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Welfare state.
“Concept of government in which the state plays a key role in protecting and promoting the economic and social well-being of its citizens”. This is the most popular definition of welfare state.
In that kind of political system citizens pay high taxes, the richest pay the most. In such countries there is the most complicated tax system in the world. It provides extended family policy, public education for all.
We have a lot of examples of countries which promote the system. Most of them are situated in  Northern and Western Europe.  These are Nordic countries, e.g. Sweden and Denmark. An example of a Western country which has that kind of policy is France, one of the most social countries in the old continent, as well as Netherlands, and Germany.
I would like to present this system in Sweden.
Sweden is one of the richest and social countries in Europe, its GPD is one of the highest in the world, and its standard of living is higher than in most European countries. That situation generates good basis to develop the welfare state political system. Sweden has created its political system for many year, for me it is the best example of a social country. It has high tax rates and a very complicated tax system ( local taxes, government taxes, income tax etc. ). On the other hand, it has a well-developed social policy system, which means, e.g. free education and health care system, social benefits for  homeless people. The state and the market are connected and create a social democratic system.
The policy in continental Europe is quite different, the reasons are manifold: the population rate and immigration rate. Examples can be observed in France, Germany and Netherlands. These countries are less helpful,  they have lower  taxes and  the market is not depended on the state.

   What do you think about that political system?
2.   What do you think about its introduction in Poland?  



  1. I think, that this system is a good idea. The most important purpose of the welfare state is to create greater economic equality or to ensure at least a certain minimum standard of living for all citizens. Welfare is good idea because poor people can rely on the government for their basic needs. In my opinion this system should be introducy in Poland.

  2. In my opinion this political system is good. I am not very interested in things connected with politics and I am not good at it, but I agree that free education and health care system are one of the most important aspects and are basic needs in every country. But as you said there are different systems and some things cause that not every country go this way and choose this system. In my opinion immigration plays a big role in this case. Introduction this system in Poland will be very good, but I think it is unlikely to happen.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I thing the idea of welfare state what we know In last decades is now exhausted. Now, in multicultural and ethnical communities functioning of that system is in danger. If new citizens of Europe don’t want to assimilate, learn languages and respect law and traditions of European countries idea of country where government is helping every citizen, even when for this citizen this country is hostile, this system is going to crash. In Poland with our public finances and public dept building of that system is impossible. Polish democracy is also too young for that- people are not prepared to live is such reality.

  5. Welfare state is just expensive. Too expensive for senescent, being in debt countries. Even for Nordic ones. As my preceding speaker said, another problem is multiculturalism, which provides problems to idea of social equality. In time of economic crisis we have to find compromise between social well-being and economic growth.
    So, can we introduce it in Poland? Nowadays we are to small and to poor for such ideas. We haven’t necessary devices. We can’t even control our social and pension plan. So, we have much to do…

  6. I think that walfare state is very nice system, but only for a rich country. When I was in Norway I was suprised that all is for every body. A public toilet was better than at my home. The playgrounds were like a amusement park. It was realy great. However I know that it isn;t good state for Poland. In Poland people are angry when they have to pay low tax. Poland is poorer and the mentality of the people is diffrent.

  7. Personally I think that system is good, especially for reason of free education and very good health care that things are very important in every country. Disatvantage is very complicated tax system and very high tax. I think in Poland it will be a good solution but people in Poland earn not much money so this system isn't work proper at this time.

  8. Really I don't like topics about these political affairs. It can be good expression when I will write "I am apolitical person". But... I really envy these people who live in some countries like Sweden, Denmark or Germany. Good government translates on people happiness. And I don't think only about low taxes or health caring. These citizens want to establish families and they don't consider about decisions something like immigrations. A lot of people in Poland who immigrated from here feel homesick because they leave their family members, friends. It can finish some diseases such as depression. Pleased country means pleased citizens.

  9. I think this would be a great idea. I don't know if these countries were rich before introduce this system, but I think that this system is the cause of their richness and prosperity, because I think that education and healthy are the pillars of a society, and that social inequalities are a big problem to any country. We can see this in undeveloped countries, where there are some people that are very rich, but the most of the population is very poor.

  10. As it was previously mentioned, the idea of welfare state is really advantageous, but not for every country. Poland and other west and central- European countries are simply not prepared for high taxes, as we cannot cope with public debt and other financial problems. The other thing is problem in definition of citizen in nowadays' multicultural tendencies. Of course, social aid, free education and health care and social protection for poor people connected with well-managed social state are undoubtedly beneficial, but means for accomplishing such level as Sweden and other Nordic countries should be presented by degrees.

