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How to learn English grammar?

      Most people admit that English grammar makes them a lot of problems. This is mainly because English grammar is different from Polish grammar. In Polish, we can’t find the equivalent to, for example, the Present Perfect. So, how should we learn English grammar to make it as effective as possible?

     Unfortunately, there is no ideal way to learn English grammar that proves correct for everyone. It frequently depends on the performance of our memory to remember certain forms and expressions. Many experts say that the knowledge of grammar rules is completely irrelevant. They come to their conclusions on the basis of our childhood, when we learned speaking without knowing any grammar rules. Our study was based on repetition of different words and phrases. The Callan Method is famous for it. It assumes that learning is based on conversation. In this case, we learn grammar "by the way", observing patterns, storing and memorising them. Multiple repetitions of a sentence is imposed on us as the habit of applying a grammatical form. They may also be useful, apart from talking, listening to songs, watching movies or reading articles in English. Such actions can also affect memorisation of grammatical structures.

       On the other hand, English grammar can be learned with the classic method which is about learning the rules and then doing exercises connected with them. This method is known to us from the beginnings of our education. First, familiarization with the use of grammatical structures, then presentation of their constructions and example sentences. Many people can’t imagine any other way to learn grammar. We can find many types of tasks to practise. From multiple choice tests, through completing sentences, putting words in the correct order, up to creating sentences ourselves. Of course, the Internet gives us a lot of options. We can find there a lot of websites and blogs dedicated to English grammar, such as here: Even on Youtube there are videos in which teachers show the grammar rules, such as here:

Time for questions for you!

Do you like learning grammar at all?
Do you have any problems with studying English grammar?
What makes you the most difficulty? Maybe passive voice or reported speech?
What do you think about the Callan Method? Do you think that it is effective?
What are your methods to learn grammar?



  1. I have nothing against learning English (or any other language) grammar. I take care about how I speak Polish so I also try to avoid making mistakes in English (it is quite fair, isn’t it?). I think everyone has to find a way to learn it, there is no rule for everybody. I always had a lot of problems with learning English but suddenly, one day in the past, I just found out what it was all about. Now, it’s for me a little bit boring, repeating everything over and over again. I can’t say I don’t make mistakes at all but who doesn’t? I don’t know what makes me most problems, maybe it can be ‘gerund or infinitive’. I never remember which form of verb I should use. I heard some disadvantages and advantages about Callan Method but I’ve never tried it. I suppose it can be effective – I’ve been learning Portuguese for one year and most of the time by only speaking with my Portuguese friends and it was really successful. Generally speaking, my method of learning grammar is boring, I just do exercises. Maybe I should try something else but I don’t complain. It can also be effective, positive attitude is the key to success.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Learning grammar is unfortunately not my favorite pastime.
    I always have problem with remembering all the times and this is the most difficult for me. Callan Method does not teach reading and writing well, is focused on speech I think this method is good for people who quickly need to learn English, because for example they are leaving to work abroad.
    I agree with this that everyone has to find own way to learn. Most people learn by doing many exercises and this is probably the simplest method, you have to know only the rules.

  4. Do you like learning grammar at all?
    Honestly grammar (mainly perfect tenses) is difficult for me and I don`t like this (obviously important) part of English. I make many mistakes which change meaning of sentence.
    Do you have any problems with studying English grammar?
    Yes I have. Maybe my problem is in the way of learning or maybe I need more time. I don`t know but I`m still working on it.
    What do you think about the Callan Method? Do you think that it is effective?
    I think that Callan Method is good only when somebody have to go abroad quickly and he must know anything. It`s good for soldiers but if somebody want to learn English he must have some time, ambitions and had better start from begginer level.
    What are your methods to learn grammar?
    I`m learning basics and rules of tense and doing some exercises.

  5. When I was younger I had difficulty in learning grammar,but in the course of time I think that I speak more correctly.Grammar is important part of learning English,and also other languages.In my opinion,the most difficult part of learning grammar is to use new known tense in speaking.
    Callan Method is easy way to start speaking in other language,very useful for people,who are interested in simply conversations,for example on holidays,without complicated grammar. I haven't got one method to learn grammar.Usually,I read main rules and do many exercises to remember.

