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Marriage in different cultures

Marriage in different cultures.

Family is a very important aspect of our lives, but does it also apply to a marriage? It depends. Nowadays we have many cultures in the world.  In many of them (for example: European, Chinese, Hindu, or same-sex marriages) weddings differ.

Marriage is the institution of legal contract between people, in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged.  Many cultures  are monogamous (in the Europe for example) but there are also polygamous ones. 

People want to get married for many reason:
- For  love and for being loved. Most people get married because they are in love with each other madly.
-Marriage gives you a certificate to intensely and passionately love each other legally.
-For satisfaction, pleasure and security. People feel complete after getting married.
-People want to be socially recognized and have children legally, and lead a typical family life with respect and love from your family as well as society.
-To escape Isolation, because a lot of people feel lonely if they are single.
-To share responsibilities. Every person in the society is loaded up with a lot of responsibilities , which are too many for a single person to take, so people get married to share them with their partner.

Marriage in Ancient Rome

A Roman girl was considered ready for marriage at the age of 14. Her father would choose a husband and conduct the required arrangements, including the size of the dowry, with the groom's family. Care was taken in choosing a lucky day that would avoid any ill omens. June was an especially favored month. A ceremony involving religious elements and the signing of the marriage contract was followed by a feast for all of the friends, relatives and business associates of the two families. The senior father was the pater familias who had total control over all members of his family.  Children and managing the home were the most important jobs of a woman.  In the poor families she would have to do the work herself, but in middle and upper classes she could expect to have servants and slaves to help.
Roman weddings were the source for many of our own marriage traditions. A ring on the third finger of a girl's left hand symbolized engagement. At the wedding ceremony the bride was dressed in white, wore a veil and was accompanied by a bridesmaid.

Marriage in European culture.

Marriage is a pure and a loving relation between a man and a woman, which is recognized by the society within the governmental norms. It is a ceremony, or a function, where a man and a woman tie a nuptial knot and are lawfully termed as husband and wife. Two people, in the most situation man and woman, must go to the Weddings Palace and there they  promise to “live together during the good or bad times, during richness and poverty, misery and health until death parts them”. In the Christian Culture, wife and husband go to the Church take weddings in the face of God.  After the official part, guests are invited to the party and everybody celebrate happiest newly-weds.


Same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage are is relation between two person of the same biological  sex (two men or two women). In some countries this marriage is legal, but only for civil marriage. This institution confers a social status and important legal benefits, rights, and privileges. But what about children? Adoption? But when this children go to school and teacher asks them about their mother or father?  This situation is discussed around the world so we surely will hear some conclusions in the future.

People pass very quickly after the life filled with work and responsibilities. I bet that lots of those people die unfulfilled, feeling on their last moments that their lifes were empty. Maybe love, and thus marriage, is the way to make our beings meaningful? To leave something behind when we are gone?
book: "Prawo Rzymskie"


  1. It is said that nowadays we have got a marriage crisis, people getting married later and later and less frequently. But I think that they are still very popular, most of the girls are dreaming about beautiful white dress ;)

  2. Actually, in our times people are getting married later, first they are studying, then they are working... Marriage is the culmination of their orderly life. So nowadays the situation from ancient Rome went to the past. People, who are getting married, are mature and responsible enough to take a decision about starting a family. Not everyone is destined to marriage. Some couples spend their lives together without being married. Sometimes love is enough to them ;)

  3. I think that same sex marriage is not a good thing. This people should not be allowed to adopt children because they cause them great harm. Otherwise, I think that marriage is a positive thing. People leave together and share responsibilities. When they have children they create a true family. I guess that is the purpose of live for milions of people.

  4. As is said in this post, there are many reasons why people get married. We do it for love, sometimes for money, but always we pledge to be with our partner for bad and good. I don't know if I will ever get married, I don't have that dream right now, it depends if I will meet right girl in the future.
    I have nothing against gay marriages, because there is no other reason than love for them to do that. We have to look on the bigger picture in the case of adoption - many heterosexual people are not suitable to be the parents and their children go to foster care. Wouldn't be better for them to go to parents who will take good care of them?

  5. I think that most women dream of a white dress and a wonderful man at his side for life. However, not all the luck need a wedding. Some people just love them and promise each other that they would be together forever.

  6. Interesting subject for the presentation. Personally I was always a person who didnt care about a marriage. But now I dream of it. One day I would like to get married. I think this would be the most important event in my life.

  7. In my opinion, nowadays marriage lost his value. People get married without thinking, then want to divorce.
    In the other hands, every woman dream about this day, and also for me it's very important! But we should be more careful before we will say sacramental "Yes I Do" ! Marriage isn't only wedding day, it's our life!