  11. Such system may work in Scandinavian region, but it does not necessarily have to work in Poland. Current Polish system is ok, although I prefer private healthcare facilities, they are far more reliable and you don't have to wait in long queues

  12. In my opinion Welfere State is good for the people but to be honest it may pamper citizens. And good example of it is situation in Greece now. Where social was very expended before crisis- for example benefits to the payouts. And now in the time of crisis Greeks cannot to give up well-being. I also think that this system may be adapted in rich and stable economies like Scandinavian countries. I'm sure that not in Poland.

  13. In my opinion welfare state is a very good idea but especially in rich country. People who earn lots of money can pay high taxes. Their life is in a high level, bacause they've got provided medical care, the system of education work very efficiently. In Poland, we observe rather diffrent situation. The main reason is that people haven't got enough money so this system isn't work proper at this time

  14. I think that Welfare State system is something good. I'm not really interested in matters related to politics, but from what I read, it seems to me that it is good and beneficial solution. Especially when it comes to free education and health care which are very important. But of course everything, every system has good and bad sides.
    When it comes to Poland, I think it would be a good solution to introduce this system. But I think that we would have to wait very long for this.

  15. There are some valid reasons to provide welfare, but the overall economic situation in a country as a whole can't be worthy of welfare by itself. Besides, regardless of all the reasons to provide welfare by making wealthy people pay higher taxes must be only as high as it is needed without forgetting that the country that demand such higher taxes must also provide for people in need.
    Poland is not rich country. Or even capable of being one in forthcoming years. Most people would do whatever they could to avoid paying som reddiculous tax.

  16. Well, I'm some kind of libertarian, so for me taxes are almost always bad. Why goverment thinks that i won't spent my money well and wise? As for me it should be my choice what i will do with my money. If i want to spend ALL the money - i should can. But someone is taking big percentage of my salary, nevermind if i want this or not. It's not fair. But in fact - Sweden and other scandinavian countries did welfare state well - you're paying big taxes, but you're getting pretty well care instead of your full payment, so it's pretty good system as for me.
    Also - taxes in Poland are terrible - you pay about 50% of your salary (counting with VAT and other "hidden" taxes) and get NOTHING.

  17. I think, that this system is a good idea. For me it a idyllic system ,but if citizen can really rely on the government ,have provided their basic needs, have access to free education ,and very good health care -anyone would like to live in such country. In my opinion one disadvantage is connected with very complicated and high tax system . I think that in Poland such a system could not work now, but I hope that in the future it will be possible.

  18. I'm a little bit anarchist and I don't like this idea. I think it's just not fair and too complicated. I'm not really keen on politics but I suppose that high taxes is something that couldn't be easily introduced in Poland. Even if it's working in Sweden it doesn't mean that it will be working in Poland as well.

  19. I think that kind of system is good for rich countries, but not for all, we have a lot of factors which give a bad point of that political system. In my opinion it isn’t good for countries in east part of Europe. Is a different model of social and completely different live style. Wallfare state generate a bad behaviors , unemployment, laziness.

  20. Everyone wants welfare, but I don't think that any system can give me it without taking my part of freedom. So I would be vary careful because I think any government can give me job for free I should find it and do it myself. I rather choose the German system because it gives me basic needs and don't control me so much. Also in Poland Sweden social system would not work because people would look how to get some more money. Moreover Sweden can afford for this system additionally from selling oil.

  21. I think this system is good for average and poor people. They still pay high taxes, but not so high as wealthy people. So some reach people, who are stingy, must hate that kind of system.
    In Poland we had once a welfare system and it was working poorly and finally stoped working. I think with that kind of politicians we have nowadays (they take money from taxes, but their job isn't effective) we should fight for the lowest taxes and everyone should collect money for private treatment and other things we need.

  22. I think the political system isn't good in our country. Our taxes are for roads which in near future will be in bad condition. Some on that road money should be allocate on social actions which will be helpfull for many poorest families.

  23. Ii think this system should be introduced in Poland. Our welfare system is really poor. I would rather prefer to pay higher taxes and having a good welfare than paying medium taxes and getting almost nothing.

  24. The system in Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia is very interesting. People there pay huge taxes and... are happy about it.

    As I like to say, everything there is 4 times more expensive than everywhere else... but they make 7 times more money.

    The secret is that the money from those high taxes are spent extremely efficient and nothing is wasted.

    I know it's hard to believe for someone from Eastern Europe but it's true.

  25. I think that this idea is good (until we are the rich and must pay high taxes, of course). Welfare is very important, and it is something that should be improved in our country. I just can't imagine this idea working in Poland.
    I am not sure why, but I think it will take a lot of time before these things will be able to have a place in our country.

  26. Good idea but for rich country!! I do not think it worked in Poland, we are a poor country, with a completely different mentality and way of approach to all charges and taxes. Nice idea but not for us. Not yet.


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