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fake designer clothes- Is it good or bad?

Nowadays a lot of people, irrespective of age, status or sex want to have designers clothes, bags, belts or shoes. Designers goods, with great labels are generally regarded as luxury. People need luxury, which is created not for mass but only for choosen people. But, unfortunetley it has changed. Now we can buy Louis Vuitton or Gucci bags on the street. How it's possible? 

Fake goods are everywhere. Especially we can observe it during our holidays for example in Egypt. Traders are trying to persuade us to buy things which they advertise as original or even special editions. In fact, the majority of these goods are counterfeited. We believe " it is a good chance to buy something cheaper!" but unfortunately this way, we are supporting for instance child labour. It has huge economic impact too. 

Sometime ago Louis Vuitton started the fight with counterfeiting, because the company has made a decision to protect its valuable trademark and reputation. LV is one of the most recognisable luxury fashion brands in the world and thereby, is one of the trademarks which has the biggest number of fakes. Louis Vuitton claims that Home Shopping Network has been selling look-alike Louis Vuitton handbags. LV is well-known as a brand which really takes care about every single detail in their products. They decided to fight with fakes not only because of losses, but also to protect their quality.    

 Most of such fake products are created in huge, illegal factories all over the world, which do not take care of work conditons. Very often they hire  young children who are exploited. Nowadays organizations are leading campaigns, which are aimed at stopping producing and buying fakes. The main idea is "to think before you buy".

Don't you think that wearing fakes is embarrasing?
Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an orginal one?
What do you think about buying designers clothes? It is worth  buying it?
Do you buy designers clothes?


  1. 1. Don’t you think that wearing fakes is embarrassing?
    In my opinion it depends on a lot of conditions. If we buy some shoddy, poor quality items only because they have the logo of exclusive firm it is just a manifestation of our density. Frequently fake products represent great proportion value to price, and then it is just a good business. On the other hand we shouldn’t forget about ethic side of this matter. Someone can say that buying fake products is just a theft and it is difficult to contradict.
    2. Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an original one?
    If the quality is good and we don’t need original one to increase our confidence, buying cheaper fake products is all right.
    3. What do you think about buying designers’ clothes? It is worth buying it?
    Do you buy designers clothes?
    Now, as a majority of students, I’m just too poor to afford for designers’ clothes now. I had to admit that I bought some at secondhand shop and they always represent great quality. Maybe, someday when I become rich I will buy them in a normal shop. In my opinion grand substitute for buying designers’ clothes is founding good sewer. It is much cheaper and gives certainty that nobody beyond you has such clothes.

  2. 1. Don’t you think that wearing fakes is embarrassing?
    No, I don't think that wearing fakes is embarrassing. But in my opinion it is better wearing usual cothes than wearimg fakes. It isn't important for me if I have things from well known designer. I think clothes should be clean and tidy, not expensive.
    2.Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an orginal one? I think it is better to spending less money on fake clothes than spending a huge amount of money on an orginal one. In my opinon more important is quality not quantity.
    3.What do you think about buying designers clothes? It is worth buying it?
    Do you buy designers clothes? I think that people who have a lot of money can buy designers clothes. These clothes are various, unusual and really expensive. I think it is worth to buy them. Unfortunately I can't afford for expensive clothes and I buy them in normal clothes shops.

  3. I don't think that wearing fakes is embarrasing, because everyone wear what they want and what they like. I agree that it's better wearing usual clothes that wearing fakes. I think that clothes should be nice and this is the most important and if I can buy something at the low price why not?
    In my opinion you can have a few designer clothes or bags but not everything what you wear. I don't buy designer clothes. If I find something expensive what I really want I sometimes got it as a gift for any occasions. If somebody have a lot of money and he can afford for designer clothes it isn't worth but not too many.

