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Nuclear energy: facts and myths

In a time, when nuclear energy and research are used for wheeling and dealing and each reactor breakdown leads to global panic, the scientific knowledge is necessary for all of us. As a physicist, I want to tell about this phenomenon and rebut some myths.


1. The nuclear power plants are radiating. People living near are at risk of irradiation.
All radiation created in reactor is held inside lead screens and concrete walls. Any type of radiation is able to penetrate these heavy shields. The only way for radioactive materials to get out is destruction of building.
This is what mass-media are afraid for, forgetting that there were only two breakdowns in history: Chernobyl and Fukushima. Only two for 435 reactors on our planet. One of them was caused by failed experiment (meant to produce fuel for atomic bombs), and second by an earthquake. Without a serious cause, there is no chance for radiation to get out from nuclear power plant.

2. Gamma ray is the most deadly kind of radiation.
To understand this phenomenon, we should know about how radiation works.
There are a few kinds of radiation:

- Alpha
When an atom is collapsing, it can throw a particle containing two protons and two neutrons - nucleus of helium. This particle is unable to fly longer distance than 10 cm, because it will react with particles of air. With it's mass (very heavy for a particle), Alpha can destroy entire cell.
Alpha-radiation has short range, but deals huge damage to the living organisms.

- Beta
Beta is in fact fast, free electron, which is unable to cause serious damage. It's range is up to 7 meters.

- Gamma
Gamma ray is able to go through human body, or thin walls, which means it not react with them. Gamma-particle (high energy photon) vanish when reacts with any kind of matter. Most of gamma particles don't react with any thing. Only wan fraction do something to living beings.

Radioactive materials are creating all those kinds of radiation. When they are a few meter form us, only gamma-radiation is reaching us, but, as was said, it do not do a lot to us.
Radioactive materials are dangerous when they get into out bodies. When radioactive substance is inside a body, the alpha-radiation it creates is able to reach our cells and destroy them. This is why in radioactive area the sufficient protection is a gas mask - if we don't breath with radioactive dust, we can spend a few hours in radioactive area without any harm.

3. Coal power plants are safe.
One of the myths created by ignorance of the society. All coal deposits are polluted with radioactive Uranium. When coal is burned in power plant, the carbon dioxide escape through the chimney. But uranium stays in the dust. All the dust stockyard are in fact radioactive zones. If someone would calculate how much uranium is in the dust, and how much radioactive wastes is created by atomic power stations, it would turn out, that those amounts are comparable.

And one more thing:
Coal power plant needs a few millions tons of fuel (coal) per year. Nuclear power plant needs only a few hundreds kilograms per year. The waste (coal dust or atomic waste) is comparable to the amounts of needed fuel. Nuclear power plant can supply the whole Warsaw creating only 300 kg of waste in a year. Existing coal power plants in Warsaw are creating over 500000 kg of toxic cinder and dust.
Atomic waste is hermetically closed in special containers, and radiation level fades to zero in time. Cinder from coal stays toxic forever.

Why then we are not building nuclear power plants, but still use ineffective, toxic coal power plants? Because each initiative leading to nuclear energy is blocked by unlearned people and panic-spreading mass-media.
Moreover, we are living in country with post-socialism nomenclature: "He killed with a spoon? Forbid all spoons!" "Aeroplane crushed? Don't use aeroplanes!" "Nuclear plant has been destroyed? Don't build any in our country!". Germany is closing all it's nuclear power plants because of one destroyed by earthquake on the another edge of the world.

Nuclear power is safer and cheaper than other sources of electricity. But mankind isn't grew up for this power. It have to pass a few generations before we will be ready.

self knowledge


  1. I definietly agree with your theses. We should build nuclear plants as fast as it is possible. It is cheaper, less harmful to the environment (if only rules are restricted) and more effective. Even if it could be dangerous, we are still surrounded by countries, which have nuclear power,so we don't have to be afraid about our own plants. However, I am also beliver of renewable resources, which also should be commonly used in Poland.

  2. I think that this is not interesting topic, I mean 'nuclear energy' sounds boring but you've made it easier to go through. I dont get everything but I totally agree that we need a few generations to know how to treat sources of energy.

