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Usage of natural resources of the Earth

Everyday we use natural resources of the Earth. We breathe, take a shower, walk, sunbathe, refuel. Are we aware of it? Are we aware that some of this resources end in the future? On the Earth we have a lot of resources, which we don’t know or we don’t think that we can use them in other way than normal. I will try to show you how we can use some of them.

This is one of the most important resources on the Earth. Usually we use it to drink. But remember that, unfortunately, not everyone has an access to clear drinking water. According to research, above 2 million people(especially children) died, because of the lack of drinking water.
Thanks to the water we can create an energy by building hydro-electric power station.
Water – power station in South America.
How does it work in real? Have a look -

Water can be so helpful for us. Not only by drinking everyday, but also in sanatorium, in health resorts. It’s true that older people use it more, but sometimes young person stay there.

They have a huge meaning in our life on the Earth. First and foremost, forests are a big producer of an oxygen, which is necessary to live. It is very important not only for human but in forests live lots of species of animals and plants.
Forest delivers us pleasure time in the evening at home. Thanks to its we have a wood, which is also using in furniture and chemical sector.  

In forests we can - what is important for us, especially for people who live in big cities – relax. We can spend time with family on picnic, ride on bike with friends and much more.                                                                                    ,105912,9376362,Lasy__by_odnalezc_spokoj_,,ga,,3.html

We have to remember that without proper protection we wouldn’t do anything in forest and  gain every positive product form its. How to do it – have a look on a movie and don’t do what people in this movie.
Crude oil
If you want to drive to somewhere, you need something what guarantee it. It is not a car, but an oil, which run it. This is the most popular way of using crude oil. It is very profitable business and that’s way a crude oil is called “liquid gold”
In ancient times and sometimes nowadays people use oil to heat houses. It’s very dangerous and can deliver to tragedy.
Also during excavating happen a lot of tragedy, about which we can listen in the radio or watch in Tv. One of the most popular was leak of crude oil in Gulf of Mexico.
Solar installation can be used to heat up an utility water. Also it’s using to heating our houses by special installation.
Nowadays in many countries more and more popular is usage of solar battery. Cars, buildings and much more things are supplied by solar energy.
The Sun, generalny, has a big influence on our health and mood. What has been proven that in country where is a lot of insolation, people are happier and feel much better than their friends, who live, for ex ample, near the poles.

I suppose that everyone prefer sunny day, when we can sunbathe, go for a walk and much more activiteis on fresh air.

They are include in an ornamental resources, but nowadays we can say that they are more often use in health sector.
Many of them can help us, can treat us form head to foot. For example: agate, aquamarine, amber.
To read more about it , i recommend this site:
Other way of using gemstone is created specialty for women. We can use gemstones to decorate our body, to improve our appearance.
Just have a look:
What do you think :

·         How we can use natural resources of the Earth?
·         What we should do to broaden people mind about it?


  1. Everyday we use natural resources of the Earth but we don't think about it. In my opinion we don't aware it. We should be more grateful that nature has bestowed us. The problem is that people think that everything that surrounds us is and always will be. Nistety it is not like that. We should start think about resources that we have and use them wisely because someday it could end. Without water and solar power wouldn't be any life on the earth..

  2. In my opinion, plenty of organizations educate people how is important to carry about natural resources. It is necessary, to take some activities by people to do it. Everybody should feel that we carry of our common environment. What we can do? For example, turn off the water during washing our teeth, use only eco-friendly bags or crush plastic bottles. It is really easy to start from small steps.

  3. People, you don't appreciate us! - natural resources can say, if only they could talk :D But seriously, we really don't see how much important are water, sun, forests... We have them on a daily basis, we don't suffer from lack of water like people in Africa. Maybe when we start to appreciate what we get, we will respect the resources of the Earth. Because without water and fresh air we can't live. Without crude oil the communication and industry will collapse. So is high time to live consciously and to be responsible for our planet and its resources.

  4. I think that nowadays people are addicted to the natural resources. We can try to change it: use solar energy, build nuclear power plants, but it's too little to create a new system of producing energy. One day, when all of it run out we would have a big problem. And then maybe we create something new.
    At this time, we can only use less water, turn off the light, maybe use public transport instead of cars. But it's not enough to save out planet.

  5. In my opinion we can use natural sources of energy every day. It is popular to use solar energy in hot countires like Greece, which is cheeper and halthier for the Earth.
    I still cant belive that people do not care about our planet at all.. I think they dont realise how much they hurt the environment. We should prepare some advertisements or official statements that the results of wasting energy and littering the environment will kill us or our planet sooner or later.

  6. I think that all of us should protect environment in our every day life. As some people above said, firstly we can use solar energy. I realize that it is expensive to install solar panels but later it is cheap and environmental friendly. We can protect our planet in some, very easy every day behaviors. For example, we should switch off the light when nobody is in the room, we shouldn't leave TV's, computers, battery chargers standby. Very important thing and also very easy is to segregate rubbish. I think that having at home separate bins for plastic, paper, bottles and organic is not difficult, but unfortunately not many people do it. I think that we should really start to care about our planet because it really becomes dirty and it is high time to start using natural sources of energy. We should do something good for our planet!