  4. 1.I think that there is no one clear answer. Ones I wanted to buy oryginal Converse Chuck Tylor sneakres on-line It was a big price reduction, seller advertised his product as a 100% original and as that this was the end of the colletion. They looked ok, with an original box and with the tags - so I said "Why not".
    A few days later I'd got a nice sneakers and I thought that everything would be ok, but unfortunately it wasn't. After month they were totally worn-out and I was sure that I'd got a fake one. For me it wasn't embarrassing at all couse I just didn't know that something is wrong. But buying poor quality fakes in the bazaars is stupid for me it's like lying to myself that I can afford something that in fact I can't afford.
    2. I think that is always better to safe your money. I don't need any designers clothes and I would never spend thousands zloty's just to have a well known logo on my bag, or glasses. Also I don't buy a fakes becouse it is not important for me to look like a rich girl. : )
    3. Usually oryginal things give better quality, so sometimes I buy Adidas sport shoes or other sports staff like Nike, Reebok and so on. But for me Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci, Versace, Louis Vuitton could not exist at all.
    4. I buy only expensive, oryginal perfumes. All my life I'm tying to be myself and I know that with Louis Vuittob's bag I wouldn't be me. : )

  5. It's hard to say.In my opinion,there are some people who haven't got enough money to buy what they want so they decided to buy fakes,These products have usually poor quality,so,I think that it isn't worth to buy such products.
    Buying desiger clother are usually connected with good quality and(depends on desiger)huge price. In my opinion,it's worthy to buy good quality product from desiger when we use something intensively,then it lasts for longer.

  6. I don't really like the idea of buying fake designer stuff. I think it's kinda cheesy. Those handbags from the picture above are so bad and hideous. I neither wear nor want to wear such expensive clothes. So it doesn't concern me.

  7. In my opinion wearing fake clothes is junk. If you don't have money, you won't buy clothes which are fake. I don't buy designer clothes because I'm not wealthy. But if I had had money, I would have buy Chanel or Louis Vuitton clothes because of having the highest quality. As regards economic situation of producing fake clothes, I've never considered about it. Probably chain stores for example H&M or others can have huge factories where bosses don't take care about work conditions for example in China - it's problem all over the world.

  8. Don't you think that wearing fakes is embarrasing?
    I think it really is. It just pretending to be someone else. Someone who is better and richier than people who are wearing counterfeits. I hate that.
    Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an orginal one?
    Is the other way - for example you can buy other bag in other brand shop for the same price than buy LV bag on market for 100 PLN. It`s obvious that bag which you bought on market for that low price isn`t original.
    What do you think about buying designers clothes? It is worth buying it?
    I think many of designers want to much many for them clothes. However, if you can afford it - why not?

  9. Don't you think that wearing fakes is embarrasing?
    I've never worn such clothes so I can't answer that for sure but i guess it depends on the quality of product we buy. If it's shabby and it's obvious it's a fake, I guess it could be embarassing.
    Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an orginal one?
    From my point of view if we care only about visual aspects, it's not such a big deal, but when it comes to uality of the product original products are more reliable.
    What do you think about buying designers clothes? It is worth buying it?
    If we care about our outfit and it's important for us how people see us and we are scared of their judgement- yes, it's worth it.
    Do you buy designers clothes?
    Sometimes, mostly shirts because of the quality

  10. I don't think that wearing fakes is embarrasing. People prefer buy something cheaper than more expensive, we can have 3 other things than 1 but designer. It depends on what kind of fabric it is made. I sometimes buy designers clothes because it have orginal cut and for me a fabric must be good. Nowadays a lot of clothes even designers clothes have a fabric so bad. After a few laundry clothes have a small hole. When I buy something it must be good quality and I want it use for long time. If I should buy something designers, bad quality and something cheeper, good quality a choose second option. I think it is worth to buy it.

  11. 1. Don't you think that wearing fakes is embarrassing?
    Honestly I don’t think wearing fakes is embarrassing, because labels are usually invisible, so as no one really knows if it is an original or a fake. Of course, when it comes to items where the logo is very important, for example, Chanel handbag wearing such things can be embarrassing. However, very often fakes are the same quality as genuine and they don’t differ except for the price. So if someone doesn’t depend on that to have clothes from designers I don’t think that wearing fakes is embarrassing.
    2. Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an orginal one?
    I think that it isn’t depend on is it better or worse. In my opinion it depends on money. If someone can afford to buy expensive clothes why he/she shouldn’t do this, but if someone doesn’t have enough money, buy fake clothes.
    3. What do you think about buying designers clothes? It is worth buying it?
    Do you buy designers clothes?
    The same as above. If someone has the money, why not? I can’t afford to buy designer clothes, but it's not my dream and I think that expensive clothes couldn’t make me happier.

