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Women in politics

Through centuries power and politics was a domain of men. It is because from a ruler required to be decisive and manage in the battles. Furthermore from biological point of view male are stronger so there are naturally those who protects and fights to maintain a society. Also power is very attractive and desire to hold it is a very strong feeling so men didn’t want to share it. 
Women till first world war was mostly treated like a tool in men’s politics. For example to make an strong alliance with other country king marry off his daughter to the allied ruler. However women had also an significant influence on lords and some of them was head of state like Cleopatra in Egypt, Elizabeth I in England or Jadwiga in Poland. 

In XX century situation rapidly changed. They had more access to education and society started to think that they also can be on high positions in government. Effect of this was enshrining by United Nations in 1954 that women's have equal rights to vote, hold office, and access public services as provided for male citizens within national laws.

Nowadays we have more and more female element in politics. They are
member of parliament, working in ministry and last week we say goodbye to the first woman prime minister of United Kingdom - Margaret Thatcher. People called her “Iron Lady” because she was very confident and determined. She proved that  women also can be good at rule the country and even leads a war.
Even so statistics shows that there are still a few women in parliament. In rich countries like Germany or Netherlands they account for around 30-40% but globally it’s nearly 20%. Moreover  the opinion poll shows that about 63% of young woman had never considered a future as an politician. The reason for this may be different. For many of them it hard to deal with raising children and work professional too. Some people also claims that politics is very brutal these days, especially in Poland and women don’t like it. Also statistic shows that women thinks that they have more chance to be the boss of the company rather than politician.

Do you think male or female are better to rule the country ?

What is the reason  that there is few women in politics ?


  1. We can't clearly say who is a better politician - woman or man. I think that it all depends on a personality. There are many men I know who couldn't be a politician as also many women. History shows that both men and women may well rule the country.
    I personally think that we should have the same rights as men in every aspect of our lives. We shouldn't be discriminated only because we are women.

  2. I think that there are some situations when female is better to rule the country and other when male. I agree with the opinion that it depends on personality. Some situations require special features and skills. For me, both are good at it if they really know what they should do and how to behave. Statistics show that 69% people think that there is no better political leader. Both men and women are good. Our attitude is changing more and more and lots of things look different now, but we should remember that women still haven't got the same rights as men.

  3. There is no one answer who is a better politician, male or female. I think that the personality and political program are decisive arguments to be a politician. In my opinion there are some social problems in which solving are better women and other in which solving are better man. In history were many women who were a very good political like a Margaret Thatcher.

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  5. It is difficult to answer this question. I think it doesn't depend on gender, but on the personality, the nature of people who ruling the country. This person should be responsible, intelligent, determined, and above all, should keep in mind the welfare of all citizens, not their own.

  6. I think that women have significant and so different features and abilities which may be helpful in politics and a lot of men don't have any of them. On the other side the women don't have any of abilities which may be so important for men in politics. For many centuries strong kings are associated with favorable power in country, but the queens as women have high psychological resistance which always may be beneficial during dreadful situations for country. In my opinion, gender is not a good indicator of politicians and rulers.

  7. I think it is very important issue. I think gender doesn't make you the bad/good politician and 'Iron Lady' or Angela Merkel is the example of that influential and powerful women. We should know that nowadays women want something more than german 3 K's (Kinder, Küche, Kirche)

  8. In my opinion the quality of politics is not connected w directly with sex. Male and women have the same chances to be good politicians. The problem appears because of stereotypes. Some people think that women are not created for some positions. In my opinion it is fault. The most important in doing our duties well are interests, engagement and character- and man and women have the same chances to develop them. Good politician just must be good human. That's the key of govern well.

  9. In my opinion the only reason by which there are less women than men in politics is the same reason that there are less women in the others leading jobs, like boss of big companies. Women have incorporated recently to the job market, and they haven't still in the practice all the rights that men have.
    Therefore, in my opinion both men and women have the same capacity to rule a country.

  10. I don’t really know if the woman or men are better in the highest position of government. It depends on character, on force leadership, ability to persuade and influence others. I think that all should have got equal rights. Maybe big number of man shows that the political life is more demanding, stressful and aggressive? And in that reason women prefer others posts.

  11. I think men are better to rule, because we seldomly see women as leaders. World of politics is a brutal place, not suitable for women in my opinion.

  12. I also would like to add that idea of 50% parity for women is not necessary to me. As the statistic shows many women don't want to be a politician so why we should force them to do it.

  13. In my opinion both men and women can be good politicians. It's not depend of sex. However, that's true that woman in politic is definitely less common. Maybe the reason of it is that women don't like brutal rivalry? I don't know but in my opinion parities which are loud last time, are realy stupid.

