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Understanding stress.

                                            Understanding Stress.

    What is Stress?
Probably everyone of you knows that situation, when you feel that everything seems to have become too much - you are overloaded and wonder whether you really can cope with the pressures placed upon you. Some stresses get you going and they are good for you - without any stress at all many say our lives would be boring and would probably feel pointless. However, when the stresses undermine both our mental and physical health they are bad. Stress is a kind of feeling that's created when we react to particular situations. The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you.

So what happens when we are stressed?

                                                     -Blood pressure rises
                                                             -Breathing becomes more rapid
                                                             -Digestive system slows down
                                                                    -Heart rate (pulse) rises
                                                             -Immune system goes down
                                                                   -Muscles become tense
                                           -We do not sleep (heightened state of alertness)

When working properly, it helps you stay focused and alert. In emergency situations, stress can even save your life. Most of all stress response helps you rise to meet challenges. Stress is what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work, sharpens your concentration, drives you to study for an exam when you'd rather be watching TV. But beyond a certain point, stress stops being helpful and starts causing major damage to your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships, and your quality of life.
Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms
Cognitive Symptoms
Emotional Symptoms
Memory problems
Inability to concentrate
Poor judgment
Seeing only the negative
Anxious or racing thoughts
Constant worrying
Irritability or short temper
Agitation, inability to relax
Feeling overwhelmed
Sense of loneliness and isolation
Depression or general unhappiness
Physical Symptoms
Behavioral Symptoms
Aches and pains
Diarrhea or constipation
Nausea, dizziness
Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
Loss of sex drive
Frequent colds
Eating more or less
Sleeping too much or too little
Isolating yourself from others
Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs 
Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
Check this site if you want to lern more about stress!

Unchecked stress is undeniably damaging but there are many things you can do to reduce its impact and cope with symptoms. Here you have a medical statement on coping with stress:

Think about the ways you currently manage and cope with stress in your life. Do you have any special methods of dealing with stress?


  1. I think that stress is a normal reaction in some situations. And true is the statement that it can help, it makes people more effective. Sometimes can also fail the concentrate - all depends of personal psychic.
    I don't have any methods of dealing with stress. I'm just waiting for the end of stressful situation.

  2. In my opinion stress can help us in same kind of situation, but sometimes it could be bad for us. I'm stressed when I must write the exam and I know that I'm not prepare for it. Poeple can be stressed all the time, when they are at home, when they don't have enough money, when they are in the work. It can be very danger for our health. Stress is a big problem, becouse people are hard working and our lifestyle is stressful. We all need to learn ways to cope with stress.

  3. Personally, I think people are stressed when they care about something. For example, when I learn a lot for an exam, I am stressed more than I don't learned anythig or a little bit, because I sacrifice a lot of time for learning for test, so I want to pass in very well. When I don' t preprare for exam, I know that I don't wast time for learnig, so I only rely on luck.

    1. I fully agree with you that in daily life we stress only when something is important for us. Thats why one of my methods to cope with stress is to sit down for a minute and think what is really important and see if maybe I care too much for too many things that actually are not that important. And we should also remember that we can achieve anything we want if we really want to,and then balanced stress would be some kind of our friend

  4. Stress is an integral part of our lives. We are often nervous and still worried about something. Each of us feels sometimes that some situation is beyond our strength, that we are exhausted and we don't cope with our problems. That's when stress appears. And this stress causes our collapse, despair and depression or on the contrary it motivates us. Because stress can also be positive.
    I just try to avoid and fight the negative stress. Of course I also have bad moments, when I think that everything around me makes no sense, I am completely worthless and my life is full of failures and disappointments. But these bad times are passing and I still remember that I have great people around me, wonderful friends, who can always cheer me and make that I smile again. Because the most important in the battle against stress is to remember that we are not alone and there is no such situation with which we could not handle. That is my method for stress. Don't forget that you are precious and ambitious person and if you only want, none of stressful situations doesn't overcome you.

  5. Every one of us must have once in life felt so stressed that they couldn't even stand or talk. We think that stress is only caused by work or school, but a lot of other things generates stress in our life. Let's imagine that we could lost the best friend in life, so that we will never be able to talk to him again. Some people could fall into a depression, other will just cry for a few day, but no one can say that it is stressful situation.
    I think our problem is that we focus too much on our work, forgetting that it is not our life. Our civilisation created some robots, who wake up in the morning, go to work, come back home and are too tired to do anything else. Maybe sometimes it will be great to forget about money and career and just relax?

  6. In my opinion, stress is a normal human reaction to certain events. Stress and other symptoms is very difficult to control, but it isn't impossible. In my case, it is enough when other person is with me but of course I still need a piece of chocolate! It really works ;)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Stress is a part of our life. I think, optimal dose of stress is good for us. It has huge influence for motivation, particularly during winter/summer session.
    I know plenty of people who are very ambitious and they live in constant stress. Of course, it's destroy their organism.

    What is my special methods of dealing with stress?
    SPORT, SPORT and again SPORT!
    I play volleyball, football with my team and in this way I reduce all stress from all day. I can reccomend it!
    Fortunately, I don't have any problems with excessive of stress.