  6. I had problems with English grammar when I was in primary school and later in secondary school. Only just in high school teacher showed me all grammar in easy way. For me the most difficulty is future tenses. I don't know why :( And reported speech is easy :) I've never tried Callan Metod but I think conversation is the best way to learn English. I suppose it can be interesting. But if you read, you will see true English which is written by British or American. Also when you write essays you will practice your own grammar skilles. The best methods to learn grammar - doing transformational sentences (like on Matura Exam) and using it in everyday life in order to practice.

  7. Honestly, I like learning grammar. It has rather never caused me a problem. Of course I’m not infallible and I make mistakes, but within learning English I have done a lot of grammar exercises and tasks so I think it helps me in understanding grammar. Also helped me my English teacher who showed me the grammar from a completely different perspective and thanks to her I actually like grammar. I don’t know what makes me the most difficulty, maybe sometimes unreal past. I have heard about the Callan Method, but I have never tried it. I think it can be effective because learining by speaking is in my opinion the best way of learning language. After all, we learn languages to communicate with someone so I think this method can be very helpful in learning. As I wrote I have done a lot of grammar exercises so this is my method to learn grammar, it can be boring after a long time but it has helped me.

  8. Personally, I like to learn grammar. Maybe it's because I like to do different things according to a certain order. However, it doesn't mean that I'm very good at it. I think, the biggest problems make me the passive voice and past tenses conecting with the present perfect (continuous). Very often I don't know which one I should use. As I like to do something based on the rules, I prefer to learn grammar in a classical method, by solving exercises. On the other hand, I think that the Callan Method has the advantages and sometimes it happens that I just remember some of the phrases, mostly from songs. I think it might work because a lot of talking in a foreign language is effective but it gives me many difficulties because of unacquitance with vocabulary :( So, finally I remain with my current method of studying grammar.

  9. I wouldn’t say I like it, but I’m fine with it. Grammar is very important, so it is in my interest to know it really well. It doesn’t matter if i like it or no, I have to do it.
    It's hard to say. Sometimes when I do exercises I don’t have even one mistake, but sometimes I make plenty. I think that I always have problems with past tenses, trying to remember when to use a specific tense is most difficult for me.
    I think Callan Method is great way to learn. From my experience I ‘ve know that even when you only listen multiple repetitions of a sentence or words it is really effective. Thanks to films and TV series I was able to learn a lot of words and phrases.
    I don't have any methods to learn grammar. I have learn English for so many years that in this moment it is all about repainting what I have already known.

  10. I like grammar. I make a lot of exercises and I try speak grammatically. It is very important to interact with other people, when we want say something in the past or in the future. My way to learn grammar is make different exercises on the internet.
    I have learnt the Callan Method. We spoke a lot and in that way we try spoke in good tense. I like this method, bacause now I can speak fluently.

  11. The main difficulty connected with grammar is not learn the rules but use them properly in real conversations or longer texts. I have problems with making decision which form is correct when I have nothing to chose but have to create it by myself. In my opinion it is a consequence of system of grammar education in Polish schools. Usually it has nothing to do with getting practical knowledhe but just teaching how effecient resolve test by looking for key word.

  12. Like everything what we do, English grammar can be interesting to learn too. It seems that now I have more pleasure from learning English grammar than earlier, but ,sincerely, I don't think that doing exercises is the best way to learn English. From my own experience nothing can't be better than real conversation with native speakers, I learn Polish exactly in such way, but it means total immersion in language and culture. Happily, Polish culture not so far from my own and a lot of things which I want to say I can just translate or I can understand from context if there is something new. But now, I started to do exercises of Polish grammar just for working off practical skills. And I think that in such way it works better.
    Unfortunately, here is no so good conditions to learning English, thats why I continue do exercises and listen BBC radio ;)

  13. I'm not an enthusiast of learning grammar, however as long as it is essential to express yourself in the right and clear way it is obvious enough for me to learn it for my sake. Problems with grammar which occur most frequently to me is an effect of obscurity between the explanation and my perception. I always have to fathom the rule deeply by analysing as much examlpes as it is possible and then it brings me less confusion with the practical use of it. Mainly I have difficulty in doing intricate exercises - but not those with reported speech and passive voice ;) I guess that the Callan's method have to be effective if so many people learn English this way. In my opinion this method allows to learn language roughly, nevertheless you need to order the structures in your mind by making notes at least.

