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"Worldwide there are over 100 million homeless people”, reports the United Nations. "If that figure is accurate, then 1 human in every 60 or so is without adequate shelter!" (source:

"Homelessness describes the condition of people without a regular dwelling. People who are homeless are most often unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, and adequate housing, or lack fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence.The legal definition of "homeless" varies from country to country, or among different entities or institutions in the same country or region". So Wikipedia, but life isn't so easy to define. The real scope of the problem is hard to assess. Homelessness is a serious social problem, but also the state of mind or life style...

Where "live" homeless people:





-hostels or shelters


Homeless by choice?

Surprising, but the people themselves decide to homelessness. Sometimes it forces them to life situation, but then they don't want to go back to the “old life”. They drop out of the housing, employment, consumer lifestyle. Everyday homeless life is cruel, chicanes are felt at every step. People look at them with disgust and contempt, or pretend that they don't exist. Politicians don't deal with this problem, because the homeless don't have identity cards and can't vote. There are useless. They are left alone. But homeless man has a sense of freedom, is free from many of life issues, but that doesn't mean that he wants to live like this. Many of them can't break away from homelessness: they feel hurt, fall into alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness. It is sometimes not to jump the barriers to exit from homelessness, or even minimize the problem by staying at the resort for the homeless. Employees from the issues of homeless people have a difficult task. Each person is an individual case! Many convenient to be homeless, feel free. Being in this state may be a choice, but the reason for the duration of this chronic condition can be many factors.

I heard about a homeless woman in Poland, who found at the station a large sum of money. With the amount of money could start a new life, but she reported to the police and gave the money. Why did she do? In an interview, which did with her Polish radio journalist, said she could not imagine another life. At the station has everything she need to be happy - friends and freedom.

Social problem

Homelessness extends its reach beyond the environment, which is commonly associated with being homeless. This social problem is associated with more negative phenomena, which can include alcoholism, drug addiction, poverty, prostitution, crime, etc. Research shows that there was a vast cross-section changes the professional and social environment of homeless people. It turns out that more and more homeless people with secondary and higher education. Homeless are becoming increasingly younger people, especially single mothers with children, drug addicts and HIV-positive. Homelessness is often combined with alcoholism, crime, drug addiction, family disintegration, mental illness, mental retardation, violence in families, prostitution, begging, the team acquired helplessness, disability and neglect of treatment of various diseases.

Common reasons for homelessness:

- divorce

- family breakdown

- eviction

- unemployment

- pathology

- intolerance

- addictions

- being a refugee

Homelessness has so many faces. Literal meaning, which is the lack of decent living conditions. Homelessness is also alienation from society, loneliness, misunderstanding, the emigration of political and social reasons, but also a conscious choice of a man who decides to sacrifice personal comfort and happiness for freedom, justice, to help others. How to solve this problem? Why people decide to homelessness? Would the homeless problem develop?








  1. Homeless life is terrible. Often when we have our own house or flat we don't realize how important it is to us, we don't appreciate it.
    I'm very sorry for homeless people, but often this is caused by their own choice, and probably I will never understand it. If somebody don't have place to go and it isn't caused because of addictions, could use social assistance.

  2. Homelessness is terrible and unfortunately unsolvable problem. I don't really know why people decide to life in this way, especially when they say that it is their life style.
    I agree that each person is an indivindual case, individual problems, various reasons of being homeless.
    Some peolple don't want to go back to "old life", but lasting in this period of their life can only provide to more and more problems.
    We should remember that it's also problem for society.
    We have to look at this people, hear their begging - sometimes it's very unpleasant.
    It is also challange for government; find out a good solution is problematic.

  3. Homelessness is a really big problem in our world.For Warsaw every moment we encounter a homeless person. But we must ask ourselves an important question - Are some of these people are homeless by their choice?

  4. Homelessness is one of the worst things on the world. Especially nowadays where people dont care about the others. They are in a hurry, the try to achieve a success while there are people who need their help. Try to think about the basic things, about the most important things in life. It is not money, career, it is famyli and home.

