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Assistance and resources available to homeless people in Poland

Every day we can meet a lot of homeless people on the street. They look like the same as we, feel the same as we and have the same requirement. However, one's border exists between them and us - we have own home - they unfortunately not. Nowadays the homelessness is a large problem. This is very frequent occurrence, especially in big cities. Both the government, and social organizations and charity pursue to reducing this problem.

A lot of countries provide a variety of services to help homeless people. First of all they get over shelter, food and clothing - it may be organized and run by community organizations or by government departments. Volunteers participate in such actions very often. These programs may be supported by charities organizations, the church, government and individual donors. People who are not homeless also may provide them food, friendship, relational care, and other forms of assistance. Such social supports may be done through a non-governmental organization, social and religious organizations, or individual people, who want to help. In the contemporary society we know many methods of the help to poor and homeless people. Also a lot of organizations was formed and associations which stand by help to people, who was included to ,,underclass ". Below was presented some methods of assistance and resources available to homeless people:

1. Towarzystwo Pomocy im. św. Brata Alberta - it is catholic charity organization which was set up in 1981. The members of this organization help homeless men, women, single mothers, victims of the violence, children from poor families, elderly people and prisoners.

2. Association ,,Monar” - it was set up by Marek Kotański. This is apolitical organization, which counteractions of the drug addiction, homelessnesses and social threats. ,,Monar” help people, who stay in difficult situation in life - for singles, ill from AIDS, hurt by the fate. It is providing assistance annually to over 20 thousand people in 135 institutions of different type.
3. Association ,,BARKA” - this is organization which is giving not only shelter. It help to come back to the normal life, to find a job and to stabilize the social status.

4. Kamiliańska Mission of the welfare set up by Fr. Bogusław Paleczny.
5. Caritas Polska - Collectively and individually their mission is to work to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, homeless and aggrieved.

The homeless can find shelter also in the other places. It is possible to help other people really on a shoesting. Where there's a will there's a way! We often talk about the homeless: ,, Social outcast”, but are we can imagine us on this place? Let's think about it…

1. Foto1:
2. Foto2:,sniadanie-wielkanocne-u-brata-alberta-zdjecia,id,t.html?cookie=1
3. Foto3:,pomoc-dla-bezdomnych-w-czasie-zimy,id,t.html


  1. I can't imagine myself as a homeless.. I am very sensitive and I cant stand view of homeless especially in winter.. This is so sad and unfair. many of homeless people live like that because it was not their choice. Sometimes in life happen things that are unavoidable. We are all humans and we should help each other. Thanks God there are many organisations made for such people.

  2. It's good that are organizations helping homeless people, but that the government should solve this problem. It annoys me when charities for Christmas, for example, preparing meals for the homeless, or in winter increases the care of the people, and politicians only stand and smile like it was their doing. People often have no choice, they lose all the property, the family, they have nowhere to live. They need help, we can not pretend that they don't exist

  3. Fortunately many organizations provide support for homeless. I think, homeless should try to help yourself and answer for question "How can I make sense of my life?".
    But above all, they must really want to do something and back to normal life.
    The homeless need to opt for something.
    Life with alcohol and drugs or try to change their life and start life anew. Unfortunately, they usually choose the first solution. We can't force them to do anything. It is their lifetime...

  4. I couldn't be homeless, because I am so ambitious and I always looking for diverse solution.

    I can recommend very good movie about homelessness directed by Agnieszka Holand - "Boisko bezdomnych". Has anyone seen that movie?

  5. I' m agree that homelessness is a big problem in many countries, in Poland, too. It's so sad, that many people haven't got own home and they are hungry, exhausted, etc. Unfortunately, some people choose this way themselves. But many people haven't got other choice. If homeless people want to change your life, fortunately, in Poland there are many organisations which help homeless every day.

  6. The homelessness is a really big social problem nowadays. We treat homeless people like something uncomfortable, we don't try to understand how difficult must be their life. I can't imagine me in such situation. I regret those who lost their family and home, because I suppose that it is huge tragedy for them. Therefore it is wonderful that there are organizations which want to help the homeless. That there are people with a great heart who dedicate themselves to helping others. This help counts the most.

  7. We know that homelessness is very serious problem. Personaly, I am a very sensitive person and when I am looking at homeless people my heart seems to come apart.
    In my opinion we should help them dispite they have problems with addictions.
    Probably they lost everything and the country is the last rescue for them.
    So we can create shelters and social services.

  8. We may be sorry for homeless people, but let's ask ourselves - what do we do to help them? Or should we do anything to help them? There are many different kinds of homeless people, but who really needs our help usually hides from other people. We can everyday meet on the streat drunkers who asks for many "for something to eat". I have open heart to help everybody, but sometimes there is no reason for doing that, because they don't want our help.

  9. In Warsaw I meet homeless very often. But I think that I don't have to hel for them. It;s a problem of social service...

  10. Of course I thought about 'help', not 'hell' ;)

  11. Homeless people complain that nobody extend them helping hand, but in fact they usually don't want our help, because they are addicted in alcohol, and they don't try give up it. Organization often don't help that people.

  12. Many organisations help homeless people but I doesn't mean that that people change their life. Of course-they are people who want to change it and who are trying to find a job and a new place to live. But big number of homeless are drunkards who don't do anything, just wait for help on the street.

  13. We should be more understanding when we are talking about homeless people. Nowadays, it is really big problem and in my opinion our goverment should do something with it. Of course, i know that it is easy to say " we should do something with it" but in practice it isn't as easy, but in my opinion we should try harder than now, there is always a solution.
    In the other hands, the biggest problem is that some of homeless don't want any help, they are too proud - sometimes or they just want to stay with their addicions. They don't want to change their life.

  14. Homelessness is very serious problem for our society. We meet homeless people everywhere, on streets, on bus/tram stations and in trams and buses. This people live on the streets because they loose everything. But also there is many organization which take care of people who don't have home. Homeless very often are addicted in alcohol, drugs and they are afraid to start all over new and take responsibility for themselves.

  15. When I discuss the problem of homelessness I always remind the words of my teacher from high school: "If somebody needs help, he always gets it. There is no option that homeless people stay alone with their problem. If only they want sb's support, they always have a chance to ask state or non-governmental organizations for help."

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I think that it is very important to help homeless people and government should do their best to do it. Very good idea is to organize places where they can stay for a night or places where they can eat hot dinner and get some food. For sure it is quite expensive activity but homelessness is a big problem and country should help this people. One day may happen that all of us will need help so now when we can help others we should do it.

  18. I also think that this is serious problem and I'm glad that there are more and more poeple ready to help homeless people and places where they can at least get a free hot meal. But we should remember that we will be able to help only if these people want it and in the way they let us do it.

  19. When I see homeless people on the street I feel compassion and disgust. This is serious problem for sure but when I see sleeping man/woman on a bench and near standing empty bottle of alcohole I feel embarrassed that nobody takes care of it. Police should take homeless people to some institutions that they could clean themselves and eat something and get sober.


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