  14. I don't like learning grammar but I know how important it is. I don't have problems with studying English grammar. It doesn't mean that I don't make mistakes but usually it is not difficult for me to understand the rules. I also don't find any part especially difficult. I think that Callan method is an interesting way but probably the most effective would be using some methods from Callan and classical method to make learning grammar more attractive. I like to learn grammar in use - by watching movies, conversations with natives etc. because I think that the most important thing is to be able to communicate with other people

  15. Do you like learning grammar at all?
    Yes, i've always been fond of grammar exercises. My dream is to speak without making grammar mistakes while speaking.
    Do you have any problems with studying English grammar?
    No, I had a perfect teacher at school and i've always liked it.
    What makes you the most difficulty? Maybe passive voice or reported speech?
    I find it quite easy but sometimes inversion and mixed conditionals are hard for me.
    What do you think about the Callan Method? Do you think that it is effective?
    I guess Call Method is effective and it lets you brush up your language abilities very qucikly.
    What are your methods to learn grammar?
    Open my book and study, that's my secret :)

  16. Do you like learning grammar at all?
    I like learning grammar because I think that it is the strongest side of my English, I have bigger problems with speaking and vocabulary. Although it is difficult to gain knowledge about over a dozen tenses but after some time I have learnt basic rules. In reality, it is interesting and unique that English grammar is so rich and nonetheless it is the most common language in the whole world.
    Do you have any problems with studying English grammar?
    I have some problems with English grammar but they are smaller than problems with speaking. When I was 9 I used to learn first English rules so the majority of English grammar I have fixed.
    What makes you the most difficulty? Maybe passive voice or reported speech?
    Yes, I think that especially reported speech makes me the most difficulty. I certainly should do more exercises in order to remember how to use it.
    What do you think about the Callan Method? Do you think that it is effective?
    In my opinion it is effective, particularly for people who have problems with speaking, similarly to me. When we are familiar with English grammar it would be a fantastic solution to think about Callan Method. Thanks to TV programms and long conversations we can become more outspoken. Moreover we will have broken our resistance from speaking.
    What are your methods to learn grammar?
    I have a few books connecting with English grammar so the best solution for me is to read some tips and then resolve some exercises. After many tasks I feel that I have learnt this concrete skill and I may go next. What is more, when I can't remember some difficult constructions I write it on the card and then I place it for example on the door or my cork board. In this way, I often look at it and then I don't have any problems with using this structure.

  17. I can't say a lot about learning grammar, because I don't like it.. It's the worst part of learning English in my opinion. I prefer to speak and listen than learn this grammar. My only problem in studying grammar is that I'm lazy and I don't study it much. I don't find grammas as very difficult, maybe passive voice is sometimes hard for me. Callan method can be good for some people, because everyone has a diffrent way to study so I can't say much about it. For some it can be effective, for some not.

  18. For me grammar is definitely the most difficult part of learning English but I have learned French for a few years and learning English tenses are nothing compare to French ones. The thing which makes my the most difficulty is the great number of tenses and all the rules connected with them – I just cannot remember it. Passive voice or reported speech are like a walk in a part compared to tenses! I have never learned in Callan Method but if I have such a big problems with English grammar maybe I should try? My method for learning grammar is doing exercises in practice book – it absorbs a lot of time but it’s effective.

  19. I don't like learning grammar and I have problems with that. I never know which tens I should use. I just can't remember the rules. I think that Callab Method is very natural for people, you will learn some language so much faster when you use it and I think that is very effective. All the time we can here that we can learn language so much faster when we go abroad. To learn grammar I watching films and reading news in english. I also try do some exercises.