    1. And once again SPORT! What about playing volleyball at this weekend? Who would be willing to play?

  9. Unfortunately, when I'm stressed I eat a lot.. especially chocolate. My studies are very stressfull because I worry about everything. It is important for me so maybe thats why.. However, when i'm stress I need to have somebody who I know I can count on. Everybody needs somebody!

    1. Haha, while last examination period I ate tons of chocolate :P

  10. Stress is very complicated feeling which is present in each day of our life. Character of stress depends of situation. Sometimes stress can gives us the strenght or on the contrary can spoils our plans. So above all we should protect us against bad influence of stress!How? We should find out the way how we can cope with stress. Everything depends of us. Very important is telling to onself that we can deal with stressful situation. What's more, for me the most important is support by my friends. If they belive in me I fell much better. They know who I am and what I can achieve only if I want. So they always keep fingers crossed. Thanks to them my stress is going to be smaler.

  11. Stress is a very bad thing. Unfortunately, in our time has become a disease. A disease of civilization. More and more people are stressed. We need to somehow prevent it.

  12. Stress is slowly killing us from inside. It contributes to over 75% of ilnesses today, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, skin disorders and infections ailments of all kinds. Due to its chemistry, stress makes our bodies susceptible to both mental and physical disease. A lot of us thinh about that is possible to cope with stress. Answer - yes. However, in order to do this, it is essentional to find the righ way to relax. Alcohol and drugs, may seem to provide temporary relief, but these can lead to addiction, cause a number of other problems and ultimately create more stress. A far better approach is to free your mind of whatever causes stress. This can be done through exercise, a change of pace or modification of one's lifestyle. We may be unable to exclude stress from our lives, but we can certainly learn to reduce its impact on our mental and phisical well-being.

  13. I agree that stress is a kind of disease of modern civilization. People live under constant pressure. We are checked at school, work. We worry about future and family or friends. I think that the stress caused also information on accidents, bad situation in the country, terrorist attacks, crime and disease. What if something bad happens to us? I stress when someone evaluates me or when I have a lot of work. I want to do well. The reason the nerves are also quarrels with the family. I don't have one method to relieve stress, but most often in difficult situations I eat, I go to the cinema or meet a friend to talk.

  14. The worst thing connected with stress is insomnia. That's quite enough that I feel even small anxiety and I have huge problems with sleeping then. Lack of sleep has huge influence on whole our activity during the day. Insomnia causes bad humour, tiredness and disorders of our concentration. I have two methods on stress: solving all of our troubles or realizing that our problems in fact are not problematic :)

  15. When I'm stressed I eat really a lot of food. OK, maybe usually I eat huge portions, but during the stress they are bigger ;) Strees for me is helpfull. I always haven't got enough time for do to something. So it's for me motivating. I like to do different things under time pressure. For example, always on Thursday around 8 p.m. I'm mobilized to carry out the tasks on our platform. :) But I haven't got special ways against stress. Stress should be and I don't fight with it.

  16. For me stress usually is mobilizing. I'm not a person who is petrified in stressful situation. For example during exams, stress causes that I'm giving from myself more than normally. I know that there are people who react for the stress in very bad way. People can have problems with talking, can be unable to concentrate, bite nails or even lose conscious in some situations. Everyone react in different way and everybody has different methods how to deal with the stress. Personally I don't have any specials methods, I just meet with friends and have some fun to forget about stressful situations.

  17. When I am stressed often have compressed the stomach and sometimes tremble as if I was cold. In such situations, where possible I try to sit down and mute or talk to someone.

  18. Stress, like most parts of life, has got advantages and disadvantages. It can produce positive effects, act constructive effect, but excessive stress destroys people. I know when I'm stressed my friend can't stand my complains. I eat less when I am stressed and I'm very silent( normally i am very outspoken person). The best cure for sress for me is talk or meeting with my friends. Their presence and good mood will improve my bad mood and help forget, for a moment, about problems and stressful situations.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. We should talk about two types of stress. One of them is positive stress and another one is negative stress. Positive stress is for people like an engine for a car. Because of positive stress people are focussed, watchful. People can't live without positive stress. If positive stress had dissappeared people would have a lot of problems. Negative stress makes us tired and it is consumptive for people. In extreme cases negative stress causes very serious diseases.

  21. In my opinion nowadays we can not avoid stress, it is all around as. But of course sometimes stress can motivate us to the action. We can say that this is positive way of stress. On the other hand for many people on the world the stressful situation are worse than anything else. Often hands became sweat and start shaking and they panic. For example on the exam for some stress is something good but for the others is something very bad, they can no concentrate on task, and forget everything. However, we have hundreds of methods how to deal with stress

  22. Stress these days is getting very hard just to determine, so it gets more stressful in order to deal with its stressful situation. People should from time to time take deep breaths. It's always a good therapy to take deep breath in the morning, while waking up. Take eight hours of regular sleep. Which helps maintaining a good day to day routine. It's important to take a step forward and try to talk and manage the problems. As always people say practice makes one perfect. After removing the anger issue people feel happier and better relieved. Some people choose alcohol or drugs to remove their stress. This is unhealthy. They are not one of the natural methods of overcoming your stress.

  23. Thanks for sharing amazing information about stress. To get rid from stress natural supplements for stress is very helpful and has no side-effects.


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