  12. I think that wearing fakes is embarassing. We buy it because it imitates original thinks but everyone can find out that this isn't real so I think it's pointless. Isn't it better to buy normal think, not original and not fake just cheaper things? If we have enough money of course it is better to buy original thinks because they have good quality, but if we don't as I sad we can buy something cheaper but not fake. I think that buying designers chlothes could be worth if this clothes are realy original and unforgettable, or if we want to contribute to some young designer especially from our country. I don't buy designers clothes because I don't have enough money.

  13. 1.Don't you think that wearing fakes is embarrassing?
    I think is a little embarrassing only when other people find out that it is fake, which happen in most of the cases. People try to show off but in fact they show that they don't have enough money to buy original clothes.
    2.Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an original one?
    If you don't have money to buy original clothes maybe it is better, but the fake one don't have quality as originals.
    3.What do you think about buying designers clothes? It is worth buying it? Do you buy designers clothes?
    I don't buy designer clothes because I can't afford them. But as far as I know they are worth it. Qulity is much better than other clothes.

  14. Everything depends on how much people has. When you are rich you can buy designer clothes everyday, but when you are quite pour it's just enable to do this. Fake clothes are good because people with lower salary can affor pretty clothes they like. I sometimes buy designer clothes but not too often. There are many other ways to spend these amounts of money.

  15. Don't you think that wearing fakes is embarrasing?
    If someone worries about opinion other people a lot, he should buy original things or goods for example in chain stores. For me, it isn't embarrasing because I think that everyone may buy clothes or bags which he prefers. I'm aware that not everyone has enough money to spend them on unearthly expensive things. So it depends on their character, stock of money and lifestyle.
    Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an orginal one?
    No, I think it isn't better. If people have less money they should buy things which they can afford and not try to imitate rich and famous people because it is so artificial. They should understand that some brands are designed for selected group of people.
    What do you think about buying designers clothes? It is worth buying it?
    I pay a lot of attention to my appearance, so for me, designers clothes are worth buying. Of course, if we get bigger salary or money from the family for our birthday. It is a great remedy if we want to improve our mood when we have a bad day. We know that these things have better quality so if we use them often we sometimes should buy more expensive goods and be glad for so long.
    Do you buy designers clothes?
    Yes,I sometimes buy desginers clothes especially shoes. I prefer spending more money on high quality things and then I'm calm that they will be good for me in various weather conditions.

  16. Don't you think that wearing fakes is embarrasing?
    I think that wearing fakes is embarassing, if you don't have money to buy designers clothes you just can't buy fakes. The people who made fakes have stolen somebodys ideas, for me it is not fair. Even if some designer don't lose a lot of money it's still stealling and in my opinion fakes are very low quality and it is shame to wear something like that.
    Do you think that spending less money on fake bag/clothes is better than spending a huge amount of money on an orginal one?
    No, I don't think like that. Baying fakes is stealing.
    What do you think about buying designers clothes? It is worth buying it?
    I think it is good if have a lot of money and I think that it's worth buying it, but if don't have money and you wont buy designer clothes it's just stupid.
    Do you buy designers clothes?
    No, I don't buy designer cloths but in the futere I really wont to find job which can give me that chance.

  17. 1.I think wearing fake clothes depends on personality. Some people don't have money for the orginal one and want to impress other people, so they wear fakes when others wear only orginals.
    2. It's difficult to say. I don't mind both buying fake clothes and buying orginals is good, it depend on people and their wallets... ;)
    3,4.I like sometimes buy some orginal clothes, because it is more durable than fakes in my opinion, but I don't like spend a lot of money on clothes, so usually do shopping in chain shops.