  14. There is lots of examples of women in politics, even 500 years ago. They just had to be more cunning and usually did not show their involvement in ruling. It is not about the sex it is more about intelligence, determination and listening to people. Nowadays stereotypes do not win much supporters. Every of us is an individual with various predispositions, let's focus on them.

  15. Politics has no sex. There are just some characteristics, which are useful or even necessary. As it happens these characteristics are mostly connected with males. But there are a lot of examples of women, which also have them. From Margaret Thatcher, Cristina Kirchner in Argentina, Aung San Kyi in Burma to Sarah Palin, Krystyna Pawłowicz and Renata Beger. Some of them are positive and some of them are negative examples. All of them have similar combination of characteristics. But they use them in different ways.
    And why there is not a lot of women in politics? There is plenty of reasons. Men are defending their position in politics, which is male-dominated. But in fact women are sometimes not intrested in politics, they won't make their careers in this brutal world.

  16. I think that so little number of woman in politics may be caused by general conditions of sex. Of course there are many examples of woman as a politician but they are still in articulate minority. If you are talking about historical aspect of that, you should mention about for example Eleonora Akwitanska who was one of the most influential women of The Middle Ages.

  17. Men is not better than any women in any case, but I know some politicians, and one on a political retiring said me that there is no worse partner do discuss or make a consensus than women because of their character and that they are often pigheaded. He is leftist, but he don’t like women in politics. Politic is very dirty and women for me shouldn’t connect with dirty things. Women are for loving they not for being dirty. Oder politician said me that women in policy become rude and scurvy….

  18. It's difficult to say who is better in politics. It's even difficult to compare. Women has been allowed to take part in politics for less than 70 years so it’s not that easy to find many examples of successful female politicians. I think politics shouldn’t be considered as a mater of gender or religion. For e.g. Thailand and Bangladesh are ruled by the female prime minister, Pakistan and Somalia have female foreign minister, both South Korea and Brazil have female presidents. So we’ve got a large number of female politicians in top roles – in spite of the inequalities faced in their societies. Over the years scientists have came too the conclusion that only matters how smart you are, how much you know, and how well you comprehend it.

  19. I think that women and men have the same chance to be a successful politician, but cultural beliefs have an influence on our opinion, which show often men as a politician. In my opinion, women rarely decided to be an politician, because they prefer other jobs, which are more suitable for the lifestyle, which they wanted.

  20. It is not possible to answer. It is like asking if fireman can rule country better then olympics champion. Gender is not relevant. Ability to see problems and then being able to solve them in cooperation with other is the way. Designiting proper people to proper divisions etc. None of witch is made by single person as far as I know.
    Using ones gender to be voted into or disciminating other on such grounds is riddiculous and childish. Therefore such people do belong to politics, regardless of gender ;).
    Seriously, I don't think that it should matter at all in a world that we live. To me at least it does not matter. As far as I am concerned I could live in oppresive matriarchy if it would provide me with life better then now. Of course that does not imply opposition on moral grounds (communism, facism etc).

  21. I think that we need more women in politics. It is absolutely necessary. That patriarchal thinking that female’s proper sphere is the “private” sphere not public one is unfair and dangerous. In Sweden there is women 45 present in parliament and in the cabinet 50 present. This is a good example of political equality. If we want to have wisdom, justly, tolerant society we need women!

  22. Ruling in general was, is and will be complicated, but some people are simply made for it.

    Men are often stubborn, which is a good thing in politics - they tend to argue with each other for the better. At least we know they are working.

    Women have different attitude. As being more liberal than men, females try to solve the problem so that everyone is satisfied. It may resemble the mother-children relation.

    The secret of Margaret Thatcher was to think about all of her "children" - she was strict, but she knew that from further perspective, everyone will benefit.

  23. Well, as for me it's pretty easy - women are generally worse in politics, but woman can be as good (or even better) as man.

    Probably the best example is Margareth Thatcher, probably the most politically powerful lady in XX century. Other example, a bit earlier, is Catherine I - one of the best rulers in Europe ever.

    So, summing up - nothing stays between political career and women.

  24. I don't think that there is a principle, that men or women are beter in politics or to rule. I think it depends on human nature.
    Of course there is a habit, that men are better and this results in increased confidence of men.
    For me it's indifferent if polish president is a man or a woman. But I'm sure, that when one day woman becomes polish president, it will be quite noisy day.

  25. It's hard to say who is the better politician - male or female? it seems to me that we can not see it in these terms. Women bring to politics its characteristics: good organization, sensitivity, economy, men make a determination and logic. Policy needs all of these. Women are needed in politics, but they certainly should not replace men.

  26. I think male are better to rule the country, because they have leadership skills. Women have been always more subtle and didn't feel like to rule in a country. But not everyone, there are exceptions of course. And I think women should be also allowed to rule if some want to. I don't say women are worse leaderships. There are just less women individuals with leadership skills.


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