others are jealous. In fact, they earn easy money (one can say that is very difficult being watched 24h/day but they wanted to participate in so no mercy for them) and who doesn’t want to earn easy money? I have no idea why people watch this. I can’t find any good reason to explain that. There are so many different ways to spend lovely time, like making friends. I think that 80% of time spending in front of camera is a fake, created to shock people, to make speculation, to earn more money, to make the show more interesting

  2. I don't like this kind of programmes. It seems to me to be boring and annoying.I think that "stars" which show their privacy in TV are doing it only for money and fame.They want to show off.People critisized them because they usually thoughtless and make "problems" from nothing. I think that most of people who are watiching that kind of programme have nothing to do and enjoy spending their time in front of television. In my opinion,most of scenes are planned and affairs are fake to make celebrities lifes look more interesting.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. When I was younger I was watching celebrealities for example Big Brother. It was very interesting when programme showed us people who lived in house, their life was showed on TV (they had cameras everywhere - in bathroom, in bedroom). But I had a child, I didn't understand how it was stupid :D I haven't been watching television for several years because I think nowadays TV isn't noteworth programmes. Every programme is a mass production at a lowest price because people are going to watch everything. I don't understand that is why I don't watch it. I prefer watching 'wise' programmes on the Internet. In celebrealites I think people want to become famous in stupid way only in order to be in newspapers. They did nothing, they aren't actors, they aren't musicians, they only show us their bottoms in bathrooms.

  5. In the home we use television only for watching films online; when we find some film online, we just hook up laptop to TV and in that way watching films on the big screen in great quality. Hence, we don't use TV in traditional way and that's why I don't watch any reality shows and even don't know what show now.
    I don't know exactly why people watch reality show, but maybe they just want to forget about problems in their life by that way. You know, they see "beautiful life" of celebrities, think that such people live different life, that they have no problems and maybe just dream about such life. I think that in such kind of programms there is nothing but good work of marketers and producers, this is their job and they know how do it well. But in my mind watching celebreality it is just manifestation of laziness. Our life can be so beautiful and full of interesting things and people if only we will open to the world.

  6. Do you watch any celebreality? If not why?
    Honestly I`m not watching any tv programs(even weather forecast). Sometimes I watch some movie with family or girlfriend maybe. I`m watching MaxTV on YT and nothing else. I can say that every news from country or world I know from web(also facebook) and newspapers.
    What do you think about showing privacy in TV? Why this shows are so much criticized?
    I think that showing someone privacy is kind of sellig their life. I wouldn`t do that anyway.
    Why people are watching celebreality? Do you think that celebrities are showing they real life or they just fabricate storyline?
    Becouse they have nothing to do or they prefer watch something stupid on tv instead of do sth productivity. People are just lazy and they watching someone`s life. Maybe they haven`t got their own social life? I don`t know but I`m not interested in watching shows like that. I think they`re making new stories to increase the viewership

  7. I don't watch any celebreality, because I think it is waste of time . I prefer to watch a movie or read a book, because I have more fun doing this than watching drama of some family. I watched few pieces of this two shows and it was too idiotic for my taste.
    If someone want to do it go ahead, it is his life. In my opinion it is stupid and i don’t see any point of that.
    I think that people are bored with their life so they try to find the way to file the gaps.
    Most stories are probably fabricate. They have to catch viewers’ attention somehow, so the making up almost everything.

  8. I also don't watch any celebreality. I agree that it's waste of time. I prefer to watch movies or American series, which in my opinion are great. I can watch them all night without break. Showing privacy in TV is embarrassing. It's not even real life People are doing everything on show because they want an easy way to become a recognizable person. I think people who are watching this are bored of their own life.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It happened that I watched The Kardashians or Big Brother a few times. Sometimes I like to watch someone's life and I think that people are watching these programs because they may break away from their life for a moment and look at someone's. If I watch such things, it is only for relaxation and laughter. Recently on TV there has appeared a Polish version of "Jersey Shore" and I just can't watch this program, for me it is completely embarrassing. I admire people who reported to it and I wonder what impelled them to do so. Of course, you can show your privacy on television but what these people do there is below any level. Unfortunately, once again we can see that Polish productions are not able to match, for example, the Americans'.

  11. I don't watch any celebreality. I think that this is a really horrible concept - watching somebody's everyday life, their every word, every step and all of that only because someone is famous. I don't have that much time to waste on watching things like this so I just pretend that they don't exist and enjoy going to the theatre instead. I think that this people shouldn't let us see their privacy because then they don't have their safe place when they can come and now that nobody else will see them, that in their room they can cry as much as they want and people all around the world will see that. I think this shows are criticized so much because even if they are so popular we know, deep down in hearts, that this isn't a right thing to do and that people should be famous for a good reason. But I think that people watch it because they find their life boring and they want to know more about people from the covers of the magazines. I still don't know why people believe that what we see on the TV screen is real - I think that it is perfectly fabricated storyline.

