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Plastic Surgery

Welcome to the twenty-first century, a world ruled by money, youth and beauty. There is no place for imperfection, otherness, what's more even for originality. Of course, you don't have to care about fashion and you can live in isolation from trends. Unfortunately it is becoming increasingly difficult, and the pressure gradually affects everyone.
The plastic surgery is the most flagrant symptom of modern life.
With help of the aesthetic medicine it introduces a revolution in thinking of "modern'" people. It's  one of the stages in a vicious circle - this world makes us totally full of complexes, and plastic surgery is should help us to get rid of them.While getting rid of complexes, we are striving for perfection, while striving after perfection we getting rid of our originality. We've created a model of appearance, the ideal, which delights everyone, and to which everyone aspires as far as possible
There are lots of programs about transformations, metamorphoses, about great change in life of "ugly" people. Few years ago there was a program "The Swan" which made ​​the biggest impression on me, in the fact it was really disgousting. In this reality show totally normal women were called "ugly" and their "ugliness" made ​​them unhappy. The only chance for them was to turn into a swan. Never mind it was associated with the risk of death, unimaginable pain and humiliation in front of the whole world. As a result all the participants had the same faces and bodys, and one of them was chosen to be a queen of plastic surgery. This is as funny as scary.

  What a huge power over the human mind has the desire to be beautiful. We can perfectly see it in Korea, where young, beautiful, skiny women tend to "look more like western". After some specialist treatments, these women look completely differentthe a few months ago. They are ideal, but they are not themselves.

Here you've got an example of woman who wanted to look like a Barbie. I think it hapened : P
But is it nice?

Not associated with the cosmetic surgery but also very funny is one of the French programs "New look, new live". Here "a fashion specialist" Cristina Cordula takes some original, outstanding people from the streets to improve their images which means she makes them ordinary, gray, but of course "nicer" 

On the other hand, modern life means also modern technologie. a very positive thought flows from this fact. A development of plastic surgery and medicine in general gives big hearted doctors great opportunity to change life of those who really need it.

I would certainly recomended a film " Beautifil faces", which is knowingly conected with such a trivial topic by me. ; )


Here I've got some easy questions for you:
1. Do you like yourself? If yes, what do you like about yourself?
2. Do you want to change something in your appearance?
3. Would you ever make a plastic surgery?
What do you think about this unusual clinic in Mexico?


  1. I think I like myself. I’ve never had problems with my appearance excluding some aspects of current imperfections which I usually get rid of quickly. I appreciate looking like normal, usual girl. That make me free of thinking about my clothes, make-up or hair dress every single day. On the other side, when I decide to look a little bit more uncommonly – it is quite easy for me to achieve.
    Sometimes it seems to me to be good idea to change something in my appearance. Not because I need to. I just like changes. So far, the most trusted way to do that, and in the same time the less invasive method, is to dye my hair.
    I was thinking about plastic surgery, but I haven’t taken it seriously. Maybe because there are expensive ;p However, I fell good with myself so I don’t have any special need to do that.
    The film you showed us is wonderful. I had no idea about a place like this. It can bring you faith in doctors and medicine back. I’m speechless.

  2. Actually,when I was younger,it was harder for me to accepted myself,but now I can tell that I like myself.There are some days,when I have no idea what to wear or everything look bad on me,then I would like to change something in my apperance,but I know that it wouldn't help me to find solution on that "problems".
    I have never think about plastic surgery.
    It's great that there are place where people in need could gain help,even if they haven't got enough money. That clinic in Mexico does lots of best to other people. It helps people,mainly with face deformations,to make their life easier and look naturally.

  3. Now, I accept myself definitely. When I was younger I had problems with my apperance. I didn't like my hair, I was straightening it constantly. Now, I regret that because my hair are in bad condition. As regards topic of presentation I think that people are beautifull but they can't emphasis their beauty. Plastic surgery is ok for people with face deformations as a result of disease or accident. But if you want to change your whole face, you will look stupid and not naturally. I don't support this kind of operations. I was thinking about plastic surgery but now and in the future I won't want to do it. Wrinkles are sexy :)

  4. I think that I'm normal and I try to not pay a lot of attention for my appearance, because it isn't the important thing of human being. One day everyone will become ugly and there is no way to avoid this. And in this moment the one thing will be been accounted who you are and what did you make in your life.
    Sometimes, when I fell dissatisfaction about myself, it's good to read or watch something about people whose life is really hard because of their appearence. And I immediatelly understand that I just have no right to complain.
    I think that such clinics like this is the Mexico it is the only reasonable way to use achievments of aesthetic medicine.