  5. The most suprised information for me is that people decide on homelessness. I think that homelessness is a serious social problem and a very difficult, humiliating life situation. But some people believe that homelessness gives them freedom. I don't imagine life in such conditions, and they can find happy in this. That's unusual and proves what has already written by Joanna, that career and money aren't important.

  6. In my opinion, homelessness strongly impair proper functioning of our society. Nowadays, living conditions are very difficult (everything gets more and more expensive!) so many people don't manage with it. They often become a homeless.
    To be honest I don't belive that somebody is a homeless by choice. Their arguments about freedom are just only trivial justification.

    Many organizations look out for homeless and want to help them, but they don't always benefit from their help. It is exactly their choice...

  7. I' m agree with opinion, that nowadays homelessness is a huge problem. On the streets we can see more and more homeless people, especially in big cities like Warsaw for example. I think the government don't deal with this problem. Fortunately in Poland we've got many non-government organisations which help homeless. What is important? That people should want to change them life. Without it, the assistance is impossible. Drugs, alcohol, debts,no work desroy people life, but I think people should never give up. I know it's hard. It's so sad for me, when i see, for example, on the street dirty and hungry homeless children.

  8. In my opinion being homeless is one of the most tragic situation which I can imagine.
    Conequences of becomig homeless can change our life into a nightmare.
    When we are choosing the way of homeless our life is becoming a mees.
    The reasons of becomig homeless are addictions,divorces,problems.
    What is more, this is really hughe problem for the country and government.
    But the most tragic is that the people who are homeless very often don't want to change it.

  9. Everyone think that homelessness is sad and terrible problem. But like the author of presentation said some of the homeless people consciously have chosen such a fate. Because homelessness is not only the tragedy, it can also mean freedom and yes... the happiness. Apparently not everyone want to live comfortably, not everyone want to have a home. Some people are born for solitude and they desire the freedom, which the homelessness gives them.

  10. I agree that homelessness is huge problem that we can't solve. Many of those people choose to be homeless and they don't want any help. I think, why? Why some people choose to live on the street, without bed, without any friends? It is real problem for society, because homeless people are often drinkers or junkies, they accost people on the street for money, sometimes they can be dangerous. We can't help them if they don't want us to.

  11. The homelessness isn't too good situation... But we should know that part of this person chose this kind of life. I understand these people, because it means freedom, for example. However a big part of these people have a problem with alcohol, drugs and law. The state and NGO's help for him. They organize almhause and refuges for them.

  12. I can't imagine how people can choose homelessness as a way of live. Living without hot water, bed, favourite mug?! I understand that people want to change their life and find new values. But they can go to Africa for mission or move to another city. But decide to live on the station, wearing the same clothes all the time, don't brush teeth, don't cooking...?

  13. There are many reasons why people become homeless, for example divorce, addictions, loss job but the most surprising is that people decide on homelessness. They live without bed, hot water etc, for this is unimaginable. But what is more people who live on streets sometimes they don't want to back to their old live because when they spend their life on street they feel free.

  14. What can we do with homeless people? If they except our support, we should help them. If they are decided to live in this way and are not harmful to the whole community, we should let them live free. In case they are disturbing social life in our country, we must react.

  15. I think that we can help homeless people only when they want to get help from others. There are a lot of reasons why people are homeless so we shouldn't judge them only because they are homeless. Always when I see homeless people on the street or beggars I feel rally sorry for them and I give them the change which I have in my purse. I think why they are in such situation... but who knows?

  16. what makes homelessness difficult problem is that there isn't any rule why people are on the street and sometimes it's hard to understand them(I mean their view of life etc.). some of them may want some help but are ashamed of their problem ,some maybe wanted but didn't received and some don't think they need something more than they have to be happy. Personaly I can't imagine how hard their lives must had look like if they decided to stay on the street one day, and that's why i feel sorry for them all. And also I don't belive that they really enjoy their life, I think they just get used to it and are afraid of changes and going back to the "normal"society

  17. According to the article homelessness has so many faces, e.g.: some people want to live on the streets. Homelessness means the lack of decent living conditions. In Warsaw i could observe homeless people living on a central railway station. I feel sad looking at them I feel sorry that they are so poor and unhappy. Homelessness is a big social problem in our society. I do not know how to solve it but I hope that someone will do it.


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