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Men are more interested in their appearance than women

In the era of computers and media a lot of people would like to distinguish themselves. They dream of being noticeable. People want to be accepted by other members of society. So, sometimes they do really strange things to make a great impression on others.
These days, undoubtedly, one of really important values in people's lives are apeearances. Physical appearance and body image are considered to play a vital role in selfesteem for many individuals. The way a person looks is also known to influence other people perception.
It is believed that physically attractive individuals are viewed in a more positive light in almost every aspect of life such as education, employment, health and romantic encounters.
It is obvious for a lot of people that women and teens are very self-conscious about their looks. What about men. To my great surprise, plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular not only with women, which is amazing. Indeed, it might seem to be strange but some men attach great importance to what they look like. They are able to spend hours in the bathroom, it means standing in front of the mirror and makeing up in order to change the way they look like.

Moreover, there are some men who accept any plastic surgery. Simply, they want to look similar to Justin Bieber or Elvis Presley. What is more, some men don't mind doing manicures or pedicures, also they have their teeth whitened. They can explain to you what liposuction and botox are.
Furthermore, modern men are not afraid of plucking their eyebrows. They spend a lot of money on face creams, depilation, clothes etc.

OK, now let's go back to the year 1985, most models in magazines were women, on the shelves in the shops there were only few cosmetics for men, and women wore absolutely different clothes from those which were for men. There wasn't the Internet. It's difficult to imagine now but there wasn't any Facebook, Instagram and so on.

Nowadays, media display halfdressed male models – incredibly handsome, tanned with perfect body, face and smile. It makes men jealous of those idealized individuals and no wonder they have compexes about their appearances. As a result they desire to look like Mitch from Baywatch ( ) than like Al Bundy from Married...with Children ( ). In addition, plastic surgery is an easier way of changing looks than keeping fit, sculptured body demand time and effort. Plastic surgery takes less time than everyday training. However, there might be a problem with money. Changing looks might be expensive. Who can affort to do it.

To sum up, in the 21st media make people's lives more comfortable. People are used to living in a hurry. They expect everything should be easy and available at any time. Everybody would like to have a lot of money achieved in the easiest way without any efforts. Both men and eomen want to look as good as it is possible and sometimes it might happen to exaggerate.
It would be useful to remember are saing "Appearances can be deceiving.” and wonder whether it is worth wasting time on appearances rather than personalities.


  1. I have to admit that all changes in trends how perfect people should look like in present-days, simply terrify me. It’s not bad that men take care of themselves, even I can say that it’s quite cool. However, in my opinion someone did a mistake one day. It’s too much for me. Probably media and modern society have done a huge revolution in people thinking – men, instead of their normal responsibilities, stay focus on their general appearance, making women sometimes embarrassed, sometimes a little bit confused. From my point of view is not necessary, we should find the answer to question: what is our natural character, our natural, biological destiny and where is the border between being just neat and being overreacting and crazy about the appearance. Is plastic surgery so necessary? I have a sad impression that we let media make a funny puppet show, where main stars are usual and ordinary people. We just do whatever they want us to do. I think men should behave in a way that doesn’t argue with their natural needs.

  2. Nowadays,people take care of their appearance,especially because of mass media.Most of us pay attention to how other people look.We judge people based on their appearance,especially when we see someone for the first time.At first,women started to do the make-up,dyed hairs etc.Eventually women became interested in plastic surgery or other cosmetic measures to make their appearance look better.In the course of time,some of men begin to apply the same methods to look better as women.It's hard to say,is it something wrong with it,that men also want to look good and in fashion.I think that everything should have some borders.It is our decision what we want to do with our bodies,but I think that men do not need so many measures to have good appearance.We ought to make our natural look better,not to transform ourselves to someone else.

  3. I don't know what is going on with men nowadays. It's shocking when I see men bag which looks like women bag. More and more men wear close-fitting clothes for example trousers or blouse with low neckline. I understand that they want to look good but sometimes it is in bad taste. As regards plastic surgety, it is neither women nor men - I don't support it. I think wrinkles are sexy ! Good for you when you treat your apperance but you shouldn't exaggerate because it is often embarassing.

  4. Walking down the street and looking at people very often overwhelmed me horror. Seeing the boy with the bag, stylized with the perfect hairstyle, face, dressed in a tight-fitting clothes, I wonder what's going on ... I don’t understand completely the current trends. Sometimes I even have the impression that with me there is something wrong. According to me, plastic surgery and men is an exaggeration. For me, someone who had plastic surgery no matter if it is man or woman, is just artificial. I understand that one can feel bad in one’s body, but there are many other ways to look better even sport. When it comes to men and plastic surgery and other treatments, I think it takes away their manhood. I think plastic surgery is too much. I think that it is enough to take care of each other, eat respectively, play some sports, and you can look very well.