  7. In my opinion we are addicted to the natural resources and we do not care about the Earth. We should do small things which help our environment. Very often we leave the light on in the room in which is empty or we leave our loaders in touch even ours phone will not charge. First of all we should take care of little things that are simple to help our planet and what is more to educate others how take care about the environment.

  8. These natural resources are very important for us and we should care about them. Everyone should have access to them but in real world some people don't have access to resources which they need and some of them die from this reason. We have to use renewable sources of energy because if we deplete coal, oil, etc. next generations won't be able to use them.

  9. We should be responsible for the world. We need remember that we didn't take the Earth from our parents, but we borrowed the Earth from our children. So we should look after the natural environment.

  10. The natural resources are very important and we can't live without this. Saving energy is a big deal but it may depend on our small situations. For example, through switching off the light or turning off the water when we don't need this. Anyone can help to saving energy and environment.

  11. This is obviously that the natural resources of Earth are very important for us and we shouldn't forget that without them our life would be harder. So we must be responsible and use the natural resources wisely.

  12. In everyday's life we don't give much consideration to things connected with our World. We don't care that when the Earth is polluted it will reflect on our health. Polluted streets mean polluted water and that can cause many different diseases.
    Also, natural reasources will end one day - what will we use next? We have to find new and more productive technologies to use, because these ones are not effective enough.

  13. We should remember that we can't live without natural environment. People often hear on the television, on the radio, etc., about threats to our planet, but they ignore that information. Each of us should begin protect environment in their own homes. I agree with Aleksandra, that we should turn off light in rooms when it's not necesarry.Segregation of rubbish is also not difficult, good intentions are enough. We shouldn't be selfish, it depends on us what kind of environment our children will live.

  14. Unfortunately, we operate to our disadvantage. We don't care about the environment and we can't take advantage of natural sources of energy in good way. This can cause major changes in climate, atmosphere, natural water composition, etc.. Currently, a lot of films formed on this subject, both documentaries and feature films. Visions of the future are frightening.

  15. I think each of us was trained on how to care for the earth and used a natural resources of land in biology lessons. For sure, remember that you care about them, because they can facilitate our lives.
    We must also remember that the destruction of the natural environment will have a direct impact on us, so we should care about them.

  16. There exist many more types of natural resources like for example rare earth elements which are using in high-tech industry. It is not as much exploited topic in media as oil depletion but in near future there could be big lack of this resources which are required in modern industry and don't exist any sufficient equivalents.

  17. Earth has many natural resources, and we humans like to derive from them. We did it for centuries. But remember that some of them had come to an end, such as oil. We should use them wisely.

  18. The biggest problem is that we don't care about future generations. We rather extracting non-renewable sources of energy. Poeple don't know that for example solar energy it is much cheeper and environment friendly sources of energy.

  19. There is a great variety of the natural resources on our planet, and many of them e.g. carbon, natural gas and oil are used by people to improve and, in some way, make their lives easier. it is very important to remember that, perhaps in the nearly future, will come the day when we will be running out of the minerals. Recycling and green technologies might turn out to be one of the best way for us to survive and to protect the environment now and in the future. Living in the clean and healthy environment could be a better and more pleasant for all of us.

  20. It is very important to use only renewable resources. We should avoid natural resources, which don't renew (such as fossil fuels, which are formated for many years and additionally can be harmful to nature). We have to invest in energy, which comes from sunlight, wind, rain or geothermal heat. We should convince to such energy as many people as it is possible.

  21. In my opinion these articele shows how the natural resources of the Earth are important and necessary to our lifes. Not everybody know that clear water, forests, crude oil can wear oneself. I am happy because many peope have seen that the Earth are losing natural resources which is wrong. I think the best cule to maintain Eart in good condition and how to grab and keep natural energy is education which is prevent actions. I hope I won't see the Earth which is unproductive and run-down.

  22. Natural resources are very important to secure protect our planet. Nowadays, more and more people are aware, not-natural resources 'killing' the Earth and try to use resources from nature. It's very good for each living. Anyway we have to derive advantages sensible. At first, we must pay attention for segregate rubbish, turn the lights off or not waste water in taps, at second we have to look global and be awere, one day natural resources (like oil) could dissapear.

  23. I'm sorry but I must protest on some details before answering questions that You have left as open points: You use statistical data in wrong way. 2 million people died because of lack of drinking water but on what time? total? last year? last decade? It should have been noted explicitly.
    Furthermore You lack of examples in some points. How do we use wood in chemical sector?
    But overall I think that your presentation is good and informative, despite noted 'mistakes'.
    How can we use natural resources of earth? How can't we? We use natural resources in every way that technology can provide. What we should do is use them in more responsible and efficient way. By recycling them for example. And minimise waste produced during making them applicable. It is also way of protecting them as resource for future.
    How to broaden knowledge about use of Earths resources? By making that knowledge more accessible and understandable. Popular science and presentations like Yours are big step forward.

  24. Natural resources of energy are great invention. We should use energy which we can recover. We could slow down global warming advancing so fast. We should watch out on what we do to our planet by cutting trees and doing other damages to it because we will harm it so bad that it can't renovate at all.

  25. In my opinion people doesnt think about resources which we are using. We forget that many of this resources will end and we don't have enough good substitute for this. We must resign from this energy resource. About forests i think we have to using this resource because everyone like reading paper book or watching fire in fireplace. But we must for one cut tree plant for example three trees.


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