  5. 1. Do you like yourself? If yes, what do you like about yourself?
    I think I can say I like myself. Obviously I know I have some defects but they are acceptable for me. I like my height.
    2. Do you want to change something in your appearance?
    I think I do. I have to do something with my nose.
    3. Would you ever make a plastic surgery?
    I think I wouldn`t. I don`t know what else I can write.

  6. I try not to think too much about my appearance. There is not much I can do, so I accept myself.
    So many things that I don’t know where to begin. Sometimes I could change everything but then the next day comes and I am satisfied with my look.
    Probably not. But I don’t know what is gonna happen in 20 or 30 years. Maybe I come up with some crazy idea to change my face or some other things.
    I think that thins clinic is really amazing. Plastic surgery should be about helping people in that kind of way-to make their life easier and better, not to changing your lips or eyebrows.

  7. When I was younger I had some problems with my appearance. I ate very little for a long time and I had health problems because of it. The only one thing I want to change in my appearance is the weight and fortunately it isn't necessary plastic surgery for this.
    I have never think about doing any plastic surgery. I'm little afraid of this. I've seen a lot of interviews with people who were not successful operations and now they regret. If you want to improve your appearance you have to risk.
    Clinic in Mexico is great. It's amazing how it helps to change people's lives.

  8. I think I like myself. I have never had any problems with how I look. Generally, I don't like people with a lot of complexes and personally don't have any of them. I accept myself and now it's difficult to say what I'd like to change in my appearance. I never think about plastic surgery, for me it's a unusefull expenditure, if I have a lot of money I prefer spend it on travels to plastic surgery. Clinic in Mexico do a lot of good things for people who need it to make them lives easier.

  9. After watching this short film, I thought that I absolutely should not complain about my appearance. Just for such activities, medicine should be developed. I think it's wonderful what these doctors are doing for those harmed by destiny children. Thanks to them, they can be a lot happier.
    According to myself, in elementary school and in junior high school I looked a lot worse because I was thicker and then I really didn't like my appearance. Fortunately, I grew out of this and I took more confidence. Now, I think I look good. Only sometimes I think that I would like to have a bigger breast. But finally I don't know if I ever dared to plastic surgery, even if I would be able to afford it. Over the rest of my body I'm trying to work through the exercises to be the most satisfied with my appearance. I love activity and sport so I don't have to force myself to do it.

  10. I love myself. I try appreciate my advantages. I believe that if I did't complain about my look I will feel excellent and other people won't see my disadvantages. When I haven't got good mood, I exercise or dance, becauce after it I feel good and I know that I do something for my body. I don't want change something in my apperance.
    Plastic surgery is good way for peolpe who are sick, have a big, ugly scar or burning. After treatment they have a change for new life. Because they want to get rid of scars. I think retrieve face is very difficult patch up. Specialists should have large knowledge to do it. I think it's beautiful way to make patients happy .

  11. I don't feel confident about my appearance but I like my hair and my eyes. There are many things I would like to change about myself. I can still do something about some of them - I can lose some weight but I will never be smaller - being so tall is sometimes hard when it comes e.g. to buying jeans which are almost always not long enough. I would never make a plastic surgery because I think that people should try to accept themselves the way they are and I am scared of having unnecessary surgery (of course we need clinics like that one in Mexico. In that cases plastic surgery is necessary) . I am grateful that we have doctors who take care of people that cannot afford such treatment. In a few hours they can change and actually save a normal life of this children.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 1. Do you like yourself? If yes, what do you like about yourself?
    It's hard to say but I don't have problems with my look. I don't really care about it because I know that I can't change anything. Of course, every morning I get up I do my best to avoid looking at the mirror. The view is deeply shocking experience. But I aprreciate one thing! My nose! It's not big, although my dad has a huge one :D
    2. Do you want to change something in your appearance?
    I'd like to gain some weight and that's all :)
    3. Would you ever make a plastic surgery?
    I'm not that desperate to get a girlfriend... yet :D
    4. What do you think about this unusual clinic in Mexico?
    That's a great movie, I realle aprreciate the work which is done there. This makes a huge change in life of other people, mainly with face deformations,to make their life easier and look naturally.