  5. I think this is the fault of media and women. Media create this image of perfect men and women fall in love in them, so ordinary men want to face up with their expectations. Of course there is also a midlife crisis. Men freaking out that they getting old, so they try to stop the time.
    In my opinion if someone want a plastic surgery he should have it, it is his life, but he should know when to stop.

  6. In some way every man should take care about how he looks. I don't absolutely mind it. However, plastic surgery or Botox is a big exaggeration for me. I appreciate naturalness of humans so it is something I don't completely like and certainly not in men. In women, delicate changes I can accept. On the other hand, I like, for example, when a man wants to take care of his face through suitable cosmetics, which may improve its condition. I also like when a man takes care of his body and practicing some sport or just practicing, for example in a gym, but without any "junk" stimulants - I hate it!. A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular, among both men and women. But I really don't know who first started this trend of paying attention to your appearance in such a large extent. A few years ago it wasn't so important and people were able to accept themselves as they were and maybe they were more happy than nowadays because of that.

  7. Women buy different kind of magazines where they see fit and handsome men. Men in the pictures wear fashionable clothes. In that way designers want to sell a new colection, but because of that women want a man who not only smart, funny, with smile on his face, but with good style. Also man want to appeal to women and they care for his look. They use cosmetics or they train in the gym. I think it is good, but not every one. I think plastic surgery is too much. Some men who care for look undul, demand the same from his woman. I think they prefer spend his money for new clothes to take somewhere his lady.

  8. I'm not sure why should we consider men and women aspiration to achieve perfect look apart. In my opinion border of good taste and sense are similar in both of these case. What is wrong with men who have trim nails or white teeth? What makes that women doing liposuction is less crazy than men doing the same thing? Mayby, nowadays, we are witnesses of effemination of men, but it is a simple result of a culture which blur traditional border of men and women rights and duties. In my opinion way of pamper themself by men, which is showing in the text, is not the only and, what is more, even not the most popular. In base of my observations I can say that more and more young men going to a gym to get perfect body. Usually they eat diffrent dietary supplements, esspecialy proteins, which is very dengerous for they health. It is the serious problem, not the plucked eybrows.

  9. Well I'm not going to get that scientific (no offense whatsoever to Albedo) but I think age has a huge role in this. As I've matured over the years, I've noticed that myself and many of my male friends have begun to put less emphasis on looks. To say it's not important would be a lie though. Naturally when you walk into a room as a single man, the first thing you do is scope out the scene and make little mental notes on what women fit your bill. However, what fill our bill in college was probably a little more superficial than what fits our bill today. Hormones are flinging around our bodies like crazy and we are completely saturated by mass media (MTV, VH1, etc.).

    Although I think at that age women are probably the same way as well. Women do however go through puberty at an earlier age than men. This could definitely have an impact. While guys are 22 and have hormones going nuts, women are starting to settle down a lot more.

    Overall, I think it's case by case. I don't you can generally sum it up to one sex being more concerned than the other. Possibly the genders are more concerned at different points of their lives than the other (like I mentioned above) but I think it's pretty even. Maybe the stigma that mass media has put on men plays a role in the misconception.

  10. It is a personal decision if someone wants to change something in his appearance. But for me, visiting for example beauty salons is assigned to women. Our lifestyle completely changes and some stereotypes are broken. Sometimes it happens, that because of too much transformation of someone's body and face, we aren't able to distinguish man between woman. However it is an extreme case. From my point of view, everyone should keep and appreciate his naturalness and individuality. More beautiful is to remain an individual unit than artificially imitate others. Hygiene and suitable outfit is so important but we should know where is the border of good taste.

  11. I think that there is nothing wrong with men being more interested in their appearance. Now we are observing the process of this change but I think that soon this will be something completely normal because even if it is funny for us now we still would rather like to have a good looking employee who can take care of himself than a "real men" who doesn't care about his appearance.
    Also plastic surgery is something that should be carefully considered despite sex. We should learn to accept our imperfections or fight them in natural ways if we can.
    I think that it is important to remember that not only women have their insecurities caused by comparing then with girls from covers of magazines. Also men have problems when they compare themselves to some models or actors and we should accept their natural looks if we want them to accept us the way we are.