  20. Generally, I like learning languages but I think that gramma is the most unpleasure thing in learning languages. I have some problems sometimes with using gramma in practise and to ask your next question - the most diffuculty for me is using gramma in corectly way during speaking, i have to pay a lot of attention for it when I am speaking to somebody. I didn't try Callan Method but I think this method could be useful and maybe I should try it. My method is one word - practising. ;)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. In my opinion grammar can be fun and interesting aspect of learming english. Many points are easy to expalin, for instance the differance between for and since or the formation of question. The other are more tricky What are the difference between at, on and in with expression with places? How exaclly is the prest perfect used? I think every way of learnig english depends on the goal. Grammar is usefull for making a language spund correct. I’m trying to understand the grammar rule then memorize and practice it.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. In my opinion grammar in Englisch is the hardest thing, but if you really try to study and use appropriate method to learn it you will see results and grammar rules will become easier and more undestood for you. For me, I think, the biggest problem is, in some situations, using of future perfect/ perfect continous and sometimes conditionals, but I think it's my foult because of not enough working at it. What about Callan method, I think it is interesting and effective but to appropriate results is needed conscientious and systemathic study. My method to study is called '10' Some say you must use in different situations (speaking, writing) some words or phrases in other language more than 10 times, so I try do it. I use some types of grammar to construction phrases or sentences.

  24. I don't like learning grammar because it is really difficult for me. But Polish and German grammar are really OK:) I make a lot of mistakes in English grammar. Probably I'll do some of them in this answer. I though that I don't have any problems with studying English grammar but I changed my mind after last English test. In my opinion there are too many tenses which are mixed in my head. The most difficult for me is passive voice. I can't remember it. I think Callan method is good method but it is really stresfull for students. I wouldn't try it, because I like doing notes and hate speaking. My method of learning English grammar is learning theory and doing exercises.

  25. I've always had problems with grammar, not only with English, but in every language I was trying to learn. I know that I can't speak english grammar correctly, but all the time I'm trying to improve my language skills. I don't have problems with understanding texts or listenings, I just can't say this what is inside my head sometimes. I heard a lot opinions about Callan method, positive and negative, but I didn't use it, in my opinion the best way to learn all about other language grammar and what's most important to learn it well, is to speaking with people for who English is the main language.

  26. I don't like learning grammar because when I think grammar I think boring. And this is difficult as everyone sad.
    I have problems with learning english grammar because it is very different than polish so it is hard to understand, we need to forget about polish to learn english.
    The most difficult for me are tenses and word-formation, but I'm not expert in grammar at all.
    I think that Callan method is very efffective and I want to try something like this because everyone knows that the best way to learn language is to live is country where people speaks in this language.
    My method is to undrstand rules and do exercises, but I don't think that this is effective method as I want to.

  27. I have the same experioence with grammar like Paulina G. I like grammar and I don't think it is a really big problem for me. In general grammar is very important when you learn foregin languages. I see it is sometimes hard to decide which tense will be the best in a particular case, however when you know the geberal rules and you can try to imagine yourself a situation presented in a sentense, you will do it good.
    Honestly, I do all the exarcises connecting to grammar by instinct. Because I don't see the other method to use it freely than try to practise and talk in this language.
    In subject of methods of learning it, I think each method is good. If somebody finds that his method of learning is the best I don't see nothing wrong with it. Even if it is a Callan Method. If it works, it is good. And I also think that the best way to learn the language is speaking in this language. Especially, when you are talking with native speaker, during the talk you realise that the grammar is not artificial group of rules, but it has its own application and meaning.

  28. I don't like learning grammar, I always have problem with this. The most difficulties make me perfect tenses and reported speech. I think Callan Method is good for person who totallly dont know english.My methods to learn grammar is repeating 10 times every example and
    searching differences between examples of varios tenses.

  29. i like Learn English Grammar online and i little improve in that

  30. For me grammar is definitely the most difficult part of learning English but I have learned French for a few years and learning English tenses are nothing compare to French ones. The thing which makes my the most difficulty is the great number of tenses and all the rules connected with them – I just cannot remember it. Passive voice or reported speech are like a walk in a part compared to tenses! I have never learned in Callan Method but if I have such a big problems with English grammar maybe I should try? My method for learning grammar is doing exercises in practice book – it absorbs a lot of time but it’s effective.

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