  12. I’m not interested in watching this kind of shows due to the fact I don’t care about any celebrity and I hardly ever watch TV. There are many reasons why ppl watch them, the most obvious one is that they are nosy and sticky.

  13. Do you watch any celebreality? If not why?
    I don't watch any. I spend my life on watching tv shows instead. I find them much more absorbing and interesting. In some shows you can find educational aspects and learn from them, while celebreality is, as I see it, a huge waste of time.
    What do you think about showing privacy in TV? Why this shows are so much criticized?
    It's absolutely phathetic to show your privacy to get money or become famous. What happens in your private life should stay in your house. Exposing your emotions shouldn't be shown to public view.
    Why people are watching celebreality? Do you think that celebrities are showing they real life or they just fabricate storyline?
    Because they don't have nothing else to do. The storyline is easy, there is no need to think, so when you come back home from work, exhausted this is the programme you watch. I guess that the storyline is set up .

  14. I watch Warsaw Shore sometimes for one reason.. I have a lot of fun looking on these people making stupid things. Their inteligence isn't on a high level (at least in TV) and this is funny for me. Well about privacy.. I wouldn't show mine in TV but if some people want to earn money on it.. why not. People watch celebreality because they have nothing more to do and sometimes it's funny

  15. 1. I don't watch shows like that for few reasons. I don't have a time for such stupid things, and if I have some free time I prefer to watch more interesting programms. I think that shows like that popularize idiocy, pornografy and decline of culture.
    2.I think that this is very stupid idea, our privacy shouldn't be for sale and if we do such things we' re loosing our morality, a lot of people think that and this is why shows are criticized.
    3. Because people nature is nosey so people insted of watching what their neighbours are doing they watch celebreality, and this is kind of entertainment of course. I tink that celebrities are showing only piece of they life and they fabricate storyline.

  16. I sometimes watch celebreality, when I'm bored. However I prefer watch a film. It's more interesting for me. Some kind of films can learn us or they give us topic to thing about different questions in our life. I really don't know why people take part in this programs and show their private life. However a lot of people watch this kind of shows. Perhaps they watch it, because they are interesting how other people live or what problems they have.

  17. When I was younger sometimes, really rarely I used to watch this kind of programs. Now I don't do it at all. I'm more critical and I can notice how bad influence on our reality have shows like that. As "alice" said there was to much pornography and stupid behavior. In my opinion it is a world of money without any value.
    I've never been popular star so I don't now what to think about it. My life is not so intresting to be on TV. But I understand that celebrities take part in such events becouse they are paid for it and it is an oppurtinity to remind people of their existence.
    I don't know why people do this, probably sometimes for fun, sometimes becouse of boredom, and sometimes cause they are unhappy and they want to live other people lives.

  18. Do you watch any celebreality? If not why?
    I sometimes watch celebrealities but it is only when I'm really bored. However I prefer more ambitious programms than gossips about life famous people. Everyone has his own life and should be focused on it.
    What do you think about showing privacy in TV? Why this shows are so much criticized?
    To me, it is absolutely frustrating phenomenon. Everyone deserves to keep privacy and other should respect it. Nowadays, these type of rules are commonly broken, sometimes even small details are shown on TV or lies about stars. It isn't good although they are famous and admired by others. These shows are criticized because they don't develop us and they don't give any sort of information. In fact, we know more but it gives us nothing useful.
    Why people are watching celebreality? Do you think that celebrities are showing they real life or they just fabricate storyline?
    In my opinion it is a kind of entertainment for them or maybe they want to break away from their own life. If they can't deal with their own problems they are interested in celebrities whose issues are widely described in newspapers for example. In my opinion it depends on person if he honestly reveals information about his life. But sometimes we may observe that celebrities fabricate some stories simply to shine on glass screen and gain even more popularity. Unfortunately, it happens so often that he does it through the negative situations and behaviors but it is promoted in contemporary society.

  19. No, I don't watch any celebreality because i don't have enough time, but when I was a child I used to watch these programmes. I think that people who showing their privacy on TV are really stupid because they share their life with other people. I can't understand these people. Maybe they get a lot of money for this but in my opinion privacy is more important than money. These shows are so much criticized because everyone have the same opinion as me:) I don't know why people like watching the other people life on TV. Probably they want to find how live celebrities. But they don't see real life of celebrities. It's just storyline. Celebrities are weak actors:)

  20. I don't watch any "celebreality" for the one simple reason that I don't have a TV and I think I will never have one. In my opinion watching things like that is a complete waste of time. I have my life to live and I refuse to watch other people's lives. The reason may be that I respect everyone's and my own privacy. Shows like "celebrealities" are mainly criticized because of its content which is almost always based on shocking people by exposing very private activities - for example the "waxing thing" in the case of Kardashian's TV show . For me it's completely disgusting and inappropriate, I just don't want to see that but this may be the reason why people watch these reality shows, they want to be shocked and see the intimate aspects of other people's lives. I would like to believe that all the celebrities in "celebrealities" are not really exposing their lives in front of the cameras and that the storyline is based on previously prepared script. The idea of having no privacy and living your life in front of cameras just scares me too much.

