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Job emigration is one of the easiest to see aspects of modern globalization and European integration. Since 2004 Poland left 2-3 millions of people- mostly young and rather weal educated, dynamic and elastic. But in ocean of other peoples and cultures they seems to be just a drop.

In Ireland Poles are 10% of population, but this is more exception then rule. Poles abroad are often considered as a good workers. As a European Union members we have all laws and freedoms in Europe border. 

But, maybe not only ours hard  working is reason of well welcome for us in West Europe? Maybe we are the great alternative for other ethnic groups? 

Old Word have a big problem with nonasimilating people from Asia or Africa. There are many cases of people who has been live for  many years for example in Germany, even over 10 or 15 years and still can’t speak german! Just like their children, often don’t go to school too.
It seems that multiculti politic is failure. In combination with economical crisis, public debt and big social outcomes for people from other continents (but other Europe parts too) the aversion growths. My college was surprised of sympathy how german people thread him  and other immigrants from Poland and a big  antipathy to people from Turkey  or other Arabic country. 

A big influence has a Islam religion fanatics. For secular and liberal west communities this is a big shock  to see big religious manifestation with demand of Sharia law in Brittany or a “Muslims patrols” in some districts of British cities.

I don’t want to say that one religion is bad and other is great and ideal. Of course every man should live like he/she want, but the  principal rule should be for everyone to allow other people to do what they think is right. My soul  is my and please think only about Yours:)

Do you thing the religious fanatism and emigrants from outside  Europe are really threat for our freedom?
Where the borders of tolerance are?


  1. Maybe I am too tolerant, but I think that the religious fanatism and emigrants from outside Europe aren't really threat for our freedom. I agree with the opinion that they affect on us very much, sometimes good, another time worse, but they can't take our freedom. We should look how they behave and what they want to do if we want to avoid it. They can change some things in lots of aspects, but some of these situations reguire our agreement. I think that our freedom, freedom of people in our country is tha main border of tolerance. Other aspects depend on tolerance of people. Some of them are more tolerant than another.

  2. I am tolerant for emigrants from other country but personally I think there is something wrong when emigrants want to change habits and impose their own culture people in country where they come. I am not tolerant to manifestation with violence and complains of people who come to a foreign country. If I go abroad I accept all the rule and habits prevailing there. In my opinion emigrants can cherish their culture in another country but not impose it. In Poland is not many immigrants because there are country with better economic and social condition.

  3. I am personally not hostile to emmigrants. But when I hear that a foreigner had caused damage to our country, attacked a Pole, often appears in my mind the question: "Why they have come there?." Also, I look critically at all Romanians who are beggars, and urge children to beg on buses and subways. This should be banned and severely punished. I think we should tolerate foreigners, not persecute them, as many people do. However, there is obviously border of tolerance. We should not tolerate aggression on their part, crime. We should remember that many Poles go to other countries and we, can go abroad in yhe future, too, and we will in their place.

  4. The European workers and non-european emigrates whose doing their job well are not a problem. However in my opinion this multicultural idea breaks down. Now we have more and more problems with people who don't want to assimilate and obey the law. Especially we have problems with Muslims in western countries because of their unique religion. Also I think it is unacceptable they some emigrates lives form our social benefits.

  5. Mistreating women in India.. for me it is essential and significant reason why we can't allow on mass emigration people from Asia. I am afraid of that it could end up something bad for citizens. Obviously religion is really important for most people but resulting cultural differences which may be harmful. In every country should be a balance. Mainly the government cannot lose the attention on this big problem today.

  6. Do you thing the religious fanatism and emigrants from outside Europe are really threat for our freedom?
    - No, i don't consider it as any threat for anybody. I don't think that any religious fanatic would like to live in the place which is dominated by other religion.
    Where the borders of tolerance are?
    - It seems that wherever your mind is able to get

  7. In my opinion possibility of emigration and its ease are something invaluable. It is the best aspect of globalization for me. But for the other hand massive emigrations as from islamic countries to Europe are dangerous. According to the researches during next century number of immigrants and their children may be higher than natives- in France and Germany for example. It may be connected with religion and cultural changes in Europe- and I may agree that this is dangerous. Tolerance for immigrants- yes, but we should change social help for them- because on the West of Europe they don't work, take benefits and multiply- and I can't agree with this way of co-living.

  8. I think all religious fanaticism leads to something bad, and they threat the freedom of people who live in those countries, but I don't think that inmigrants from those countries threat our own freedom, because not all of them agree with this fanatism, despite they have to follow it in their countries.
    About the tolerance, we should understand the suffer and problems of these people and try not to underestimate them only for be foreigners.

  9. I am tolerant for the emigrants from the others country. If they don't interfere in our culture, they do not bother me at all. I look critically on beggars-emigrants who go by bus and engage people. In this situation I don't feel comfortable and I am not happy that they have come to my country.

  10. I am a very tolerant person and I believe that everyone is entitled to their religion, beliefs and views. That's why I think that no one should dictate to us their religion and change us. I have nothing against immigrants, I believe that cultural diversity is something very good but I really hate fatatics who impose their religion to others.