  3. i think that we should think about "nuclear energy", it is cheaper and safer for our environment and more effective electricity. What is more people afraid of nuclear energy because they do not know what does it mean exactly and that this is not so dangerous. Nuclear energy is a good way to safe our natural sources of energy.

  4. I don't know why, but I don't trust nuclear power. I fear the effects of bad waste disposal and reactor accident. Maybe I still remember about the Chernobyl. I read a lot about this, the effects of this disaster are still felt. apparently those plants are environmentally friendly, but I can't be convinced to this source of energy.

  5. Poles are generally afraid of everything what they don't know or not understand. So maybe that's why our nation has so negative opinion about nuclear plants. Details speak for themselves. Nuclear energy is really effective and less dangerous for environment, when we know how to use it of course. Nuclear plant is a chance for Poland to be independent in terms of energy and to have cleaner environment. So our government should really think about building nuclear plant.

  6. I don't understand why people are afraid of nuclear energy. It is much safer and cheaper than traditional coal. People, especially old ones, remember about Chernobyl and that fear of not known effect on our bodies. But we should teach those people that since then there hasn't been any other breakdown on the whole world. People must think that fumes flying away from those big vents are radioactive, but it is exacly the opposite - it is just water steam - radioactive are fumes from burning coal!
    I hope that people will soon learn that we need nuclear energy, but I am also afraid that we will have other problems with Greenpeace...

  7. I support nuclear energy. I think that Polish government should invest in building such kind of power plants. I'm not afraid because nowadays we have good safeguard.

  8. This subject is complicated. Because there is a lof of opinions about nuclear energy. I don't know what I should think about it. On the one hand, nuclear energy could help us because it is cheaper and less harmful for evironment. But on the other hand, for instance nuclear energy could be dengerous and in case of explosion the conequences could be very serious. However, I think that we should try a nuclear energy.

  9. I totally agree with You that people don't know what exactly does it mean "nuclear plants". Nuclear plants are needed instead of coal plants. If everything what you wrote is true we should wait when people understand it.
    I am sure that polish society will be more matures as soon as possible. I really hope.

  10. Unfortunately, many of people are switching to "thinking about ghosts": Something invisible, inaudible, which go through walls and kills. (How it kills, they don't know.)
    As someone here just said, people are afraid what they don't understand, so preventively they are trying to stop any obscure progress.

  11. I totally agree that by switching to nuclear energy, we are exposing ourselfve to great danger. Although it is new sources to improve growth of economic in a country like Thailand, but it will bring many ill effects to the world such as pollution. Switching to nuclear energy is not a safe option to everyone as it will brings danger in life.

    1. Did you really read the text? Nuclear power plants are not creating pollution. Coal power plants do. Everyone who are saying about danger or risking should first learn about technologies of creating energy.
      And, by the way, in Thailand, there is a risk of earthquake, that could destroy power plant, but not in Poland!

  12. People do not know what nuclear energy is so afraid of its introduction. And if you do not know what it is and do not know, are not able to determine the pros and cons.

  13. The most weird is that people living on the south Poland protest against nuclear power plants on the Pomerania, while much more dangerous for them could be this one building in Czech Republic, because it is closer to them.
    I think that nowadays nuclear energy is the best for us. Maybe in the near future somebody discovered a better way to produce the energy. This time we could protest against and don't agree for noclear power plants.

  14. This article educates me, I don't know a lof of facts about nuclear energy and I don't affraid this energy source like before. Anyway, imagine this: we live in civilasations. Each civilisation has own birthday, and own day of fall. This is unavoidable. What if (for example) countries in Middle-East Europe build nuclear power plants and one day will start a war ? What if history of Cold War repeat and theatre of war will be in our zones ? What if aggressor attack power plants only in one country ? All of Europe will be tainted. What if aggressor attack power plants in all of countries ? This is only "what-if", but we have to remember, how dangerous it's not today, but it will be one day.

    1. When someone will attack NATO's country, the waste from nuclear power plants will be totally irrelevant. The real problems will be atomic bombs falling on our country...