  12. I think that there is nothing wrong with men being more interested in their appearance. But I'm not sure if they are more interested than woman. It like just more men started to workout at gyms or at home and get some betters clothes then usually but stil I think that woman are more interested in appearance. About plastic surgery, manicure and pedicure.. I don't know men doing that. Maybe there are some, but they are just a very little group. More guys are just doing the workout and get some nice clothes so I don't like this topic about plastic surgery etc.

  13. I would not say that men care more than women of their appearance. This is rather - men care more nowadays than they used to in past years. I support very much but support only reasonable caring of appearence. Both women and men. No one should be filthy but it's nice when people around us are more than just clean. It is good for you to have some taste, I don't mean following the fashion, just trying to look decent and nice. There are more and more people who looks strange - artificially, especially younger generations. They want to become first page face and it doesn't matter for what 'merit' (price?) - every method is good, the more popular they get the better. I think people lose theirselves in creating something that would be atractive, appealing, seductive.... something that would get bought. If it's so it's sick.

  14. Unfortunately we lives in hypocritical and silly world where people grade other people in perspective of appearance. The values inside other person aren’t as important as clothes, trendy haircut and another products of consumption world. I’m afraid that world would totally go mad in future and there won’t be two different male/female clothes but one unisex sort of clothes.

  15. This is very intriguing topic. Nowadays men try to be more atractive than they are, but sometimes they forget about first and the most important thing, we try to be more atractive for you, women, but under any circumstances this doesn't mean that we should look like women. Unfortunately, some guys don't know about this simple rule and they do anything to look glamorous and sweet. Some use the solarium, dye theirs hair in many colors (highlights..?) etc. In my opinion this is wrong way to women's heart. In my opinion, real man/gentleman must be clean, neat, combed and nicely fragrant to try have good relationships with other people. Rest is up to our soul and heart.

  16. Nowadays, when women pretend to greater equality, when they show that they can be all-sufficient, there is no way to save traditional relationship and division of roles between men and women in civilized world. And I think, thats why guys start to make different, typical for women, things with their bodies and appearance.
    And sincere, I think that here is one more reason, deeper and more serious. Not so long time ago people went through hard time of history of humankind - wars, hunger, misery and incurable diseases. In such times people don't think so much about their appearance, they just want to have calm and happy life. Now, we live in consumer society, and it is like closed circle, we buy something cause we think that we need this stuff, but at the same time, all these things and concepts are imposed to us by media.
    It doesn't mean that it is no important how we look like, but I just want to say, every time we should try to follow our internal borders, try to understand what is so good and important for us as for people. As women as well men should remember about it.

  17. Some people always used to take care of their appearance, but nowadays most of us want to look good. No just women, men also pay attention how they look. What is more not only young people take care of their bodies. But not everybody like exercising at the gym or being on a diet. These people choose plastic surgery. Especially it is popular among the celebrities, but ordinary people also do plastic surgery in every age, not only women! But I think if you want to look good you don't need too much. You should look aesthetically and wear clean clothes. That's enough.

  18. Don't be such a crybaby! There are still real man who sit, sweet and curse in front of the TV. They don't care about tanning salon or hot wax. They want women and cold bavarage.
    They look stupid and geek in this white undershirt, but definitely not grotesque. Anyways Russel Brand is cool. Even if he wares make up.

  19. I totally agree with Weronica. I really don't know what happens to men! I think I 'm in the group if people, mentioned in the article, who think that physically attractive people are viewd in a more positive light, And it is understandable that men also would like to look than the nature created them. And I really see the reason why people do such things. However, I don't support that. Men should impress women by the other ways than ... remake the body. Men should look like men and women like women, and I just can't tolerate a boy, who is walking down the street with a woman's bag and.. doesn't look like a real man. And I agree also with Martyn K. that men don't ought to do too much to look good- just wear clean clothes. And it is enough for me. ;)

  20. Nowadays everything should be great looking, so why not men ? I think that it's a matter of sense of style, one man want to shining as a trinket, other just want to look good and another one doesn't take care what he wears and how he looks. For me the most important thing in "look" is to express yourself, create your own style and not be ashamed about it. All in all the most important isn't what you wears, but how do you think and how you can use your knowledge.

  21. Yeah this phenomenon is becoming more and more common in society. I think that men should take care of their appearience us everyone. I understand them because as we want to be beautifull and we follow magazines and all media they want it too. But I'm araid when it starts to be grotesgue and makes them look like a woman. I think that men are lost in the world of equal rights, they must find their place and I hope so that they will be still manly.

  22. Unfortunately we lives in hypocritical and silly world where people grade other people in perspective of appearance. The values inside other person aren’t as important as clothes, trendy haircut and another products of consumption world. I’m afraid that world would totally go mad in future and there won’t be two different male/female clothes but one unisex sort of clothes.


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