  11. Religious fanatics are always a threat. I don't mind muslims, as long as they don't try to convince me to their ways of life. Recent events in Boston taught us what fanatism can lead to. As long as immigrants respect our culture, it is ok for them to be in Europe.


  12. I am rather tolerant person, but I reckon that expressing religious fanatizm is just not right. It makes people frighten, they cannot feel safe taking a subway to workplace or even letting their children play in neighborhood. Do we want future like that for us? Sure, we should take them when they come to us escaping from victimization or regime. Sure, we should give them a job so they can lead a life like others. But, I don’t agree to let them terrorize us with their dangerous traditions. However I do not know if we can even call it traditions.

  13. In my opinion, nowadays we can see a trend to fight for equal rights, for example religious, but it often causes only street riots.
    I think that religious fanatics and emigrants are not a problem in Poland, but maybe in other lands in Europe, for example France. Fanatics can be dangerous for residents, but a majority of emigrants has a normal behavior. Honestly, I don’t think that they can be a real threat for our freedom, but only for a public order.

  14. I don't have problems with emigrants and I think that results of this issue may be valuable for both sides. But I have to agree that it is something wrong when those emigrants are trying to make they "little fatherland" destroying local culture, religion or habits. Especially for Europe which is actually weak in cultural and identification aspects, that process may be dangerous.

  15. It’s weird to comment my own presentation, so thanks for reading, and I hope you forgive me my poor English and some mistake:)

  16. Threat for our freedom? No, because that's exactly freedom! But threat for our culture? Can be.
    Globalisations causes unexpected changes in cultures around the world. They band togheter, they are also disappearing. But european culture is too big and too old to die. It has too big influence for other cultures, made such visible signs in other parts of the world.
    But the fact remains that we have to tackle with immigrants from other culture circles. We need them in our job market. We need them to help our demography. Even if they change our culture.

  17. I have no real problem with emigrants of any kind. But it must be stated: they must adapt to new culture and be capable of integrating with the host. If it is the criteria that is not met, I do have problem.
    It is not about religion and politics for me. But being able to simply adapt and stop thinking that the host is oppresive just because it was never prepared to deal with some problems. Or object and be hostile toward regular people on no other grounds that nationality. There is xenophobia everywhere! But isolating selfs in homogenous groups and basically making it imposible to reconcile is not the answer.

  18. Emigration is a one of the biggest problem of modern world. The richest part of world haven't got a solution of that trend. From poorest countries a lot of people go away to money islands like France, Germany, USA. Most of society don't want it, they don't want emigrants with different couture and completely different habits. they destroy their stabilization in job market.

  19. I like hanging out with emigrants. I really appreciate the opportunity of try different cuisines, listen to ethnic music and learn bout other countries tradition. Emigrants give you an opportunity to taste "different world" without leaving your country. But I must agree with Malk that this is very important for emigrants to adapt to new culture and follow host's rules. It's a shame that some people don't socialise with nativesa nd decide to live in 'gettho'. It's embarrassing that sometimes emigrants don't know the language and don't respect religion of the hosting country.

  20. There are few thing worth mentioning.

    There is a huge gap between Muslim emigrants and religious fanatics. I can compare it to ks. Natanek and the rest of Poland - there is only a portion that agree with him. So is in Islam.

    On the other side, many Muslims move to Europe social advantage - they don't work, have dozens of children - that is a sad truth.

    There is a population of Asians in Poland, especially Vietnamese and Chinese, and I have never heard someone complaining about them. They start businesses, pay taxes, respect our and own culture at the same time. Even give polish names to their kids...

  21. What are we thinking when we see on the street Muslim? What are English thinking when they see Polish wherever they look?

    It is hard topic: Tolerance. Consent. Courtesy. No bias. Are we accept the immigrants side by side? When we have problems in our own backyard.

    In my opinion globalization is inevitable. Without the division of the immigrants and natives. We're all the same

  22. I think that every extreme fanatism is wrong. We can't just close our broads, because that's just stupid - what about trade? What about our humanism? We are one kind, no matter in what country we are living. But in the other hand - shall we accept those, who are hating our culture?

    As for me we should accept every immingrant but with one, simple term - they should respect culture of us and try to get as native as it's possible.

  23. I agree, extreme fanatism is wrong. We should treat people like we wanted to be treaten.

    I am not sure where is the border of tolerance, it's very hard question, because it depends on our culture.

    I think that we should be tollerant for other religions, until it's not harming for other people.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Do you thing the religious fanatism and emigrants from outside Europe are really threat for our freedom?
    Where the borders of tolerance are?
    I thinkthe religious fanatism and emigrants from outside Europe are a threat for our freedom. There are getting to much of them. Someday we will have to fight for our lands and rights. I think europe nowadays is to tolerant for these dangerous and expansionist people.
    We should to tolerate them as long as we don't need to change our habits because of them and be disturbed.


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