  18. I don't really care what I'm wearing at, but sometimes I just have a need to posses something more valuable and carefully made. Because, like we all know, usually the quality of product depends on its price, I choose items which will serve me for a long time. Then I don't care about how much I spend on that - of course, it has to be in boundries of common sense but sometimes I just close my eyes and buy it... Wearing fakes for me is embarrassing and nothing changes my opinion about that. I just hate thousands of fakes on the streets. I know that we pay almost for a trademark, but it has been building by thic company for ages. If someone can afford to buy them, why not? Look, if you want to drive by Porshe and you can buy it, why to choose the old 'polonez'? But do we really have to change 'polonez' into new Porsche? I don't think so :)

  19. Here are my thoughts on tis topic:
    1. Wearing fakes shouldn't be considered as something to be ashamed of. I don't think that wearing anything is embarrassing as far as you feel good in what you wear. It's totally up to you.
    2. There's no worse or better option. I wouldn't spend a huge amount of money on designer clothes or accessories. Of course it's good to own and wear good quality and pretty clothes, but in my opinion there's no need to buy designer's.
    3. No, "designer's" is not worth spending a lot of money. Well, unless you totally fall in love with some piece of clothing and can afford it.
    4. I don't buy designer's clothes and I don't think I will. But if I ever spot a brilliant and affordable local young designer then why not support him or her with my money?

  20. I don't think that wearing fakes is embarrassing because it is sometimes really hard to recognize if the clothes you are buying are the original ones. It doesn't matter what you wear as long as it looks good on you and is appropriate for the situation you are in.

    I believe that we should simply buy something that we like as long as we can afford it. If you have enough money to buy designer clothes and you like them - buy it. If you don't - find something that you can afford and wear proudly with love. Buying fakes only because we are obsessed with labels is as bad as buying expansive ones only because this shows your social status.

    Personally I think that most of designer clothes have poor quality and you pay simply for a logo that is on it. Of course it would probably be nice to have some classic designer clothes but I am not buying them because there are so many better ways of spending this amount of money - e.g. on theatre or cinema.

  21. Of course, I think that wearing fake-logo clothes is embarrasing. However, I see why people want to have something with a famous logo on it. Nowadays, when people are getting richer from day to day, they want to express that tehy are richer than the other so buy clothes like LV. And I think there is a pressure of the society that every man, who wants to show he isn't 'worse' than the other, he would like to have something luxury, especially with a famous logo of LV, D&G or the others.
    I don't feel it and buying the most expensive hand bag or chemise, it is not my dream. I don't buy designers clothes, because I just don't like it.
    But, as I said, I understand people who want to have it and they buy it.
    I am not a specialist, but I think the original, well-known trademarks work hard to do their clothes good and worth their price. Therefore, I think if I were really rich, I would also buy designers clothes.

  22. Yes, I think that wearing fakes is very embarrasing. I don't know why people do this. It's terrible. Because they bought fakes clothes to look like rich persons. But they aren't. It looks funny. Better is buying clothes we can aford on.
    Yes I think there is better to buy expensive orgin bag rather than fake. If we haven't enough money to buy orginal bag we should buy other less expensive one.
    I buy some designers clothes but also I buy some clothes in some second hands. I depends from clothes. The most important it how clothes looks. Where I bought that is less important.

  23. In my opinion wearing fakes might be quite embarrassing for people who think that richer person is some kind of better person, because they want to separate themselves from others be unique having unique trademark and they really pay for it, but someone paying sometimes less, intentionally or not, steal their uniqueness, someone just make wider their little group of elite.
    I’d rather buy original product than fake due to quality. Thanks to that I have to buy clothes rather and for years, maybe I don’t have enormous number of them but they are not disposable. It also is a way to save time and money.
    Designers clothes are usually made of better materials, knitwears so it is usually worth buying it. Obviously there is big number of designers which want people to pay more for their products due to their surname or nickname on it.
    I’d prefer to buy designers clothes when I have enough money.

  24. I have to say that I don't understand how people may buy simply ordinary t-shirt or jumper four or five times more expensive than in "non-luxury" brand shop. I understand that people want to show their possition but wasting money for getting another small mark on breast presenting crocodile or man riding a horse? For me it's ridiculos. I would prefer even buy cheaper clothes and give change (money) to pour people than participate in this rat race of showing how cool person is.

  25. I think it is embarrassing, especially when an item or clothing is obviously not original and you can see it at first glance. Then it looks strange and sometimes funny, for example, when stamp or logo is reworked. Personally, I don't usually spend a lot of money on clothes or other things. I don't need to have expensive and original things. Although, sometimes it is worth to buy something original, because it has a good quality so why not spend more money on the better one than a few worse. It also depends on the personality, perhaps habits and certainly on their wallets. Some people are not able to dress in a unoriginal clothes and some people simply can not afford to buy expensive things.


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