  14. It's hard to say if I like myself, I don't care a lot about that. More important things are your personality and inteligence. Of course it's nice to look pretty but I'm not going to do any plastic surgery etc. to look better. I do the workout to look better and I'm trying to get some nice clothes, that's all. About this clinic in Mexico I thing it's really good idea, this can change some people lifes.

  15. Okay, I accept the fact I’m not the most handsome blogger, but I feel good about myself and I don’t need to spend time thinking about how to enhance my look. The things I like or dislike about myself have nothing to do with my appearance. The clinic is a good proof for the fact that plastic surgery is something more than a sop for the pathetic twinge of other human self-enhancement (who don't necessarily need it). A+ for this activity.

  16. 1. I think I like myself. Of course I have some complexes but everyone have. I like my appearance except some imperfections.
    2. Yes of course if I could I would change something but I think that I won't take a risk of health and I want to be myself after this change.
    3. I don't think so, but it is hard to say what will happen in the future.
    4. I think that this clinic can change thinking about plastic surgery. People can understand that plastic surgery is needed too.

  17. It is nice to know that you all accept or even like yourself.
    Once someone said "I love my body, not becouse it is beautiful, but becouse it is mine" To tell the truth in every single case it should works like that.
    One of you said that being self-confident makes others do not notice your flaws. In fact you haven't got any flaws, and each feature you can make your advantage.
    Beauty should go hand in hand with goodness and health. When you are a good person, who takes care of own health you should be sure that you are beautiful. : )

  18. 1. Do you like yourself? If yes, what do you like about yourself?
    I like myself and I try to accept even my imperfections. Each person is different and this difference is beautiful and unique. I want to change something in my appearance but these are only details. I'm absolutely glad that I'm healthy what is the most important thing. I really like my eyes which I regard as an advantage.
    2. Do you want to change something in your appearance?
    I want to change my figure a little but I may achieve it through doing various type of excercising. I dream about ideal figure and it is my main aim. Other aspects of my appearance I think are OK.
    3. Would you ever make a plastic surgery?
    I absolutely like changing my appearance through the beauty treatments so I think it is possible. But now I know that it is so harmful and risky. Everyone should accept his natural beauty but if someone feels absolutely awfully with his appearance he has a chance to improve it, of course if he has got enough money.
    What do you think about this unusual clinic in Mexico?
    In my opinion it is a great idea because each person has a right to look like pretty and to be accepted by others. I think that more these type of clinics should be founded to change life victim people who suffer a lot in view of their difference.

  19. Yes, I do like myself and my appearance is my own and unique and I take it into my adventage. I like thinking positive about myself and I appreciate all I've got.
    No, I don't. I prefer to live happily instead of searching for faults.
    If I got deformed after an accident or if my ugliness was an effect of some disease I would like to undergo a surgery to look healthy in the same way I looked before.
    I think it is great that such place and people exist. Ugliness can make some people's lifes hell and such clinics try to bring their lifes back to normal. It's wonderful.

  20. I can't clearly say if I like mysef or not, I've just born as I am and I think that I'm not bad at all :P Of course sometimes some things could be better but that's beautiful side of life. There is one thing that I would like to eliminate forever - laziness.I just can't stand it when I have lots of exercises to do. In my opinion it's to early to say if I will ever want any plastic surgery, but as it is now I don't feel the need to changing anything. And what's about this clinic... I think that it's their private decision, but I must also say that the effects are fabulous.

  21. It is really difficult question because it is hard to say if I like myself or not. I think that I try to like myself. I could say what I like most in myself, but I don't want to be too proud:) Of course, as every woman I would like to change everything in my appearance, but it isn't possible. I am not so desperated to make a plastic surgery. It has bad influence for our health and I think person who made a plastic surgery look unnaturally. The most important is variety if everyone would be beautiful, the world would be boring. In my opinion this clinic in Mexico is really good idea, because it helps many people. Unfortunately there are no many places like this.