  21. I’ve watched celebreality for example Big Brother. It was few years ago, when I was a little girl. Then it was interesting for me but now I don’t understand why I watched this. It was so stupid! Now I don’t watch any of celebreality because I don’t care about someone’s life. I think people show privacy in TV for money and fame. These shows are criticized because people are just jealous and is sure envy them that they have to work hard and celebrities get money for in fact doing nothing. I think people who like this type of programs watch it mainly because they don’t have what to do. I think that celebrities show their life a little bit under the crowd, so to get fame and not all in these programs is the truth.

  22. I don’t watch any celebreality because it’s a waste of time for me. That privacy which is showed in TV is fake reality aimed for make money – that why this shows are so criticized I think. Nowadays people watch almost everything because society at all are becoming more and more dumb and need more and more stupid and simple content. Programs like celebreality gives them simple and rubbishy plot and experience.

  23. When I think of any celebreality the only thought that comes to my mind is that there are too many people in the world and so many of them are stupid enough to spend their time watching other, stupid enough people's life. To me They seem to be iritating meddlers and nothing more. So then I do not watch celebreality, I prefer staring at the wall and thinking at least.
    Showing privacy in a tv show is one of the behaviour I can not stand, there are only few reasons for which I can understand it. But definitely it is not the yearning of being famous for showing your private foolish life.
    I'm frankly one of those who criticize this kind of programms unmercifully. Why? Because it is always dirty and disgusting, because even if a family have problems they don't boast with it. And anytime I hear something about any celebreality it appears to be so crude and vulgar. I don't care if it is they real life that thay assume worth of showing or if it's a screenplay show, either way it's so artificial, far-fetched and rather embarassing both for the celebrities and the watcher. Honestly I hate it and I despise those people. If it is the children psychical health that must be sacrified - these parents should not be parents. And what am I gonna think about a programme which shows life of a shallow lady who is famous just because of a sex tape which she personally put onto some xxx website? ....
    People love scandals and secrets, especially when a celebrity is concidered. They are voyeuristic, they want to gossip and make judgements and a celebreality is the best source of topic that you can excite over endlessly and with no consequence, avoiding thinking and caring about yourself at the same time.

  24. Do you watch any celebreality? If not why?
    No I don’t like this kind of programs. I sometimes read short articles about stars because it is relaxing but I don’t like gossips.
    What do you think about showing privacy in TV? Why this shows are so much criticized?
    I think people which shows there are usually hungry for popularity or they are trying to focused attention to them and be noticed and maybe feel 'better valued'.
    Why people are watching celebreality?
    Because they are tired they need a fun and it is a easy way for that.
    Do you think that celebrities are showing they real life or they just fabricate storyline?
    In my opinion it is mix, but most of scenes are directed by series crew or highlights.

  25. In general, I really don't understand the idea of showing somebody's privacy on television and therefore I don't like watching celebrities' lives.
    Shows like that are created to full the time on television, because as Paweł said, people watch everything nowadays

  26. I don't watch celebrealities beacause I think it's only waste of time.
    Showing privacy in Tv is like selling yourself, your own world becomes public, everyone can judge you, but it is not obvious that they understand you. What's more, you can hurt your family and close friends, I think.
    People watch celebrealities, because of theirs own problem in life, they try to know how look like life of famous and reach people. Sometimes they watch it only because they are supporters of some celebrities. What about celebrities, in my opinion they often create unreal situations only for good audience and more cash.

  27. I hate reality shows, TV stars, and in general the whole television. I would like to throw my TV away but I like to watch live sports. Such programs do not show anything interesting or with educational value. They are boring, repetitive and boring and repetitive ... Secondly, how would I show privacy on tv? If you show something on TV that is no longer privacy - this is fooling around for viewers. And I'm sure that it is all staged. People are watching these stupid programs to taste the life of the rich and popular celebrities. If they want to taste it, they should get out of the house, rent a Porsche, buy some weed and get stoned on the beach with a girlfriend / boyfriend. Then they should go home and write a song about it.

  28. I don’t watch any celebreality because it’s a waste of time for me. That privacy which is showed in TV is fake reality aimed for make money – that why this shows are so criticized I think. Nowadays people watch almost everything because society at all are becoming more and more dumb and need more and more stupid and simple content. Programs like celebreality gives them simple and rubbishy plot and experience.


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