  8. Nowadays people get married for many reasons, love,in fear of loneliness or sometimes just for money. What is more people are getting hitched later, because firstly they want to finish their study. they are more responsible and aware of their decision,but there are many situations which after a few years they divorce.
    The situation like in ancient Rome is not acceptable in modern times!:)

  9. In my opinion people decide for marriage because they want to be together and make up unity. But above all, big love is the most important.
    Sometimes the couple is forced to marriage because woman is pregnant, especially in the village where parents have much to say.

    I think, marriage is connected with religion so I dream about beautiful ceremony in the church.

  10. I don't think about marriage now because I'm too young. But I know that one day I would like to get married and have full, happy family. I don't imagine to get married without love. I think this is the most important to make happy marriage. I don't understand people who are getting married only for money. I think that they will never be happy in their marriage.

  11. Nowdays 'the institution of marriage' is in crisis. More and more people is getting divorced. It must be thought out decision. You can't take care only of yourself and your career, you need to create a relationship. It is very difficult, but I think marriage is a beautiful tradition and if people are in love and want to be together, they don't need a pledge in the church or at the office of civil

  12. In my opinion,marriage is very important moment in our life.
    This is promise to “live together during the good or bad times, during richness and poverty, misery and health until death parts us” :) for me this is proof of love. Husband and children can fill out the emptiness in our life. What is more, the woman needs a stability and marriage will give her it.

  13. Hmm...I think that marriage is a very serious decision in people's life. Accordingly it should be well-thought-out. Unfortunately a lot of people decide to tie the knot unconsciously. They don't realize how many changes and duties are conected with the word:,,marriage". I know a girl, who decide to get married her boyfriend when she had 18. She has been crazy about him and she was sure, that she met the right guy. It was three years ago... Today they are divorced. In my opinion there's no point to hurry up.

    1. Yes, I agree that marriage is serious decision, so we should do it only for love, not for maney or prestige. In the past people about 20 years old got married and it was normal, nowadays a lot of people want to get married after study or maybe when they have much money, i don't know. We must remember that marriage gives effects not only for wife and husband, but to for their children.

  14. I think nowaday people who live in cities or big town less and less are thinking about get married. They prefer to do career and prefer no formal relationships insted of familly. At villages very often you people get married very early, when the have 22-25 years, because it is habit to live as a couple only after wedding.

  15. The marriage for me isn't important. I believe in love, but just love without ceremonies.

    1. I've got similar opinion. When I was younger, the institution of marriage seemed to me important. After some years I see, that we have plenty forms of marriages, which are connected with different cultures, countries, religions. Now I approve marriages only for practical reasons. I don't need huge celebrations and ceremonies.

  16. What can I say about marriage? Actually, it is something that we come across with what we from the beginning of our life because I'm sure that most of us have a parents after marriage.
    Personally, for me is really important due to secure our future with other person who we love.
    Of course nowadays is more and more divorces and people decide to live without marriage but I think it isn't a good solution.
    Marriage is way to assure wife or husband of true love at the end of our life.

  17. I'm rather tolerant, but I don't consider same-sex marriages as a equivalent of a typical marrige. I subscribe to civil partnership, but homosexual marriages shouldn't be existing in our country. The matter of children's adoption by same-sex couples is clear - we shouldn't hold with it. We can't deceive the nature. Only heterosexual couples are able to have children and are predestined to bring up them.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think that marriage is serious decision and the one of the most important thing in our life. The girls dreaming of a prince, great party and beautiful dress. Marriage helps to stabilize people. Together life is easier.

  20. In my family we have many foreigners. At Christmas, at one table sits a Ukrainian, German and Canadian. Each of them are married to polish woman and it's not a barrier. But this is situation, when these cultures are similar. A bigger problem is with Africans and Asians. In particular, the Muslims, because the differences between Christianity and orthodox Islam are enormous. But nothing is impossible.

  21. Marriage is as a matter of contract between two individuals. The game of interest. The feelings are involved, but hisotria shows that such a repair of love and marriage is wynalezek our time. Love is important, but not only that guided man. Also, compounds of the same sex poiny be possible to conclude.

  22. For me marriage is the bound of two loving people who want to have children. Some are getting marriage to have money, some just because they have to. It shouldn't be like this. If you love someone and you want to live with this person for the rest of your life than you can think about getting married. I don't support marriage of two person the same sex but I can't forbid them to love each other.

  23. I think marriage must be allowed to everybody, even same-sex. But in my opinion same-sex marriage couldn't adopted children. Marriage is for two loving people who want to live to each other to the end of their lives. Nowadays is vary hard to make weeding because young people didn't have so much money. Small weeding cost 20 000 zł. It's horrible cost. That's why people gets marriage later - they don't have money for it.


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