  22. Yes, I have to say that I totally like myself :) And if it comes to my body, the best thing about it is that it works for me, it's healthy, feels good if I'm treating it good and is unique and beautiful in its own way. There are many things I would like to change in my character, but I won't change my body in any way other than making it more fit and healthy. I've never considered plastic surgery as a tool for making human bodies look somehow "perfect" or to match unreal ideals of beauty (what applies especially to the ideals of feminine beauty). For me plastic surgery is an option when it saves lives and brings back the comfort of living a normal life for people who have serious health problems or had some kind of accident and serious damage had happened to their body. That's why we need more clinics like this one in Mexico. This is what plastic surgery is for.

  23. I rather like myself. Of course I have sometimes days when it would be the best to hide under the covers so that no one can see me. But I think that everybody has days when doesn’t feel really good about yourself. I like my eyes and hair the best if it comes to my appearance. Not once crossed my mind to make a change in my appearance, but I think I wouldn’t decide on plastic surgery. When it comes to the clinic in Mexio, I think that is a great initiative, because it helps people and change their lives for the better.

  24. 1. Personally I’m not interested in plastig surgery and I won’t have any of this kind of getting better myself because for me more important is my intellectual progres. Hovever if someone want to has a plastic surgery I won’t look at this unfavourable because each person decide about herself/himself.
    2. Mayby lose some kilogrames but nothing more.
    3. Not, unless my health would need that.
    4. I think that clinic is very noble place with people who really wants to help the poorest ones.

  25. Do you like yourself? If yes, what do you like about yourself?
    I haven’t thought about it but I can say that I like myself. Of course I try be objective so I know I am not ideal but people overall are not ideal. I like my character but I also have some negative traits. I like my body and I feel good.
    Do you want to change something in your appearance?
    No, I think now it is ok. I would like to keep fit and play more sports.
    Would you ever make a plastic surgery?
    No I think it is very bad way for correction appearance. It is unnatural, people suffer and this is terrible way and it may not be satisfactory. I think I don’t need any plastic surgery.
    What do you think about this unusual clinic in Mexico? I think it is very good job. They really help people and change their life. I think this form of plastic surgery is excellent.

  26. I have to agree with Emilia's statement. I really like myself. And, as Donka said, I've never had any problems with my body, I know I'm not a perfect person and I don't have ideal body. However, I accepted myself in this 'natural' shape therefore I don't think I would like to change something in my appearance. Of course, I suspect if I had a lot of money, I would think harder about changing something in my life and for example make a plastic surgery. Currently, I don't need it and I don't think about it too much.
    And when it comes to the clinic in Mexico I agree with most of you. Places like that are really useful and needed and there should be more clinics like this one in Mexico.

  27. Yes, I like myself. It's base to be happy and self-confident. I don't know what is concrete in me what I like more than other things, this question is good for my girlfriend, for example. She tells me I am so handsome and atractive for her, I wonder she doesn't lie. Only thing I try to change in my appearance is try to be bigger positively, so I try to work out. But it's not thanks to complexes, but I would like to be in good shape only, because some say ' in health body is a health spirit'. I would make plastic surgery only if I have to, for example after bad accident.

  28. It seems to me that I look good. I like myself and I have no problems with confidence. I like to be an average guy. But if I had to say what I like about myself I'd say my immutability.I like my style, I like the subdued colors - gray, black. Keep it simple. I don't want to change anything in my appearance. Especially with the plastic surgery. In my opinion plastic surgeries are terrible. Once the dentist offered me a jaw surgery. He told me that it's a little bit crooked, and they could fix it if I want. Hell no! As for this film about a clinic in Mexico, I think it's great that there are people who see the inner beauty and want to help the children find their way to a normal life. Medicine should repair what is really in need of repair.

  29. 1. Personally I’m not interested in plastig surgery and I won’t have any of this kind of getting better myself because for me more important is my intellectual progres. Hovever if someone want to has a plastic surgery I won’t look at this unfavourable because each person decide about herself/himself.
    2. Mayby lose some kilogrames but nothing more.
    3. Not, unless my health would need that.
    4. I think that clinic is very noble place with people who really wants to help the poorest ones.

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