  15. As fellow physics student I can verify what You have presented. Although most of that is just quality analysis and some intuitions and some people might say that You are just biased against coal energy, I can't discuss with facts. Presentation was intuitive and attacked most common misconceptions that people who are not scientists could ask. But to defend Germany in their energy regulations: it is only country where more than 50% of energy is gained from solar cells, some of nuclear plants are redundant and can be used again if equipment will be conserved.
    As an ending point: I agree with You in general idea. Some generations must pass until people will finally want to accept superiority in both safety and efficiency of nuclear power plants. Currently the biggest danger are idiots who try to steal or block transports of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. Not nuclear power itself.

  16. Nuclear power is safer and cheaper than other sources of electricity. But mankind isn't grew up for this power. It have to pass a few generations before we will be ready. For example: it uses less tones of fuel;

    Coal power plants are safe.
    One of the myths created by ignorance of the society. All coal deposits are polluted with radioactive Uranium. When coal is ...

  17. I think that the nuclear power is the best way to gain power. It is safe and make a bit westes. The natural resources in future will run out, so we should make better nuclear power planst. What is pity that some people who live in fear, block all plans and they don't agreement on build new establishments. In my opinion they haven't got knowledge and they parrot what they watch in TV. We should educate society than use for nuclear power.

  18. In my view, nuclear energy is currently the best source of energy. In the course of its creation is created the least waste. Critics say they are very dangerous. However, the coke dump emits as many pollutants. The Chernobyl disaster resulted from human error, rather than technical issues. Nuclear energy is the energy of low-cost, environmentally friendly and efficient. Perhaps in future we will find better solutions, but now it is optimal.

  19. In my opinion nuclear energy is the cleanest source of energy now. We have better sources but now these are experimental sources. So now we should invest in nuclear power. I think society affraid nuclear power because they doesn't knowe anything about it. In the school they aren't learn about it and they aren't read about it because the not intrested it. But when everyone disscus about it they say that is enviromentally harmful.

  20. I thought nuclear energy is dangerous and harmful but after reading this article I've changed my mind. Maybe we should stop using coal plants and start with nuclear plants. Coal resources aren't renewable, Earth needs millions of years to make the same or even smaller amount of coal we had used. In my opinion the best idea is using renewable resources of energy. That way we could help our planet be healthy and save it.

  21. I thought that nuclear energy is dangerous and harmful too but people have to use it because is cheaper than traditinal sources of energy.Popular coal energy is cheap in Poland but is not renewable. First of all we have to use renewable sources of energy like: water, wind, biomas and solar and thermal energy. In my opinion nuclear plants have to be build but they have to be safe for people and environment.

  22. Nuclear energy is the future. People are afraid of what they don't know. In fact it's safe way to get energy and cheap. The myth about that was grown after tragedy in Chernobyl. But it's all fault from human. The workers, which build that reactor, was stiling building materials. And thats all why reactor was malfunctioning. Nowadays when reactor can be built it will be protected even from plane crush.

    Look in another hand. Why we didn't build own nuclear power plant? If something happens in our neighbors, we've get the radiation after all. So why? It's cheap and safe.

  23. I found some intereting myths about nuclear energy. For example in U.S. people think they get most of their yearly radiation from nuclear power plants, what is totaly funny (2 banans produced close to the road couse more :D). Another touch dangerous for the environment. Actually nuclear reactors emit no greenhouse gasses during operation. Over their full lifetimes, they result in comparable emissions to renewable forms of energy such as wind and solar. Nuclear energy requires less land use than most other forms of energy.

    We have to keep our eyes on procedures, and sleep save, that how it work. We would pay lees for energy with nuclear plant, but without any main reason, it can't be build in Poland from manyyy years...

  24. I agree with the last paragraph. People scare all what they not know. Around the Poland are a lot of nuclear power plants only in poland media say that the nuclear energy is bad. I think this is the best and the purest energy in the world. People in Poland do not want power plants inour country but don't know that around the Poland are a lot of old power plants from ZSRR. It is stupid thinking. I'm glad in Poland are plans to build nuclear power plants but i see one problem. when world withdraw from the nuclear energy we are want to start build plants. It's to late! We shouldm thinking about bio energy, renewable energy.


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